Bernie Should Beg For Forgiveness!!!

He should prostate himself before the almighty Democratic Party and plead to be pardoned for daring to fight for the weakest!

He should grovel before the anointed one for daring to take on the DNC!

He should donate a pound of his flesh to the Party grandees and pray to be absolved of all his sins!

He should abandon all hope like the rest of you oiks!

We won, so fuck you!

Oh and by the way

You should get on the bus in the name of #partyunity!

Hillary is not as bad as Trump!

This is the vibe I am getting after this primary season from the winners as I watch the Democratic Party congeal around their choice.

As many on the left know all too well:

If she wins it will be in despite of us.

If she loses the easiest election in living memory it will be our fault for making the primary competitive.

No matter who wins in November we will be given nothing but Lip Service until our votes are needed in 2018.

If we dislike both of the most dislikeable couple of people to ever run for the highest office in the land and yet fail to vote for either we are a disgrace.

You know what

I don't fucking care any more, it's the same bloody song every time, all they want is our cash and votes, after that we can go to hell.

They are starting to point out that if they also get majorities in the House and Senate that somehow recent history will become irrelevant and the Democratic Party will magically change and support progressive policies, like that happened in 2008. My view will be that the lessons from 2010 and 2014 will be that the Democratic party was too far to the left and further re-centring will be necessary.

Last time at least Democrats voted for hope and change, this time they have voted Status Quo or bust.

The only reason the Republican Party is still breathing is because the Democratic Party is still clinging to "we are not as bad as" as a winning strategy. The reality is: that both parties like things just the way they are thank you very much, it keeps the cash registers ringing.

The revolution is here and now, not when one party or the other says it's convenient.

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Alligator Ed's picture

Right after this election I will become on of them along with untold numbers of party 'members' who are sick of being betrayed. The Third Way put the gun to the head of the Democratic Party. The Clinton's and their supporters simply pulled the trigger.

IF Trump is dumped by the Repugs, he WILL run 3rd party. If Bernie, elects, after the assuredly crooked DNConvention ends, without party blessings, then he will tacitly allow himself to be Green. And, then, he can truthfully say that is working to defeat Donald Trump.

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riverlover's picture

Good timing? I was 55 then. Overqualified for everything. Overspecialized, at least my education was subsidized. I see what we have lost. Much talent tossed away. At some point, willing to suck that up for the youngers to have their chance. What a con job.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

MonetaryLeviathon's picture

vote only for non-globalists ... in 24 years of one president after another supporting globalist policies unequivocally should tell someone somewhere something about the ideology.. the results are self evident. It must stop. Bernie and Trump are both non-globalists yet both parties want to get rid of them ... doesn't that raise any eyebrows with anyone about the commonality between those two?

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featheredsprite's picture

We need Bernie to win the nomination. We also need for the Greens to get on more ballots. If they could get certified in about 10 more states, a Bernie/Stein ticket would have a chance.

Bernie as a Democrat would be better, of course, but I really don't know if sanity will prevail.

My best wishes to you and your family.

BTW, if you need someone to listen to your complaints, and you don't want to drive your family to despair, you could write a rant for the Resilience Group. We are very good listeners.

Again, [[hugs]]

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

ZimInSeattle's picture

The right wing party and the left wing party have coagulated into the Corporate Party of America. The two party system must be destroyed.

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.

John Adams 1879

Bold added.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

And IMHO it's damn funny too

Just went there (Mia culpa) and there were no less then SEVEN diaries on their wreck list allllllllllll. About how Bernie is now "irrelevant". LOL

anyone have the link to that website that tracks blog stats?

Might be interesting to watch as the GOS berniehates itself into irrelevance Wink

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Orwell was an optimist

under Hillary income inequality will expand, along with American Imperialism and sense of exceptionalism

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snoopydawg's picture

I was in one of those diaries last night calling out people that were telling Bernie and his supporters to FO and calling him all kinds of names.
I wrote upthread that one person came over here to get a screen grab of the comment I posted that showed the Clintons laughing their asses off at us because they are being funded by the same people that stole people's houses and pensions.
How very childish that they feel that they have to troll the web and put other people's comments from another site in to their comments over there.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

... that they keep talking about him. LOL.

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snoopydawg's picture

Diary after diary about how horrible Bernie is. And this has gone on now for over a week or longer and the comments are all the same in each diary.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

riverlover's picture

Their own Greek chorus. But they don't do irony. We do that well here. Wink

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

snoopydawg's picture

I read a Wikipedia page today about DK and it states that in 2015, the site rolled out a new update so that it could attract new users and be easier to work with.
The page wrote about a bunch of FPers who used to write for the site about various topics. I have been a member there since 05 and I remember a lot of those people and they did write about interesting topics like what we find in the EBs.
But those days are long gone as well as the people who used to write for DK.
Meteor Blades joined in 04 and there was interesting information about Armando and how many times he quit, came back, changed his name, ect.
Now Armando basically just makes an ass of himself and trolls a lot of diaries.
I'll try to find the link to the page.
At one time, DK was a progressive website, but it hasn't been since dk5 rolled out.
Now it's an echo chamber of Hillary supporters and anti Bernie diaries where people write the same comments over and over again ad nauseum.
Hey, I wonder if this comment will show up over there too? --
Good lord, imagine my surprise when I saw that.
It was the one where I had put a picture of the Clintons laughing about how they are being funded by the same people who stole their houses.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

snoopydawg's picture

There were great writers in the past as I wrote and I wonder where they are now and why they left?
Jessilyn Radich, Snowden's lawyer used to write great diaries as did Greenwald and other prominent writers, but after Snowden's leaks went viral, there were a bunch of dicks that would disrupt her diaries and constantly call him a traitor because he made Obama look bad because he extended the spying program. It was funny watching people try to defend what Obama was doing as legal. I don't care how many secret courts make up secret rules that say that the NSA program is legal. It isn't. It's unconstitutional because Congress's job is to uphold the constitution, not go behind its back and make up new laws. The 4th amendment says that we are supposed to be secure in our homes and if they want to spy on us then they need to get a court order for each individual that they want to spy on. Period!

A front-page diarist known as "Armando" (Armando Lloréns-Sar)[16][17] took a prominent role during Moulitsas' book hiatus in 2005 and was well known for his foreign policy and legal analysis. He also had his own political blogging website, called "Swords Crossed" that encouraged dialog between liberals and conservatives, and was a guest political commentator in a wide variety of media outlets, including The Majority Report and Talking Points Memo Cafe. After his identity and details of his legal career were made widely known, he announced his departure from Daily Kos in June 2006, citing loss of anonymity.[18] For two months, Armando would resurface periodically, and all of his comments were accompanied by a signature line stating that he would be returning to blogging in December 2006. Armando did indeed resurface, albeit under a user ID, "Big Tent Democrat," in September 2006. Armando "Big Tent Democrat" then left the Daily Kos site again in March 2007, citing "differences with the Management."[19]

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

riverlover's picture

and just from the writing style knew it was Armando. Heh. Of course, we were not allowed to call him out. That episode may be a pivot point. Towards crass commercialism.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Amanda Matthews's picture

for whoever it Kos happens to support (or whoever was paying him to be more exact). Of course the HillBillies are all freaking out. The 'who else they gonna vote for' attitude is alive and well over there.

The place is a parody of what it purports to be. And it's just as nasty, rude, and 'undemocratic' as Reddit or Red State or any other site they continually wag their fingers at and call names. The only thing I think it's good for anymore is the occasional comedy thread like the one KOS started about DWS being'gone'.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

was the refrain I often heard at TOP. More recently, there was a gathering at Burlington Airport welcoming Bernie home from the CA primary. While I was there, there was ONE HRC supporter across the street. She charmingly hollered to us, "Bernie is toast" and "he's not a Democrat". Ok then, they can have it their which case Bernie, and by extension I, don't owe you and your candidate shit.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

the words they're using, nor their implications in the real world.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Where I disagree, kind of, is that when you say Hillary represents the status quo, it sounds static. The problem for me is that I see the status quo as more of the same, which means continuing policies - and with Hillary expanded policies - contributing to more wars and destruction, for all living beings and our planet, itself.
Have you noticed what Obama has been passing, while we are distracted by this kabuki election season? Distraction and fear mongering are the keystones of tactics to keep their game going. Continued or expanded fracking off the coast of California. Drilling in the Arctic. War mongering with Syria, China and Russia. Doing everything we can to make sure TPP is passed so that it is part of his legacy and, I believe, so that Hillary does not have to own it as hers, considering how unpopular it is. We are so fucked. How can his approval ratings be so high?

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