If Markos is a typical supporter, then the Democratic Party is f---ed
Part of his latest whine [I'm not going to link]
The system is rigged—the first states were lily white, giving Sanders an early boost. He’s gotten 46 percent of the delegates while garnering only 43 percent of the popular vote. He’s benefited from low-turnout, undemocratic caucuses when subsequent higher-participation primaries delivered strikingly different results in Washington and Nebraska. And now, even with all those structural advantages, he still wants the supers to steal the election for him.
God, the half truths are staggering and if you replaced "lily white" with another race the objections would have broken the bloody site.
Indeed there was a Lily white movement [1870-1920s] in the South within the Republican Party that was largely accredited to driving out the African Americans from their party, don't forget this was also the Dixiecrats in the 1940s. So saying Lilly white implies that those voting are racists, funny that in party with an all white primary. Am I the only one that remembers the Clintons more than borderline racism the last time around the block when contesting President Obama
Back in March of 2007, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist Mark Penn wrote a campaign memo that proposed painting Barack Obama as un-American or “other”:
“His roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values ... Every speech should contain the line you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century ... Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t.“
Last time around the block he viciously attacked Hillary Clinton without remorse, now he is doing the same with Bernie Sanders, the credibility gap is growing to the point where anything he writes can be considered as bullshit.
The reason that this primary is and was rigged right from the get go is bloody simple
The DNC immediately took sides with one candidate alone and did everything in their power to prevent a free and open election, notwithstanding their already in place electoral system.
They deliberately failed to give all the candidates equal opportunities to make their case, we were bombarded with inevitability.
The calls that the election is over started even before it started and continue even though nobody has officially won.
Even partisans must concede that this type of rhetoric is designed to distort the results.
So don't give all this whinging about undemocratic tendencies when the whole primary system is anything but democratic.
You should be fighting that democratic principles are being upheld no matter who you support rather than just writing them off as a byline. He should also refrain from using such derogatory racial slurs.
Oh and by the way the criticism of Hillary Clinton is the very much the same as Markos used last time around the block with some added criticism from her term as SoS; which many around the world have regretted, had their lives ruined and even died from.
Standing up for principles is a sign of a growing Party, sticking your head in the sand is a sure sign of a flailing one.

He's turned into a whiny cry-baby!
On top of potty-mouth asshole that he already was.
Love is my religion.
I missed the reply button, see below
One of my favorite flaws
Something about old dogs (me) and new tricks (successfully using the right button). Oh well...
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Did I mess up by replying first?
Love is my religion.
Of course you did!!!!
You are close, but let me help you --
Bill Maher on Trump: "whiney little bitch"
If the shoe fits...
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
Hunh? Are us lily-white (or slightly tanned) people
supposed to feel guilty for our skin tone from an edict brought down by a half Southern Mediterranean half Central American white guy? Color me not.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
if that is not enough then gender can be used spuriously to
negate any viable criticism
Oh, that gets used often enough. It's overused as well.
because they have fuck all else
And as an older female, liberated
I find that cringe-worthy. If she gets the Presidency, it will ruin many women's chances in politics for decades. And maybe in other persuasions.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I don't think so. I don't think people are evaluating her as
"the female". Whatever she does will make Liz Warren no less competent or compassionate. Etc. She is an individual. A war-mongering individual. She is not the correct female to lead this country. But I don't think it will be taken as an indication of anything about women in general.
You have Louie Gohmert, Rick Perry, and W on the male side, after all.
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Theoretically, I agree, EC
And if she and her supporters had not used the gender card and promoted her candidacy based upon electing her as the first woman President (identity politics), then that may be the case. However, identity politics may work in one way and backfire in another. There is plenty of sexism out there and she only gives those who are basically sexist a reason to play that card because of all of her other baggage. If she ran on policy, then that might be a different story.
What galls me to no end is that none of her supporters nor the candidate herself has presented a compelling reason why I should want to vote for her based upon her policy stances which are ever changing.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I see what you're saying, but if someone tries to judge my
abilities based on those of Hillary Clinton, I will happily tell them that I am no Hillary Clinton.
The best I have been able to make out of the other side is that they like incrementalism. Change is scary and more change is scarier.
Personally, I don't think we have time for incrementalism (if I trusted her to do even that much). With climate change already happening, blacks being gunned down by our "protectors," and abortion "services" often limited to one per state, I think we have to make a giant 180-degree turn and fast.
I get the emotion, change is scary in my own life. But I keep telling myself that without change, there is only stagnation, never improvement.
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Maybe that's why Clinton does better with older people
Big change is maybe harder to take for older people, even if the change is desperately needed.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Being an older person and loving Bernie, I really can't tell you
why older people prefer Hill. I don't understand it myself.
But I feel like over time, having had to deal with many changes, I actually feel more competent to handle most things that might come my way than I did when I was younger.
Are younger people today more optimistic than we were as young people? Maybe. Do you feel like the way you were raised, or the times you were raised in, caused you to look forward to change?
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Plenty of people
Feel quite comfortable and secure, financially and employment-wise. Why would they want change?
One just has to callously disregard the millions in this country who are struggling, suffering and being disenfranchised. Plenty of people willing to do exactly that. Try mentioning it and crickets and a hasty change of topic will follow.
Their callous disregard is going to bite them in the rump if
we don't change things. Once the wealthiest squeeze the poor and the lower middle class dry, where do they think they're going to target next? Do they really think they'll stop and say "OK, we have enough money now, we'll stop and be happy with what we have"? I don't see any indication of that. I think it's a competition with them, and those with the most toys win, and there is no end to it. So the slippery slope will continue. The middle middle class will be targeted, then the upper middle class. I already see teachers, professors, and IT professionals struggling like they never did before. Unless people who are financially comfortable now realize the wealthy want it all, they're going to be mightily disappointed some day when they're next.
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Me too!
Thank you Gulfgal, I cannot make Hillary supporters understand that instead of just bashing Bernie they need to give us a reason to support her, and no, the lesser of two evils will not work. Bernie gives us reasons to support him with all our hearts, votes and dollars. In my case the dollars are few, but Bernie makes this poor senior feel like part of his campaign.
And Sarah Palin,
and Michele Bachmann!
But yes, I agree.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
True, idiots of all genders
And obviously (Trump) nasty people of all genders.
Which doesn't make the rest of us any less compassionate nor less competent nor less intelligent. I almost welcome people to try to say that Hill is "all women," as it gives us another opportunity to point out that no one should be judged on the basis of others.
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Everyone has an equal opportunity
to be an asshole, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion.
See "Margaret Thatcher"
We Brits got this female Reagan in the 1980s as our first woman PM. She privatized everything (which is now starting to be undone) and was about to to get tossed out on her ass when the Argentinians - in a masterpiece of bad timing - decided to invade the Falklands and let her wrap herself in the flag for another term.
Since then, the only woman PM we have had was the fictional Harriet Jones on Dr. Who!
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
"Don't you
think she looks tired?"
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Six words... not two.
Amazing how art imitates life!
Best running gag in TV history
And Killer Mike nailed it when he introduced Bernie Sanders in Atlanta: "I'm not here to see us elect our own Margaret Thatcher":
It's about equality!
Every woman should have the chance to stand on their husband's shoulders and talk about how qualified they are - Vote Hillary!
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
My thoughts exactly.
I would have some respect for her if she actually ran her own campaign, went out on the trail and did her own work. Like last week, Bill went to visit Brown, and this week Brown endorsed Bill's wife.
that's why they always double down on this stuff
It is all they have. if they had anything else, they would use it.
And now that it's not working like it used to, they are stomping their feet and pouting.
It's her turn after all.
The people won't just shut up like they should and fall in line.
And the more rightward they go, the more intolerant they grow.
Very overused. Every time I see a blogger or commenter
saying "Bernie just has white male support," I want to yell, "Excuse me, I'm right here!" as I'm sure all young people do too. Having 20% of, say, older female or black support is not a tiny minority. And he has all young demographics. Of course I wish he had more, and I hope California will show he can win a diverse state. But meanwhile, #BernMadeMeWhiteMale.
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Agree, it's sexist and racist
It seeks to invalidate the influence of women and POC who support Bernie.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
Good point. I think of the "Bros" who apparently posted some
sexist crap in the beginning, as less than 1% of 1% of Bern's supporters. Most men I know are way over the whole "women can't be bosses" thing. And that's here in Kentucky.
It's one of the many kitchen sinks lobbed at Bern supporters. I guess they figure they can't argue the issues, maybe smears will distract attention from that fact.
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Further investigation, IIRC,
revealed many of those to be GOP trolls seeking to stir up trouble amongst the Dems. Wouldn't be surprised if many of them were actually sporting Trump bumper stickers on their laptop cases.
I'm a 68 year old part Cherokee woman. Don't think I fit into the white male category.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
Including diverse states like Hawaii and Alaska
and most Native American populations. I've found ONE Native American population, in the three most heavily Native American counties of Arizona, who went for Hillary 56% to 41%. The rest, in places like Alaska, the Sac & Fox areas where the northeast meets the midwest, Native Hawaiians, etc., etc., have all broken hugely for Bernie. Yet Kos stays COMPLETELY mum about them.
Not to mention the Asian-Americans (Hawaii is 37% Asian-American). Selective reading by him, I guess.
"The suspense is terrible! I hope it continues!" - Wilde
White Guilt is the Democratic Party's Original Sin
It's not just Jar Jar's edict. He's just using a play out of the Dem's arsenal of division tactics. It's an 'edict' that has been used to guilt and to divide people for decades.
If you repeat a lie often enough etc etc
The election is over, wait, what, you mean we have to count all the votes...shut the fuck up
Posted on another essay was this
User tocino8 posted this link in another essay here. I highly recommend people watch the short video, read the analysis by Gaius Publius, and the comments on it.
Markos is simply symptomatic of the Democratic establishment's pretzel twisting to try to drag this very weak and fatally flawed candidate over the finish line to the nomination. Wasserman Schultz and the DNC have put their full weight on the scale to give Clinton every advantage and yet she cannot close the deal. The White House is pissed about that. Now with the FBI investigation looming, it looks like the Obama White House is also willing to do everything it can to help her including stopping the investigation short of recommending an indictment. The corruption is so rampant that even I am shocked.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I am finally shocked, a whole new playbook in the already
corrupt system.
see reply to the video below missed the button again
Been there, still doing it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Don't feel bad, LaFem
My wife says I couldn't hit the button with both hands and Garmin.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
I also read that the DNC and Obama recognize that they need Obama campaigning for Hillary to help drag her over that finish line. That is one reason for all of the calls for Sanders to drop out. They need Obama out there, but he doesn't feel like he can until she is fully the recognized nominee. That means (to them) waiting longer for the convention, or much better and sooner, Sanders dropping out.
Some loose ends.....
Suppose Obama wants to interfere with the FBI investigation. That raises some interesting questions:
1. Why did he state early on that the secret server contained some of our country's most important secrets?
2. Why did the FBI extradite the Romanian hacker?
3. Why did he refuse to comment on the IG report when asked in Japan?
4. Will there not be a conclusion of the FBI investigation at some point?
5. Will the results of the FBI investigation not be made public?
Feel free to add other questions.
Great piece by Gaius, gulfgal-I just posted it on another thread
linked at Naked Capitalism. Commentary on that is righteous there, too.
Watched the video
I am glad they know that they have a crap candidate, how about they actually do something about it.
Losing is totally kewl with the neolibs.
It's another great opportunity to blame "Sanders forces" for another Democratic defeat while soaking up Republican money.
What's important to remember in this regard is that those violent white supremacist Trump supporters are in significant measure a product of austerity planning under Barack Obama (with a little help from the Republican Congress he always wanted).
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I just think the party faithful enjoy kicking lefties
above all else
There are many things about which I disagree with Obama,
and a few things I like about him. But I don't think he wanted a Republican Congress. Whatever he wanted to do to create a Presidential legacy would have been much easier with a cooperative Congress. So I don't think that's correct. But I'm open to being convinced. Do you have evidence that he actually wanted a Repub Congress (presumably to blame for failures)?
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how hard he pushed the recommendations
of the cat food commision vs singel payer, and he would have never got tpp passed with dems in control
Solidarity forever
No, just a bunch of circumstantial evidence
Rahm's comment about liberals being "fucking retarded," or Obama's numerous moves at "bipartisanship" -- all the time he spent trying to get Olympia Snowe to sign on to the ACA, for instance, or his siding with Republicans against Democrats in the push for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or his complete lack of effort in supporting Democrats in the 2010 midterm elections. The fact that the Republicans have rejected him doesn't mean that he's rejected them, so, for instance, from 2013:
This sort of political effort appears as what Obama's always wanted to do, rather than the strenuous stuff he did in the first two years to get Democrats to accept his basically Republican policy aims. It's always appeared strange to me that Daily Kos liberals (of the pre-March-2016 variety, not the current crowd) assume motives and desires of Obama that he didn't really have, along the lines of he's really just another liberal like us.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Watch the 2008 PBS doc on BHO again
There was always something quite odd about his appointments to the Harvard Law Review. The facial expressions of the interviewees when talking about that event are interesting and there's probably a story there.
Someone I know from the activist scene in Chicago said "The only reason Obama's in the Dem party is because there is no future for an African American in the Illinois GOP." At the time I took it for a hyperbolic, satirical indictment of BHO as a Blue Dog in fact if not in name. As time passes the hyperbole diminishes.
Is this part of a Manchurian candidate riff?
By definition no, since premise is: Obama charted his own course
rather than being the product of some government’s MK-ULTRA program.
I think Obama's heart was in the right place
He did get a lot done in the first 2 years with the Democratic congress. He could have done a lot more but he was under the illusion that, as President, he needed to let all sides be represented. Obamacare has made a large, positive difference in my life and, given the power of the medical insurance lobby, maybe it was the only way to get that first step towards the vastly superior single payer system. I think after 7 1/2 years he's become too entrenched in the establishment, but he's still more trustworthy than the Clintons and he is a more far-sighted President (i.e. elimination of nuclear weapons) than Bill was. I'd definitely take a third Obama term over a third Clinton term.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Not sure where to begin. Glad you got some health insurance
hope you get some health care with that. It was no first step, just another bandaid for the 99% and a pot of gold for the insurance industry. This same guy - a Democrat supposedly - hooked up a 'catfood commison' and put my social security on the table, and were it not for an obstinate f'd up Republican congress it would have been a real bad deal for me and lots of other folks in my situation. He stacked his cabinet with establishment crooks who spun in an out of government and wall street like they were at a carnival. It didn't take 7 1/2 years for the man to get entrenched in the establishment - it was a done deal at the convention if not before, where he signed his name on the dotted line to toe the line. And as far as his being far-sighted, he's already got his own foundation set up and ready to go. Some of the difference between Obama and the Clinton's might be explained by his not having been on the gravy train as long to have had the time to have perfected the scam - yet. I'd go on but I've got some Bernie or Bust cards to mail out.
Obama's Republican Congress
If Obama had wanted an effective Presidency, he would have abandoned his ridiculous "kumbaya politics" and played things right, straight from the start: he would have completely purged his Cabinet of right-wingers, Turd Way types, and Republicans on Day 1. Also, he would have insisted on full filibuster reform in the Senate and made it stick, so only 51 votes rather than 60 would be required to accomplish anything. Then, before anything else, he would have headed straight into performing his principal campaign promises -- closing Guantanamo, getting completely out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and a genuine recovery of the Bush-whacked economy. These were the things he had promised during the 2008 campaign, and they were the first items flushed down the crapper once he took office. Further, once the badly mis-named "Affordable" Care Act arrived on his desk with no public option, no single payer, and no real rein-in of Big Pharma and Big Insurance, he should have vetoed it.
Every time Mr. Obama diverged from the above, he lost actual political capital and corresponding power. By the 2010 and 2012 Congressional elections, he had lost so much that the GOP easily took control of both houses of Congress.
And, as they say, the rest is history.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thank you all for your responses! You have given me (and
I'm sure others) a lot to think about. I hope Obama's actions as President are investigated thoroughly by historians, not swept under the rug. Of course, Clintons and Bushes likewise.
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Indeed. They built this:
And let us keep in mind that Bernie Sander's supporters come from the same hatchery. They are feeling the same loss of their own personal security. By embracing the neoliberal cartel, the Obama administration has turned the screw of austerity tighter than ever before.
that must mean
those violent white supremacists who beat the shit out of Mexicans all over the country in the 1940s were in significant measure a product of austerity planning under FDR, and those violent white supremacist Wallace supporters throughout the 1960s were in significant measure a product of austerity planning under LBJ.
Not really.
Different eras have different causes.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
The people of The Hairball, they are the same sort of pig-ignorant dead-enders who beat the shit out of Mexicans in the 1940s and slobbered after Wallace in the 1960s. They are not motivated by, and do not give two shits about, austerity, trade, foreign policy (except insofar as the wogs need to be tortured, killed, kept out of the country, and freely offer their goods and services to the white people), or any of the rest of it. They, now as then, are all about anger, born of fear, that their whiteness is no longer uber alles. This is evident to anyone who actually goes out and talks to them. In person. Fortunately, such people, they are almost over. The Hairball, he is the last throes, of the white people.
they are the same people who caused the Civil War
I bet you can trace them through all of American history and back to England/Ireland/Scotland.
Great article on just that was in the Monthly Review
yes, great article! Bookmarked
I'll want to refer to it many times.
Thought provoking article
thanks for the link. Here's another tangential take. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-grapes-of-wrath-john-ste...
there is
an interesting piece here about that: seems it all comes down to sheep.
De Toqueville saw this in 1830 or so
whenever he wrote that book. He talks about the divide. I should re-read it.
Give them all good jobs and good education
and see what happens. The 1940s were still the Great Depression. The publicity around Wallace was a reaction to the 1964 Civil Rights Act -- and it didn't really last all that long.
People may not care much about "foreign policy" and all that. But they get angry when they're broke, and then they start to look for people to blame.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
not so
Those who look at the world through the prism of money will never understand such people. It's why, as an example, Thomas Frank is so amusingly wrong: these people do "vote their interests": it's just that their interests are god, guns, and gays. They care less about their economic circumstances than they do about Jesus, Glocks, and "keepin' the niggers down."
The Mexican-beating occurred during WWII: Depression over, full employment. Such people of course loved FDR, because his New White Deal was deliberately crafted to exclude black and brown people; the Democratic Party of FDR, remember, was, in Gore Vidal's memorable phrase, a melange of "Tammany Hall and the Ku Klux Klan." LBJ broke the coalition by recognizing black people as human beings, and the Klan people thus then flowed to Wallace, and from there to the Republicans, where they are today the people of The Hairball. As for "it didn't really last all that long"—of course it did. It in truth never ended. There is a direct line from Wallace, to The Hairball. Whiny white people lashing out because they Hate that whiteness is no longer uber alles.
How was the Depression over by WWII?
For the bottom 20%, it wasn't over until the Sixties. Sure, full employment at war. War is a special circumstance.
And I think Frank has a different definition of "interest" than yours.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Frank's problem. He directs upon the people he writes about what he thinks should be their interests. When they actually, themselves, have very different interests.
And that bottom 20% was primarily black and brown people, whom FDR deliberately ignored, and occasionally deliberately crushed. Such as the 2 million Mexicans he and Hoover forcibly deported, without due process. Such people began to rise economically only after they had been culturally pronounced to be actual, real, human beings.
And here's another question:
Would Hitler have triumphed in Germany had wages not been so depressed in 1933?
Would Golden Dawn be so prominent in Greek politics if Greece had not been a victim of austerity planning?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
there must then have been
a Hitler who triumphed in the 1930s in all the other countries where wages were depressed, right? Like Leon Blum, in France. He was a real Hitler. FDR. Also Hitler. Was he.
The Germans were encouraged to suck at the teat of "the stab in the back," which was a myth; to howl about the crushing burden of reparations, another myth; were blanketed with the exterminationalist literature that originally flowed from the pens of French crackpots; and were as freaked by the cultural evolution of Weimar as the people of The Hairball are freaked by today's cultural evolution. There were also the howling imbeciles on the German "left," who refused to distinguish the Nazis from the Social Democrats, or any others on the left, who had the effrontery, to not number among the howlers.
You assume --
that I am making an argument for a monocausal explanation of fascism. That's not the case.
Are you making a monocausal explanation yourself? Fascists will be fascists? Some people are just creepy? Never mind the economy?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
yes, some people *are* creepy
there are some whose tribal groups are so tight that they are overtly hostile to anyone they consider an outsider.
There are all kinds of people who have jobs, who are rich, who lust for power, would be happy to be Mussolini without the bad ending. "Why" they're like that is a fascinating subject.
Maybe the US should just have exterminated all the Germans.
They were all pretty creepy during the war, right? Now the "green" bunch celebrates them for their achievements in solar power, 55 million dead people later.
There's such a thing as conditions, by which human behavior is conditioned.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
i'm pretty sure Shahyar
was not advocating exterminating any Germans. Or anyone else.
Well maybe they could all be rounded up and put into camps
or something, since they're all evil "just because."
Once again, there are such things as conditions, and conditioned behaviors.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
is talking about exterminating anybody, or putting anybody into camps, except you.
Well. And The Hairball.
I'm suggesting it only as devil's advocacy.
You, on the other hand, believe that people are bad "just because," which puts you in the same category as Trump, whom you derisively call "The Hairball."
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
link me to what I wrote that indicates that I "believe people are bad 'just because.'"
i'm saying
the people of The Hairball are motivated primarily by Hate for the Other. This is not only there in all the surveys and polls and studies and reports, but I hear it directly from their mouths, every day.
And I'm saying it was far more than "depressed wages" that brought Hitler to power, because otherwise the 1930s would have seen one-balled mutants with goofy mustaches shrieking and goosestepping 'round every country on the planet.
There was plenty of right-wing dictatorship througout Europe
during that period of history.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
as there were
plenty of left-wing governments throughout Europe during that period of history, as well.
Here is a list --
Here is a list of rightwing/nationalist European dictators in chronological order of their coming to power:
Italy, October 1922, Mussolini
Bulgaria, Juni 1923, Zankov
Spain, September 1923, Gen. Primo de Rivera
Turkey, October 1923, Kemal Ataturk
Albania,January 1925, Ahmed Zogu
Poland, May 1926, Pilsudski
Portugal , May 1926, Gen. Gomes da Costa
Lithuania , December 1926, Smetona/Voldemaras
Yugoslavia, January 1929, King Alexander
Rumania, February 1930, King Carol II
Portugal, July 1932, Salazar
Germany, March 1933, Hitler
Austria, March 1933, Dollfuss
Estonia, May 1934, Paets
Latvia, May 1934, Ulmanis
Greece, August 1934, Gen. Metaxas
Spain , September 1936, Gen. Franco
Can you find a corresponding left-wing list for the same time period?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Franco, as I know you know, was a left-wing government in Spain. There were left-wing governments in France and the UK. In Norway and Sweden and Finland (Stahlberg was a nationalist, though a "liberal" one. There is likewise some debate as to whether Ataturk was "rightwing.") Then there's FDR for the Americans, if one overlooks the brown and black and red and yellow people problem. Denmark. Belgium. Ireland. Czechoslovakia. Wanna include the USSR as a "left-wing" government? ; )
I'd be interested to know --
by what measure Franco was "left-wing." I'd also be interested in any sources you can cite to that effect.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
re-read what I wrote. Which was that "preceding Franco, as I know you know, was a left-wing government in Spain."