The Protocols of the Elders of Putin

Not since the Nazi era have we seen a state-sponsored campaign of murderous hatred and warmongering to match the one being whipped up against Russia. Even more ominously, never before in America have government agencies (CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ - and the overt censorship/propaganda of the "Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016") directly spread fascistic propaganda. If you think "fascistic" is too strong a word, take a look at these excerpts from the widely approved definition of fascist behaviors by Umberto Eco:

Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.”

Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”

The obsession with a plot. “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.

The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”

Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.”

Umberto Eco makes a list of the 14 common features of fascism

US propaganda against Russia is reaching the level of Nazi propaganda against Jews. The Russians are made the scapegoat for everything. They must be punished. This "big lie" propaganda is repeated constantly in all media channels. Anyone who criticizes this propaganda, anyone who dissents about anything the US government is doing, anyone who just wants to rein in the out of control MIC budget, is a "Russian puppet". Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein are "Russian puppets". Pipeline protestors are "Russian puppets". It is Manichean hysteria.

Rationally, this stuff is laughable; but emotionally, it is political dynamite. It is the equivalent of being called a Jew lover in Nazi Germany. Again, if you think I'm over the top with the Nazi comparisons, look at Hitler's own tactics:

(In Mein Kampf, Hitler) laid down five rules for successful propaganda:

1. avoid abstract ideas and appeal instead to human emotions
2. employ constant repetition of a few simple ideas (Big Lie)
3. put forward only one side of the argument
4. constantly criticize the enemies of the state
5. concentrate on one enemy for special vilification

Simon Adams, "Propaganda in War and Peace"

Re 1: The attack on the Russians is completely emotional. They are not communists anymore. They are as neoliberal and market-driven as anyone. Their military budget is 10% of ours; and they have only one overseas base, which they use to fight real terrorists. They pay their debts and honor their treaty commitments. They are an Orthodox Christian community that is very tolerant religiously, supporting large Jewish and Muslim minorities. In short, there is absolutely no factual basis for hating them, yet we do.

Re 5: see the title of this essay.

Re 2: The intelligence community, the corporate media and the corpo-Dems have been hammering on the complete nonsense of Russiagate since Hillary lost. After a year of investigation, there is no public, examinable evidence of any Russian involvement in the DNC leaks, or election "meddling". Yet the irrational obsession with this so-called plot is ratcheted higher every week. For example, this week, sadly, Jane Mayer joined the "hang Putin" bandwagon by raking through the two-year old, bogus Steele "dossier" yet again. We also have the hysteria about "suspected" Russian poisoning of a Russian spy in UK. Meanwhile, the direct connection of Ukrainian Dmitri Alperovich to the DNC hacking story is never mentioned:

The cyber security firm outsourced by the Democratic National Committee, CrowdStrike, reportedly misread data, falsely attributing a hacking in Ukraine to the Russians in December 2016. Voice of America, a US Government funded media outlet, reported...

CrowdStrike’s bias has been cited as undependable in its own assessment, in addition to its skeptical methods and conclusions. The firm’s CTO and co-founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a think tank with openly anti-Russian sentiments that is funded by Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk, who also happened to donate at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Cybersecurity Firm That Attributed DNC Hacks to Russia May Have Fabricated Russia Hacking in Ukraine

But, the point is to keep the propaganda simple: Russia is responsible for EVERYTHING bad in the world, the US (or the Ukro-Nazis) for none of it.

Re 3: Russia is not the aggressor here, it is reacting to decades worth of encirclement by NATO and the US. It is reacting to the abrogation of the ABM treaty in 2002 and to Obama's trillion dollar "modernization" of our nuclear weapons and to Trump's new nuclear posture. But that side of the story is never presented.

The real menace: Ukrainian Nazis

If anyone is the bad guy in Eastern Europe, it is the Ukrainian Nazis. What the anti-Russian propagandists never mention is that, since the day of its founding, the CIA's Eastern European policies have been written by ex-Nazis (the Gehlen Organization) who employed Ukrainian ex-Nazis (the Vlassov org). The CIA has always loved Ukrainian Nazis, who have always hated Russia.

Even as the United States was publicly proclaiming a policy of unconditional German surrender, Gehlen and his organization were being established at the very core and seat of the American system of foreign intelligence under the responsibility of Allen Dulles’s Secret Intelligence Branch of the OSS. By the time of the transformation of the OSS into the CIA in 1948, Gehlen had grown tight with Dulles and his organization had become in effect the CIA’s department of Russian and East European affairs. Soon after the formation of NATO, it became the official NATO intelligence organization. And as per Gehlen’s third condition, his organization was installed as the core and he as the director of the West German CIA, the Bundesnachtendienst (BND)...

Look what power the victors conceded the vanquished. Exclusive purveyor of intelligence on the Soviet Union and East Europe to the United States, West Germany, and NATO, Gehlen, and the spirit kept alive in him and his staff, had more power over the official American perceptions in the postwar than even a German victory could have given them. The Gehlen-Vlassov intelligence system had become a main source and fountain of official American consciousness.

Behold the span of this concatenation. First in the time of Trotsky there is General Vlassov and his anti-Bolshevist army and spy ring. The Vlassov apparatus is then at a certain later point assimilated to the Gehlen apparatus. Then just as the White Russian spies jumped to the Nazis when their own army went down, so now the German Nazi and Russian Czarist spies together jumped to the American army as the Wehrmacht was falling. Vlassov first became a department of Gehlen, then Gehlen became a department of Allen Dulles.

This is how it came to pass that a Czarist spy ring inside a Nazi spy ring took up the inner seats in the American foreign intelligence apparatus at the precise moment that this apparatus was starting to come forward as a major player in the great policy wars of Washington and the world. This is how it came to pass that everything official Washington would know about the Soviet Union and East Europe on the most believable report, everything about the enemy our policymakers would most confidently believe, would come by way of Czarists and Nazis installed at the center of our national intelligence system. That was a buzzard that would come home to roost again and again.

Carl Oglelsby, The Yankee and Cowboy War

That long relationship explains why the US paid $5 B for the 2014 coup. It explains why Obama looked the other way as literal Nazis have taken power in the Ukraine. Given the openly expressed hatred of the Ukrainian Nazis, it is no surprise that after the coup, Ukrainian mobs burned Russians alive - a move reminiscent of Nazi sondercommandos in Poland.

Ukrainian nazis burned Russians in building in Odessa

The US is now feeding the Ukro-Nazis military weapons for yet another attack on the Donbass - an attack the US hopes will start a shooting war with the Russians. Dog save the planet, because the US won't.

In addition to being founders of the CIA, Ukrainians hold some high offices in the West, and use those offices to shamelessly defend not just today's Ukro-Nazis, but actual WW2 Nazis. Chrystia Freeland, the foreign minister of Canada, speaks Ukrainian at home and is proud of her Nazi grandfather.

Freeland knew her grandfather was editor of Nazi newspaper

The US also has a large Ukrainian community, especially in the Midwest. Marci Kaptur, an Ohio Congresswoman who took Dennis Kucinich's seat after a gerrymander put them in the same district, not only supports Nazis, but also supports ISIS.

Democrat Says Americans Owe Nazis for Suffering and Gives ISIS Eulogy on C-SPAN

The Ukrainian Russophobia has spread all over the NATO countries in Eastern Europe, especially the poverty stricken Baltic states that were some of the biggest victims of neoliberalism. Case in point: Latvia.

Latvia has an even larger Russian minority than Ukraine at approximately 40% of the population, though many of this demographic are regarded as “non-citizens” since they don’t fluently speak the local language and are therefore ineligible for citizenship per the country’s post-Soviet laws.

Riga regards them as the descendants of “foreign occupiers”, while this community argues that they’ve legally moved to Latvia when it was part of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, thus making their presence there as natural as if an American moved from Illinois to California, for example. The Latvian government doesn’t see the situation that way and is accused of violating the human rights of this minority because of its strict citizenship requirements, though the EU – which is known for being overly sensitive to these sorts of things – ignores the Russians’ plight for political reasons...

The EU and Latvia share an ungrounded paranoia fed by the Mainstream Media-manipulated narratives about Crimea and Donbas that ethnic Russians and Russian speakers outside of the Russian Federation are apparently “fifth columnists”. This in turn is why they’re so obsessed with forcibly “assimilating” them into society,

Latvia Plans to Culturally Cleanse Its Russian Minority

Bottom line: if you want to call someone evil, call the Ukro-Nazis and their neocon funders and their CIA handlers evil. Call Joe Biden evil for making a fast buck off them via his son.

In closing

Have people genuinely forgotten what happens when industrialized countries decide entire nations and peoples are collectively guilty? Have people forgotten that both sides have nukes and that firing no more than 30 of them could cause a nuclear winter? It appears so.

The warmongering grows stronger every day, with weapons sold to the Ukrainian Nazis, US troops, illegally in Syria, shooting at government forces and embedded Russians. We are proposing to use nukes in response to bullshit charges of cyber-warfare. (Trump is just along for the ride. He will do what his Deep State masters command when it comes to warmongering. The rest of his act is just to distraction the sheeple from the drive to attack Russia.)

Putin has finally directly addressed the whole situation. Of course, his detailed explanation of new offensive weapons is blown off as either "a bluff", "election year politics", or "a threat that we will respond to". No one in the US is trying to engage in a dialogue about this. But that is exactly why Putin had to develop the weapons and make the speech. The only thing the US listens to anymore is a punch in the face.

Sanity has left the building in America. Its time to build that backyard bombshelter.

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is how blatant the Russophobia is. It's not like they are even trying to hide how phony it is.
That makes me wonder what exactly they are trying to distract you from?

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arendt's picture


and to shutdown any and all political opposition. As I say, the country is on the verge of going fascist. Google, Facebook, and Twitter are into active censorship. The US government is into domestic propaganda on a big scale. They just voted anothe $200 B+ on top of the already obscene defense budget, and that was before Putin's speech.

The corpo-Dems are completely on board - the Senate voting on the latest round of Russia sanctions was something like 95-2. Thanks to Clinton, the neocons now own the corpo-Dems. So politics is a joke. The military goons can do what they please, and both parties are OK with it.

They are going on full war footing. They have been completely unsuccessful diplomatically, and their proxy wars have hit the wall in Syria and Yemen; so they are looking for targets on which to use the military. Perhaps Venezuela, whom they have been torturing for a decade. They don't dare go after nuke-armed PRNK or Russia-protected Iran. But they need to show people who is boss, because the military is all we have anymore.

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Exclusive: Reddit Says It’s Cooperating With Russia Investigations. They’ve Handed Over Zero Documents.
Reddit’s CEO said the ‘front page of the Internet’ is working with Congress to uncover Russian propaganda. But it’s turned over no material to investigators.

I think c99 is the last uncensored site on the internet.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture

@arendt I rarely comment on essay dealing with foreign policy because I am too ignorant to contribute to the discussion, so normally I read to learn. My question is didn't we (the United States) give North Korea the technology to create nuclear weapons during the Clinton administration? I have read elsewhere that North Korea is actually a CIA operation.

Honestly I am not even sure of the truth any more other than if there are bad things happening in the world, the US seems to be behind them all.

Thank you for this enlightening essay.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Thank you. Here is the Fortune magazine article that made the deal public. The idea that North Korea could be a CIA asset is fascinating, but of course it does align with reality because the industrial core of Soviet military development was American, and therefore the CIA and KGB worked for those companies. So North Korea could also have been part of the industrial development of the communist threat for the communist part of the global military industrial complex.

The support the United States gave to the nuclear development of North Korea is suggested to have been essentially loan guarantees, which amounts to a lot and is similar to what we did for the entire Soviet debt.

Rummy's North Korea Connection What did Donald Rumsfeld know about ABB's deal to build nuclear reactors there? And why won't he talk about it?

By Richard Behar Research Associate Brenda Cherry
May 12, 2003

(FORTUNE Magazine) – Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld rarely keeps his opinions to himself. He tends not to compromise with his enemies. And he clearly disdains the communist regime in North Korea. So it's surprising that there is no clear public record of his views on the controversial 1994 deal in which the U.S. agreed to provide North Korea with two light-water nuclear reactors in exchange for Pyongyang ending its nuclear weapons program. What's even more surprising about Rumsfeld's silence is that he sat on the board of the company that won a $200 million contract to provide the design and key components for the reactors.

… The North Korean reactors are being primarily funded by South Korean and Japanese export-import banks and supervised by KEDO, a consortium based in New York.

… President Bush was skeptical of Pyongyang's intentions and called for a policy review in March 2001. Two months later the DOE, after consulting with Rumsfeld's Pentagon, renewed the authorization to send nuclear technology to North Korea. Groundbreaking ceremonies attended by Westinghouse and North Korean officials were held Sept. 14, 2001--three days after the worst terror attack on U.S. soil.

The Bush administration still hasn't abandoned the project. Representative Edward Markey and other Congressmen have been sending letters to Bush and Rumsfeld, asking them to pull the plug on the reactors, which Markey calls "nuclear bomb factories." Nevertheless, a concrete-pouring ceremony was held last August, and Westinghouse sponsored a training course for the North Koreans that concluded in October--shortly before Pyongyang confessed to having a secret uranium program, kicked inspectors out, and said it would start making plutonium. The Bush administration has suspended further transfers of nuclear technology, but in January it authorized $3.5 million to keep the project going.

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CB's picture

@Linda Wood
wholly Soviet construct that dated back to Stalin's 5 year plan starting in 1928 so it was well established by the start of the war. The real problem that all these plants had to dismantled, shipped east of the Urals and re-assembled in addition there were severe shortages of raw materials by 1941. (The US industrialists would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER have assisted the Communist USSR in the pre-war years to even manufacture a pot to piss in.)

The Soviet Defense Industry Complex in World War II

... with Stalin’s turn to forced industrialization and the first Five Year Plan (1928-32). The goals of national security and industrialization became tightly interlinked. Military power was identified as the chief element in national security, and the development of modern industry and transport was identified as the key not only to economic development but also to military power in the long run. The country’s defense capacity was promoted not only in the long run but also through immediate orders for defense products. Externally the aggressive plans of the Axis powers reinforced the new economic priority of the Soviet defense sector.
At the core of the prewar defense industry lay the big assembly plants permanently specialized in producing finished tanks, guns, aircraft, and ammunition. But hundreds of smaller factories were also part-time or occasional producers of final defense products they were being drawn from civilian industry into the defense industry by the pace of prewar rearmament, which far exceeded the capacity of the big permanent defense producers. Surrounding the assembly plants lay the subcontracting system. Again this comprised both Permanent and part-time suppliers of specialized, weapons-related materials and components (e.g. armor steel or radiotechnical instruments). Beyond the periphery, no longer part of the defense industry as such lay the nonspecialized civilian plants supplying defense producers, defense subcontractors, and the armed forces with general purpose goods and services – food and fuel, power, transport services, and machinery.

Defense production was administered by a powerful grouping of supply and user ministries (called “people’s commissariats’’) – the defense industry complex. The core supply ministries were four people’s commissariats formed in 1938 on the breakup of the former unified commissariat for the defense industry; they comprised the commissariats for (1) the aircraft industry, (2) shipbuilding, (3) armament, and (4) ammunition. To this list might also be added two other commissariats, for (5) the tank industry, and (6) mortar armament, both formed shortly after the outbreak of war from engineering enterprises previously subordinated to nominally civilian commissariats, Also within the defense complex, but not, strictly speaking, of the defense industry, should be listed (7) Glavvoenstroi, the chief administration for defense industry construction, formed around the
outbreak of war.

The US did supply a considerable amount of materiel but most of it arrived after the Russians had turned the course of the war.

How important was the US lend-lease?

During the war, Soviet factories produced more than 29.1 million small arms of all major types, while only 152,000 small arms (0.5% of the total) were manufactured by American, British, and Canadian plants. Looking at all types of artillery systems of all calibers we see a similar picture – 647,600 Soviet weapons and mortars vs. 9,400 of foreign origin, representing less than 1.5% of the total.

The numbers are less grim for other types of weapons: the ratio of domestic vs. allied tanks and self-propelled artillery was, respectively, 132,800 vs. 11,900 (8.96%), and for combat aircraft – 140,500 vs. 18,300 (13%).

Out of the almost $46 billion that was spent on all lend-lease aid, the US allocated only $9.1 billion, i.e., only a little more than 20% of the funds, to the Red Army, which defeated the vast majority of the divisions from Germany and her military satellites.
In November 1942, i.e., at the height of the battle for the Caucasus and Stalingrad, the arms deliveries practically came to a complete halt. Disruptions in shipments had already begun in the summer of 1942, when German aircraft and submarines almost entirely wiped out the infamous Convoy PQ 17 that was abandoned (at the order of the Admiralty) by the British destroyers assigned to escort it. Tragically only 11 of the original 35 ships arrived safely into Soviet ports – a catastrophe that was used as a pretext to suspend subsequent convoys from Britain until September 1942.
As a result, between 1941 and 1942 only 7% of the wartime cargo shipped from the US made it to the Soviet Union. The bulk of the weapons and other materials arrived in the Soviet Union in 1944-1945, once the winds of war had decisively shifted.

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Azazello's picture

and wanted to industrialize along US lines. The trouble was, how to do it without capitalism or even private property. How do you get large US-style farms with modern, mechanized agricultural production without large landowners ? Collectivization.
Russia under the Tsars had no auto industry. How to get one like the US ? You buy it from them with hard cash, even if the money comes from selling wheat on the world market while your people starve or using slave-labor to mine gold in Kolyma. When Ford was tooling up to make their famous V-8 of Little Deuce Coupe fame, they sold their entire Model A factory, with tools, spares and shop foremen, to the Soviet Union. This became the GAZ factory, makers of the GAZ/Ford Model A car and the GAZ-AA line of trucks.
Their other main car and truck plant was ZiS which made copies of tucks designed by the US firm Autocar. In 1935 they sent food commissar Anastas Mikoyan to the US to learn how to do large-scale industrial food production. He bought a bunch of machines to make hamburgers and ice-cream, among other things.
What we call the Great Depression started during the first five-year plan and cash was king in those days. If the Soviets could come up with the hard currency, they could buy whatever they needed from the capitalists in the US.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

CB's picture

But, the major industrialization of the USSR in the 30's was done by the Soviets on their own. Relations with the US started to deteriorate by 1935 when Stalin started his purges. By 1939 they were at their lowest and there was now little to no relationship with the US.

Every nation borrows technology from other nations, improves upon it and makes it it's own. The US was originally an agrarian economy supplying the raw materials for the factories in England.

To say that manufacturing in the USSR was an American construct is misleading.


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Azazello's picture

But still, the Studebaker US6 truck was pretty important when it came time to push the Germans out of Russia.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

that I have for you, which is immense, I disagree, and I urge you to read as much as you can of the works of Antony Sutton of the Hoover Institution. His life's work there, WESTERN TECHNOLOGY AND SOVIET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, documents the contribution to Soviet military industry from U.S. corporations from 1917-1970.

In addition, the personal works of industry figures, from Ambassador Francis during the revolution in 1917, to Averell Harriman in his personal memoirs, describe in detail the involvement of U.S. companies, as well as our government in support of those companies, in Soviet military development.

This is a difficult concept. These military industrial corporations were in Russia from the tzarist period onward. They are still there. They consider the wealth of the Russian subcontinent, which Francis described as "immeasurable," to be theirs.

Sutton deals with this difficult concept first by quoting Lenin, who called these capitalists "deaf mute blindmen":

"The Capitalists of the world and their governments, in pursuit of conquest of the Soviet market, will close their eyes to the indicated higher reality and thus will turn into deaf mute blindmen. They will extend credits, which will strengthen for us the Communist Party in their countries and giving us the materials and technology we lack, they will restore our military industry, indispensable for our future victorious attacks on our suppliers. In other words, they will labor for the preparation for their own suicide."

As it turned out of course, the capitalists are still there, and the Bolsheviks are not. But here is Sutton speculating about the rationale, after having documented U.S. capitalist support for revolutionary parties, for the intervention:

By Antony C. Sutton

… The Soviet gold sales and the Kolchak loan also suggest that Carroll Quigley's statement that Morgan interests infiltrated the domestic left applied also to overseas revolutionary and counterrevolutionary movements. Summer 1919 was a time of Soviet military reverses in the Crimea and the Ukraine and this black picture may have induced British and American bankers to mend their fences with the anti-Bolshevik forces. The obvious rationale would be to have a foot in all camps, and so be in a favorable position to negotiate for concessions and business after the revolution or counterrevolution had succeeded and a new government stabilized. As the outcome of any conflict cannot be seen at the start, the idea is to place sizable bets on all the horses in the revolutionary race. Thus assistance was given on the one hand to the Soviets and on the other to Kolchak — while the British government was supporting Denikin in the Ukraine and the French government went to the aid of the Poles.

And here is Harriman, second from the right in the rear, ubiquitous, Nazi industrialist, Soviet industrialist, American industrialist, and as he called himself, the man of the century:

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CB's picture

@Linda Wood

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gulfgal98's picture

@Linda Wood is something that really surprised me, but it has repeatedly come up during the Q anon posts. I would not have believed it even one year ago. But so far, nothing in the Q posts has been proven wrong while many of the things predicted have later been proven true, so I am putting some believability in this revelation until it is proven otherwise.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Sovereign states have a right to enrich uranium. The Clinton Administration made a deal with N. Korea that we would assist them in developing peaceful uses of nuclear energy in return for their commitment not to enrich uranium to weapons grade levels.

In nuclear power plants the U235 (as opposed to U238) is usually enriched to 3.5 to 4.5% of total uranium. Research reactors may use uranium enriched to nearly 20%. Weapons grade uranium has U235 enriched to 85% or higher.

The basis for the Clinton agreement with N. Korea was similar to the non-proliferation treaty. N. Korea opened its nuclear facilities and did not proceed with weapons grade enrichment during the Clinton years. The experience they gained with low level enrichment certainly contributed to their ability to produce weapons grade material. But they would have advanced faster without the restrictions as demonstrated when the Bush Administration attempted to place additional restrictions, then abrogated the arrangement. The N. Koreans threw the inspectors out and began to develop the capability to produce weapons grade uranium.

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CB's picture

the tools of propaganda. He openly stated in Mein Kampf that he respected the Americans and British who were much more effective.

Hitler's Praise for Enemy Propaganda

Despite Hitler's clear hate for some of his enemies during World War II, at the time Mein Kampf was written (just after WWI); he believed that where Germany had failed in propaganda, his enemies had succeeded. One thing that he believed his enemies did well, especially the English and American, was represent the enemy as barbarians in their propaganda. One of the advantages of this was that it prepared the soldiers for war, the propaganda's 'barbaric' portrayal of the enemy meant that the soldiers were prepared for the harshness of the war. The second advantage that Hitler saw in portraying enemies in the worst ways possible, was that it increased the hatred shared among the soldiers; therefore giving them more emotional strength to fight for their people. A more political aspect which Hitler praised in the enemies propaganda was (in English propaganda) that because the propaganda's vicious view of enemy soldiers was proved right by soldiers on the front line, it built up everyone's trust in their Government; and after believing the original propaganda about vicious and 'barbaric' soldiers; they were more likely to believe more propaganda because they had already established trust with their country.

Another aspect of praise that Hitler had for English propaganda, was that it focused clearly on one point, and it did not alter from that point or show any sign that their point may be wrong. By assuring this, Hitler realized that in the enemy propaganda, there was confidence; and this confidence transferred into the soldiers and the people of that country. The final piece of praise that Adolf Hitler had for English propaganda in particular, was that it was large-scale; and Hitler felt that in order for propaganda to succeed it must appeal to the entire mass, therefore be wide-spread and convince the largest amount of people possible.

Adolf Hitler felt that in general, the most praise that should be given to the enemy propaganda (and which Germany should learn from), was the way in which they kept their soldiers keen to fight throughout the entire war. Hitler noted that enemy propaganda did exactly what he felt needed to be done; it focused on the emotions of the mass, and by attacking the emotions, it convinced even the not so intellectual people within the population. He appreciated the fact that when the enemy used this emotion-based propaganda, the soldiers would keep fighting again and again, even after various defeats. Adolf Hitler praised enemy propaganda for all of these points, and he knew that in order for Germany to be successful in the usage of its propaganda, he'd have t take a page out of his enemies book; which may be why he was so successful in World War II.

The Americans had used the ideas and techniques designed by Edward Bernays. Propaganda in the US has been renamed as public relations even though it is the very same thing. The word propaganda is always reserved for the enemy.

Here is a fascinating documentary on how propaganda works and why it is so effective.

If you would rather read about it:

Propaganda (1928) by Edward Bernays

Forward by Chomsky:
So what do you do? It's going to be harder to run things as a private club. Therefore, obviously, you have to control what people think. There had been public relation specialists but there was never a public relations industry. There was a guy hired to make Rockefeller's image look prettier and that sort of thing. But this huge public relations industry, which is a U.S. invention and a monstrous industry, came out of the first World War. The leading figures were people in the Creel Commission. In fact, the main one, Edward Bernays, comes right out of the Creel Commission. He has a book that came out right afterwards called Propaganda. The term "propaganda," incidentally, did not have negative connotations in those days. It was during the second World War that the term became taboo because it was connected with Germany, and all those bad things. But in this period, the term propaganda just meant information or something like that. So he wrote a book called Propaganda around 1925, and it starts off by saying he is applying the lessons of the first World War. The propaganda system of the first World War and this commission that he was part of showed, he says, it is possible to "regiment the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments their bodies." These new techniques of regimentation of minds, he said, had to be used by the intelligent minorities in order to make sure that the slobs stay on the right course. We can do it now because we have these new techniques.

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arendt's picture


I have never had the desire or the strong stomach to read Mein Kampf. So I took the first sensible precis that Google gave me. Other precis said pretty much the same. Sorry for the misattribution.

I certainly know of Mr. Bernays, Freud's ?cousin?nephew who invented modern PR.

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CB's picture

could read much the same shit in the western media at that time.

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arendt's picture


not incitement to genocide.

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CB's picture

Jews, Korea, China, USSR, Vietnam, racism. Gooks, japs, chinks, ni**ers, spicks, pollacks, strange fruit. The US just learned to use a more "polite" language. If you scratch the surface it is almost identical at that time in history. Most of the American shit has disappeared down the memory hole.

When I was a kid - eenie, meanie, minnie moe. Catch a ------ by the toe, in the schoolyard. Used to buy ------ toes, 3 for a penny at the corner store. Cartoons with Jews and blacks at the movies and on b&w TeeVee are now banned. Fortunately, for the most part, America did not cross the Rubicon. But we came close.

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arendt's picture


I'm going to stay in the time frame from 1920 to WW2, for fair comparison to Naziism.

Racism in the US prior to the Civil Rights movement was as disgusting as it was widespread. Segregated everything; and the Jews were also persona non grata. When WW2 started, Japs became racist targets too, complete with internment camps. So, yes, we treated many ethnic groups horribly. Americas elite had also long practiced pitting one group of ethnic laborers against another: Irish against Blacks, Polish against Irish, etc. The "Melting Pot" had a very large bad side. But, as you say,

America did not cross the Rubicon. But we came close

There is a big difference between lynching even a ten thousand blacks over 100 years and gasssing 6 million Jews in three years. There is a difference between racism and genocide. I mean their had pogroms against Jews in Poland/Russia for hundreds of years. It was really big news if more than ten people got killed.

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CB's picture

How many Vietnamese have died. How many Cambodians have died. How many South Americans have died. This is only 5 of the 65 bombings the US has done to foreign nations since WWII. In some of these "police" actions, the US dropped more bombs than were dropped during WWII by all combatants. None of these countries had a fraction of the anti-aircraft protection that Germany had.

Americans don't kill up close and personal. They kill from a distance so as to keep their hands clean.

Do you know how painful a death from firebombing is?


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specifically chose to consider the period up to WWII. Your listing of American attrocities since does not affect the argument.

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snoopydawg's picture

Now I see how it happened. Also, imagine if Russia overthrew Mexico's government and installed ISIS. How would our government react to that? Or the Putinphobes? This is what we did to Russia when Obama overthrew Ukraine's government and installed the Nazis. I've written about this particular group of Nazis and how even Hitler was afraid of them. This is who is on Russia's border, not to mention the troops and military equipment that is going to Poland.

People are happily cheering for war with Russia even though Putin just warned us not to even think about it.

Can anyone explain to me why Israel doesn't have a problem with our relationship with the Nazis after WWII? We brought the worst of the worst of them to this country and sheltered them from prosecution and recently installed them in Ukraine. I'd think that Israel and every Jewish congress member would be appalled by this. I know that I am. I've read the stories of what they are doing to the Russians who live in Ukraine. I'm surprised that Putin has been so calm about it so far.


The Lead Cheerleader of Russian Propaganda

Another outstanding essay on the Blue Blog!


Yep. Hitler and Goering learned about propaganda from President Wilson. h/t Pluto

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg maybe having the US MIC as your benefactors for all these years
blinds one of the fact that these people helped kill your parents
grandparents etc.etc.etc. Bibi is as bad as any past dictator the
world has known.

Can anyone explain to me why Israel doesn't have a problem with our relationship with the Nazis after WWII? We brought the worst of the worst of them to this country and sheltered them from prosecution and recently installed them in Ukraine. I'd think that Israel and every Jewish congress member would be appalled by this. I know that I am. I've read the stories of what they are doing to the Russians who live in Ukraine. I'm surprised that Putin has been so calm about it so far.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

mimi's picture

with the aviator woman (forgot her name) saying 'express yourself with how you dress', I wonder how today's massive tatoo-ing of ones body - both for men and women - is not in a similar manner a result of some wickedly secretive propaganda to express your "freedom's and resistance desires" from the "elites".

I might not understand it, but I haven't found an answer to my question, why so many folks torture their skins with tatoos that are also sold as a matter of "art". Why do you think people need tatoos to exactly express what?

Just came to my mind watching the video The Century of the Self - Part 1: "Happiness Machines".

This essay, thread and comments are excellent and I have may be read and watched 1/4 of it. So apologies if I missed something that you would have expected be clear to my mind by now.

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Bollox Ref's picture

with mia famiglia the other night, over dinner.

They were wittering on about some NYT article, and I posited that I found it hard to believe that 13 odd bods, mucking around with Farcebook and Twatter, could have influenced the election to the extent shouted about.... especially with the sums involved.

Silence and withering looks.

I decided to wash the dishes. Dishwashing being the better part of valour.


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from a reasonably stable genius.

@Bollox Ref We need to push back each and every time, whether with loved ones, friends, colleagues, family, whomever propagates this bullshit story, or we ALL get to face destruction. I ain't buying None of it, and I don't let this BullShit go unchallenged At All!
I hit them with facts, history, and information. They don't like it, they resent my very presence at times, but I give no fucks and no quarter when they start spewing their bullshit leading us to War. No one wins in a war and the World will lose Everthing in a nuclear war. I ask them if that's what they want and am usually answered with 'No, but. . .' but What? I respond, where in Hell do you think this will end up?
It makes life kinda tough and a little lonely at times, but the alternative is worth the pushback I feel.

Stop These Fucking Wars


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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

@Tall Bald and Ugly
It's that serious, just as you say, and it's absolutely necessary to have this confrontation now. You've reminded me how long it took for so many of my friends and family to start to question the Vietnam War. Because opposition to the war was so total in the last years, it has become easy to forget how many years Americans bought the propaganda that Hanoi and the Viet Cong were going to take over the world.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

to offer solid evidence of wrongdoing, they are just throwing shit at the wall and everything is sticking.

Read this paragraph about a secret meeting that happened after the election. Note that it had nothing to do with 'collusion' during the election anymore.

Here’s what you should know about the Seychelles meeting.

It’s not clear what Prince and the official talked about. But according to The New York Times, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, eventual national security adviser Michael Flynn and then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak discussed the possibility of setting up the communications channel in a December 2016 meeting.

The Washington Post also received an anonymous letter claiming that Kushner, Kislyak and Flynn “talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a ‘Russian contact’” in an unidentified third country. The Post’s Adam Entous told MSNBC that the letter said “Flynn was deemed too high-profile to do the trip.”

Kushner has denied that the request took place.

First it says that it is not clear what they talked about, but then it describes exactly what they supposedly talked about. Whatafuck? Does that make any sense? Not to me it doesnt.
Next up apparently anyone can send a letter to a newspaper anonymously and it is taken as fact these days. Who knows who sent the letter to the Post? Maybe it was Brennan, who seems to have a high interest in spreading this shit. And why not? Everyone believes everything that has been stated or assumed since this started. And this is what they have been doing since it started. Using un-named sources and many innuendos but not hard facts.

Good grief, I am beyond belief that this country could have slipped down the rag so quickly. And all because Her didn't win.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

k9disc's picture

That summer, Steele noticed a few small news items further connecting Trump’s circle to Russia. On July 7, 2016, two days after Steele met in London with the F.B.I., Carter Page, a Trump foreign-policy adviser, travelled to Moscow, on a campaign-approved visit, and delivered a lecture at the prestigious New Economic School. Page’s remarks were head-turning. He criticized “Washington and other Western capitals” for “their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption, and regime change.”
Page was an odd choice for Trump. In New York in 2013, two Russian intelligence operatives had attempted to recruit Page, an oil-industry consultant, although wiretaps revealed that one of the operatives had described him as an “idiot.” The F.B.I. later indicted the two Russian spies, and warned Page that the Kremlin was trying to recruit him, but he continued to pursue oil-and-gas deals in Russia. Ian Bremmer, the president of the Eurasia Group, a risk-consulting firm where Page had previously worked, said that Page had become a pro-Kremlin “wackadoodle.”
Steele didn’t know it, but U.S. authorities were independently monitoring Page. According to the recently released report by the Democratic minority on the House Intelligence Committee, the F.B.I. had interviewed Page about his contacts with Russian officials in March, 2016—the same month that Trump named him an adviser.

15000 words and nothing about his employment relationship with the FBI.
There are several other doozies of omission in there and the whole thing is a Paean of Steele Virtue.


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

CB's picture

personally experienced warfare war on it's soil since 1865. Americans have never experienced modern warfare firsthand other than through a glorification produced by Hollywood.

This is how Americans experience war.


This how the people on the receiving end of those B52 bombs experience war.


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arendt's picture

@CB @Bollox Ref

The whole scenario is ridiculous. The amount of advertising by that Russian guy (not the government - that's like blaming the US for whatever rubbish Peter Thiel tweets out) has been compared to a raindrop in a hurricane. The assault on Putin has been compared to "blaming him for taking a crap in an outhouse".

The fact that people mis-educated enough to think the NYT is worth reading have completely suspended their critical faculties tells me that democracy here is over. People have given over their thinking to whatever propaganda outlet they have chosen.

Notice how you were silenced. Its all part of the indoctrination. Big Brother is watching you.

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Bollox Ref's picture


Much like the supporters of the whole 'Benghazi Thing'.

Weird stuff.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

arendt's picture


Most of them are ignorant that Russia fought 80% of the Nazis army for 3 years, while we had a few divisions in North Africa or Italy. Most of them are ignorant of the 20 M+ casualties the Russians suffered, while the US total was about half a million.

Most of them don't know that the Nazi invasion, and the Ukrainian support for it, are still fresh today in Russia. They don't know how much the Russians are simply not going to put up with another round of crap from the Ukies or the American brand of Nazis either.

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thank you for this great research and the subjects you're bringing together.

You mentioned Allen Dulles and his employment of the Nazi butcher Reinhard Gehlen. In the process of wanting to re-emphasize the fact that Dulles was an attorney for Hitler's financial and industrial enablers, I came across some paragraphs that have to do with our concerns about the targeting of civilians in WWII and now in Syria. The crucial point of the following text is that the Roosevelt administration was rife with fascist industrial operatives.

The Nazi Hydra In Fascist America
Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins

… The most interesting aspect of this group of college aviation buffs is how many of them later served in WWII on the targeting selection committee. Henry Simpson, Secretary of War and a former Bonesman, appointed John McCloy as his Assistant Secretary of War in charge of intelligence. Robert Lovett was appointed Assistant Secretary of War for air. Directly under Lovett was Trubee Davison. Davison held the position of assistant chief of staff... Artemus Gates served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy for air. James Stillman Rockefeller served with the Airborne Command and Airborne Center as assistant chief of staff.

Clearly the Department of War, and particularly the command for air had an unusually high number of members from the Yale Aviation Unit and the Skull and Bones. Moreover, these individuals all had extensive ties to Wall Street firms, which had a history of doing business with the Nazis. Certainly they were able to influence the target selection in the air campaign against Germany. Lovett was a lifelong advocate of what amounts to terror bombing, the bombing of civilian centers.

The air campaign against Germany left eighty percent of the homes destroyed. Factory production was only reduced by twenty percent. However, much of the reduction in factory production came about not by damage to the factories, but from delays and shortages of parts caused by the disruption of the transportation system from bombing damage. For example, Cologne was a city targeted for massive bombing attacks. While the city lay in ruins, the Ford and I.G. Farben plants escaped all but minor bomb damage. In Berlin, a city that had been reduced to rubble from the bombing campaign, the Allies chose the I.G. Farben building for their headquarters. It had escaped all but minor damage from the bombs.

Robert Lovett and Prescott Bush were both Bonesmen employed by Brown Brothers and Harriman. In fact, many of the top directors and partners of Brown Brothers & Harriman were Bonesmen. It was one of the main firms on Wall Street to have extensive dealings with the Nazis.

The deals with the Nazis were so extensive at Brown Brothers & Harriman that Prescott Bush had 23 firms seized from him for trading with the enemy. Five firms were seized from Bush in 1942, another 18 firms were seized shortly after the war. The 18 firms had been allowed to operate during the war only because seizing them had been judged detrimental to the war effort and their continued operation posed little risk to the Allies.

Before the firms were seized, Prescott Bush hired the Dulles brothers to conceal the Nazi ownership in these firms. Any window of deniability slammed shut the minute Bush hired the Dulles brothers to conceal the Nazi's ownership. This is when it becomes treason by both Bush and the Dulles brothers. It confirms that both parties knew that the continued operation of these companies was in violation of U.S. policy and of the Trading with the Enemy Act. Moreover, it confirms that both parties freely chose to aid the Nazis when the U.S. was at war with Nazi Germany.

The Wall Street law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell employed both John Foster and Allan Dulles. Throughout the 1930s and the early 1940s, the Dulles brothers were busy cloaking Nazi ownership of numerous corporations and their cartel arrangements with I.G. Farben. Not only was their work treasonous in and of itself, it also delayed the production of war materials and munitions...

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@Linda Wood Thanks for that. I intend to read it in depth when time permits.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

arendt's picture

@on the cusp

for bringing up some facts I was unaware of. Geez, the Wall St. gang have been shits for more than a century.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Linda Wood

who financed and armed Hitler? After all, he didn't have the resources to go on his world domination plan if he hadn't had outside help for it.

The Bush family has been craven warmongers going back even before ole Prescott who should have been hanged for planning the military coup against Roosevelt. (?)

Linda, you made an excellent point last night when you said that Americans aren't seeing the heinous pictures of the devastation wrought by our wars including pictures of the people who we are killing. People were aware of this during WWII when they went to movie theaters and saw what was happening in the war theaters. We saw shock and awe, but people were more excited by that then upset.

Thanks for this article.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

Russia. The shit with Poland that brought the French and British into the war was not in the plan. The Americans waited until it was obvious that Germany was on it's himd legs due to the Russians before they entered the European theater. With Russia approaching Western Europe they no longer had any choice.

The Russian successes in WWII fucked up American and British plans for Eurasia big time. We are still living with the backlash to this very day. The US thought they finally had Russia on the mat in the 90's but Putin picked the country up and gave it back to the Russian people. Russians know this. That's why he enjoys 80% plus popularity ratings. It's also why TPTB in the west hate him with such a passion.

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arendt's picture

He was born rich and privileged (read "The Brothers") and spent his entire life trying (and succeeding) in tearing down democracy at home and abroad.

It can't be repeated enough that corporate lawyers ran US foreign policy (and, it seems, US bombing planning) right up to WW2. Then the corporate lawyers hired themselves to be the CIA, and that naive idiot Truman went right along with it.

Given that J Edgar Hoover was blackmailed by the mob, and himself kept a safe full of blackmail material on most of the political establishment, US intelligence in the modern era has been created by and run by socicopaths.

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mimi's picture


It can't be repeated enough that corporate lawyers ran US foreign policy (and, it seems, US bombing planning) right up to WW2

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Big Al's picture

They just pound and pound and pound until it becomes a fact of life. I've noticed even many on the left who know it's all theater using a caveat when discussing it, "I'm sure Russia did try to interfere, but. . ". Kind of like "I'm not a truther but . .". It shows how the conspiracy theory aspect has taken hold even on those that should know better.
But that's the insidiousness of propaganda.

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SnappleBC's picture

@Big Al

Although that depends on what you call "interference". Yes, both the Russian government and Russian citizens expressed opinions on the internet regard a US election. That's hardly surprising since the entire world does it. We are, after all, the dominant global power. Of COURSE everyone else cares what's going on in our politics.

In order for me to get excited about that interference I need to know how it is different than the norm. The Facebook stuff is hilarious since nobody ever would've called that the "norm" because it doesn't rise high enough to even matter. Had they in fact hacked the DNC and given documents to Wikileaks I might have a problem with the hacking part. I'd still care about the content of the documents but I don't approve of direct election meddling and intrusion into someone else's systems is a crime. So I'd want some sort of "Don't do that" message in that circumstance but the Democrats have abandoned that line entirely. Now we're onto Facebook and financial crimes.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

joe shikspack's picture

if you want to see how bad it can get in these united states, perhaps it would be a good thing to read up on woodrow wilson's fascist attack on the first amendment.

here's a pretty good short essay i found on the web.

if you want a better reference that covers many of the previous attempts of government and elite leadership to embrace fascism, i recommend geoffrey stone's "perilous times: free speech in wartime: from the sedition act of 1798 to the war on terrorism."

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arendt's picture

@joe shikspack

I would assume this law is still on the books, and Trump could use it any time he pleases.

the Espionage Act through Congress in 1917, making it a crime "to willfully cause or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty, in the military or naval forces of the United States," or to "willfully obstruct the recruiting or enlistment service" of the United States." It became a crime to "utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States, or the flag." The act also targeted those who might "urge, incite, or advocate any curtailment of the production in this country of any thing or things necessary or essential to the conduct of the war." In fact, the Espionage Act even made it illegal to teach, suggest, defend, or advocate any criticism of the government. The bill gave the Postmaster the right to refuse delivery of any periodical he deemed unpatriotic or critical of the administration. The Postmaster soon stopped delivery of virtually all publications and any foreign-language publication that hinted of dissent.

That is seriously authoritarian. At least when it was written, law enforcement was porous and relied on citizen cooperation - as the failure of Prohibition demonstrated. Today, after 20 years of building out a Stasi-like surveillance and a pile of SuperMax prisons, our militarized police are going to deal with any peep of dissent the instant the button is pushed. If you haven't got a "go bag" packed and a plan to head for the hills, you are going to be in big trouble.

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Steven D's picture

@arendt Has never come before the Supreme Court regarding its constitutionality other than the case involving the Pentagon Papers.

With the current court, I would fear for the first amendment if they did choose to take a case involving it, e.g. if Assange was ever extradited to the US and charged with violating the Espionage Act for publishing what Chelsea Manning sent to wikileaks. Of course, I suppose Assange would be sent to Guantanomo as an enemy combatant and never seen again if that ever happened. More likely, one day he will be assassinated by the CIA who will, of course blame Putin.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

History textbooks typically portray Woodrow Wilson as the leader that brought America through the tragedy of the First World War and as the leader who inspired the creation of the League of Nations.

What was the goal of the LoN?

The League of Nations was an intergovernmental organisation founded on 10 January 1920 as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War. It was the first international organisation whose principal mission was to maintain world peace. Its primary goals, as stated in its Covenant, included preventing wars through collective security and disarmament and settling international disputes through negotiation and arbitration.

Hmm, looks like it didn't meet its goal so the PTB decided to try again and keep the world from warring with each other.

The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization tasked to promote international cooperation and to create and maintain international order. A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations, the organization was established on 24 October 1945 after World War II with the aim of preventing another such conflict

Whoops, missed again by this much..


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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

mimi's picture

@joe shikspack

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Wink's picture

for some time now that WWII Nazis, (well, their progeny) have made bigly headway into the reigns of power inside the Beltway (if not the Halls of Congress themselves). Hence ultimate winners of "The Big One." You look at some of the yahoos in herr Donald Trump's admin and a bunch look straight from central casting for Hitler's inner circle.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

arendt's picture

Can anyone explain to me why Israel doesn't have a problem with our relationship with the Nazis after WWII? We brought the worst of the worst of them to this country and sheltered them from prosecution and recently installed them in Ukraine. I'd think that Israel and every Jewish congress member would be appalled by this.

Maybe the deal was that we looked the other way while Israel got the bomb to defend themselves; and we let them become partners in the domination of the world (Israeli spies and intelligence advisors all over Latin America.) In return, they would look the other way about our Nazis.

ON EDIT: Remember how the Israelis and the apartheid South Africans were good buddies, sharing nuclear secrets? I really am not sure if the Israelis are into anything but realpolitik. At this point, they have beaten any sympathy for themselves as Holocaust victims into the ground. The only point I take away now is that the Holocaust is what happens when you have rightwing headcases for leaders. So don't.

Until the last few years, Naziism was completely dead in the US and the EU; so the Israelis might have felt that "our Nazis" had just become good little neocons. I mean, America has never wavered in its defense of Israel in 70 years. No matter how apartheid-like they become, we keep supporting them.

Maybe its like the ending of Animal Farm, German fascists (4 legs) good, Isreali fascists (2 legs) better.

I'm just spitballing. It really is a good question.

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snoopydawg's picture


At this point, they have beaten any sympathy for themselves as Holocaust victims into the ground. .

I agree that sympathy is hard to give because of what the Israeli leaders have done to others and isn't it interesting that we don't have sympathy or any acknowledgment for the Hiroshima or Nagasaki victims of WWII? Or for the Vietnamese victims from the Vietnam war or for any of the other victims that have died from wars? Why do we only build memorials for the victims of the Holocaust and are they mostly for the Jewish ones?

3,000,000 Vietnamese died during our war which is close to half the numbers of Holocaust victims. We could add up all the number of people who have died from the all of the wars and build a memorial building, Wall or a statue for them. Just a thought.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture


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Excellent insights into how Nazi propaganda methods is informaing current Russiagate hysteria. I have been saying for a while that Russiagate has been echoing and directly using Nazi anti-Jewish narratives and imagery. Your essays shows the foundational system of propaganda. My interest was in the resulting particular imagery and particular narratives.

It all really starts with Nazi propaganda about the Jewish world wide conspiracy to undermine both Germany and the Western world. Yup, Elders of Zions!!!! One thing to note is that the Nazis thought that the Jewish world conspiracy was not just against Ayrans, but all of European "civilization". This is a theme constantly echoed in current anti-Russian hysteria. The Russians are not just after the US but all Western democracies. The plot line in both cases is universal in scope. For every problem of European society at the time of the real Nazis, there was some Jew behind it. I probably should have some quotes showing the parallelism....

In the way of particular images. For example, the Nazis used various animals to show the nature of the Jewish world wide conspiracy. One of them was the octupus. This is how The Economist rendered Putin just last month.


Now Nazi cartoon from around 1943.


Another one that could my eye was a democratic congresswoman comparing Putin to a spider.
From a blogger in New Zealand. I thought I remember one of the British mags showing
Putin as a spider, but not much time to look--sorry.


Now Nazi image of Jews as a spiders. Not sure when this was produced.


Now it maybe that insane conspiracy nuts focus on the same obvious animals. Nobody is going to use a kangaroo to show a great conspiracy. Probably because they are cute, but octupus and spiders are repellent.

Now, one thing about what I have read about Nazi propaganda, there is definitely a nexus between Jews and Russians (Slavic peoples). When Nazis said "bolsheviks" it was always meant to mean Jews also.

There are other parallels as the Nazis thought of Russia as a mongrel backward nation of subhumans. John McCain has described Russia as "'gas station masquerading as a country'. The portrayal of Russia among establishment comedies shows Russia as a backward nation. SNL has used a character called Olya Povlatsky as their version of a black face minsterel figure to make fun of Russian society.

These are public figures, but go into the comments section of Russian conspiracy postings, and you will see full force about Russian inferiority to rival the Nazis. And of course, every German in the 1930s would have understood Clapper's comments about Russians be genetically predisposed toward basically criminality. Rep. Lieu had a twitter entry about his kid asking if Trump is a Russian because he is a bad man.

(BTW, a few years ago the Russians had a furious debate about what Russian authors high schoolers need to have read to graduate. Should in fact, they be required to have read War and Peace was required in Soviet times. Yup, backward people. Can't help write about this but....In the 70's in high school, college bound students had to take an economics course. We of course explored the various "isms", and then a major paper comparing the fruits of the various "isms". Basically everybody wrote the same paper attacking the Soviet Union about the inefficient farming system, etc. But one curious fact that was officially take as a sign of an inferior Soviet system was that 70% of their doctors were women. No shit.)

Anyway, great essay. In fact, I would say that the democrats and the mass media are creating in essence a virtual online version of the Elders of Zion, only now it is the Russians. Oh, another BTW, the founder of the Columbia graduate school of journalism made his name during the Red Scare by taking the Protocols and subsituting communists for Jews. (It may have been Russian communists--can't remember.)

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arendt's picture


Now, one thing about what I have read about Nazi propaganda, there is definitely a nexus between Jews and Russians (Slavic peoples). When Nazis said "bolsheviks" it was always meant to mean Jews also.

There are other parallels as the Nazis thought of Russia as a mongrel backward nation of subhumans. John McCain has described Russia as "'gas station masquerading as a country'. The portrayal of Russia among establishment comedies shows Russia as a backward nation.

I didn't want to bring that in, because it would have made the essay even longer. Thanks for making that connection. Also, loved the comparison of the propaganda images.

BTW, the founder of the Columbia graduate school of journalism made his name during the Red Scare by taking the Protocols and subsituting communists for Jews. (It may have been Russian communists--can't remember.)

Seriously? Wow, that a "professional" journalist would stoop so low. The McCarthy era was so disgusting and braindead. Looks like we are having a rerun.

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@arendt @arendt Misspoke. Ackerman was the first dean of the school. He was instrumental in the first years of the school. Not sure where he was a "founder".

"Carl William Ackerman (January 16, 1890 in Richmond, Indiana[1] – October 9, 1970 in New York City)[2] was an American journalist, author and educational administrator, the first dean of the Columbia School of Journalism. In 1919, as a correspondent of the Public Ledger of Philadelphia, he published the first excerpts of an English translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but changed the text so that it appeared to be a Bolshevist tract.

In 1931, he was appointed as the director and first dean of the newly established School of Journalism at Columbia University. He was instrumental in developing the school through its first two decades, as he served in that position until 1954.

In 1931 Ackerman was recruited to serve as the director and, later, as the first dean, of Columbia University's School of Journalism, which was established by an estate gift of Joseph Pulitzer, a major publisher in Saint Louis and New York City.

edit. added clarification and more quoted text.

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It does look like Nazi/Fascist (basically anything to advance the MIC) philosophy of scapegoating won the ideological (or psychological/subliminal) war.
A current look at US propaganda is exhibit A.

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Mike Taylor

mimi's picture

all those psychoanalysts, who manipulated the masses with their research results and follow-up programs.

Psychoanalysts are the enemy, they deserve to be manipulated, let's do it ! /s

Well, it's just too much up-side down, down-size up and all the mess in between. Need to rest my brain and move my bones.

I have to read this again. It's too awful, in a good sense.

0 users have voted.

we have to get it out there.
check link, please.

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CB's picture

Unfortunately, $80 billion was added to the war budget in 2018.

With the recent announcement of new Russian weapons, I expect at least $100 billion to be added next year.

Oops, this just in.

CIA warns of extensive Chinese infiltration of American institutions
American intelligence is now paranoid that China is spreading Communist propaganda and spying on US

The CIA has issued a classified report detailing China’s far-reaching foreign influence operations campaign in the United States, which imparts financial incentives as leverage to permeate American institutions.

We will have to add an additional $50 billion. Those starving people will just have to wait a few more years. We have our priorities. We need to first protect the homeland from the starving hoards.

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to re-read the labels on our bras and underpants. It could be the Chinese labels are coded messages designed to undermine our faith in democracy. I wouldn't put it past them.

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lotlizard's picture

and nobody says a thing.

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CB's picture

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Big Al's picture

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Creosote.'s picture

It's an honor to be able to be this close to the strength of your thought

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WaterLily's picture

And the comments as well.

I've copied the link into Facebook (without actually posting it), and removed it, at least four times already. I've done the same in an email to specific individuals.

I want desperately for people to (pardon me) WAKE THE FUCK UP, but I've lost hope that anyone outside C99 would even take the time to read this and engage in some critical introspection. Plus, I'll just get called a Putin-loving Russian stooge. Again.

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wendy davis's picture

i've covered anti-russian psyops and agitprops since my days at my.firedoglake (the readers diaries), to the disturbance of many. at the café, i'd featured a piece at the guardian that amounted to a glorification of the 'freedom fighting russian nationalists' in ukraine, showing their shields and uniforms adorned with wolf's angels, etc. some women, too, as i remember it.

robert parry at consortium news (may he rest in power) covered it all a lot, including an exposé showing that the house of representatives finally having to admit that the US was funding 'neo-nazis'. during my.fdl days, i paid a lot of attention to graham phillips on the ground, and after i'd read that 'amerika' was sending lethal anti-tank missiles to ukraine, i found him again. now i'm not saying that his newish films aren't as biased as the kyiv posts were, like: "we toured ukraine w/ cameras; do you see any nazis here...or here?"

kyiv post's 'ukraine' tab.

i do recall that after having hosted 'russian apologist' prof.stephen cohen a number of times, democracy now began hosting the little prick from the kyiv post and his ilk, much like they lauded the psyop 'white helmets', as did the intercept. pfffft.

anyhoo, these are from graham phillips. oh, and the key proxy war there, i think, is that crimea has russia's only warm water port at sevastapol, although aren't they using one in syria? i've forgotten. and greece (tsipra) just turned their ports over to...the US imperium.

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