Sunday - Meat Depressed
UpChuck started off with EmailGate. A fairly accurate description.
Then, he interviewed Bernie.
Bernie said he wants to go to the convention with the majority of the "pledged" delegates. He admitted he is 240 down, and that he faces an uphillary climb. But the maths ain't agin him. He can win.
the Toad tried to hammer Bernie on his message to super delegates, and Bernie just creamed it with his response.
"If you lose California, are you saying that the race is over?"
"NO, I don't say that. YOU say that."
Bernie's smile is infectious, especially when UpChuck makes an unintentional funny.
The questioning kept coming back to super delegates and California, which is a pity, given so many real issues that need airing and discussion. Still, UpChuck has never been known for deep thought or tough questioning.
Damn NBC. Even though he has won 20 democratic primaries and caucuses, they still manage to throw dirt by listing his name with (I-VT).
"Some months ago, You said if FOIA requests were violated, or if her email actions violated rules, those would be valid questions. The IG just did say that. What is your reaction?"
"We have many serious issues especially income disparity, economic fairness. Our campaign is about winning the nomination on the real issues."
Fracking, Wall Street, and more - what a polite way to not criticize the person, but her policies. He then hit it out of the park on the issue of Israel. "I am 100% behind Israel. They deserve to exist in peace and security, but the Palestinians' needs have to be respected and dealt with."
The timing of this extended NBC appearance is interesting. I wonder if the Powers That Be realized that the IG report, the Governor McAwful FBI investigation, and Hill's really pathetic campaign and political talents (or their lack) made her coronation far less likely. So, they hedged their bets, putting on Bernie before they embarrass themselves any further.
Sadly, they had an oval table with a brash, loud, and fact free sTalking hEad from the GOP, Meera somebody - a Hillary spokesman, a Wall Street Urinal guy named Jerry Seib, and Robert Costa from the WaPoo.
One could conclude from all of their comments that they all understand that the EmailGate controversy is not going away, and is potentially campaign ending, although no one said that out loud.

Something more serious than Emailgate in the pipeline, IMO
for the MSM to turn their ships around so dramatically in a few days....
so.... the MSM and more importantly their corporate overlords are -at least - backing off Hillary.
You know what I think? That this emailgate is just the tip of a very big iceberg. I think that there is something much more damaging in the pipe lines that they have access to, and realize that they have to, as the diarist said, 'start saving face now.'
For the MSM to pivot so quickly - Morning Joe, Andrea Mitchell, now Press the Meat, NYT, etc. and whomever else, suggests that this turn around has not been taken on lightly, for whatever reason.
Will be interesting to see what comes up now.
Btw, thanks for watching, so I didn't have to....
Sea Turtle
I think the real story lies (lots of puns today)
With the foundation, and stunts she pulled as SOS involving profiting from weapons sales, among other horrid things. I day dream about her perp walk.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Media as usual is missing the story
The Clinton Foundation is where all the roaches live. This is the story and no one is talking about it. The Emails, the speeches they are all connected to the Foundation and for what they have done there the question in a real world would be how many life terms
Blue is the new Orange
Go team Blue.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Agreed. Drilling down on the foundation
should yield results.
The server is a "bad girl" slap on the wrist. If it was only the server, why the years of equivocation? Unless the server leads to the Foundation......
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
Yes, that is one of the things that I think is in the PipeLine
but I think that there is more.
The Clinton Foundation 'shaking down' other govts for our country's political favors... they are truly a GLOBAL MAFIA FAMILY, with no disrespect intended to the Mafia!
Sea Turtle
I think the Foundation is the real story too, with influence on
her actions while she was SoS. The email is a nothingburger by contrast. I wish the investigators would get on with it and charge her before the convention, so we can get rid of her and elect Bern.
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Could it be just the tip
Now that I've quit giggling over "just the tip"... I wonder about something I haven't heard too much of in regards to email, server, foundation, Bill getting kickbacks and contracts...
Here's my question: If hackers were able to hack her system, what about other hackers? And what could they have stolen? Can this country be blackmailed? What info, emails have been seen and by whom
Hell, even our "friends" spy on us. Imagine the shit coming out of her super secret server that she is lying about.
National Security Compromise... that is what seems to be the real stinker.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Of course others got into her email system.
If an amateur hacker could get into her emails, what do you think all those professional hackers that nearly every country on the globe employs?
The US is probably the only country in the world that doesn't possess those some-odd-thousand deleted emails.
Consider, for instance, that there were a couple of failed counter-insurgency raids that failed because apparently somebody had prior warning that they were about to take place.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
It was that or mow my lawn.
And I hadn't picked up puppy droppings yet.
I am happy that you watched it
so we didn't have to, also.
I do agree with you about the puppy droppings, it does make the mowing of the lawn task a bit more daunting. As you said though, UpChuck, the WaPoo man,and the urinal man from Wall Street can make even a beautiful Sunday morning seem sullied.
I think you should just go out and tackle that lawn job. You will probably feel way better after your initial morning tv watching activities. You will probably feel positively cleansed in comparison.
Oh, and thanks for the Bernie report. Go Bernie!
hmm, Jonathan Turley said this:
“The Mystery Emails”: State Department Report References Key Emails That Were Not Previously Turned Over [UPDATED]
I can't follow this as others can, but trust the author. It looks as if that won't be the last "failure of the State Department" and somehow there must be some follow-ups to answer the questions of wether the emails were "scrubbed" by a Clinton staffer. I guess the weak will suffer what they must. Being a staffer is a weak position compared to the boss' one.
So NBC has Bernie as I-VT?
A bit like Fox Nooz listing Dennis Hastert as "D-IL," eh? (If they haven't done that yet, why haven't they?)
Another reason I hope I can vote for Bernie
but the Palestinians' needs have to be respected and dealt with. - That would be a very welcome Peace.
Reason I say I "hope I can vote' is not because I haven't made a decision - but because the Registration Fraud Machine stole my voice. and stole my rights. Awaiting findings from Secry of State (no, no that one
I saw the title and thought your Sunday was going to be like mine, sorting through the garage chest freezer and rummaging around with rock like packages of frozen meat and berries. I don't like that I got this chest style. Each time I go out into my garage, it looks like it wants to eat me. Like it's waiting for me to open it up, lean a bit inside because what I want is always on the bottom and then in one giant freezing whoosh, it will swallow me whole.
I've always been afraid of chest freezers. But I was told it was irrational fear. So just this year I succumbed, I gave in and said I was just being a silly Janet and now each time I go out there... I see it ... silently smirking at me. Just waiting for me to reach inside for those yummy Thai Spring rolls. Now I feel even more sillier. Frozen Meat depresses me.
And I don't think it's a huge "cost saver" as my spouse debated. I keep finding reasons not to go through it and write up what kind of dinner fixings we have in there so I can make a list for shopping and dinners. It's a task I find great joy in procrastinating and I can always run to the store to by some unfrozen chicken breasts. I don't really know what's in there but I'm starting to wonder if the iced meat isn't being gobbled up by the Chesty itself. Brrr.
Got called into work today... So I'm free one more day of the meat locker.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
A chest freezer can look like a big open grave.
There are THINGS in my basement [I didn't put them there] that reminded me of an already prepared grave, just waiting for me to trip and fall in. With a good deal of effort on my part, I blocked my view of those HORRID THINGS and am much happier when I'm in the basement.
The washer and dryer are in the basement, and I am the Laundry Lady around here. So I just can't stay away from the place.
But I understand your fear. You aren't crazy. Welcome to the human race.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Beware the Cellar Stairs!
If you miss that last step, you could wind up in hospital with a broken ankle - or worse.
I haven't been down into the basement since -and don't know if I'll ever have the nerve to do so again.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Lol Janet!
Did you ask your husband if he ever saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre? But seriously, why would he insist on a chest when there are upright versions, especially knowing your fear, rational or not? Was it free or something?
The picture you painted was priceless. I get anxious around canned biscuits, and those haven't even been in a horror movie.
Good luck on getting your vote back from the thieves!
They are scary . . .
The old style chest freezer was scary because it latched, and if someone fell inside they wouldn't be able to get out. Yikes! Just like the old refrigerators. My parents warned us about them, and I was afraid . . .
In my adult life, I had an upright freezer and hated it. Maybe it was the brand, but everything got freezer burn. And it wasn't frost free so it ended up being a big block of ice.
We gave it away and got a moderate sized chest freezer. It doesn't latch, so I could escape.
Love your short essay on chest freezers!!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
This is so funny! I have a chest freezer in my kitchen and think
nothing of it. Perhaps it's because I live alone (except for pets)? The doors and windows are locked and alarmed so no one can sneak up on me? I have thought that I would fit in there if someone wanted to do me in, but the freezer itself doesn't bother me. I put a fuzzy bathroom rug on top of it and the cats make it their home when they want to watch me in the kitchen!
It's well organized and has saved me quite a bit of money, actually. I buy multiples of stuff when on sale, especially if I can add sale price to coupons. I also blanch and freeze veggies and fruit in the summertime. Love my fresh-frozen foods in the winter!
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