The Evening Blues - 2-9-21
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features jazz pianist and bandleader Count Basie. Enjoy!
Count Basie - One O'Clock Jump
"When society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live – forces them, through the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence – knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual; disguised, malicious murder, murder against which none can defend himself, which does not seem what it is, because no man sees the murderer, because the death of the victim seems a natural one, since the offence is more one of omission than of commission. But murder it remains."
-- Friedrich Engels
News and Opinion
Iran Foreign Minister Tells Biden US 'Violated' Nuclear Deal, So It Is US 'That Has to Return'
While U.S. President Joe Biden insisted Sunday that Tehran must halt its uranium enrichment program before the U.S. rejoins the Iran nuclear deal, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif countered that it was former President Donald Trump who abandoned the agreement and deprived Iranians of food and medicine—and therefore the onus is on Washington to bring the U.S. back into compliance with the pact by lifting all sanctions on Iran.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has demanded that Tehran adhere to the terms of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) before the U.S. does. When asked by CBS anchor Norah O'Donnell on Sunday if the U.S. will "lift sanctions first in order to get back to the negotiating table," Biden responded curtly: "No." And White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Monday reiterated that "it's really up to Iran to come back."
But Zarif made the case that "it was the United States that left the deal [and] it was the United States that violated the deal" in 2018 when Trump withdrew from the agreement and imposed sanctions on Iran. "So it is for the United States to return to the deal to implement its obligations."
"Iran never left the deal," Zarif told CNN host Fareed Zakaria on Sunday. "Iran is in the deal. Iran has reduced some of its commitments, in line with the deal," he said, referring to Iran's decision to resume uranium enrichment—though well below levels required to develop nuclear weapons— after the U.S. breached the agreement by reinstating sanctions.
"The way to go back to full compliance, on the part of Iran, is for the United States, which has totally left the deal, to come back and implement its obligations," Iran's foreign minister added. "Now it's clear, it's a decision that President Biden and his advisers need to [m]ake. Whether they want to break with the failed policies of President Trump, or whether they want to build on his failures."
"If they want to build on his failures" Zarif warned, "they will only get failure as a result."
According to Zarif, Iran has "a statutory requirement to reduce the presence of U.N. inspectors... somewhere around February 21," at which point "you will not see the additional protocol implemented in Iran," a reference to Tehran's plan to expel United Nations nuclear inspectors if the U.S. does not lift sanctions in the next two weeks.
"That doesn't mean the window [for diplomacy] is fully shut," Zarif added, stressing that "if the United States and its partners return to the deal, return to full compliance, Iran will reverse its actions. All the actions we are taking are reversible."
"But obviously," Iran's top diplomat noted, "it would be much simpler if the United States decided to make good on its commitments earlier rather than later. And it is good for the United States' reputation because President Trump not only destroyed the reputation of the United States domestically but he destroyed the reputation of the United States internationally."
Emphasizing that an "international agreement is not a revolving door" enabling one party "to simply come and go as they please," Zarif said that "the United States must make it clear and must give guarantees to Iran and other members of the deal that the behavior of President Trump will not be repeated because the international community has suffered enough from the lawlessness of somebody who acts on a whim."
After OUTRAGE On $2,000 Checks, Biden Backs Down On Lowering Means Testing
Ilhan Omar Warns Progressives Will Revolt If Dems 'Poison' Relief Bill by Curbing Eligibility for $1,400 Checks
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota warned Sunday that conservative Democrats' ongoing effort to further restrict eligibility for the new round of $1,400 direct payments risks shedding progressive support for a final coronavirus relief package—votes that the party, clinging to narrow majorities in the House and Senate, can't afford to lose.
"Cutting the income cap will poison this bill," tweeted Omar (D-Minn.), the whip for the nearly 100-member Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC). "It already lacks Republicans support and will lose progressive support. Democrats with a slim majority in the Congress can't pass this bill without progressives and must resist suggestions that will ultimately tank this relief bill."
Omar was referring to ongoing talks among Senate Democrats over whether to lower the annual income cutoff for the new round of relief checks with the stated goal of ensuring the payments are more closely "targeted" to those in need. According to the Washington Post, top Democrats are currently weighing a plan under which only individuals earning $50,000 a year or less, heads of household earning $75,000 or less, and married couples earning a combined $100,000 or less would be eligible for full $1,400 payments.
A growing chorus of progressive lawmakers is strongly pushing back against that proposed eligibility framework, which could leave millions of struggling middle-class people with smaller checks or no payments at all.
"There are some Dems who want to lower the income eligibility for direct payments from $75,000 to $50,000 for individuals, and $150,000 to $100,000 for couples. In other words, working-class people who got checks from Trump would not get them from Biden. Brilliant!" Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)—who along with Omar and others has been pushing for recurring relief payments for nearly a year—tweeted sardonically on Saturday night.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), a CPC member, echoed the Vermont senator. "It would be outrageous if we ran on giving more relief and ended up doing the opposite," said Ocasio-Cortez. "It's sad that this is even an argument in the Dem party. Covid relief is disaster relief, and it's urgent."
To pass a coronavirus relief package through the reconciliation process without Republican support, the Senate Democratic caucus cannot afford a single defection. House Democrats, meanwhile, hold just a 10-seat majority, meaning that even a relatively small exodus of CPC members could imperil the coronavirus relief package—a state of affairs that potentially gives the chamber's progressive contingent significant leverage over the ongoing negotiations.
NBC News reported late last week that the eligibility framework remains a "live ball," with conservative and progressive members of the Democratic caucus publicly and privately battling over who should receive the new round of payments. President Joe Biden has said he is open to lowering the income cutoff for the checks, and discussed the possibility of narrowing eligibility with Sens. Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Tom Carper (D-Del.) at the White House last week.
Progressive activists and commentators have argued that in addition to being morally unjustifiable amid such a far-reaching economic collapse, limiting eligibility for the $1,400 payments would be politically "suicidal" and represent yet another retreat from the original campaign-trail promise of $2,000 relief checks that helped Democrats take control of the Senate.
"Let's be really, really clear. Doing this will cost Democrats control of the Congress in 2022 and the White House in 2024," Robert Cruickshank, campaign director at advocacy group Demand Progress, said last week. "There is nobody out there in America aside from a few wonks who want to limit these checks. It is a colossally bad idea."
Budget Chair Sanders Hails CBO Score as Proof Congress Can Pass $15 Minimum Wage Through Reconciliation
Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday welcomed the Congressional Budget Office's new estimate that raising the national minimum wage to $15 by 2025 would add $54 billion to the deficit over the next decade as further evidence that the hourly pay increase would have a direct impact on federal revenue and spending—and thus complies with the rules of budget reconciliation.
While casting doubt on the accuracy of the CBO's finding—just two years ago, Sanders noted, the same agency estimated a $15 minimum wage would increase the deficit by less than $1 million over 10 years—the Vermont senator and budget committee chairman nevertheless argued that the CBO's analysis bolsters the progressive case for passing the pay raise for 32 million U.S. workers through the expedited reconciliation process.
"The good news," Sanders said in a statement, "is that from a Byrd rule perspective, the CBO has demonstrated that increasing the minimum wage would have a direct and substantial impact on the federal budget. What that means is that we can clearly raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour under the rules of reconciliation."
"I look forward to working with my colleagues in the House and the Senate to end the crisis of starvation wages in America and raise the minimum wage to a living wage of at least $15 an hour," Sanders added.
Named after the late former Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd, the Byrd rule requires that every individual provision of a reconciliation bill have a direct—not "merely incidental"—budgetary impact. As New York Times columnist Ezra Klein explained last week, "Any senator can challenge any provision of any budget reconciliation bill for violating these rules."
"The parliamentarian then rules on the question, and if the parliamentarian rules for the challenger, the provision is struck from the bill," Klein noted.
While the vice president or Senate president pro tempore have the constitutional authority to overrule the parliamentarian, progressives argued Monday that the CBO's new analysis should lead the parliamentarian to rule in favor of the minimum wage, rendering such a move unnecessary.
British Medical Journal calls pandemic response “social murder”
On Thursday, the BMJ (formerly, British Medical Journal ) published an editorial accusing the world’s governments of “social murder” in their collective response to the pandemic. The BMJ is one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious medical periodicals, with a publication history going back to 1840. Its editorial, “Covid-19: Social murder, they wrote—elected, unaccountable, and unrepentant,” is signed by executive editor Kamran Abbasi. It is a devastating indictment of policies implemented over the past year that have led to the deaths of more than two million people.
“Murder,” the editorial begins, “is an emotive word. In law, it requires premeditation. Death must be deemed to be unlawful. How could ‘murder’ apply to failures of a pandemic response?” The BMJ then goes on to argue that the term is entirely appropriate:
When politicians and experts say that they are willing to allow tens of thousands of premature deaths for the sake of population immunity or in the hope of propping up the economy, is that not premeditated and reckless indifference to human life? If policy failures lead to recurrent and mistimed lockdowns, who is responsible for the resulting non-covid excess deaths? When politicians willfully neglect scientific advice, international and historical experience, and their own alarming statistics and modelling because to act goes against their political strategy, is that lawful? Is inaction, action?
“At the very least,” the BMJ writes, “covid-19 might be classified as ‘social murder,’” pointing to the use of the term by the socialist leader Friedrich Engels in “describing the political and social power held by the ruling elite over the working classes in 19th century England.” The editorial savages the lying justifications of capitalist politicians, who “say they have done all they can or that the pandemic was uncharted territory; there was no playbook. None of these are true. They are self-serving political lies from the ‘gaslighters in chief’ around the globe.”
The characterization by the BMJ of the response to the pandemic is entirely accurate. Around the world, politicians deliberately and knowingly handicapped government responses to the pandemic, often claiming that the mass infection of the population was desirable—in a policy dubbed “herd immunity.” ...
The policies of governments have been dictated by one overriding priority: No measures could be taken to stop the spread of the virus that impinged on the interests of the financial oligarchy. The slogan, “the cure can’t be worse than the disease,” first coined by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, meant in practice that the necessary measures to stop the virus—including the shutdown of non-essential production, with full income to all workers—were unacceptable to the ruling class. These social interests dictated not only the initial cover-up of the pandemic, but also the premature reopening of schools and workplaces, which helped fuel a massive resurgence that has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of people since the lifting of partial lockdowns in the spring.
In its most damning passage, the BMJ concludes, “The ‘social murder’ of populations is more than a relic of a bygone age. It is very real today, exposed and magnified by covid-19. It cannot be ignored or spun away. Politicians must be held to account by legal and electoral means, indeed by any national and international constitutional means necessary.”
Caitlin Johnstone: Democrats WANT To Lose The Midterms: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Americans: We’re dying!
Republicans: Good.
Democrats: We hear you and we honor your experience.
Disease experts warn of surge in deaths from Covid variants as US lags in tracking
Experts who have spent the last year forecasting Covid-19 transmission across the US are now considering scenarios for the spread of new, more infectious strains of the coronavirus. At the same time, the US continues to lag in surveillance for coronavirus variants, despite having among the most well-developed genomic sequencing infrastructure in the world.
The warnings come as the US appears to have crested a devastating winter wave of infections, which at one time saw more than 300,000 new infections and 4,000 deaths a day. Even though daily infections have more than halved from the peak, with death rates expected to drop soon also, the threat of the more infectious variants has some considering the possibility of a fresh surge.
“It’s a grim projection, unfortunately,” said Ali Mokdad, professor at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, one of the leading academic forecasters of Covid-19. “I’m concerned about a spike due to the new variant and the relaxation of social distancing,” he said. “People are tired. People are very tired.” ... IHME’s “rapid variant spread” model predicts total deaths could increase by 26,000 over the most likely scenario by May. Such a forecast would result in a total of more than 620,000 Covid-19 deaths by that time.
Notably, the most accurate are often “ensemble” forecasts, which draw in many individual projections. The ensemble forecast published by the CDC makes a prediction only through 27 February, when it estimates up to 534,000 deaths could occur. IHME also estimates universal masking could save 31,000 lives.
On Monday, the US surpassed 27m confirmed coronavirus cases, with the country’s death toll nearing 465,000. Both figures are by far the highest in the world, according to the John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.
Disabled Advocates Demand Better Vaccine Access as They Face Greater Risks of Dying from COVID-19
North Korea upgraded nuclear missile programme in 2020, says UN diplomat
North Korea maintained and developed its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes throughout 2020 in violation of international sanctions, said a UN diplomat with knowledge of a confidential report given to security council members on Monday.
The report by independent sanctions monitors said Pyongyang “produced fissile material, maintained nuclear facilities and upgraded its ballistic missile infrastructure”, and continued to seek technology for those programmes from abroad.
The annual report to the security council’s North Korea sanctions committee comes just weeks after the US president, Joe Biden, took office. A state department representative said on Monday the administration planned a new approach to North Korea that includes a full review with allies “on ongoing pressure options and the potential for any future diplomacy”.
Ecuador presidential election heads into runoff after leftist wins first round
Ecuador is heading to a runoff presidential election in April after a young leftwing candidate won a first-round victory on Sunday, following years of austerity measures made more painful by the pandemic.
Andrés Arauz , a 36-year-old protege of former president Rafael Correa, will advance to the 11 April runoff, but it was still too close to call whether he would face the environmental activist Yaku Pérez or conservative banker Guillermo Lasso.
The surprisingly strong showing by Pérez, who is running on a platform of banning industrial mining, shakes up an election that has so far been defined by dueling ideologies of social welfare versus free markets.
According to a quick count by the National Electoral Council Arauz took 31.5% of the vote, Pérez 20.04% and Lasso 19.97%. The count was based on some 2,400 poll statements from a representative sample of voting centers.
Shortly after the announcement, Pérez told reporters that he had won enough votes to enter the second round, and said he was holding a vigil outside the election council’s headquarters in Quito to prevent vote manipulation.
US investigates Honduran president accused of role in narcotics trade
US prosecutors are investigating the Honduran president, Juan Orlando Hernández, according to a new court filing, piling pressure on a leader who prosecutors have already accused in court of participation in the nation’s bloody narcotics trade.
In a court document filed on Friday night in the southern district of New York in the case of Geovanny Fuentes Ramírez, an alleged Honduran drug trafficker, federal prosecutors said Hernández himself was the target of an investigation, along with other “high-ranking officials”.
The filing did not say what Hernández, who has been president since 2014, is being investigated for. Last month, US prosecutors said in a court filing related to the same case that Hernández had by 2013 “accepted millions of dollars in drug-trafficking proceeds and, in exchange, promised drug traffickers protection from prosecutors, law enforcement, and [later] extradition to the United States”.
The Honduran government did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Hernández has repeatedly denied any ties to drug cartels. The Honduran president has been a key US ally in the region and the investigation could complicate the Biden administration’s efforts to invest $4bn in Central America, including in Honduras, to address the root causes of migration.
Germany, Poland and Sweden expel Russian diplomats
Germany, Poland and Sweden have each expelled a Russian diplomat in a coordinated act of retaliation over the expulsion of three EU officials by Moscow while the bloc’s foreign policy chief was visiting last week.
The tit-for-tat expulsions on Monday underscored the volatility in east-west relations and an erosion of trust among former cold war foes, as the west accuses Moscow of trying to destabilise it and the Kremlin rejects what it sees as foreign interference.
The EU executive defended Josep Borrell over his trip to Russia where he said he had learned of the initial expulsions via social media while speaking with the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, on Friday.
The Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said on Monday the removal of diplomats from Germany, Poland and Sweden, who were accused by Moscow of taking part in protests last month against jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, took place a day before Borrell’s trip.
Bernie Sanders to Confirm Enemy of Progressives: Neera Tanden
As DeJoy Readies New Assault on Postal Service, Pressure Grows for Biden to 'Clean House'
With Postmaster General Louis DeJoy reportedly preparing to unveil plans for another round of service cuts and operational changes as soon as this week, President Joe Biden is facing growing calls from lawmakers, mail carriers, and others to take urgent steps to protect the U.S. Postal Service from further damage, pave the way for DeJoy's removal, and shore up the agency's finances for the near and distant future.
The Washington Post reported over the weekend that DeJoy—a Republican megadonor to former President Donald Trump—soon intends to "outline a new vision for the agency, one that includes more service cuts, higher and region-specific pricing, and lower delivery expectations."
Meanwhile, the Post noted, "congressional Democrats are pressing President Biden to install new board members, creating a majority bloc that could oust DeJoy, a Trump loyalist whose aggressive cost-cutting over the summer has been singled out for much of the performance decline."
Appointed unanimously by the Trump-appointee-dominated Postal Service Board of Governors in May despite his complete lack of experience with the Postal Service, DeJoy wasted no time imposing sweeping operational changes at the mail agency that resulted in precipitous drops in performance in the weeks ahead of, during, and after the November presidential election—prompting accusations of politically motivated sabotage of the nation's most popular government institution.
While DeJoy was forced to temporarily suspend some of his operational changes last year in the face of a nationwide uproar and numerous court injunctions, the postmaster general now appears intent on moving forward with his plan to cripple the agency—a plan that has Democratic lawmakers and postal workers clamoring for action from the Biden administration.
Because Biden is prohibited by statute from firing DeJoy directly, congressional Democrats are urging the president to terminate every sitting postal governor—including those who publicly cheered on the postmaster general's changes as they produced major package backlogs nationwide and slowed delivery of prescription medicines and mail-in ballots—and replace them with officials willing to remove the postmaster general and protect the agency.
"My solution starts at the top: firing the whole board who presided over Trump and DeJoy's wrecking of USPS. Clean house," Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-N.J.) tweeted Sunday.
Late last month, as Common Dreams reported, Pascrell became the first congressional Democrat to call on Biden to remove the sitting members of the Board of Governors, which currently consists of four Republicans and one Democrat—all appointed by Trump. Under federal law, the president has the authority to remove postal governors "for cause."
"The board members' refusal to oppose the worst destruction ever inflicted on the Postal Service was a betrayal of their duties and unquestionably constitutes good cause for their removal," argued Pascrell.
Days later, Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio.) echoed Pascrell's demand, accusing the board members of complicity in "unprecedented sabotage" of the mail service.
"The response from the leadership of the USPS to the unconscionable delays we are experiencing with the mail is beyond unacceptable," Ryan wrote in a January 29 letter to Biden. "We must do right by the American people, and we must do right by our postal workers and letter carriers."
Nation’s @USPS mail service now slower & more erratic than in generations, fueling demands for reform with more service cuts, higher & region-specific pricing, & lower delivery expectations expected to be announced soon, @washingtonpost rpts:
— Mark Albert (@malbertnews) February 8, 2021
Last week, USA Today's editorial board joined the growing chorus demanding that Biden remove the sitting postal governors, pointing out that "beyond the hiring of DeJoy, the Board of Governors is led by a former Republican National Committee chairman tapped by Trump."
Hacker attempted to poison water supply of Florida city, officials say
Local and federal authorities are investigating how a hacker was able to remotely gain access to a Florida city’s water treatment plant in an unsuccessful attempt at what could have amounted to a mass poisoning.
A mysterious hacker infiltrated a computer for the water treatment system of the city of Oldsmar, near Tampa, and briefly increased the amount of sodium hydroxide, also known as lye, by a factor of more than 100, the Pinellas county sheriff, Bob Gualtieri, said on Monday.
The chemical is used in small amounts to control the acidity of water but it is also a corrosive compound commonly found in household cleaning supplies such as liquid drain cleaners. In large quantities it can cause irritation, burns and other complications.
A sharp-eyed supervisor noticed the measurements of the chemical suddenly changing wildly on his computer screen and promptly stepped in to reverse the action, leaving the city’s water supply unaffected, the Tampa Bay Times reported.
Amid Unrest in Haiti, ICE Deports Dozens — Including a 2-Month-Old Baby — into "Burning House"
Outcry as more than 20 babies and children deported by US to Haiti
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) deported at least 72 people to Haiti on Monday, including a two-month-old baby and 21 other children, in an apparent flagrant breach of the Biden administration’s orders only to remove suspected terrorists and potentially dangerous convicted felons.
The children were deported to Haiti on Monday on two flights chartered by Ice from Laredo, Texas to the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince. The removals sent vulnerable infants back to Haiti as it is being roiled by major political unrest.
Ice is facing a rising chorus of denunciation as a “rogue agency” for its apparent refusal to abide by the new guidelines laid down by Biden and his homeland security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas. The incoming administration ordered a 100-day moratorium on all deportations, which was temporarily blocked by a judge in Texas.
However, the judge’s restraining order left in place the new guidelines stipulating that only the most serious immigration cases should be subject to deportation.
Last Friday, the administration appeared to gain the upper hand in its attempt to rein in Ice when deportation flights to Haiti were suspended. But on Monday the immigration agency reasserted itself again with the renewed flights to Port-au-Prince, children and infants on board.

Senate Puts Trump On Trial in Historic Second Impeachment Case For Inciting Capitol Insurrection
Democrats to open Trump impeachment trial by recounting Capitol attack
House impeachment managers will open their prosecution of Donald Trump for “incitement of insurrection” by recounting the deadly assault on the US Capitol in harrowing and cinematic detail, rekindling for senators the chaos and trauma they experienced on 6 January.
The historic second impeachment trial will open on Tuesday, on the Senate floor that was invaded by rioters, with a debate over the constitutionality of the proceedings. In a brief filed on Monday, Trump’s lawyers assailed the case as “political theater” and argued that the Senate “lacks the constitutional jurisdiction” to try a former president after he has left office – an argument Democrats promptly rejected.
Exactly one week after the Capitol assault, Trump became the first president to be impeached twice by the House of Representatives. This week, he will become the first former president to stand trial. It would take 17 Republicans joining all Democrats in the Senate to find Trump guilty, making conviction highly unlikely.
Nevertheless, when opening arguments begin later this week, House Democrats will try to force senators to see the assault on the Capitol as the culmination of Trump’s long campaign to overturn the result of the election he lost to Joe Biden.
Georgia opens investigation into Trump effort to overturn election results
The Georgia secretary of state’s office opened an investigation on Monday into Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the state’s 2020 election results, according to a new report. The office of Brad Raffensperger, the secretary of state, had faced calls to open an investigation after Trump was recorded in a 2 January phone call pressuring Raffensperger to overturn the state’s election results based on unfounded voter fraud claims.
“The secretary of state’s office investigates complaints it receives,” said Walter Jones, a spokesman for the secretary of state’s office, describing the investigation as “fact-finding and administrative”, Reuters reported. “Any further legal efforts will be left to the attorney general,” he said.
Legal experts said Trump’s phone calls might have violated at least three state criminal election laws: conspiracy to commit election fraud, criminal solicitation to commit election fraud, and intentional interference with performance of election duties. The felony and misdemeanor violations are punishable by fines or imprisonment.
Ryan Grim: Is 'Bernie Bro' John Fetterman Headed To US Senate?
A 'uniquely American whale': new species discovered off southern US coast
Genetic analysis and a close examination of the skulls from a group of baleen whales in the north-eastern Gulf of Mexico have revealed that they are a new species.
“I was surprised that there could be an unrecognized species of whale out there, especially in our backyard,” says Lynsey Wilcox, a geneticist with the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who helped uncover the new species. “I never imagined I would be describing a new species in my career, so it is a very exciting discovery.”
The newly described whales weren’t exactly hiding in plain sight. With a population estimated at fewer than 100, the new whales – which researchers have dubbed Rice’s whales after American biologist Dale Rice – aren’t commonly seen even in the corner of the Gulf of Mexico they call home. It doesn’t help that the whales, previously believed to be a population of Bryde’s whales, have a feeding strategy that takes them deep under the water around DeSoto Canyon, about 100km south of Mobile, Alabama.
Researchers have long known that this group of Bryde’s-like whales in the Gulf of Mexico was different. They seemed to mostly stay put in the north-eastern corner of the gulf, and didn’t mingle with Bryde’s whales, which are found in the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They also feed near the seafloor, while most Bryde’s whales typically forage near the surface. ...
Rice’s whales are already considered endangered by the United States. They were listed under the Endangered Species Act as a population of Bryde’s whales in April 2019, and the discovery that they are a distinct species is unlikely to change much – other than requiring an update of their name. Living in the Gulf of Mexico, the whales face threats from oil spills, ship strikes, ocean noise and entanglement in fishing gear.
Union Head KNOCKS Biden On Keystone
Pollen season grows 20 days in 30 years as climate crisis hits hay fever sufferers
The climate crisis is multiplying the miseries faced by people with allergies, with new research finding that the pollen season in North America is now an average 20 days longer than it was three decades ago. Rising global temperatures are helping lengthen the period of time, typically in spring, when pollen is released by plants, trees and grasses, according to the study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
In an analysis of 60 pollen-collecting stations across the US and Canada, the pollen season is now 20 days longer on average than it was in 1990. The season is also becoming more intense, with significantly larger quantities of pollen being detected.
This increase is strongly coupled with global heating, with the researchers using climate modeling to show that climate change is responsible for at least half of the additional days of pollen activity. There is also some evidence the growing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may in itself be helping spur the increase.
“We are getting warmer winters, warmer springs and earlier springs and that is driving a lot of this,” said William Anderegg, co-author of the study and a scientist at the University of Utah, who became personally interested in the topic because of his own seasonal hay fever. “This is a really clear example that climate change is already here, in essence it’s here in every breath we take. The health impacts are with us and likely to get worse.”
Elon Musk pledges $100m to carbon capture contest
The Tesla co-founder Elon Musk has offered a $100m (£73m) fund for inventions that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or oceans.
Musk, who has built up an estimated $203bn fortune, said he wanted scientists to make a “truly meaningful impact” and achieve “carbon negativity, not neutrality”.
“This is not a theoretical competition; we want teams that will build real systems that can make a measurable impact and scale to a gigaton level,” Musk said as he announced the competition as part of the X Prize charity initiative that encourages technological developments that can benefit humanity. “Whatever it takes. Time is of the essence.”
To win, teams must create “a solution that can pull carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere or oceans and lock it away permanently in an environmentally benign way”, the X Prize Foundation said.
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
U.S., Taiwan Manipulate Chip Supplies To Press For War With China
How Ecuador’s US-backed, coup-supporting ‘ecosocialist’ candidate Yaku Pérez aids the right-wing
Amazon's mushrooming power has met an unlikely foe: Bessemer, Alabama
Press Freedom Groups Urge Biden DOJ to Drop 'Disastrous' Charges Against Assange
Paul Manafort can't be prosecuted in New York due to double jeopardy, court rules
Utah school under fire for allowing Black History Month opt-out
Every executive action Joe Biden has signed — and what they do
New Campaign Targets Wall Street Funding to Stop Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline
New Orleans houses become Mardi Gras floats in Covid era – in pictures
Keiser Report | Central Banks Swim Against the Rip Current
Saagar Enjeti: NYT Reporter CAUGHT Spreading False Smear, Reveals SOCIOPATHIC Tattletale Journalism
Krystal Ball: Fox FIRES Lou Dobbs But NOTHING Can Save Them
Derek Thompson: How Remote Work Revolution Will TRANSFORM Cities And Could Screw GOP
Krystal and Saagar: Newsmax SLOBBERS Over Marjorie Taylor Greene
A Little Night Music
Count Basie - Swingin' the Blues
Count Basie and Jimmy Rushing - Sent for You Yesterday
Count Basie - Splanky
Count Basie - Green Onions
Count Basie - Jumping at the Woodside
Count Basie / Jimmy Rushing - Take Me Back Baby
Count Basie and his Orchestra - In a Mellow Tone
The Count Basie Orchestra - Blues In Hoss' Flat
Bennie Moten w/Count Basie - Moten Swing
Count Basie - Big Joe Turner - Honeydripper
Count Basie - Basie Boogie

Thanks for the Basie man
specially green onions, brings me back
In another unrelated topic...
wondered where the term ok came from
turns out it was a stab by a Boston columnist
at a Providence paper piece back in the late 1800's
this is where I live (tho not then)
Boston has this complex about her neighbor to the south
slightly different culture..
oll righty then
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
which reminds me of this
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
then this
sorry, I get carried away..
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
evening qms...
glad that basie was ok.
have a great evening!
A different origin of redneck
Thanks for the quote, for Jimmy Dore about Tanden,
thanks to Max Blumenthal and thank you for never failing to produce the EB.
Have to read more tomorrow. We have snow and strong winds and it's very cold. Hope you stay warm and healthy.
Have a good evening.
evening mimi...
thanks for reading!
i hope that you are staying warm and toasty. have a great evening!
Danke for the blues n news Joe
Hat tip to lotlizard for this!
“The secret of the elites is that they’re not all that smart so they need the deck stacked to continue the illusion that they are elite at all.”
– Rob Peffer
He’s absolutely right. That’s why the fake elite devotes 100 percent of their collective effort to trying to maintain the illusion and keep the deck stacked. It’s also why nationalism and populism terrify them. They know their power and influence could be broken literally overnight by a sufficiently angry populace.
This is no longer about ideology. All the idearrhea about “liberal” and “conservative” and “communism” and “objectivism” is a veil to obscure the realities of the stacked deck. It’s about lawless rule by a small, mostly foreign and self-appointed fake elite. They all have imposter syndrome because they are all imposters.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
evening ggersh...
the secret of the elite's power is ruthlessness, and that they are often smart enough to hire people smarter than they are to tend to the intricate details of maintaining themselves in wealth and power.
The last hope is gone
Something beautiful to soothe your heart.
The Friedrich Engels quote is spot on. And good for the site to call it what it is. And what many of us have been saying too.
Every world leader that was complicit in genocide on their own country are rolling in their graves as a bunch of psychopaths are doing it on the whole world.
If Biden wanted to rein ICE in could the house cut their funding until they are in compliance? Or is that once it leaves congress hands then they have no control over it.
Turley has an interesting take on the democrats impeachment strategy. He thinks they are deliberately trying to tank it and giving republicans an out. I think he means that democrats are going for the highest punishment without the jury being able to do a lesser sentence. Like 1st degree murder with no body and only circumstantial evidence instead of a lesser charge.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
it seems quite in character for biden to continue trump's foreign policy in most areas.
i guess we'll see how our lapdogs across the pond perform for biden.
if the house of representatives was intent on it, they could stop ice from doing the awful things that they do. they could defund ice entirely if they wanted, too. it would require them to be willing to go to the mat and would probably require them to make politically difficult choices. but they could do it.
of course they don't have the collective will to do it, though.
The reason why I asked is because they just
deported 20 people to Haiti including kids who were born here. The lashings will continue till the moral improves. Texas got a hold on not quitting and other states are suing him.
Wasn’t that video soothing? I’d love to visit it in person.
If anyone is looking for a feel good show I’m watching the dig about just before WW2 starts a rich country woman hires an archeologist to dig into some huge mounds on her property. He unearthed a 6th century ship and they find lots of gold items and decided that civilianization started having an economy much earlier than they thought at the time. Based on a true story.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
i forgot to mention that the van gogh video was indeed a wonderful thing. after this covid thing is over, if humanity survives, i'd love to go to that exhibition.
A good lapdog will always do what you ask him to do
Tell him to 'sit' and he will. Woof, woof.
what a wonderful, georgeous Van Gogh exhibition
I would love to go and see it. Thanks Snoopy, that made my cay.
Social murder and our medical dystopian future.
I just read in passing that Oregon is opening up (outside of nursing homes) vaccines to citizens over the age of 80. They have 20K does for about 130K seniors at that age. Every week a new age group is eligible, with apparently no extra doses in site. Then there is this:
What went wrong with America’s $44 million vaccine data system? The CDC ordered software that was meant to manage the vaccine rollout. Instead, it has been plagued by problems and abandoned by most states.
No bid contract. Probably was outsourced given my experience or America software engineers are totally incompetent.
There is no way the US and the West will be able to vaccinate enough people (to protect pharma profits) to control the virus especially with new more lethal variants. Expect to live in a permanent medical dystopia.
evening mr w...
thanks for the link to the article. i guess we're toast. herd immunity, here we come.
Good evening, joe and bluzerz!
Who doesn't love Count Bassie?!? Thanks for the great tunes!
That Engle quote is spot on. As I was reading it, I thought - is this Marx? I studied them in college, so the quote seemed so familiar to me.
That Commondreams article about Iran is fantastic. I applaud them.
What a waste of time and resources is the impeachment theatre.
Enjoy the evening!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
evening ra...
heh, the use of the word "proletarians" followed by dense prose is kind of a dead giveaway as to the group of likely authors.
that said, it's dead on, still perfectly applicable and current much more than a hundred years later. i guess you could say that it's as timeless as capitalism or man's organized inhumanity to man.
impeachment theatre is just theatre. it's meant to waste time and keep the parties away from doing anything for the people.
Democrats are cooking up outrage porn
Not much was said today from what I’ve read about what laws Trump is alleged to have broken. And as Turley points out the minute democrats decided to impeach Trump they should have been calling witnesses from the police to the participants. Remember that every agency knew that Trump supporters were going to be in Washington that day because of course they did. Plus how many agitators did they have in the crowd? Anyway they knew it was going to happen and possibly be dangerous and yet it’s Trump’s fault for giving a speech on the day that they arrived to do mayhem. That’s after the fact of the planning. This should be case closed.
But remember when democrats bitched about republicans not having witnesses during the first one? Yeah now democrats are calling no witnesses for this one and people so far are giving them a pass.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Democrats are using Trump’s 1/6 speech against him in the opening statements.
Democrats called no witnesses and just voted to impeach him without giving him a chance to respond to the charges. Turley and some Republican lawyers agreed with him on that. So yeah it’s kabuki theater to keep us distracted from what Biden’s doing with the military everywhere. AOC is keeping the focus on republicans to distract us from democrats bailing on getting us our checks and the media is giving them cover by repeating the $1,400 checks. But people know that finally. Not sure what good it’ll do with it but at least they aren’t fooled anymore.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
if the democrats were serious about impeaching trump, the first time they would have made charges for violations of the emoluments clause. that would have stuck.
this is clearly a smokescreen for the dems. they assume that impeachment is red meat for the base, but hopefully they will find that even the base has needs that are not being met.
Great video to learn from.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
More Parenti—what’s left if people reject “conspiracy theories”
Thanks for the Ben Norton link
about Yaku Perez. Yikes -- another western, corporate backed, fake liberal. (And his wife is also a piece of work.) Does he appeal to young, "woke," and hip voters as Macron did in France?
evening marie...
heh, someday we'll find out that the neoliberals maintain a factory where they create these people.
Statues: Marx & Engels in Berlin; Gandhi in Amsterdam—vandalized
Marx and Engels statue in a Berlin park named after the two founders of socialism, in what was formerly the East German sector of Berlin:
From last June:
Mahatma Gandhi’s statue in Amsterdam vandalised: reports (Times of India)
evening lotlizard...
heh, i guess from now on, the exchange of ideas about culture and ideology will be carried on with rattle-cans of spray paint.
Mahatma Gandhi’s killer venerated as Hindu nationalism resurges
Who’s going to win this pissing match?
I’d say let Israel take their ball and go with Russia and China. Will they give them $3.8 billion every year too or will Israel have to start standing on their own? Either way we lose.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
i'd call their bluff, too. cut 'em off without a cent and let russia and china protect them in the un security council.
Ha. I’d love to see that happen
Don’t they usually vote against Israel? And we’re the ones holding up holding them accountable. I saw a picture of 340 speed boats that Israel built to patrol the seas in Iran’s backyard. I thought well there’s where our money to Israel goes. How nice. Meanwhile back here at home...
"I’m not a cat." Lmao...don’t have anything in your mouth when you watch this.
The more you watch the more you laugh...."can you hear me judge?".....
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
If you didn't watch this you missed a treat
You got to be kitten me
it is really funny if you watch with the sound off after you hear 'I am not a cat"
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Late by four hours; but, the weasel
just weaseled:
"A conscious vote, he said"
Hum? MGM, Vegas planned. Ha ha, truth or conspiracy?
Your choice.
Naivety gets one and all in trouble. But what do i know of naivety.
Thanks Mitch, bastard you have been.