OT ~ Welcome to Saturday Morning!


on swinging porch

where tin-dippers and

sweet water

in cool touches

meet lips

from hand dug wells.

Good morning good people!

Damn, lost that poem with a wrong move of one finger; anyways, a chameleon visited on the back porch this week, sharing colors.

Another placeholder.

Morning music:

Have a great day.

The floor is yours!

PS: a belated thank you for all you who sent love, greetings and best wishes last Saturday as i was covered up, still am.

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Those pictures are from long, long ago.

Momma deer is raising her baby deer, twins, in our backyard again this year. They are so cute and so pesty. If they would just stop eating our damn flowers.

My grandson has decided to stay in Sweden. He is interviewing for a job as a Researcher with the Swedish Environmental Institute, and he is interviewing for a PhD at Stockholm University. I don't know which one he will pick, but he will pick one of them. It is a great opportunity for him, but I worry about him so far away. All anyone will know about his well being is what he chooses to share, and it would take many, many hours to reach him should he need someone. Thank god for Facebook and face time. It does a lot to bridge the divide.

Sorry you lost your poem Smiley.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

smiley7's picture

@dkmich @dkmich
Don't have the hang of publishing in advance, yet, this isn't showing up in open threads; no biggie, maybe next time.

Sweden is marvelous as is your grandson; time for you to visit Europe!

Lots of deer here at Mom's and she attracted a stray cat, been feeding her of late and she lets me touch her, a little, named her Sadie. She needs medical attention for ear wounds and mange and i'm concerned about her future welfare when I'm gone.

Still trying to move a mountain, making progress...

Humid as hell today.

edit for sp

Have great day and cheers for being here.

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Your tag is open thread , not morning thread.

Ask JTC to schedule your next morning ot. He can access your stuff and help you out. You will really like not having to do anything but show up when you get there.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon



I hope he enjoys it.

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Arrow's picture

Hope your having a wonderful morning.
Sunny here in Cuenca EC. It will be nice and warm here today.
I might go for a walk by the river.

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I want a Pony!

smiley7's picture

love to learn more about where you live, always a pleasure to see you, enjoy the river!

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riverlover's picture

I am very slowly trying to get my house in order after 4 months of health disruption, which unfortunately looms ahead as well, with facial surgery and mucho dental work. I am working through loads of laundry, trying to get back to a night schedule for that: electric dryer and night rate (electricity nearly half-price!) means I should dry during the night. That limits me to two loads a day, one resting wet in the dryer, and one washed in the washer.

I have yet to get any plants in the ground. More that half are deceased. A bust of the year. I still have seeds to go in. And things like a sedum mat.

I am also desperately going through months of mail; my new car registration should be here...

A beautiful day here. Hope it is for all!

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

smiley7's picture

so good to see you! You know, between our challenges one might think that the Book of Job
is a Grimm's fairy tale.

Plants, oh dear, my window sill ones must be perished as I've been gone from home 20 days, now.

Please keep on trucking and enjoy your day.

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I'll take twenty-two.

Thanks for the thread, smiley!

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studentofearth's picture

Been there, done that with my parents and grandparents. Always more complicated and emotionally draining than anticipated. Been keeping you and your mother in my mind. Sending strength and emotional calmness. Take care.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Love the poetry, thanks smiley7. Can a poem ever really be lost? Maybe it just disappeared for a while, and will reappear again some other day. Hope so.
There can never be too much about PEACE I hope.
Conference page: http://www.unacconference2017.org/
Video playlist so far: https://www.youtube.com/user/OVOCVideos/videos
Welcome video: UNAC Conference 2017 - Welcoming Remarks by UNAC Members & Allies
I did not know there was an "official" John Lennon Fan Channel, lol right on! No google account so I can't "subscribe", just listening can be good too I guess.
John Lennon-Power To The People-Offical Video-HQ
Thanks a lot to the person linked the Putin interviews, I watched all four yesterday. I HEART PUTIN! lol I hope that doesn't make people mad, but I totally fall for words of peace and cooperation, rather than violence and competition. If only some Amerikan had the guts to rein in the greed of oligarchy here, even a little bit. That would be great.
Thanks, I think? To the person who linked or mentioned the HyperNormalisation video. It is really messing with my mind right now, par for the course ha!. The Aladdin computer framework comes to mind reading the recent great essay on Computerized Capitalism. Aladdin runs 7% of the global economy because why not.
Long live C99, much appreciated.
Peace & Love

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MarilynW's picture

I love the imagery. Thank you for being here.

Here's one of my latest.
The colour panels are supposed to be floating on top of the black lines. I wanted them to look moveable. I painted this after cataract surgery as a celebration. I can see blue like never before.

Striped Column2-2.jpg

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To thine own self be true.

enhydra lutris's picture

one tag, preferably the first one, that says "open thread", without quotes. Thanks for the OT.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --