Stronger-Together Hillary-Rodham-Clinton's fast moving new book
It's pretty difficult to find any levity in all things political these days, but read the reviews for HER new book Stronger-Together.
This may move quickly into the "remainders" section, as it apparently is not moving too fast. I expect Jeff Bezos will be scrubbing these reviews shortly, so get 'em while you can! Several writers are a tad ticked to have to purchase the book to find out what her positions are (Trump's are free on his website). No word if the positions are actually in the book, or if they will only be found in future volumes.
I was pretty disappointed with this book. When the subject of the book is one of greatest criminals in American history I was really hoping for more.
Anyone can be a criminal, but how do you become the GREATEST criminal? that is what readers really want to know.
A step-by-step guide on how to monetize political influence, how to flaunt criminal behavior and even daringly project ones own criminal behavior onto other people -- specifically other political opponents -- is what I, and I think I can speak for everyone, would really want from Hillary.
For example, How do I get the head of the FBI to conjure up non-existent legal standards for my law breaking? What kind of dirt do I need on the FBI for the head of the organization to lie under oath about the need for "intent" to mishandle classified information when an intent requirement is nowhere to be found for this law? Furthermore, how do I get the FBI director to look the other way from the obvious intent of setting up the server in the first place, telling staffers to remove classified headings, telling the company monitoring my server to use bleachbit to delete all the emails AFTER getting a subpoena? This is truly groundbreaking criminal excellence that needs to be explained and shared. Hillary claims to be about fairness so her keeping all these tips to herself isn't very "fair" to the rest of us aspiring criminals.
How about a step-by-step explanation for how I can project my illegal dealings with the Russians into a negative narrative for my political opponent? Hillary was able to sell 25% of an American strategic mineral (uranium) while coincidentally receiving a large donation to her foundation from people associated to the deal and the Russian company purchasing the large stake of US uranium, but that is not all! Hillary's husband went to Russia to give an AMAZING speech at a russian gov owned bank, I don't really know if it was amazing but I imagine it had to be for them to be willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a 45-90 min speech wink wink. Yet despite all this obviously nefarious and clearly dangerous for US Nat security behavior Hillary has successfully been able to shift her Russian ties onto her political opponent, another incredible feat!
How is it done?
How can we do it?
I was going to read this book.....I really was. But just as I got started, I found myself under sniper fire, passed out, and fell and hit my head. After that I got double vision and had to wear glasses that were so damn thick I couldn't even see to read. Then I was allergic to something and started coughing so hard I spit out what looked like a couple of lizard's eyeballs, my limbs locked up, and I passed out and fell down again, waking up only to find out I had pneumonia. It's a good thing I was able to make a small fortune making this random small trade in the commodities market (cattle futures or some such thing) and then, of all things, a few banks offered me a few million to to talk to their employees for a few minutes - and all that really helped out because I swear I was dead broke and couldn't figure out how I was gonna come up with the 6 bucks to pay for this book, let alone pay the $1,500 for my health insurance this month. I still want to read it, but, hell, what difference at this point does it make? I hear it sucks anyway.
And my personal favorite:
Soon after I finished the first chapter, I went back to reread a paragraph to make a confirmation and the entire first chapter was gone, Then I noticed more and more of the book was deleting itself.By the time I had given up, there was nothing left but blank pages.

These are hysterical!
Thanks for the tip!
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
My fav
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Yup, good isn't it?
Laughs are few and far between when it comes to this election. She should hire some of these writers, they are SO much a cut above her CRT trolls.
84% are 1 Star
Stuff like this makes me think the polls showing her at 40% are complete bs.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Don't take the Five Star ones for granted, my friend
or else you might miss gems like this
or this one
Don't the polls exclude
Like, every single person bellow the age of 40 or something?
CNN excludes everyone below 35.
A Johnson supporter does a nice breakdown here.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Change the debate rules.
I think one of the first things that the Bernie groups needs to do is to change the system of who decides which candidates can debate on national TV. The current system is so anti-democratic that I am amazed no one has already changed it.
Wouldn't something like so many voter signatures be a more representative threshold? It doesn't cost much more to have 4 podiums rather than 2, so what's the big deal here?
Don't forget the comments made IN REPLY to those comments!
For example, I love what some clever soul had to say about the first comment that you quoted, birdiemom. In other words, in reply to this
I found this
I could but be astonished at the deadly irony on the Amazon
page where it lists other Clintonian masterpieces such as "Hillary Clinton on Women"
An unfortunate title
"Stronger Together" -- in retrospect, a rather unfortunately titled book, given the events of this past Sunday.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Thank you, Birdiemom!
Funniest Friday morning, ever, since this whole, horrible nightmare of an election got underway. The reviewers should be signed up for auditions on SNL, pronto. Forget the skewed polls; these reviews are the true barometer of how Clinton will fare on November 8th, unless we're attacked by Russian missiles on November 7th and vote Hill in because we're scared that Putin and The Donald are too cosy together and claiming world domination via WWIII.
You are welcome,
Laughs are few and very far between, especially when they appear on the same page as the royalty. Glad I could provide some fun... I think I may have a look around the reviews on some of her other books, in case the Amazon reviewers are updating those, too.
My fave is a positive review by "DB"
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Oh wow, that is really good!
When I saw these, I was at first amused, and with each one, the entire thing became ever more irreverent, so much fun! I would be quite surprised if they were not soon scrubbed, not nice for the queen to have to avert her shifty eyes........ But in the meantime, tee hee :~)