New York Times Covering Up Fact that Dems are NOT trying to lower Drug Prices.
Both the title and content of this article gives the mistaken impression that Dems (actually neither party is) on the side of consumers on drug pricing. which are framed as "intellectual property" a legal fiction made up by us, to stealing science from the world. Science is everybody's birthright. This has come at a huge cost in millions, countless numbers of human lives. NY Times should know, in better days they covered this story.
Trying to save "consumers" money? That is simply not true! They are crooks, trying to raise prices as I understand it in the early 90s (right when HRC was prtending to be tryiung to rig healthcare with the Blue Dog farce.. Seems obvious now or should seem obvious, knowing about the Uruguay Round negotiations, that that was what some call cover your ass behavior. If the truth were to come out, but it didnt..a deal was made that we make certain concessions for example, market access to potentially millions of (now, allegedly) "unwanted" soon to be vanishing US entry level technical-professional and midlevel jobs (See Blinder for the staggering percentage of jobs at risk) WERE SENDING AN ABSOLUTELY GENOCIDAL MESSAGE that the poor dont matter - remember we will all be poor soon so we'll be treated like we treat others.. See Fire in the Blood. Maybe 30 million - mostly innocent children died for absolutely no reason, in the 1990s dueing a Democratic Administration, while a cure was available.. while other countries, via the WTO give us what we wanted on issues like drug pricing and so called "intellectual property" (which is a legal fiction, it is not a natural thing, countries have to be convinced the benefits to them from other things, like entry level jobs their wealthy want to go to their just graduated children, top keep the ruling elites in power. make the trade worth it. See "Fire in the Blood" for an incredible true story on the AIDS drug cost issue.. Its easy to find trailers online, watch them.
Most Americans think that when they go looking for jobs they are competing with 350 million other Americans no 7.5 billion other potential candidates.
That difference is why foreign wealthy invest huge sums here, in order to get huge profits due to our lack of financial sophistication and lack of financial service regulation (we're against it ion principle) investor visas.. We also froze FSRs (financial services regulations) in 1998, so any new FSRs are doomed if they are challenged before the WTO. Like the much hyped ACA for example, will run into the Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services. And restore obscene profitability to insurers, Free Money, they will be able todump patients retroactively, claw back the profits, when they make claims. "Post claim underwriting" is called. Insurance Europe had much on the standstill, before I pointed people to them. They scrubbed it. They dont want you to know what TISA does. YOU, the American people are being massively conned by tghe ultra rich. Its not a great Republican Conspiracty as Hillary Clinton opined, as her husband was figuring out a way toi nullify his second term and cheat the American people out of a victory, the first in a chain of similar dishonest tricks to nullify democracy.. She was a globalist and that is hat they want, nullification of what they call "majoritarianism". Remember that. They hate us. They hate real Democrats. And democracy.
Social Security and Medicare will run into the Annex on Financial Services and likely be dismantled. Open your eyes kiddies!
Well imagine if all you needed to be able to spend a few years in the US and apply for a green card was a job working for an international corporation, where you would be a virtual slave for that time. Because after all yir entire family's future depended on this scheme which was ionly available to people like you with lots of dough-re-me. IS that democracy? No.
Free trade? You can even legally bribe corporations to give you a job and perhaps even lie so you dont even have to show up. you pay for the reference, They let you work for that time, for whatever you agreed on. Even nothing. If you are young and pretty you may even have to (removed) After all, your whole future depends on playing their game.
US requires your company pay a legal US wage now, but that requirement is being challenged, I am pretty certain, by the country that is also challenging other aspects of US policy on "temporary movement of natural persons" as the program is called officially. . Its much more than they say in the public docs. Those filings are not public. They should be asked to provide them,. That subject is news worthy, New York Times. You are going to have to answer to a whole generation of young people, why you turned a blind eye to the theft of their futures.
Stop printing the spoon fed propaganda to cover up this scheme. Where is the public interest you are flushing down the drain? a WTO suit thats not public so its subject matter is largely hidden (hint, its not about visa fees, its about quotas and other things like whether we have a right to make them pay US (higher) (minimum US wages) to allegedly "high skiilled" employees temporarily here than they do to any other or their employees back at home except executive management. Around $9/hour. This country has been described repeatedly in the financial press as missing a middle class because wages are so low. A capitalists wet dream. That low. Thats the future they want for us here. They have yet to fund public educatioin for girls fully. GATS seems intended to destroy public education at all levels. Thats what we are stainding for, all around the world. Open your eyes New York Times.
So you can see why foreign temping companies can offer "three employees for the price of one"? That is their pitch. Ive received it.
Its the same with drugs. The elites of the US are pushing a global agenda thats targeting the US middle class. for economic destruction. They are basically like an abusive parent pimping "their": family out to be raped by all sorts of foreign corporations for the most they can get. Politicians who claim to represent us (This is a form of identity theft) Are doing everything they can to pad their pockets while they can by selling off our rights and running up huge debts we'll never be able to repay in our names. This is what trade deals are all about my friends. The super-rich milking their status "for all its worth".
Even the ones who seem like nice regular guys, are doing this. They are probably getting ready for an economic crash where they can buy up dozens of distressed families homes at foreclosure sales and flip them. Or buy partment buildings from stable owner, and engage in harassment campaigns to drive all the tenants out, for easy money when they sell the buildings empty of tenants for a fat profit from redevelopment. While collecting government subsidies to assist in the cost of tearing the last affordable housing in cities down. With your money.
Look at the price of Prilosec, for example,. it used to cost hundreds of dollars a month when it was protected by patent, Several dollars a pill. Now it is OTC and costs a hundredth of that. The only reason drugs are so expensive is because the American people are so gullible and stupid and let them.. Thats it. I hope you all enjoy dying of cancers caused by endocrine disruption, unable to buy even the old anti-cancer drugs, which you ALREADY paid for with your tax money, anmd being lied to by papers like the New York Times which aggressively suppress the truth about the reasons why drugs cost so much. Your jobs being traded away for "what we want" these murderous policies on imaginary rights that shouldnt exist.
ALL Science should belong to everybody. Its our birthright. They are racing against time trying to steal everything before people realize this, wile creating dozens of health nightmares which are going to be insanely expensive to clean up, they plan to dump them in our laps. While selling off all of our jobs. People who fall for this are going to wise up when the average lifespan falls to 40 from people dying young from all sorts of EDC caused cancers.. Thats why they dont want poor people to have decent medical care.
The cost is astronomical in Europe where people can afford healthcare because of the regulations and subsidized healthcare and other services trade deals like GATS (trades away jobs and sanctions once-public services, its a deal to privatize everything, in essence. and TRIPS (the bad deal on drug prices) .. It will be the same or worse here, (our laws on many of these chemicals are nonexistent, all sorts of plastics in common use are EDCs. New regulations ion many areas are prevented, for example, the ACA breaks the standstill, so can and likely will be rolled back resetting the insurance rules to their 1998 levels..) The NY Times would never tell people that was the real reason its being challenged, as you see they are trying to make our future losses seem explainable under the dishonest web of lies they are weaving. All of this is easy to document, and its not secret, nomatter what they try to convince people that it is. It couldnt be. Adverse possession of the entire world would require we have it rubbed in our faces, the theft would have to be open and notorious to work, to bind us. And we would have to realistically have some way to challenge it, some standing in some court somewhere.. But this system has been designed to exclude we the people out. In other words, its treason. That is the real treason. So what? Those with the gold rule now?
This is a theft of the whole world by the slickest thieves in the world. Face reality kiddies. Now do you see how they do this?