"This Scandal was not a Republican hit-job ..."
Submitted by jamess on Sun, 05/29/2016 - 4:57pm
This scandal wasn't a Republican hit-job. It wasn't from a vast right-wing conspiracy. This news segment wasn't from the hacks at Fox News.
This scandal wasn't a Republican hit-job. It wasn't from a vast right-wing conspiracy. This news segment wasn't from the hacks at Fox News.
UpChuck started off with EmailGate. A fairly accurate description.
Then, he interviewed Bernie.
Bernie said he wants to go to the convention with the majority of the "pledged" delegates. He admitted he is 240 down, and that he faces an uphillary climb. But the maths ain't agin him. He can win.
the Toad tried to hammer Bernie on his message to super delegates, and Bernie just creamed it with his response.