So while the masses hide in their homes --

or at least while that portion of the masses which HAS homes rests in their homes, there are at least a few people in Florida paying attention -- and they've formed the Underwater Homeowners Association, a group dedicated to showing the neighbors that they are minimally paying attention. Paying attention is good!

Over in Europe they've got people who actually want to do something. But, unlike Florida, their area won't be sinking underwater while the Koch brothers run their politics, so what do they know?

Meanwhile, in San Francisco they've got an escalating problem: people sh*tting in the streets. Check out that graph! And remember that the graph is of REPORTED instances of poop in the streets, so factor in what an enormous hassle it is to report anything like that, and you'll have a preliminary notion of the enormousness of the problem. Nobody, not the servants, nor the middle class, nor the down-and-outs, outside of the very wealthy can afford to live indoors in San Francisco. And of course consider how they got there -- by saving money on things like toilets for the vast numbers of people who must be there but who can't afford to live there. San Francisco is of course the locale that gave us Kamala Harris, so yeah, that.

I guess if you want to run for President in a country in which the masses are one paycheck away from destitution and in which people are dying from high deductibles, you've got to behave like Pete Buttigieg did as Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. Be sure not to pay attention to any social justice issues unless they affect you personally, and then maybe you can so much as say something.

Yeah, yeah, you all know that Pete Buttigieg is a big nothing, and so you're not going to read the link I posted. Go ahead, read it anyway. Especially read the conclusion in which the author reveals Buttigieg's narcissism in paragraph after paragraph and then tells us:

But let me finish by reminding you why this matters. It matters because of the people Buttigieg doesn’t see, the people who aren’t in the index of his “beautiful” book with its “classic American success story” of “humility and tentativeness.” Read this recent Washington Post profile of Monica Diaz, who is 40 years old, went to college, has a full-time job, and is still having to live in a tent because the rent is too high and her pay is too low. Think about the people who have to launch GoFundMe campaigns for their insulin, and those like Shane Boyle who die when they can’t make their goal.

These things should make you fucking angry. You should not be able to stop thinking about them. Your hate should be pure and should burn white hot. If you find pothole locator apps more compelling than the lives of people like Monica Diaz, then there is something wrong with you. Get out of politics. Take the shortest way home and stay there.

Oh but this is America, the "land of the free and the home of the brave," a place where politicians are the domain of those who can buy them, a place where not giving a sh*t is carried to the point of stepping over other people's literal sh*t.

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I have no use for the young mayor as a presidential candidate. He might make a halfway decent ambassador, having good language skills and charming demeanor.

Howsomever, I would like to know, just who is Nathan Robinson? Because if the only "Progressive" voices he can quote or refer to are a couple of Brit Twit carpetbaggers I don't think I have a lot of use for him either. He keeps talking about community activists as people in the know whom Butty ignored. Right, community activists, like Mr. Obama used to be. He blames Butty for ignoring the homeless outside Harvard but the disturbing spectacle doesn't seem to have stopped Robinson from interrupting his Harvard career either.

This inquiring mind wants to know, who is Nathan Robinson, as in where does he come from, and what is his cultural background and where do his loyalties lie, and why should I pay him any attention at all?

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Mary Bennett

Cassiodorus's picture

@Nastarana Or maybe what they write can stand on its own merits?

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

@Cassiodorus I do do sort of background checks on authors, to the extent of I want to know what is their point of view and cultural background. A point of view is not necessarily a prejudice nor a bias, it is just how someone thinks.

For example, I love reading the historian Edward Gibbon, but I do have to keep in mind his Anglicism and imperialistic tendencies. I find Mr. Robinson's Anglicism a bit troubling, it being my belief that both Sullivan and Cockburn are/were something other than what they seem.

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Mary Bennett

The Aspie Corner's picture

And I'm saying this as a resident and a native of this dipshit, backwater, know-less-than-nothing corporate totalitarian shithole.

You literally can't get anywhere in this state unless you're an able-bodied, well-off, well-connected douchebag.

On a side note, seeing something like this happen to the capitalist pigs would be somewhat satisfying:


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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Cassiodorus's picture

@The Aspie Corner Right now it appears that the only way to "solve" Florida is to sink it underwater. Hope might be healthier if the natives weren't trying to make despair so tempting.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

The Aspie Corner's picture

@Cassiodorus After all, we're just one big retirement colony and tourist trap (And money launderer for US imperialism in Central/South America through Miami). Sure, there's some technical and industrial stuff too, but unless you're in good with somebody, you're stuck in customer service. I wouldn't go back there even if someone put a gun to my head. I do respect those who do it, though. Except managers. They can go fuck themselves.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.