Friday Photography, April 14, 2017
Submitted by janis b on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 7:32pm
Hi everyone. This will be a very brief post and a brief stay, but please fill it up with your wonderful photos, and enjoy each others company.
We've had so much rain, that new and unfamiliar guests are showing up ...
p.s. Is there anyone out there who would like to take a Friday POT?
Please, don’t all raise your hands at once ; ). If you have an interest, please PM me or Bollox Ref.

Friggin with Frogs
Northern Spring Peepers taken at night. Mind yourself, most are smaller than a quarter.
How I love the usually unseen.
This is a twofer, as an unexpected leech was moving in as I was prepping the shot.
It’s a real pain to take a picture of something so small at night.
Patience (is) my ass.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
And, how I love your usually unseen night life.
Do you think that leeches and peepers are companionable? The leech looks a little sinister heading directly for the peeper. I'm going to find a recording of peepers to compliment your photo. I haven't heard them in too long. Thanks pricknick.
A Peeper Soloist ...
This recording came from this site. Lots of interesting nature sounds.
heh, i've got one for you janis...
this tune was recorded on somebody's back porch in jamaica, if you listen carefully you can hear the tree frogs and peepers in the background.
What an entertaining blues piece!
The frogs as backup singers deserve best supporting …
Thanks joe.
No issues.
The leeches more right up to them then back away.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Slime must have something to do with it,
since that is a common trait. But what?
Where do you live to see that wildlife?
Very cool pictures for such small creatures.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Southern Michigan
in the Irish Hills.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
At first glance
I thought someone snagged all the Reesey cups from your Easter Basket.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Your comment made me smile.
As much as I prefer savoury to sweet, Reeses peanut butter cups have been a longtime favourite. I didn't even recognise them until you pointed it out! I don’t think though that I will sample them in the expectation of something tasteful.
evening janis...
i see that the cyclone cooked up some new inspirations and brought some unusual visitors to your door.
here are a few recent shots:
@joe shikspack Joe, the first one is
I`m already against the next war
The colours of the first flower are unusual and very appealing.
The flowery face of the bougainvillea is funny, and the white inscriptions on the purple petals of the last flower create a beautiful butterfly drawing, complete with pearly head. Thank you.
Rocky bits and pieces.
from a reasonably stable genius.
so many grays but such
lovely grays
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I've always enjoyed the subtlety
and quality of light contained in your "rocky and other bits" images. Thanks Bollox.
Great flower shots JS, and
Great flower shots JS, and the Peeper pix are awesome P!
Has anyone ever thought about having some instructions permanently attached to the thread that detail how to put photos up for the thread?
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
morning dystopian...
sounds like a worthy project. sometime in the next couple of weeks, i'll put up some instructions on how to post from flickr, since that's what i use. perhaps some other folks who use other photo hosting sites might be persuaded to pitch in.
Good suggestion dystopian.
Can you use a site like flickr or photobucket to upload your images into? If so …
1) Click on your uploaded image and copy the 'image address'.
2) Click on the first icon under ‘Comment’ on caucus99. That is where you can paste/insert the image you want to include. You can also format the size of the image there.
Hopefully there will be more information about how to post images forthcoming.
Just another day on the beeeeach.....
edit to undo doubles
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You are making me so envious that you live by the ocean
I miss being able to go to bodega bay (Wright's beach) and camp on beach. I don't remember if I have posted these photos of the campground some of my sunsets.
I spent one Xmas at the spot in the middle of the campground close to the beach. Foggy and cold in the Central Valley and in the 70's at the beach.
The campground and the parking lot.
Instead of waiting for a reservation for a camp spot close to the beach for $22/night, I could go anytime and stay in the parking lot for $5/night
The wind usually blows in from the ocean but this night it was blowing out and you can see it is blowing the water back
On my way home just after I going over the Richmond bridge I saw this in my side window and pulled over to take this picture.
Dawg, I miss California!
I like the top photo of the sunset. I like the contours of the sand and the waves.

Is that a light house in the distance?
The 3rd photo. I can hear the birds. I miss the sounds of them at the ocean.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
SnoopyD ... Love the fog rolling over the hills
Yes, that's a lighthouse in the distance. This beach didn't used to exist before they dug the harbor out. The lighthouse is at the entrance to the harbor. For a long time there was none. When they built it, they first painted it red. Then someone realized that because it was on the right side going out, it was supposed to be green. Oops. I liked red better.
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Good to see you magiamma.
I have been wondering about you in your absence. Looks like all is well.
Easter Saturday
Nanday Conure
Night Fission
Tomato Clown Lounge
Marble Spaceship
Truth Cerum
Golden Rules
Stone Stoner
Bathing Booties
Good Day Sunshine
Freedom Fence
Happy Easter to all, my friends
I`m already against the next war
I got lost in that heavenly cactus flower.
Who ever thought about how delicate and ethereal a cactus flower could be.
Just one for me this week: the first ducklings of the season!
As to how to post photos here, I use the image HTML codes and link from my Facebook. I also put in size tags so they aren't huge.
This shit is bananas.
I like the very crisp, sparkling light
as well as the sweet young ducklings. Thanks Daenerys.