America's "Soft Underbelly" is rotting--a diminishing empire unaware of its ills.
The reference to "soft underbelly" arose from Winston Churchill's appellation of Italy being Europe's soft underbelly during WW 2.
I believe that term was used to justify the Allied refusal to open a front on the European mainland properly. When you look at how it is phrased, it almost sounds like Churchill says that Italy will open a clear pathway that will be lightly defended and easily accessible into Germany, but that is not the case. Churchill really wanted both the Fascists and the Communists to kill each other off, and then swoop in and remake Europe in a way he felt would best serve whatever ambitions he had. He refused multiple times Stalin's demands to open up a second front to divert German troops from the Eastern Front, always dodging the demands by weak defences like needing the men to protect the homeland and whatnot. Even when the invasion of Norway was staged, it could be locked with the navy, preventing any long and drawn out conflict between the nations. Never forget that Churchill was ruthless enough to orchestrate a famine in India by diverting food to England, and then claiming it was their fault for "breeding like rabbits".
The excuse of the "Soft underbelly of Germany" is a bad lie. It was to focus on colonial interests in Egypt.
Of course, that statement was complete crap, driven by Churchill's imperialistic and craven contempt not only to the Italians but the Russians as well. A second front, desired by Stalin ever since 1942-43 was postponed until June 6, 1944's Normandy invasion. The actual invasion of Italy began in 1943 after the Allies reconquered Sicily. The point here is not to relitigate the propaganda of WW 2, but to make an analogy to the current existence, widely unrecognized, about America's neglected Caribbean soft underbelly.
So long used to accept the Caribbean's status as a huge US safe harbor, despite its thousands of islands, large and small, the US has blithely ignored growing encroachment of our own "Mare Nostrum" by Chinese and Russian military enclaves. These enclaves, to be illustrated below, are already established, not merely in the planning stages. There are even two Russian encampments in southern Cuba (see maps) [Maybe they'll accept overflow from Trump's pending repopulation of Gitmo.]
How this could happen is beyond me. I can understand this happening under Hussein (traitor that he is) but how could MAGA 1 let this continue. Maybe the headlines or tweets wouldn't be sexy enough.
To understand the situation, still worsening in terms of US imperialism, see this video posted by Florida Maquis (FM) UN seizes US assets. War in the Caribbean closer (17:42)
The point of the video is to alert US residents about the subtly and silently shifting of balance of power in the new Mare Nostrum. The Southern Command is aware of this but nobody's talking--yet. This shift in the balance of power is directly affecting the ability of the US not only to effect a regime change against Maduro and seize the oil beneath Venezuelan soil, but even hinder Venezuelan tankers from supplying China and the Far East with Oil (of course in non-dollar currencies)
The above image shows the relevant area, the Caribbean basin, with markings added by FM to show areas of influence already in existence by the Chinese (red lines) and Russians (black lines). These lines are not to scale, just to give visual reference to the situation.
The next map shows US bases nearby, along Colombia's Pacific coast mainly. The green lines represent Venezuelan oil tankers adjacent to VZ ports.
Since the color fidelity of the map may not be as accurate as desired, you see only two US bases near Colombia. Bases in Panama are not shown--that omission may seriously affect FM's analysis. His analysis concludes that the presence of both Chinese and Russian vessels (presumably warships) will facilitate a path from Venezuela's Atlantic ports, through the Caribbean, thence through Panama's canal* and further to the Pacific off Colombia's west coast. See the map below.
Of course the greatest obstacle of this theory is that the US would allow passage of Venezuelan tankers through the Panama canal. This is not a given.
Here is the implication: the US seemingly is either ignoring or purposefully neglecting our soft underbelly. Perhaps US military institutions are aware and making quiet countermeasures. Or maybe not. FM states in the video that the Naval commander of the eastern Pacific/South American Fleet says his command is under equipped, relying partly on US Coast Guard vessels for patrol.
Whatever the US response, it may too little, too late--at least as far as Venezuela is concerned. Russia has multiple Venezuelan bases which are not posted there for beaches and sunshine.
One issue to be worked out, as I am sure it is, will be the effect of Chinese non-Russian oil importation upon Russia. Will Nordstream I and II soften the blow?
I need a shot of Carribean rum and offer you this:
After I get a bit tipsy I tell you how often I had to read your analysis to hopefully understand ...
![Give rose](
![Music 2](
I love your writing no matter what. And Brahms too. Not yet decided on first video's musical intepretation though. Just saying.
Many thanks for all your work.
Thanks, mimi for the music
In your honor and apropos of the essay's theme, may I present Felix Mendelssohn's Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage should you attempt sailing to a Caribbean play land.
Yup... the Red Dawn Scenario...
Looks more and more likely every day... to the delight of the right wing everywhere, who are convinced that they can run to uncle bobby's fishin' shack and them Rooskie's won't stand a chance in Hayell!
On the other hand... no reason Cascadia can't be on good terms with the new provisional government and our Russian friends. Just saying...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Alligator U can really make a person think.
I didn't take any of the prerequisite classes before diving in. So I got lost in European History first and WWII, which just gets murkier and more sinister the more you look at it, as you realize the plutocratic asset-grabbing networks formed then are still moving nations around the chessboard in a game they have been tricked into playing. I only sort of get the analogy about the soft underbelly via Italy as an invasion location for the US et al. to attack Germany as a corollary to the Caribbean as an invasion location for the Axis of Evil to attack the United States (via Florida or Texas?). Or are the entire Caribbean and northern South America actually a continuation of the sovereign nation of the United States, where trade with the Axis of Evil would be considered an invasion of the United States?
I came away from that uncertain and unqualified, only to fall down this rabbit hole:
I didn't click the link right away. Instead, I had a brain freeze over "the UN seizing assets" (ie. land masses) of sovereign nations. Has that ever happened? Has anyone ever had a delusion that the UN can seize the property of sovereign nations? Why wasn't I notified? Is this a mental health issue? So, yes, I started looking it up. I mean, who ever heard this? I lost 30 minutes mucking around the intertubes.
Readers, don't make the same mistake I did. Click on that same link right away. It explains the thinking here, which you are unlikely to find using conventional approaches.
My understanding from the video is that WAR is coming to this region because Venezuela is located on top of natural resources that rightly belong to the US and Conoco Phillips. Additionally, China and Russia and Venezuela, nations that have commercially traded in this region for centuries, are accused of causing communist thinking in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. China's infrastructure projects in the region are many, but we learn that it has resulted in two countries not recognizing Taiwan (as a sovereign nation) — even the US doesn't recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation. Russia has recently sold oil to Cuba, which is causing a stir, but Russia's greatest cultural influence in the region comes from the rapidly increasing number of Russian tourists. It turns out that Russian visitors fit the profile most sought after by the tourism sector in the Caribbean. Most are aged between 25 and 45, come from an educated, upper-middle class demographic, have high purchasing power and increasingly want sun, sea and to shop — especially where some Russian is spoken. We also learn that Russia claims to own two Caribbean islands — Serranilla Bank and Bajo Nuevo — that no one ever heard of. Sinister motives are assigned. Since the US abandonment of Puerto Rico, we are warned that China and Russia may have increasing influence there.
That's life in a Multi-powered world, is it not?
It doesn't look like WAR to me. People seem to be enjoying themselves and improving their lives.
Carry a flame and share the light.
Over, under, sideways, down
To think that Conoco Phillips and Amerikkka have sovereign's rights over the oil unfortunately situated beneath Venezuelan soil is indeed a continuation of the US treatments of the banana Republics' invasions by uncle Sam in the early 20th century--you know the ones Smedley Butler decried in his essay "War is a Racket"--is not incorrect. Legally this is not the case, but that doesn't mean Uncle Sugar will abide by such outdated concepts of international law or honoring treaties or sovereignty to non-US nations.
Another shot of rum - tipsy enough to cry
reminds me of some very nice coastal regions in India in which are nowadays a lot of Russian tourists and here in Germany are a lot of Russia-rooted folks in the low-wage jobs of elderly care in nursing homes.
And they are not liked at all by the local populations, people just talk like that behind their mouth covered with their hands to make not too much noise about their tribalistic feelings.
I stumbled over the same sentence as Pluto did. The UN seizes US assets … that was when I gave up to understand your essay and postponed further reading… and then really watched the whole video you posted by the Maquis now.
I understood the Video, I think. What reminds that Video me off is the sudden engagement and activities of China in Sub-Saharan African countries. All of the sudden they were there in the late seventies and eighties. I never understood and researched what that meant. Even my then African husband did not talk about it much. I think he did not know either. Strangely enough he was on a missions by the IMF to Kiribati. For some reasons he seemed to be liked quite a bit by the local Kiribatians (and for that less by the other crew members of that Mission) All I remember him saying that the People in Kiribati had roots to some of South Africa's local tribes.
This might be not a good comment to the Essay, but thats what came to my mind that helped me … get the Picture a bit clearer.
I mean it is hard for a lay Person to connect the dots. To understand your essay you must go through the Marquis Video. And then I guess we have to wait if the conclusions he comes to in the end (Conoco Phillips loses and China and Russia wins) will occur in reality.
Well, I will grew my own trees on my own land and heat my hut with wood.![Beee](
sorry for the many captialization of some words in the
comment. I guess I have a spell checker for the German language and when I type in english it is smarter than me and Always capitalize words that shouldnt be.
I hate those "smart" thingies. They are darn dumb and annoying and I am too lazy Right now what in my "Einstellungen" is wrong. GRrrrrrrrrr…..
Oh, my „Einstellung“ is often wrong in both senses of the word
Not only am I using the wrong setting (meaning #1), but I’m having the wrong attitude (meaning #2).
lol - my attitudes are dependent on my
Einstellungen. … We are in the same club then…
mimi, Ich liebe das Kapital
Then you must have lots of 'Kapital'
I love the Capitol. I do not have to have it and I do not have to read it. Just looking at it makes my day.
![Blum 3](
redacted - double post /nt