Crossing the Rubicon: I will NOT vote for Hillary.
There's a lot of things I've been wanting to say, but even with a ten year track record are hard to express. Fear of rejection, fear of alienating those I respect, but also the desire to be a part of something I love have held my tongue back.
So today, I say all the things I really think. No censor, no holding back.
I will NOT vote for Hillary Clinton. I will not vote for her in the Primary, or the General Election. I have given the centrist Democrats eight years that they convinced me would ensure that things would get better. They have whole lists that prove that my fall from lower class to underclass is in fact a bizarre aberration, and we're all so much better off than we would have been had things been different. To which, I would please ask someone to give me a Heimlich, because I sure as hell can't swallow that much crap.
Hillary represents another eight years of a holding action as the Rethugs continue to strip away rights through domestic terror that they can't ram through legally. Let's just give a basic example: For all practical purposes, a woman's right to choose has been eliminated. They accomplished this through a combination of terror legislation and straight up terror attacks against those that would provide services for women. Not a word of this ever comes up unless it's in the frame of "Protecting the Unborn", which is a gross a distortion as referring to Hitler's purges as "Population Control". What have the Democrats done to prevent this? Oh, they certainly talked a good game, but when the rubber hit the road, they enabled the hell out of the Rethugs by not taking any steps to block them. Gun Control so the terrorists can't shoot innocents? Oh, can't touch THAT one! Charges against those that specifically target members of congress for assassination? Oh, that was so Four Years Ago. Besides we have to WORK with these people...
I am tired of standing on the defensive. I did that in Iraq. I was over there to get shot at. Seriously, thanks to the ROE, all I could do was drive around with my head sticking out of an MRAP like a duck in a demented shooting gallery. We are politically doing the same thing, except those of us with our heads sticking out are the folks who DARE to criticize the establishment. The DNC is sipping martinis in the fucking Green Zone.
Am I advocating for a Third Party, I hear them cry? We should be focusing on electing BETTER Dems. When you find some, call me. About the only one whose campaign I will be working for this upcoming year is Angela Marx, because she's right over the border, and I actually respect her somewhat. Other than that, I am going to treat Democratic and Republican Parties the same as I treat Coke and Pepsi. I buy whichever one is on sale, but I much prefer a brand they don't make anymore.
Next up in my unforgivable sins, Dear BLM:
I am TIRED of hearing about my privilege. I live in fear of the police too, goddammit, because I know that there's a million things they can do to screw me over if I put a toe out of line. This constant drumbeat of me "Not getting it" just results in my tuning out the message. I UNDERSTAND that the police are out of control. But screaming at me, somebody who is on your gorram side, isn't going to result in any freaking changes! We need serious change in the monolith that is the PIC, which is only going to come about through change in the political structure. We have a political class that doesn't listen to protests because they DO NOT HAVE TO SEE THEM. The MSM doesn't cover it, and the only people who you affect with your constant calling of "racist" are those that actually give a shit. Vilifying people who pay attention to you doesn't win you any points. If anything, it creates an atmosphere of apathy, a feeling that "Well, I am trying, but they still hate me". That's not coming together to solve a problem. That's the political class laughing all the way to the bank when those they are oppressing fight amongst themselves over "Who has it worse."
And casting the final Die:
I am FOR Gun Confiscations. Provided they are matched by an equal scaling down of the Police. I want the British model of policing. Unarmed cops, unarmed criminals, and a HELL of a lot fewer deaths. I include all weapons capable of causing injury or deaths. Cops do not need Tear Gas, Tasers, and any other MIC toys to do their job. I am willing to accept a few stabbing victims for Hundreds NOT shot by police.
I honestly do not give a shit if you want to go hunting and are inconvenienced by the need to register your gun. If you can PROVE your need to hunt to live, I'm certain that the permit system can accomplish that.
I am also for Microstamping being made MANDATORY on all weapons, and any that are not in compliance required to be either confiscated, or made safe through means that ensure the weapon cannot be fired. Yes, I am aware that this will result in pieces no longer being "Historically Accurate" any more, to which I state that I am certain we can dig up the plans for Medieval Torture devices without having to have actual WORKING models. (And if they reply that we need Medieval Torture devices, I'd respond we seem to have done JUST fine without Greek Fire for the last thousand years.)
I am also for the Prosecution of the NRA as a terrorist organization, for spreading fear and propaganda with regards to the need for deadly weapons in the hands of the populace. I would extend the prosecution to those corporations that fund the NRA, and introduce legislation to overturn the disastrous exemption from prosecution that Gun Manufacturers have.
I have crossed the lines today, and it feels DAMN good. I am not going to go back on these positions. If anything, I plan to go even further to the left. I will probably stop before LITERALLY calling for the Rich to be Ground Up into Free Hamburger for the poor, but if anything, I've learned we get NOTHING with half measures.
Hey, detroit, you look like a perfect fit to me.
Always say what's on your mind. Get it out there.
Some very good ideas have emerged from this freedom. People just listen. Or engage. Or ask questions. There's no particular doctrine or policy here, except keen awareness.
For me, I'm just developing a list of what's impossible in the US in my lifetime. (Impossible things that are possible in most decent nations of the world.) It is clearly not a good fit for me. And, I'm not a good fit for the United States. But that's an simple fix.
Have fun with speaking freely.
A long time ago I looked into immigration
To Canada, Australia, and Great Britain.
Very, very difficult for an American, sadly.
And yes, I don't plan on putting the filter back on. Kinda hard to once you get used to it off.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
You might just have to stand in line.
Not voting for Hillary in the primary or general is sort of a given around here. Many/some are also frustrated/disappointed that BLM chose to be so confrontational with their allies over such a righteous cause. While blacks and native Americans have the easiest/biggest targets on their backs, nobody is safe from the cops, school-to-prison pipeline, and courts. blackkos and others at dkos being particularly obnoxious about the whole thing didn't help.
Guns are a different issue for me anyway. Inanimate objects do not kill people. (I know, Shah just banned me for the RW trope.) It is the animation of the object that is the problem, which is why I absolutely object to a bunch of crazy people carrying a gun as freely as they wear pants. Guns are very dangerous and should be kept locked up at all times. Usage requires great respect for the harm they can do, focus instead of distraction, and adherence to strict rules.
Bottom line, it is truly a joy to be able to speak your truth without fear of "the hiddens".
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Hell, as long as we can talk about it.
I'm perfectly fine with discussing things with people who Don't agree with me. Just loathe being shouted down which is annoying, and high-schoolish.
With guns, well, in my last DKOS diary I pretty much summed up why I'm SO anti-gun. But hey, the fact you agree there should be rules is a step that I could NEVER get the RKBA types to agree to.
I totally agree being able to speak your mind is a joy.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
were successfully transformed in the public mind from slim sophisticated accoutrements of the suave and sexy, to hideous filthy death-tubes that only a pissed-pants wino would want. They were also legislated out of most everywhere, and taxed up the ying-yang, until today they cost almost as much as gold, or even cocaine. The same can occur with killing machines.
Ungagging of veterans is a big one, IMHO
Right now a lot of vets have PTSD and are heavily medicated because they internalize their guilt from their actions.
We need to turn that anger outwards to the people who really WERE responsible and the culture that made us feel like we were
somehow inferior because of our loathing for the damage we have done to other human beings.
We need to get that sense of violation to every single gun owner. How incredibly harmful they are psychologically, if used for the proper purpose.
Only thing I can think of is pretty offensive. "You wouldn't give your son Roofies for Christmas"
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
My son is a Vet from Iraq and went through some things. He refused to take medication back when he tried to get some help. He also refused to be silenced. The whole thingy is not easy. People have to talk and to listen no matter how tough that may be. I wonder how many people can understand and accept that people feel betrayed.
Righteous rant, brother!
Shout it loud and shout it proud!
I have to do this more often.
Because I was actually thinking on the drive home to do this...
"Hmm, I wonder how long you have to be resident in Oregon before you have to run for office?"
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
You just might be surprised
at how many of us here feel the same. For those who are voting for her, we do not castigate them. But I made up my mind months ago that under no circumstances, can I vote for her. I will vote for third party before I vote for her. She is the continuation of Clinton, Bush 2, and Obama. We do not need more of the same and I refuse to validate her warmongering.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I am surprised...
How few people are doves when the Democratic party is in office...
Rather frustrating.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
rant on and rant more often ... you talk sense to me ...
agree with you all the way, especially about gun confiscation, NRA categorization as terror organization and Third Party stuff is all ok too. But keep your head down. No need to sacrifice yourself in a MRAP in the Green Zone. Glad you made it out with your head, mind and heart very much intact. Don't let the "hiddens" scare you.
Heh. Well, i used to think...
That I wouldn't really let myself go until I hit 5 bars...
Then I kept thinking, I don't want to be banned for ONE comment.
Now, with that all gone, I feel much better.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Agreed! Was thinking about Corbyn today
and all those Blairites who think Corbyn will be bad for Labour. I can hear John Cleese in my head going "Bad for Labour????? I'll tell you, mate, what's bad for Labour is [fill in the blanks about Labour acting like Tory Lite, as the Democrats are Republican Lite]"
"We can't!" say the apologists, which is funny if we remember the Obama slogan of 2008. So, according to them, the best we can hope for is preventing the Republicans from implementing the disastrous policies that the Democrat in the White House is currently implementing.
It's totally related to "keeping our powder dry". Things can never get better because of "them", meaning Republicans, until we change their minds, which won't happen. Instead of fighting for what's right, the best we can do is give the Republicans some stuff they want and hope they keep quiet. And while we're at it, we'll call giving the Republicans what they want "progressive".
The idea that we can somehow stockpile arguments...
And only fight when we REALLY need to assumes that there are political fights that waste time.
Any time you prevent your enemy from doing their will if only for a little while, especially if they have to fight to even achieve one goal,
is a worthwhile fight against the fascists on the right.
I'd have rather the government shutdown than eight more years of war. Funny how that threat was never made, when it was actual life and death we were talking about.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
well, doesn't that feel a lot better now?
i will not be voting for hillary, either. i don't care if she is running against satan his own bad self.
if what many believe is true and bernie stands no chance of winning the dem nomination, then i will be again voting green for sure.
regarding blm. i'm on a slightly different page than you are.
once when i was in the hospital, the fellow in the room with me was in serious pain and was making a lot of noise. i couldn't sleep and i found it really annoying. on the other hand, i couldn't really feel angry at him for making all the noise.
i feel kind of the same way about the blm people. they are wounded, they are in pain. they live in constant fear.
sometimes wounded people have unproductive reactions when people try to help or offer sympathy. people who live with fear do not act rationally. people who have lived through previous failed attempts by seemingly well-meaning people to help heal the problem tend to develop attitudes. after 400 years or so of that sort of thing, well, i guess i don't expect people to rejoice that a few progressive types want to help.
so, while i find the more unhinged accusations of racism and rants about privilege somewhat off-putting at times, i think the thing to do is to retain your cool and just let them know, hey, when you're done, if you'd like some help, let me know. i'll be over here. we could work together, we've got a bunch of things in common.
on the gun thing, i'm not sure a broad plan of confiscation is the way to go, considering the trained reaction that would cause. watching a lot of people perform like trained seals can be amusing, but in this case the potential for truly stupid things to happen is quite large. i think that universal registration is a great first step along with registration/regulation of the supply of ammunition.
anyway, good to see you decompressing.
well said
Same shouldn't be expected on a larger scale by Africans towards "First" world nations' exploitations.. Always a tough issue to keep your cool, on both sides.
We can't expect perfection...
Foot in mouth disease is a fact of being human, but I think that there should be a real acknowledgement of intent.
After all, there's a reason there's different classifications of murder, and other crimes.
While I get where you're coming from, I really think this whole idea of "Must SHAME them into helping" is just wrong. The people who should be ashamed Won't be... and the people who will listen are pretty much already disgusted by the situation in the first place.
But then, I'm also a big believer in the idea that it is the people who set the tone via laws and venues who create the problems. If BLM had access to the media as much as major PIC corporate donors, we'd be having a much different discussion IMHO.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The Dem party should be prosecuted as a terrorist
organization before the NRA. Electing more and better democrats is a pipe dream thought up by conservative republicans like Kos. Relative to the 2nd Amendment, all of the mass shootings have been staged events. We drove to school with rifles displayed in our truck windows, to high school!, when I was young. What's different now? It's not the people, it's those ruling us and their police and military state. Be careful who you blame here. Much of this has been manufactured.
yes, it's just maddening ... but
I try to laugh with this fellow, when I feel completely "tricked out" by the Dem Party.
That might just do the trick.
Yes it does.
Hilarious. Remember the orangutan in Clint Eastwood's Every Which way But Loose? Very funny and smart animals.
thx Al, I feared I may have stepped over
the invisible line and made you feel miffed. I know it's no laughing matter, but then I also don't know how to handle "no laughing matters". Hope you and yours are doing okay...?
Oh, great, I didn't know the Clint Eastwood movie and just looked at some clips of it. Got already a big laugh out of them.
I disagree with you...
But then again, I'm from a different generation, and have a different outlook. While I agree that Stochastic Terrorism is rife in our culture, we need to deal with the results of it.
Unfortunately, I don't think we're ever going to get the genie back in the bottle with regards to unlimited firearms. A TOTAL stand-down is my answer, due to it working in other nations. Yes, it's controversial, and I will have a lot of people disagree with me, but I don't trust the NRA one nano-second. (Was a member as a kid, and I know exactly how convincing their dogma can be if you buy into their central premises...)
But, all that said, thanks for the civil disagreement. I look forward to more of the same as we continue to try to make things better.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
dmw, I am so glad
to have you with us and posting here. You are a very welcome addition here.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Glad to be here.
Already it's starting to feel a bit like home. Switched back to Orange a couple times today, but just can't find the incentive to post.
Ah well. Thinking about trying to do what I did my first time round on DKOS and doing a diary/essay a day. After I drop off the kids at school, while the coffee is brewing seems ideal, and has worked so far.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Not voting for Hillary either.
Have been voting for Democrats for years and years as the lesser of two evils, and look where it's gotten us working class people. How much more of this lesser-of-two-evils voting can we take? After years and years of that, it's time to wake up and admit that that is a bad strategy for achieving "progress." In fact there is no progress, we are falling further and further behind. What was fought for at such a high cost is being taken from us, as the Democrats make bipartisan deals with the Republicans.
This time, if Bernie doesn't get the nomination, I'll be voting Green.
If the Democrats want my vote, from now on, they'll have to earn it. The whole "but..but...scary Republicans" bullshit won't work anymore. Personally, as a working class person who titters on the edge of poverty-along with almost every other working class person (with the exception of those who have already fallen over that edge), I find the Democrats pretty damn scary also, esp Hillary.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Not sure who I'll be voting for...
among the national candidates. Honestly, I will be checking out the third parties very closely to determine who I can stomach.
Bernie at least is a step in the right direction. Electing him would send a clear message. Of course it's a message the DNC doesn't want to hear, so they'll do everything they can to ensure it's never sent.
If you have more than 20 bucks in your bank account at the end of the month, you're doing better than me. I don't think there has ever been a month I haven't had to make calculations about which bill I can wait to pay on my entire adult life.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
A hearty welcome, DMW. I share several
of your views, including,
Regarding a total gun ban, not sure that I'd want to see that. We spent years in a hunter's/fisherman's paradise--interior Alaska--and did neither. Nor did we have the slightest inclination to do so. For us, Alaska was a hiking/camping enthusiast's dream come true; and, our Canon XLR, was the only thing that we ever 'shot.'
Having said that, both legacy parties have too many protofascist tendencies (IMO) to want to see the American citizenry entirely disarmed. Thorough/extensive background checks should be required, if it takes months. And, I'm totally against it being legal for anyone--including law enforcement--to carry automatic weapons and clips. That's insanity. But, I can understand (considering your war experience) how you might feel differently, and respect your view.
And, I'm totally against the current push (by both parties) to revert back to the 1950's/1960's regarding the widespread practice of 'involuntary commitment' to mental institutions, without demonstrable cause/reason. If this bill hasn't passed yet, it's must a matter of time, since a sizable number of Dems have jumped on board with the right-winger who proposed it.
This bill also either heavily cuts back, or fully eliminates, funding for legal advocates for people who are institutionalized. (I'm not sure which proposal made the final cut, on that.) If that doesn't cause a huge red flag to go up, I don't know what will.
Also, there's a provision to train police to act as interventionists, if you can believe that. A psychiatrist/psychologist could not be allowed to act as a cop, and I think that it's ridiculous for a cop to assume the role of a mental health practitioner. Especially, in light of all the police brutality that we've all recently witnessed.
I could be wrong, but I doubt seriously that FSC could win the General Election--if she's the Dem nominee. With her very high negatives, I figure that the Repubs will likely take the White House, unless they nominate an evangelical like Ted Cruz.
(I've looked a some poll internals, and although it may be hard to fathom, Trump has support across the ideological board. I think that Bernie could beat him, but I think that it would be a difficult task for FSC.)
Hey, great to have you here!
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I'm honestly glad to see opposing views...
mainly because I feel it validates my own. Course, not everybody has the same life experiences, so of course there's going to be differences of opinion. Only thing I find hilarious is that many who disagree with me offer positions that are closer to my end of things than the NRA's... That at least gives me some hope.
The whole scapegoating of the mentally ill is troubling because it's a very short step from that to the bad old days when people would be put into homes and have their "Assets" seized by family... Just seems to me to be another grab by the PIC to grab another slice of market share.
I am horrified by the thought that the Rethugs could win this next one, but at the same time, it at least will give us something to focus on. Provided of course the Dems don't go back to their business as usual of being "Bi-partisan"
And one thing that made me happy... Was watching a stream today for an upcoming game... they made a Trump Character, then IMMEDIATELY killed him off gruesomely. Yes, it was a joke, but at the same time, gave me at least a little hope for my age group.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I agree with you 100%
I won't be voting for Hillary. If DWS and the DNC keep it up, I won't even vote for their down ticket candidates. Fuck them.
[video: width:420 height:315]
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams