Are the Young Turks part of the Establishment? Is Bernie now?

Although reading published articles is always much, much faster than watching a video, videos give a much more complete exposition of the subject in almost all cases. So while time-consuming, my preference is for video perhaps because I learn better with the combination of sight and sound. This essay is based upon three recent videos, which will be enumerated below. Watch them if you wish, or perhaps read this essay as is, however you prefer.

The primary thesis is one that has been gnawing at me, and by reference to comments on this site, that Cenk Uyghur sold out, perhaps not monetarily, but in matters of integrity and spirit. That moment came, as many of us know, when Bernie lost the primary--more properly, it was stolen out from under him and from US who fervently believed in his message. Cenk then said, perhaps not in so many words, that Trump is so bad, soooo baaad, that we must fall in line and vote for the Klinton Creature. Most of us at c99 did not. I suspect some may have voted for Trump, likely not many though. Lots of us went Green, which I did. How in good conscience could anybody support the serial corrupter, liar, and child killer so beloved by the Democratic establishment? Other than those who had a vested financial interest in her campaign and election, what rational, peace-loving individual would possibly vote for her? If anybody at c99 did so, please don't tell me.

The straw which broke my remaining hope that Cenk was a true progressive came when John Iadarolla, Mark Thomson, and Michael Shure put up a lame defense of the DNC actions. The author of this video, who goes by the name of Hard Bastard pulls no punches in his meticulous analysis of the blatant hypocrisy of TYT in trying to minimize and exculpate the admittedly corrupt DNC, a fact which even they did not deny. In the true spirit of the Corruptocracy, they played Clintonesque word games and false analogies in this feeble effort to semi-justify the DNC's actions.
After seeing this video, having missed the original TYT video, which however is reproduced in full during HB's critique is so foul and lame, that I immediately cancelled my monthly TYT financial support. Jordan Chariton is great but the rest (with the likely exception of Nomiki Konst) is disposable, unreliable trash. [Note, I consider Jimmy Dore to be independent of TYT, even though he is a frequent guest]. If you do watch HB's video, I doubt that many of you will disagree with my analysis. If you do disagree, which is perfectly acceptable provided you can offer a rational counter-argument, I will happily debate in the comment section.

The second video is by the under-appreciated H.A. Goodman, who is rabidly anti-Hillary (as am I) and who correctly predicted in 2015 that Clinton would lose--for which took lots of derision but boy was he right! Again, I did not see the video by TYT which so inflamed him, but H.A. was visibly furious with the disrespect apparently directed at him by TYT. For those who may not be familiar with his work, he often collaborates with Tim Brown, Kyle Culinksy of Secular Talk, and other progressive voices airing on YouTube. His videos are usually short, related to one subject at a time and plainly stated (my kind of guy). This video does not so much voice political opinions as it does to the allegedly false character attacks unleashed by TYT. I have never seen him so worked up but this video gives more reason to believe TYT is a sham progressive outlet.

Finally, the Progressive firebrand, Debbie Lausignon, aka the Sane Progressive blasts both the DNC but most especially Bernie for whom she worked diligently during his campaign. This is an out-and-out rant, as she admits. Clearly she feels betrayed not only by the DNC but by Bernie who is sheep dogging progressives to stay with the establishment Democratic party. Her points are hard to refute, especially coming from one who worked so hard trying to get Bernie elected.


One thing is for certain, is that the Democratic party is incapable of being reformed from within. This is a point which many here at c99 have voiced, me with them.

Defeating the Establishment

So the question now arises, as to how fight the establishment. We have debated this at length. Here is my opinion. Initially, it will be impossible to immediately replace the Democratic party. I'm not sure what the JusticeDemocrats are about to do but my comment is made independent of their actions or inactions.

THE WEAK point, THE ultimate wedge with which to replace the Democrats AND many Republicans who oppose Medicare-for-all/single-payer. Medicare-for all/single-payer is enormously popular across the political spectrum. Even 40 - 50% of Republicans favor this issue. The time is NOW. People may not understand the intricacies of Bank bailouts, Federal Reserve monetary policy, adverse taxation, etc., but they certainly do know that when they or their family is in desperate need of health care. Neither of the duopolistic parties care about them. People all across the country are in revolt, witness the huge, huuuge animosity visited upon Representatives and Senators of both parties at their town halls.

Pushing a broad-spectrum of a complete political agenda, such as Fight for 15, election reform, eliminating ruinous tax policies, overturning Citizens United, etc, will NOT be a unifying issue. But Health CARE (not access) is the unifying issue of the American people NOW. It is fine with me that Republicans get rid of their anti-care elements in favor of a more moderate Republican. Most of all, as concerns progressives is the primarying and replacement of establishment Democrats, who are more blatantly corrupt than Republicans (although the Republicans are certainly unsurpassed in their corruption).

So the first step in a peaceful political revolution is to concentrate on the unifying issue of Health Care. Elect a significant, even if only small portion of non-establishment Democrats and Republicans. Then, regardless of what the GOP does, the small numbers of true Democratic progressives in office, when led by a charismatic leader (such as Tulsi Gabbard or Nina Turner) can break off, forming a new party--call it what you will.

This is the thing to do. For the moment now, concentrate on the one gigantic issue in which so many Americans believe: Medicare-for-all/single-payer. I am reminded that when Jimmy Carter came to Washington, he had a huge plethora of things he wanted to--but he tried to do them all at the same time. This is precisely the opposite strategy. One cause. One issue. NOW!

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but go on. Just logged in after reading JtCs comment. If having an account means being "part of the community", here's what I think the central issue should be: Get Money Out of Politics.

It's my opinion electoral politics is a broken sewer hole draining the economy, the natural resources, the people's spirit, look at California. Hey BigTech, get the fuck out of America! That would make us great again. A healthy society does not leave human beings living like garbage on the street, while your fancy digital rules make a few "clever" assholes rich, including the corrupt politicians. Move the K Street Overton Window back to the illegal side, where it belongs. Thanks.

Until the root of the problems are addressed, "noise proves nothing" to paraphrase Twain. That's what I think. I will support MFA if that is what the middle-class thinks is the thing now worth saving, more trickle-down thinking. Meh, incrementalism. It is why the arc of my own personal history bends toward injustice. I couldn't stop the madness, and now I'm afraid the same measures will prove fruitless once again. Money talks, bullshit walks (or becomes outreach). Same as it ever was.

Even poor people can withhold a vote, that is the only option available now to darn near half the country? Clovertucky is the graffiti around my small town now, racist division achieved. Thanks to the clueless, mean politicians and their sycophants in news media. Fake climate marches are polluting the atmosphere more than helping it anymore, but go on. Every one needs a task, something to provide meaning as the world burns.

Good luck and thanks for C99. Peace.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@eyo Wondrous things can grow in parched barren ground if watered and cared for. The starting point is MFA/SP. I repeat again that this is the starting point, not the be-all end-all. Complex issues die in academia. Simple issues win wars.

One Issue. One Cause. NOW

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riverlover's picture

@Alligator Ed This by itself would be huge. If it has to pass Congress, let a bill be read by many critical eyes, citizen eyes.

And consider that a huge leap forward in taking back our republic for us. Peace next. Bring them all home.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

@Alligator Ed thanks, and if C99 rallies around it as a starting point I don't mind. Have fun, I won't try to stop it, I'll support the words, and try to be positive. Democracy means fifty percent, plus one. One person, not one percent. I can vote, that is all. It costs a stamp to mail the ballot, that I can afford. Cheers.

Not totally off-topic, but thought you might get a laugh like I did from this link. It popped up on my PCs rotating wallpaper, a screenshot of this address with logo and everything, from last year:

LMAO it still works of course. Just type anything after the domain name? Forward! Together! LOL, Democrats are funny failures, at least. Maybe if BigTech gave clue rather than money. I searched the first two there and felt sick again, enough is enough.

Peace & Love

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Alligator Ed's picture

@eyo Come on lady, pay or get out of the way.

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