Ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page 'interned' ‘under Clinton’, texts reveal
Haha! I wonder what else there is to know about our star-crossed adulterous FBI Romeo and Juliet?
Ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page 'interned' 'under Clinton,' texts reveal
“Get inspired and depressing reading that article about how Obama approached the mail room,” Page wrote Strzok on Jan. 19, 2017 - the last day of the Obama administration. “Needless to say, it was very different when I interned there under Clinton.”
The article they were discussing was a Jan. 17, 2017 story in the New York Times Magazine entitled “To Obama With Love, and Hate, and Desperation,” which described eight years of mail that poured through the mailroom.
“How was it different?” he replied.
“Will have to talk in person," answered Page. "It’s hard to describe. More of a rote have to respond to the mail exercise.”
Through her attorney, Page declined Fox News' request for comment.
I’m sure there’s probably plenty of ex-interns of a ‘Clinton’ still in our government. But what’s relevant IMO is how many were on the team ‘investigating Trump’s RUSSIAN! ‘collusion? And by investigating I guess I mean helping set up this entire fantasy that Vladimir Putin! was responsible for denying Her Heinous her rightful place in the White House.
Wouldn’t or shouldn’t this have disqualified her from participating in this ‘-vich hunt’? I’m certainly not trying to insinuate that there was a whole lot of people with any sense of ethics or integrity involved in this mess, but just when you think you have these people almost figured out, up pops another surprise.
If this whole scenario were a book or a movie, it would fail because this whole plot line is just so freaking ridiculous. But here we are, here they are, and we’re all living it.

Is it soup yet?
This article sums up the case against, starting with the newly empaneled Grand Jury against Andrew McCabe. It is scathing but clearly lays out the allegations against everyone potentially involved. We shall see.
I read that last night. There was an article
referenced in ihat one that’s pretty good too:
And inside that one is this one:
And inside of THAT one is one that the title made me laugh:
Regarding that last one, I’m not holding my breath.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
These sentences from your linked article
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
That's the case that SHOULD be made, not what will
necessarily emerge from the McCabe Grand Jury as indictments. The US Attorney normally exercise tight control over what the panel looks at and the actual charges that emerge. While federal GJs have "run away", that is indeed very rare.
Dupe. Self delete