If Markos is a typical supporter, then the Democratic Party is f---ed
Part of his latest whine [I'm not going to link]
The system is rigged—the first states were lily white, giving Sanders an early boost. He’s gotten 46 percent of the delegates while garnering only 43 percent of the popular vote. He’s benefited from low-turnout, undemocratic caucuses when subsequent higher-participation primaries delivered strikingly different results in Washington and Nebraska. And now, even with all those structural advantages, he still wants the supers to steal the election for him.
God, the half truths are staggering and if you replaced "lily white" with another race the objections would have broken the bloody site.
Indeed there was a Lily white movement [1870-1920s] in the South within the Republican Party that was largely accredited to driving out the African Americans from their party, don't forget this was also the Dixiecrats in the 1940s. So saying Lilly white implies that those voting are racists, funny that in party with an all white primary. Am I the only one that remembers the Clintons more than borderline racism the last time around the block when contesting President Obama
Back in March of 2007, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist Mark Penn wrote a campaign memo that proposed painting Barack Obama as un-American or “other”:
“His roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values ... Every speech should contain the line you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century ... Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t.“
Last time around the block he viciously attacked Hillary Clinton without remorse, now he is doing the same with Bernie Sanders, the credibility gap is growing to the point where anything he writes can be considered as bullshit.
The reason that this primary is and was rigged right from the get go is bloody simple
The DNC immediately took sides with one candidate alone and did everything in their power to prevent a free and open election, notwithstanding their already in place electoral system.
They deliberately failed to give all the candidates equal opportunities to make their case, we were bombarded with inevitability.
The calls that the election is over started even before it started and continue even though nobody has officially won.
Even partisans must concede that this type of rhetoric is designed to distort the results.
So don't give all this whinging about undemocratic tendencies when the whole primary system is anything but democratic.
You should be fighting that democratic principles are being upheld no matter who you support rather than just writing them off as a byline. He should also refrain from using such derogatory racial slurs.
Oh and by the way the criticism of Hillary Clinton is the very much the same as Markos used last time around the block with some added criticism from her term as SoS; which many around the world have regretted, had their lives ruined and even died from.
Standing up for principles is a sign of a growing Party, sticking your head in the sand is a sure sign of a flailing one.
Well, I just got my first three-day timeout on Kos ever
You know why?
Because I made a post saying "the children! Won't somebody think of the children!
Somebody may disagree with them!"
Yep. That's it.
I made another post yesterday where someone said "fuck all you Bernie supporters," and I said "fuck you too, asshole" (yet for some reason, nobody flagged the first comment).
But saying "won't somebody think of the children!" is now a pretext for ganging up Rollerball-style and banning someone from commenting.
I won't spend my time here bitching about The Other Site too much from now on, but boy oh boy--the propagandists and shills (yes, I'm saying that, because boy, are they--especially the "I used to be thinking of voting Bernie but now I'm for Hillary" BSers) have taken over that once-great site. The site is worthless now. It's like the National Review--disagree with the ordained propaganda line, and get banned. Good riddance to them, and Kos, you brought this on yourself. With nothing to say but "can you believe what Trump said just now!" and "boy, that's a GOOD thing I cribbed straight from Hillary's latest speech!", that site is going to go down like a rock. Yawns.
Glad to have found you all here. Cheers, LaFeminista!
"The suspense is terrible! I hope it continues!" - Wilde
Should have used the YouTube clip:
Damn it!
Although in a thread where a dozen people were screaming "you're a dick," etc., but then turning around and claiming that _I_ was derailing the thread with spam for replying to them, maybe nothing would have changed...
"The suspense is terrible! I hope it continues!" - Wilde
Markos gets it : "the system is rigged"
but all the rest of what he is saying or alluding, it's nonsense and meaningless drivel.
He's accusing Bernie of rigging the fraud, all the way up to the super level.
An outsider can come inside to try and play a card trick, but systemic cheating inside the casino is done by the mafia owners who hire their own dealers and train them how to operate. The mafia supplies the loaded die, marked decks, the programmed slot machines. The house always wins. Outsiders are going to lose, no matter how much luck they have to start.
Amusing that Markos is lashing out at the general Dem voters.
He's shameless, imitating Goebbels' propaganda who tried to reassure the Germans that victory was right around the corner, Hitler's "vergeltung", the hour of revenge with wonder weapons was coming soon.