Meteor Blades' take on things all California Primaries, Sanders and Trump
Submitted by mimi on Tue, 06/07/2016 - 1:38pm
Well, I don't know. As you are so concerned to ever click on TOS, all I can do is pointing you to his diary. I was waiting to read what he would finally say. Somehow what I expected. He is the only FP writer on TOP who at least writes in support of Sanders and in support of movement clinging still to the Democratic Party to change it from within. He sticks to his guns.
Trump is a blessing. Together we should trample his candidacy and rebuild the Democratic Party
In the end of his essay he goes into some details worth knowing for know-nothings like me.

More of the more and better democrats drivel.
Dogcatchers first. Then the PTA. If we don't get democrats heading the PTA's, this country is going down man.
The little CIA dude's right hand man has been pushing that shit forever. I can remember a couple "lectures" he tried to give me while he supported the war party's wars.
If this fucking place is going to turn into a democratic party blog, let me know now so I can quit wasting my time.
well, one can just say that a little nicer, but
he is an old socialist democrat embedded in the Democratic Party, no doubt about it. And for many that's not anymore enough of a view point to have. If I were to join a party in the US (which I can't, because I am not allowed to vote), I wouldn't join the Democratic Party. I probably would just not vote or work for some smaller party. The fact that with your system that kind of vote for a third party doesn't make a difference, is the system's fault. And to understand that in the US you never can have system changes is just too discouraging. I am dreaming to leave to other countries, where at least you have a normal democratic electoral system. That's after 34 years being in the US. These thoughts started in 2000 and grew stronger in the last six years, culminating during this election cycle.
MB sticks to his guns, I would throw those guns away and march to other pastures. But all of YMMV.
I am still waiting, because it's easy to underestimate the American people. May be they can prove me wrong.
But then, I still can't believe that it really will come to Trump being the nominee. I have in my guts civil unrest coming up and that will lead to unpredictable outcomes.
Sorry mimi,
nothing directed at you. I'm glad you brought this up actually. MB is just promoting the same old shit he's always promoted, the democratic party and lesser evilism and he's flat out stating that people should vote for war criminal Clinton because she's the lesser evil. That's pretty wild coming from someone who claims to be the second coming of Cesar Chavez. That's nothing new either as he's supported Obama and supported Obama and Clinton's war in Libya. In fact he was one of the biggest cheerleaders (we must kill Gaddafi!).
No, he gave me one too many lectures to get any nice from me.
we sometimes disagree Big Al, but I agree 100% with you on this
one. The idea that we should vote for a war criminal because Our War Criminal is less evil than Your War Criminal is beyond ridiculous as an attempt at logical argument. And all we will get out of voting for The Less Evil War Criminal is MORE WAR and it will be our children and grandchildren who will do the dying. The children of the War Criminals, both the children of the More Evil War Criminal and the children of the Less Evil War Criminal will be safe and sound in their nice comfortable gilded beds.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
it's ok, Al, just tried to "tone" it down, as JtC would say,
I know it was not directed at me. I can follow your thoughts and emotions quite well and have no problem with you expressing them as you feel you have to.
I missed of course as well how you and he got "in each other's way". I became aware of you just here and not from TOP so much. No worries.
I just have to go through the motions of getting over my past in the US and having been a reader on dailykos was a long and time intensive part of it. I just want to get through it and put it behind me.
Mimi, are you Trix on TOS?
Just wondering.
OMG, who is Trix? I was mimi on TOS and stay that way. /nt
what made you think mimi might be Trix? That's a bit insulting.
lol, I am so old that I forget and mix up people all the time
I would have to go back to TOS to look up Trix to remind myself who she was and what she writes. I have no appetite to do so. Sorry for having made a mess with my diary.
Just saying, my brain is losing power and I like to slowly walk away from everything at TOS or here. It just doesn't do me any good. There is a time for everything.
Trix is a he,
and a complete a-hole famous for snotty dumps in diaries and "eyeroll" comments.
He got called out by kos even for an dickish remark, and Trix is a Clinton supporter. He also writes the Sunday Talk diaries under the name Silly Rabbit. Kos took that privilege away from him, and banned Silly Rabbit, but last I was there he continued to post it on the right column under the Trix name with recent diaries. I haven't been there in awhile.
Scott owes an explanation and apology.
lol, I am definitely a she, so something ain't working ...
listen, if someone would have "fired" me from TOS, I guess I wouldn't have cried for a long time. The couple of comments I got that really "made me feel angry" were not of a sort that would have allowed anyone to get fired for or fire me.
What is happening here, is, that I am a the guinea pig on which you can experience the negative impact on an average person, who is not an activist, not involved in party politics, but nevertheless addicted to learn from blogs, here and over at TOP. I am a long time reading, lurking, venting and gasping outsider older woman, who just couldn't keep up with all of it.
I think the experiment gave a clear cut result to those who happen to see me reacting over the years. To me the experiment has come to an end and the results are negative. So, let's say it's just my way of getting out. My brain is not what it was when I started out.
In other words, I don't need an apology, because I didn't understand I was insulted.
Mimi - you are no Trix, and we like you being here.
People just misunderstand each other sometimes, which isn't surprising, considering we are all trying to communicate anonymously and in writing.
What is TOS, anyway? That other shit? eom
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Scott Crowder, I hope this kind of mean name-calling
Is out of bounds here. You just called another c99er the worst kind of troll. Shame on you!
2nd worst troll, I think BBB takes the cake, not in quantity
but in shear divisive trolling masked as sincere thought.
Putting on my moderator hat
I am one of the moderators here. We encourage a free exchange of ideas here as long as we are respectful to one another.
Your comment to mimi, who is a long time member here, is starting to cross that line. It would be very helpful if you would apologize to her and avoid similar comments in the future. Thank you.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
mimi is as far from Trix as anyone I know...
I agree GG. We need to remember our tone. As JtC would say, "please tone it down".
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
WTF? I hope we can express an array of progressive opinions
without being accused of being Trix, for heaven's sake. That's like being accused of being Hill or Trump.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I am disappointed in Tim
He's putting lipstick on a pig in that diary.
There is no uniting with the Clintons and establishment Dems.
It's as if the last year never happened and we should all hop on the #imwithherbus down Bribery Lane, turn right at Corruption Avenue and watch the fireworks show broadcast live from Damascus and Tehran. Oh and don't forget to buy your ticket for the bunny hop in the Lincoln bedroom. Buy in bulk. Sorry no refunds or exchanges.
But seriously, there is no kiss and makeup to be done here. She and Bill have been too vile, too dishonest and too brazen. A Hillary presidency will be a disaster for the country. Trump doesn't want to be a dictator he just wants to look like one on TV. HRC on the other hand ...
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
At least Trump has a more overt, Dr. Evil sort of evilness
At least there will be the occasional chuckle as we suffer under Trump's evilness. Hillary's evilness is just pure ugliness with no entertainment value what so ever.
Beware the bullshit factories.
NO, MB revealed that for all his posturing he is a DNC Democrat
Betrayed. By. Him. I thought his silence after 3/15, even though he would write some things in support of Sanders, was telling. He is a company man, through and through.
Done. with. him.
Precisely Dave:
I couldn't agree with you more. Which one of the front runners has decimated voting rights and committed election fraud on a wholesale scale? Not Trump from what we know.
What did her model say:
I am so, so livid today that I could spit.
And MB betrayed us. Pure and simple. He was like an organization's 'token black', being DK's 'token progressive' but at heart he is a corporate man. "Please Sir, may I have some more?"
Sea Turtle
I like being told to eff off.
It makes my day juicy.
It's a rah rah let's all agree to rebuild the party from the
Bottom up
If I hadn't heard that same message for the last 40 years it might resonate but I have so it doesn't
Orwell was an optimist
ok, so it's money. Let's ask and answer: Why money?
they have it, we don't. So how do we get around that obstacle?
Why is money so important, even in local politics? What does it do? Can we achieve the same effect in some other way?
I think we can, but we have to have a lot of serious dedication
by volunteers. We can spread a lot of message through social media, reach the majority of young people like we never could before; but then we need phone banking and door to door for people who don't do social media.
Money, OTOH, provides paid advertising. So to get along without that, I think the above would do it. We are in better shape than a few years ago when social media was not a thing. I think it's why young people were for Bern when decreasing numbers were for him at older demographics.
There are now 75 million millennials between 18 and 34, out of a population of about 300 million, so if every millennial would convince four older people to vote third party, we have the whole country.
Big if, I know. But at least we can reach everybody without too much sweat.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I'm with you Steven
The way I look at it goes like this. If I vote for clinton, if she truly is the lesser, then I condone election fraud, rigging and voter suppression. I condone the influence of big money in campaigns. I condone fracking and wasting the environment. I condone the overthrow of lawful governments. I condone the murder of activists in these countries. I condone putting our national security at risk. I condone war. I've always respected Tim but if he is saying we should vote for her then he's condoning clintons actions plain and simple.
Not me. I will never vote for her. She is dangerous.
Sloganism, but…revealing.
From Sanders perspective - he is 'with the people'.
From Clinton's perspective, she expects the people to 'be with her'.
Does position exist to provide the people with freedom (and fairness, and opportunity, etc.) - re: Sanders being WITH THE PEOPLE
Or do the people exist to provide Hillary Clinton with position re: The people being WITH HER).
Same old MB milquetoast.
Just another way of saying "keep your powder dry".
Sorry MB, but my differences with the MSM declared nominee and the Dem party hacks supporting her are far too profound for me to suppress, and I'll be damned if I bite my tongue against the blatant corruption and illegality I have witnessed just this election cycle, let alone over the past 25 years.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
"suppress... chill... bite our tongues...."
Please people don't paste in any more. I can't take it.
They're sparing us the odium of having to actually go to TOP.
You can always take yourself elsewhere here on good ol' c99p, OLinda.
At least, here on c99p, there are such "elsewheres" to go!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
"Surpress" is particularly apt...
given the obscene amount of voter suppression the party apparatchiks have engaged in this cycle.
That alone is enough for me to suppress my vote for Hillary, if and when I ever am ever again confronted with her name on a ballot.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I use my sawblade when I go hacking.
Although I like the term "party hack," it sounds fun. I guess voting for Hillary brought me to the party
What if I don't think Trump is any worse than Hillary?
I don't really see why I should care. Both shitty, hard to tell which is less shitty.
I can't believe people can think that the corrupt, cowardly Democratic Party can be saved. It's done. Put a fork in it. If they pick Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, then they cannot be helped. You can't fix stupid.
I once bought into the MB hype. He privately wrote me at the POS and asked me, as a favor, to only write two diaries, maximum, a day. I said, OK, he's an incredibly respected person that's trying to help me out, so I will. Then he sat by as Hillary writers wrote multiples more than that, I was TO'd multiple times for dubious reasons, trolls set me up and faked a sock account to get me banned, and MB didn't lift a finger.
I'm sure MB is a nice guy, but the god-like stature that some give him? I don't see it. If he's a warrior for justice and fairness, he didn't show it to me. In fact, it appears that I got played by him to assist Napoleon.
I judge people by their walk, not their talk. Therefore, meh. I have a long list of people I respect more - and luckily, most of them are here.
it was very hard for me to understand his positions for a long
time. I respected him for other reasons than his political view points. Basically for the way he tried to moderate TOP back in the days and for his straight forward reporter skills. He is a professional more than an activist beyond his role in the Democratic Party, I think. And he tried to be fair to people. That's something to respect.
But I guess I missed a lot of things. There was a time when I started missing him taking positions. He was silent on too much stuff. And he showed some authoritarian impulses. After that I was too annoyed about how the site became a mouthpiece for Obama supporters and then for Clinton supporters and the way the site handled racial, ethnic and identity conflicts. It became just too much for me to handle. I guess I just didn't realize that it was a "Democratic Party" blog. I couldn't stand Markos writing and couldn't understand why people would be willing to write with such dedication for this blog. Sorry for not understanding it. It's hard. I was not raised in this system and didn't understand much of the culture and history. A long learning process on a blog that may not have been the best tool for learning for me.
But who cares. These were very strange 13 years of blog reading. I hope I have not annoyed anybody with this short piece to link back to TOP. I have to admit that I don't quite understand that you really believe it makes a difference to click on a couple of links there or not.
we care
Mimi, this is the gist of it. We care enough to discern the difference between progress and regression. So yes, when you ask who cares, we do!
question everything
Hey mimi
these last 16 years have been strange days for a lot of us. I don't vilify MB but he has become a caricature of an old lefty rad that that sold out. I like him but pay him no attention whatsoever as he has abandoned his roots culturally and politically. I hope he does get another job perhaps he could find his way back home. Sad to read a smart person who understands what's going on and yet has ended up selling a political brand that is harmful to people and the planet and disenfranchises the voters regardless of their demographic.
yes, indeed, very strange, I had too many strange
days in my life, I need to walk away.
Hi Mimi,
For me, now, all the wonderful people are here. they used to be there, too. Then great people who already lived here let us in.YMMV
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
oh, you misunderstand, I like ALL the people here,
I do not want to walk away because I don't like the site or the people, I need to walk away for helping my brain to get rest and recover and do other things with it. That's all.
This election season is
imho opinion the culmination of the strange strange days we have all here lived through since the Bush selection. I too looked through the looking glass of dkos for 10 long years for reality and a way to stop this insane slide into a ???, whatever this beast is. It's good to rest sometimes and let your mind run free. I too get caught up in the the pull that emanate from my ten years of thinking that dkos and the Democratic party was in reality democratic and a way to get some semblance of representation and common good restored and the universal rules of law restored. I now am trying to get my brain out of this defeatist anti-democratic trap. So take it easy there is no need to be sucked into the online dueling inbred battle of persona and squabbling over who is what and what is right left or center. It's Chinatown writ large. Bejeesus I hope this house pf cards falls on it's own unwieldy weight. Meanwhile recover your beautiful mind woman.
What a wonderful comment!
Perfect Shaz!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
[edited]Shaharazade, thank you so much,
and thanks to ALL of you, Shaz your comments have continuously encouraged me and helped me to keep my sanity.
It's "the day after" early in the morning of the 8th, 2016 and I feel that what I feel is none of your business. So I erased the rest of the comment.
TOP Makes $$ From Our Clicks
I won't go there any more. Not simply for the financial support I would be giving, implicitly, but the place has become a veritable cesspool of nasty comments. It is no longer the community it once was. I have felt a deep sense of betrayal with the 15 March Edict. Fool me once...Ten years is a tough habit to break. Fortunately c99 is here and is beginning to feel like home. I am immensely grateful for the efforts it took to get it up and running and making us all feel so welcome.
Oh, no, mimi. No annoyances with you.
Sorry if it seemed that way.
some adore him, some don't like him Me, meh
You are not the first person to say they dont like or trust him.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
He'd be worse..... but that may be what it takes.
When i was a Labor business manager i was a pain in the ass to our members about not becoming so complacent about labor rights, conditions and Strength: "Don't take it for granted just because you're generations removed from the mortal struggle it took to gain these rights."
Well .... we lost it. And it's going to be a real fight to get it back and to the wider issue of democracy it's going to be the same.
Yes, it's already bad for many of us, but not bad enough to motivate a critical mass. Motivated to get off the couch and get in the streets.
So yeah, Trump would be the larger disaster, but that might be the only thing that gets the sheeple away from television propaganda and shopping for shit they can't afford and don't need.
21st Century America: The distracted, superficail perception of a virtual reality.
I believe Trump would be such a disaster that no
other country would accept him as a US President. I don't believe it would ever work. I mean it's just too unbelievable to accept that the US would be represented by such a character for any Western Europe country to get along with. I don't see it happening.
But what do I know.
I might think the same thing
if we hadn't already witnessed George W. I sure get your point though.
the difference now is that the US is involved in
so many more places militarily and has caused a tsunami of refugee movements that GW military activities seems more like a locally contained hurricane without the drowning effect of flooding in whole different areas in other countries, which occur now and can just be expected to spread more and more.
If at least the US could pull itself together and move their military out of other countries' territories.
I'm pretty sure that's what we all want, Mimi.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Germany and the Netherlands followed George W. into Afghanistan.
I’m sorry, but I cannot understand the idea that Trump would be any worse a ruler than the royals of Saudi Arabia, whom the world’s leaders are happy to kowtow to.
Obama, world leaders head to Saudi Arabia to offer condolences
Many kings, dictators, and “strongmen” propped up by the United States and NATO are a combination of clownish and horribly brutal.
There is so much authoritarian evil already inherent in the status quo and much of it is expanding totally unchecked. We’re kidding ourselves if we think we can just project our spiritual shadows all on Trump.
Once upon a time I was convinced...
that no other country would accept St. Ronnie...
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Trump might be a good disaster to have
Come 2020, with the census and the Republicans itching for 10 more years of gerrymandered districts, we might be very thankful that Trump won the election over Hillary because the backlash could actually undo much of the damage of the past 40 years.
I just disagree-FYI I am posting this as a diary now too
I know this lesser of two evils argument is hated around here, and rightfully so. But I still feel I can make the case that if the #PoliticalRevolution can ONLY have Clinton or Trump this year, and Bernie does not go independent, that it IS MUCH better for the movement to have a President Clinton than a President Trump. I will never tell anyone they SHOULD vote for HRC, especially if they view their vote as a pure expression of their beliefs. However, personally, and this is just me (he said putting up his hands like Vince Vaughn might) , I look at a vote as a strategic choice. Strategically, it is MUCH better to have Clinton. Here is why.
1. The Supreme Court-This is obviously the heart of most lesser of two evils arguments, which makes it a hated device amongst the left, which it should be. The thing is, we hate it because it works, and it works because it has to. Anybody who understands politics understands that the Court is key because of it's power, but also because bad picks last a lifetime, and they do damage. If you don't understand what Scalia, Rheinquist, et al, along with the Federalist Society have done to this country, then you probably won't buy this argument.
That damage is not so easily undone.
2. Power begets power. Anybody living in a red state will tell you that as soon as the GOP gets any real power they start fucking shit up right away, Flint style, Scott Walker Style, Kansas Tax Cut style, Texas Abortion Style, etc. But also, through politicizing of every sector of government, and downright using their positions of authority to straight up cheat, the GOP finds ways to get MORE power and make it MUCH harder for the Movement to gain traction.
Right now, the GOP has the House, Senate, states, and half the court. Trump is no run of the mill Republican, but HE WILL DO WHAT THEY WANT except on pet issues. And protecting rights and NOT expanding power exponentially is not one of his pet issues. GOP full control is a scary thing. The Iraq War, and a lot of other bad shit, happened the last time that was true.
3. My most original argument:
If Trump is President, WE FIGHT HIM. BUT,
there will be violent youth riots, which will bring a police crackdown and suburban backlash. This is the WORST thing that could happen to the left.
If Clinton is President, WE FIGHT HER. BUT,
the youth will protest instead of riot, and we will organize and pressure Dems-THAT IS MUCH MORE PLEASANT
4. National Security
This one is a tough call. But Trump IS erratic, unstable, unfit, and his party is filled with belligerent jerks who could easily bully him into action. I think there is little chance of us committing non Special Forces ground troops anywhere under either Trump or HRC, due to $$ and war fatigue in both parties, but Trump is an embarrassing nightmare on the world stage.
HRC is not a warmonger, but she is FULL ON MIC. Cheney was a warmonger. HRC, Biden, and Kerry were cowards in their Iraq vote. They wanted tough-guy credibility. Kerry felt he got burned when he voted against Gulf War 1, and it "went well," so he was a yes. HRC wanted to be a post 9-11 President. She has no conscience. But warmonger? No.
The weapons deals to the middle east? Yes they are terrible, but this IS US policy right now. Why? First, unfortunately exports are good for the economy even when they are machines of death. Second, and more important, we are selling them shitloads of arms to fight in their regional conflicts, because we are telling them that WE won't do for them what we used to, militarily, with our forces. And that is actually good.
So there you have my well-reasoned yet certainly unpopular opinion.
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
I feel the same way
not only about labor rights but about the current definition of progressive. It's just too easy to call the fake appearance of social liberalism, progressive. It's not progressive in any sense of the word as it has nothing to do with progress for humanity let alone the dying planet. I respect and thank the real progressive's. the people who throughout our history fought died and worked hard in the mortal struggle for progress and our collective rights. Whether it's Trump or Hilary it's going to get worse for all of us. Whatever happens in this farce of an election this is just the start as this movement will not stop it is not tied to the duopoly that tells you your choice is whatever evil your fear worse.
Hey, geebeebee.
Really surprised to hear MB wrote to you. And, as a favor to him. ? How did it help him if you wrote fewer diaries? I thought he was a Sanders supporter.
I have more to say, but better just stop. I'm not going over to TOP to read his diary. This has been a disappointing year on multiple levels. I don't need more heartbreak.
Take care, gbb. You can write as many essays here as you want!!
Yeah, he wrote me a private message
Basically said that having four or five diaries on the reclist at the same time was a bad thing, he didn't think it helped Bernie that much, and that there was going to be some sort of "action" if it kept up, and asked me pretty please to cut it to two a day.
I'm not really sure - maybe the word "favor" was the wrong word to use, but the tone was nice, not threatening. It had the tone of "I'm trying to help you here." Maybe he really was giving me a heads up, but were they going to ban me or something? There weren't any rules, though -- apparently, just for me! haha. I was about fed up with the place at that point anyway. But to see the Hillpeople write five or six a day was pretty annoying, for sure. Guess I should've caught the hint at that point.
No one over there helped keep me out of the fire more than you did, and I sure appreciated that. I couldn't hold on forever, but luckily we are here now and don't have to worry about it! Always good to hear from you, OLinda!
Thank you, gbb.
Yes, it did all turn out rather good! So much better that we are all here together in a normal, open discussion environment. Good to leave the toxicity behind.
I think he was both giving u a heads up AND he was chosen
Or volunteered to be the person who would give you a polite warning... Because an outright move to ban you would have caused a PUMA like exit because your diaries were so popular.
They wanted you to stop flooding the site with multiple diaries because they were immediately recced by hundreds of people and you were taking up valuable rec list real estate that was needed for the sudden influx of brand new users who all posted long very professionally written "why I switched to HRC" type diaries the minute you got banned.
Orwell was an optimist
Ha, I think you're right.
kos probably said,"He's one of yours - you deal with him." haha.
A generation ago, that type of professional writer was penning
tobacco ad copy: “Why I switched to Rodham cigarettes.”
Who else is old enough to remember the TV ads that said, “Why trade a headache for an upset stomach?”
Chris Floyd’s take on Trump is worth reading
Tangled up in Trump
(via Rob Kall’s website Op-Ed News)
Well, we all don't have to think the same
Which is why I think Hillary's a lot better than Trump, and a little better than Bernie
Better at killing people for sure
The people in Syria, to name just one place, beg to differ as to Hillary's goodness.
Also better for Wall Street. See, I agree with you.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
yeah. no.
the enemy of my enemy kind of thing . . . I'm not worried about demolishing Trump. He isn't the biggest threat. As I've said before: we have a system of gov't that, when it works even just a little bit, should be able to handle Trump.
It's a lot of nonsense inmo. We have to stay focused on the real threat: neoliberals, libertarians, war mongers, wall street, and industry like pharma and monsanto.
i'm not on board. i'm not voting for Hillary. and if there was a small nanoparticle of a chance (never was though), today is it dead.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
The system will Prevent Trump from doing much domestically
The President has huge powers as far as foreign policy is concerned, though, which is why other countries are so worried. That's also an area where Hillary has a lot more of a detailed knowledge but she has no foresight or empathy for the victims of US foreign policy. Don't really care as I will be voting for Bernie or Jill.
Beware the bullshit factories.
just heard Thom Hartmann do the same thing
that's gonna be the campaign. Trump is bad! Must vote for Hillary to stop Trump!
The last caller of the segment said she's going to have to come up with reasons to vote for her, rather than against Trump, she's got to say what she's going to do. Thom started losing me quickly when he said "well she has. She says she's going to expand Obamacare, she's going to make college debt-free..." The caller said "she's nibbling around the edges" and then Thom started talking about Kennedy declaring the US would go to the moon and that he (Thom) thinks we'll start hearing things like that from Hillary.
eh? Why? Why would he think that?
(edited to look like I know English)
and moreover
who would even believe Hillary if she starts saying things like that?
Guilting people into voting Hillary, if it comes to that, is a losing strategy.
Beat me to it. Whatever she
Beat me to it. Whatever she says, so what?
yes, I realized that and was quite amazed, they all
seem to "fall" in line now.
I got sick of Thom Hartmann
First, he loves to listen to himself talk; and he really wants you to know how much he knows. Second, his Hillary is the lesser o evils is total bull shit. I got tired of listening to him push it.
How many ways can someway say, no fucking way. #NeverHillary Warren, Reich, Hartmann and jesus christ could endorse Hillary, and I still wouldn't vote to put another Clinton back in the WH.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thom Hartmann has lots of important information that
has nothing to do with trying to convince you to vote for Hillary. His first choice, without question, is Bernie Sanders. He's going to have to rethink the future, as it appears the Repukes are working feverishly to get rid of Trump. This whole story about the judge is being hyped by CNN and every Repuke they interview. I don't see Trump surviving. So far, Hillary's campaigning consists of tearing Trump apart. Ooh, fear!! If he goes away, what does she have to sell? How about war. Yay!!
Please don't give up on Hartmann. He's a treasure. Just ignore his plea for us to vote for Hillary.
Besides him pushing Hillary,
he talks to much. Those people wait on the phone line for hours to get on. They say two words, he cuts them off with stories about Jefferson or whatever that he's told a thousand times. Maybe I've just listened to him too much for too long.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I couldn't agree with you more dkmich, never a vote for Clintons
ever. ever. ever.
I am so livid for the way this was handled last night and fully expecting crap tonight. They can all rot in you know where.
If the only two choices were Hillary and Beelzebub, I would wonder how B would handle things.
Sea Turtle
Thom started talking about Kennedy declaring the US would go to the moon and that he (Thom) thinks we'll start hearing things like that from Hillary.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in awhile.
Well now, don't be so hasty OLinda
Hillary might decide to go to the moon if a for-profit prison corporation wants the US to lay claim to the moon and then hand-over 99 years of lease-rights to them for a grand for-profit lunar prison complex. Esp if there was a huge donation made to the Clinton Foundation first, which could be freely discussed once she establishes her personal presidential email server at some secret undisclosed location.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Ha. You are so right.
Perfectly said.
'Hillary might decide to go to the moon'
We can hope
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
thx for the LOL, wiping computer screen and with that
I have got to get to work. My poor house is a disaster!!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Someone had to do it
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Hartmann has been saying vote LOTE
since last year when Bernie started running in the primary. Stopped watching him last fall. As long as we (left) are going to hold our noses and vote LOTE we'll stay mired in the situation we find ourselves.
the 2012 General Election was when I finally swore off LOTE.
I had to stop watching him
when he first bailed on Bernie.
I wouldn't have a really safe place to go if I couldn't come here. But I have been having actual substantive conversations on YouTube, amid the childishness people are being more real.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Hartmann B.S.
I heard Hartmann pushing the Hillary bandwagon too and it turned my stomach. I cannot vote for her and am tired of hearing the "gotta vote for her to stop Trump" bullshit. Personally, I feel like that sort of vote is an endorsement of the corrupt/rigged system and it's hard to participate in that process at this point in time. We need a re-do of the electoral process and a new party.
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
Eww. This argument is way past sell-by date
Look, consider this - just how much did Hillary even bother to pretend to be a lefty to fend off the Sanders challenge? She barely did anything. A little squeak about a public option and a little toot about I'll break up the big banks (not now, mind you, but the *next* time, by golly, the next time they crash the economy), and THAT'S IT. And remember, in the modern Democratic party, you can always count on getting LESS than what you were promised. And her whole campaign has promised jack shit and functioned more as a block against actual change than as a vehicle for it.
Moreover, the whole spectacle of the "superdelegates" is a show of not just Hillary instinctively dismissing the progressive left, but the entire elite party apparatus. And after what the party did in this primary, and especially after Nevada, I can't support this kind of abusive treatment anymore. They want to be a party of Wall Street, then get the bankers to vote for them.
I am ready for a new strategy.
Puerto Rico
should be under investigation.
No way I'm a Democrat anymore. That day ended.
I wish MB the best.
Tell me when he quits his job working for whatshisname and gets something better.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
My feelings too.
Unity with Hillary and her people isn't happening with me.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
MB is the only front page writer who is green
He cares about the environment. He has been writing on that issue before it was even an issue. He is also a member here.
To thine own self be true.
fuck the Democratic Party
I'll go Big Al one better you cannot even get a decent no corrupt Democratic dog catcher, PTA or school board member elected. I joined my counties Democratic party to focus on getting 'progressives' Dems. elected in my blue city and state. I did this in part because MB kept pushing this as a solution after the Bait and Switch of 2008.
These local pols are in the bag and get support from the state and national D party machine and corporations. They run as progressives and once elected show there true colors (it's not green by the way) and make it quite clear who's interests they represent.
We just had a oil train derailment in the Columbia gorge. Our crook of a governor, Kitzaber a corrupt Dem. who passed himself off as a progressive while campaigning said the day after he was sworn in 'Oregon is Open for Business'. He then started shipping coal and oil by rail to send to China. He had to resign due to his administration's corrupt pay to play dirty deals. If this site becomes a partisan better Democrat's platform it holds no interest for me.
Same here Shaz!
In Florida, I used to think that the Democratic party was in competent. Now I know that I was wrong for sure. They are corrupt through and through.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy