Why "teacher"ken has totally lost my respect, finally.
Sorry to have to link to TOP, but he posted an "argument to authority" post
The following thread resulted:
teacherken tapu dali May 30 · 07:28:24 PM
claim is not unsubstantiated. It is demonstrated by Clinton’s explanation on the campaign trail, by the material on her campaign website, and by analysis of her plans by multiple editorial boards and economists, among other things.
Reply 4 Flag
tapu dali teacherken May 30 · 07:37:31 PM
Still a matter of opinion, not a “demonstrated fact”, by your own admission.
Stump speeches, campaign website material, newspaper editorials, and hand-picked economists’ opinions are not “substantiation”.
Come on, TK!! You as a long-time teacher of critical thinking should — and I’m sure you DO — know better than that.
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teacherken tapu dali May 30 · 08:16:07 PM
Excuse me? go read the damn web page. She has a hell of a lot more detail than Bernie does. Go play your intellectual masturbation someplace else.
Reply 0 Flag
tapu dali teacherken May 30 · 08:47:27 PM
Right, Hillary’s web page has the intellectual heft of Am. J. Pol. Sci.
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What teacher. He's totally lost his credibility.
I'm just hoping he's not infecting his impressionable students with his propaganda.

Gave up on that dude months ago.
Some folks spend their entire lives happily sucking up to authority. He's one of them.
Yep, me too --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
I gave up when he shifted from teaching
and educational philosophy to the details of his wife's illness. Of course we all care if someone has serious health problems, but I cannot absorb the health issues of everyone online. And secondly, I considered it an invasion of her privacy.
Once he came out for Clinton, that was the end for me.
Yeah, you'd think --
that if he was trying to avoid medical bankruptcy given his wife's illness he'd have better sense than to support a candidate who:
1) screwed up the healthcare issue the first time around, in 1993
2) voted for an onerous, debt-industry-supported bankruptcy bill in 2001
3) Is running against single payer
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
My first thought at his Shillary habits
was that he's being paid. If his wife's illness has left them in debt, he may have sold out. Because he's a popular writer, I'm guessing that he could get a substantial sum.
(I wonder how much money Meteor Blades turned down to stay ethical?)
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
Yes, I believe he sold his soul
I bet it went cheap too.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
So who on Earth could he have sold his soul to?
Sorry, it was a gimme...
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I always thought TK was a pompous ass
Many years ago I saw he always made top lists, so tried to read his stuff a few times..., couldn't make it through his obfuscation and confused writing, so I gave up. He is given to too much pretension and self-importance.
He turned vile with his titles after declaring for HRC; I never even clicked on his posts to see what he had to say. I knew it would be the vague nonsense we've been reading about her all these years, plus excuses, plus preaching she deserved our pity votes because she lost last time. Yuk.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
I always thought...
That for a teacher - his writing was pretty bad. I'm the last to criticize about spelling - but his was bad. And the grammar and run-on sentences.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Sanctimonious condescension
Sanctimonious condescension is his specialty- i have never been willing or able to read the piffle he believes to be deep insight.
I gave up on teacherken a couple of years ago
He typically takes some column from NYT or WP and says a few words and posts it.
There used to be an easy page to get to about who has the most activity on TOP
And TK was there right behind meteorblades, as I recall
No point in looking for the page and giving more page views to TOP
I agree, he asserted that she would do better for the 20% (don't recall which group at this time and not going back there) and he did not describe how she is going to do it.
TK is a kind of pablum that far too many on DK wallow in
Years ago I thought he had some good stuff on education. I read him less and less and this campaign season he has gone over the deep end
He has lost critical ability skills
I said in a comment here a few weeks ago that a web site with lots of TK was on the way down
Have I changed or has he changed?
This campaign has outed many people and organizations
I sure didn't realize how the Clintons killed off the new deal
Obama continues to work for the oligarchs, among other places, in his quest to get "trade" deals enacted
The wars keep going on, more drone assignations, $1 trillion to upgrade Nukes, etc., etc
And democrats not endorsing Bernie --
And some of the ones who I thought were the best are better than, but not where they should be
Bernie has changed the game and the dem party is holding on for dear life
And now that more people understand the game, they are not to be able to hide out like they have done for decades
So, I think I have changed the most
There has been a corporate coup d'etat and supporting Clinton, the one with no principles, is wrong
I think he changed. Like others, I suspect that may be to
pay the bills, and I can understand that.
I used to like some of his stuff before he started cheerleading for Clinton. Haven't read much of him since. Don't want to kick the guy while he's down.
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has always been religious. He is conservative enough to back what's-her-face and mean it. He's a very good writer. He must be slipping in his getting-older age. I hope he and his wife are enjoying good health, and okay. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
I saw a funny comment on Reddit today
And I'm using it from now on.
Instead of writing TOP, The Other Place, I'm using LOF,as in Little Orange Footballs.
DK is losing more people everyday. Many people are getting auto banned because of the Hillarybots flagging everything that they don't agree with or if it makes Her Highness look bad.
Especially if someone writes about the emails investigation not the inquiry or whatever she's calling it.
TK along with too many other people on that site have lost all credibility.
When there have been articles written over a year ago talking about her use of the private server, this isn't something that has just popped up out of the blue.
I found this article intriguing because the author puts together a great case for charging the Clinton foundation under RICO charges.
The foundation has given 10% of the donations to charity.
And speaking of the charity that it's supposed to be doing, has anyone heard of any great works it has done? Sure there's giving drugs for AIDS victims in Africa, but anything else?
That $2 billion dollars sure would go a long way to help alleviate some of the damage that they have caused to the people in this country.
It's no wonder that the charity navigator has such a low opinion of it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I like LOFs.
LOFs it is for me too. Any other charity keeping 90% of the donations for administrative and other purposes would be skewered in the news.
I read the RICO article. Quite good. It needs to be used more often against the likes of Clintons, bankers, and war profiteers. Someone filed a RICO lawsuit against Gov. Snyder in MI. State lawyers weren't good enough for him. He had to hire a million dollar an hour prestigious law firm and send us taxpayers the bill. $1.2 million so far. MI is bleeding red ink everywhere.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
DK Losing more people every day
I'm one of them. I'm tired of going over just to rec the Bernie posts. Granted, I do find the election digests periodically useful but i don't know where else to go to get that information from. The rest of TOP is just Third (Turd) Way neoliberal bull pucky. It's kinda like my approach to beer. Life is too short for cheap beer and I don't need it.
Glad to see this image is still getting some use - It was totally worth getting kicked off Dkos for!
Here's a link that would give LD's BNR a view
And it won't be a view to TOP in general.
It shows the high impact diaries as of the date LieparDestin posted it. The link only goes to his comment.
Too late to Rec it, but I hope that some of you will still visit LD's BNR's, even if you decide not to visit anything else on that site.
And just to add my two cents, I have to agree with everyone's comment here. teacherken has become a disappointment, but he's not the only one I have that same feeling about, but especially the site owner.
"teacher" ken
...... probably "teaches" someplace like rural Texas, where the teaching of critical thinking has been banned.
Cold turkey, tapu dali. You need to go cold turkey from TOP. It's just like cigarettes or heroin. In every respect.
Edit: I may just have unjustly maligned heroin, which at least can be relied upon to relieve pain......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I think he actually teaches in Virginia
which in some places is not much of an improvement.
Maybe he should change his handle to "PreacherKen".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
He should have been able to retire by now.
Don't know if he keeps teaching because he needs the money or if he just enjoys it. It seems he was out of work (may still be) and was getting a little desperate to nail something down. I was agnostic about him prior to this election season. He's become absolutely vile toward those who disagree with him. Haven't clicked on one of his diaries in a long time, even ones with updates on his wife. It was in one of his diaries where I received 7 flags and made the decision to not post again until after Nov. If you check it out, know that strokes don't cause people to change their support from Bernie to Hillary. Those people have become crazy at TOP.
He's indicated in the past
That he keeps working because he needs the money.
I'm pretty sure he's past retirement age - I honestly think he's pushing 70 - and teachers don't make much. His wife works for the federal government, or did. She had cancer, and the DC area is an expensive place to live.
Teachers make pretty good
Teachers make pretty good incomes in NVA and Maryland. Like 70K and benefits for someone who has been at it as long as he has. It is also true this is the most expensive place to live the lower 48 too, but still.
Can't stand him. He's unreadable and a pompous barge of refuse.
I'm not carrying any water for TK, but...
that salary may apply if you have a full-time tenured position in a public school system. Otherwise, quite a few teachers are on "gig" status these days. Also, $70k is not that much any more in Arlington County, even less if it has to support are two people, with health issues, etc.
I know about Arlington because I live about 2 miles from TK. Not acquainted with him, but figured it out years ago from context. County property tax alone this year takes about 2 months of my annual income. This regressive tax keeps rising. Income doesn't keep pace. I'm semi-retired; need to keep working part-time. There's a lot of it going around.
I am not saying that teachers are overpaid...
But they do retire with a pretty good pension and really good and really cheap health care coverage. Gov't pensions and LTD are also not all that bad. I think Ken has always been arrogant and boring. I've read maybe 3 or 4 tops of his diaries in the olden days. I am sorry about his wife but don't want to live it with him. I agree that Ken must be getting paid for his Bernie hit pieces. Maybe Kos helped Ken get put on Brock's troll payroll.
Anyway, enough about dkos for me.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Fair enough
To have any pension at all is a great piece of good fortune these days.
He's taught in both VA and MD
in their areas adjacent to DC.
That was a great comment ...
... the part about using critical thinking. And TK's response ... well, he's in his thing now, I guess.
I've always had mixed feelings about TK. He has written pieces that I was moved by and others that I was neutral about. Since the primaries, he has now written pieces I not only disagree with but oppose.
I haven't read his work since he "endorsed" Hillary. In that endorsement he said something about voting for her on education issues, which made no sense to me either then or now.
There was no need for me to read any further posts of his as I knew the context in which they would be written.
I like TK well enough but I disagree with and oppose what he's writing now.
That's democracy.
Beat in the USA.
Condescension, pomposity,
a complete lack of self awareness, with a big helping of cognitive dissonance are not qualities i'd look for in a teacher.
But that may just be me.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
There has been speculation
that because of his wife's serious illness, which I well and truly feel for, this honourable gentleman has had to find other sources of income.
I'll say no more.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
That might be forgivable,
but I'm sure there are better ways. I truly hope that his love for his wife contributes to her healing.
Your perception of teacherken,
reflects my experience of him as well. I think he’s simply too involved in self to express a perspective I could respect. He has written diaries in years past that I found meaningful, but he seems to have shifted (in my mind) dramatically enough to question his sincerity. I am amazed at the disingenuousness of so many at TOP these days.
That thought has crossed my mind
I must admit. If it is the case then he has my sympathy. That would be an awful situation to be in
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Agree totally
It's weird seeing people that I may have disagreed with but have always respected suddenly going off the deep end.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Condescending... Yes, perfect word to describe TK
I should have included that in my comment above....
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
He's been hanging around establishment 'educators' for years
and apparently is a member in good standing of the liberal democratic cheering squad, which has over the years rewarded him with some form of recognition (a citation for best history teacher (?) or invitations to 'important' events), which seems to have encouraged his role as a Loyal Supporter of the citation/invitation givers.
I believe he's in the DC area, and has known some
politicians. I seem to remember him saying something about knowing Christy Vilsack, and was somehow involved in her unsuccessful bid to unseat Steve King. His involvement may be more extensive. Don't know. If you haven't been involved in state politics, this may sound impressive (or he thinks it's impressive). It's really easy to get involved in NM politics (small population). And it's fun, but gets old. Not very impressive.
He exchanged his "elder statesman" status
over at TOP to become a Clinton hack. What pisses me off is he is a long time civil servant with a vested pension - so he'll be fine. But then he supports the very Democratic politicians that want to take that away from the young teachers coming up. These are the same politicians that want to change teaching from a profession into a McJob. But hey, he's got his right?
From elder statesman to Clinton hack. LOL
Describes TK to a tee
Orwell was an optimist
Yeah, old TK lost my respect too
I thought there was still hope for him when I made this comment in one of his diaries a little more than a month ago. Unfortunately, I now consider him hopeless.
Aint Supposed to Die a Natural Death teacherken Apr 24 · 09:18:21 PM
I must say, Teacher, that many years ago I used to look forward to your diaries related to peace and pedagogy and I respected you. I am also a retired teacher. I still respect you. And this is the first of your diaries that I have come into since you came out in support of Clinton. But this pap is below your dignity. The offense you describe here, if there is one, PALES in comparison to the policy issues that separate the candidates and especially those that threaten our environment. I want to see Hillary supporters defend her policy positions (if she has any) as they relate to poor people, or campaign financing, etc. and how they compare favorably with Bernie’s positions and how she (unlike Bernie, they suggest) will get those policies through Congress.
As I said in a comment earlier, “Teacher puts up a lot of statistics about how the people who voted in the early primaries voted but he put up nothing about THOSE WHO DIDN’T VOTE because there are no statistics – THEY DIDN’T VOTE.” After that a commenter suggested that I didn’t understand statistics. I am a mathematics teacher and I have taught statistics. Then another suggested that I must not understand polls. Well, what I do understand is, “there are lies, damned lies and then there is statistics.”
And even if the statement that Sanders made is ridiculous, which imho you did not prove, this diary serves no useful purpose and doesn’t disqualify him or deserve the pile on of hundreds of comments on how unfit he is as compared to Sec Clinton. She has made some snafus as well. So I am not going to respond to the subject of this diary other than to say that you did not prove your point with your statistics and your highlighting his statement is useless in the grand scheme of things.
Recommended 0 times
Sounds like you ventured into a poutrage fest
It was probably before it became clear that faux offense and claims of racism and misogyny were the only 'policy positions' the hillaroids were willing or prepared to discuss.
the guy that links other people's writing about stuff, prolifically?
i must be missing some respect-causing aspect of this person, because teacherken was never someone i read on orangewater.
He had written a few good diaries, a lot more of his own words
Apparently you happened to miss them. I wouldn't call them great, unmissable diaries, though, so no worries. .
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i'm no scholar
of orangewater, so it's entirely possible i've missed some of his better days. i joined officially in early 2015 after reading basically nothing but the FPers for many years. the science, technology, and more philosophical community diaries were a draw, but the political/personal stuff, not so much.
not to be an ass, but honestly i've been on the web long enough that i don't want or need to hear other peoples' sob stories. my life sucks too, but i don't think anyone wants to hear about it. i have plenty of people in real life that have issues i can help them deal with.
the couple of diaries i've actually read by him were just commentary on someone else's writings, which is completely uninteresting to me. i'm pretty good at reading and comprehending things without help, and i've always felt that such articles/pieces/diaries were prima facie condescending, as if the reader needed to be spoon fed the writer's opinion. not my cup of tea.
reading the comments here, it's clear that at some point this writer was different. it's unfortunate i guess, their transformation... but i just wasn't there for it.
As several have said, I used to read
his diaries because I have been an educator and the issues he raised plus the following discussion were most interesting. Eventually I tired of his blatant self-promotion. Then the details of his wife's illness, which made me cringe for her. Had quit reading him when it became evident on the rec list that he supported Hillary. I had no interest in knowing why.
I always thought he just republished Reader's Digest
articles, like Lenny Flank, or links to 'must-read' NYT editorials. Never knew there was any reason to respect him. I guess I never read the diaries themselves. Sorry for your 'loss'.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
seriously, teacherken has become the Tom Friedman of dKos
his inevitable droning on and on akin to nails sliding down a blackboard.
but he was never someone I read... it only took a few essays to understand he was only interested in himself ... and what does he have to say that is original? nothing.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Teacherken has gone off the deep end
in his lust for Hillary.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I am a teacher.
I feel sure if I spoke to my students or their parents the way the diarist was spoken to, my contract would not be renewed.
I have always presumed his tone was for his fellow adults,
and not the tone he uses in the classroom. Because he has won some teaching awards, I believe.
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He was interesting in his stories of his spiritual journey
[now I wonder where he read them]. I gave him cred back then. But grew weary of his writing style. Not that great a writer, it does not make an interesting review of someone else's writing. Always agreement. Until HRC reared up. I had stopped reading tk long before.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I. Have tried to be kind to him because
of his wife's illness. I finally just stopped reading his posts before I left TOP. ( except to rec BNR).
He is used to dominating high school kids. Just a Washington Post/New York Times " liberal."
Vapid content.
TOP is becoming an intellectual wasteland.
I was never a fan.
As others in this thread have mentioned, he is wont to read the New York Times to us, and I already read it myself. His more personal writing could have held some interest for me, if his writing style wasn't so self-important and verbose. Since I almost never read him, his Clinton advocacy doesn't mean much to me. I feel bad that I feel this way; a friend of mine is good friends with his wife, I've met them both IRL, and I certainly wish them well.
But every time I think my writing is getting too pompous or long-winded, I do a mental teacherken check.
I don't feel comfortable with this whole thread and essay
it's a bashing party of a specific person from the other place. Now I overcome my dislike for this kind of party and just add one little thing that may be "calming' those who can't help to dislike TK's writing style.
I have met teacherken not a long time ago. All I realized is that he talks the way he writes. He almost talks to himself and intensely in a way. He is getting old and I think that's all there is to say. Why is there the need to "get all over him" here?
Everyone who had read his diaries in the past could make up his/her mind about what and how he writes. A long time ago. Let it go.
Just two days ago I unleashed a diary that basically expressed my emotions about what and how kos expressed his political views. It unleashed a lot of bashing comments as a consequence. I didn't expect that. But I say to my defense that this was about the "owner" of that place. He is responsible as chief editor about what his site is all about. Apparently the "hurt" of many who wrote and read there for years is way more deeply felt than many would acknowledge or had anticipated.
I think this site needs a therapist for those, who can't get over the feelings of betrayals from writers on TOP. I hope it will pass. TK writes about NYT and WP opinion pieces. Now we write about TK's opinion pieces about the NYT opinion pieces and let everybody know how bad TK's opinions about NYT opinions are. Makes a lot of sense, /s
I don't come here to read about the other site's supposedly "not so nice" people, If I may say so.
when you put yourself
and your personal life into the public sphere, you invite criticism.
the writer is an op/ed critic on a well-read site. if they can be critical of other op/ed writers, their writing is fair game, imo.
Just thinking the same thing about the time, energy, and space
being taken up by something seemingly so non consequential in the grand scheme of things. Bu, Mimi, I think there are people here who are trying to understand how the very folks they felt comfortable with for years have turned into the 'enemy'. It's a matter of lost trust and feelings of abandonment that seem to be an issue, that may as you say need a licensed therapist to work through. BUT my understanding is that we are a community that is here, for among other reasons, to help each other, and this discussion about Ken is part of that process; and we all have the option of not reading an essay if its about something we're not interested in. Like you, I wish the KOS references would stop, but there are still folks over there that haven't made it out yet, and they too will need to vent when they finally get here.
That sounds too serious - how bout a laugh to start the day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO8x8eoU3L4
agree, mimi. all this gossip
about people I've never heard of
from a site I may have visited
twice since 2005 is most unseemly.
It speaks volumes more about
those gossiping than it ever says
about the person about whom they are gossiping.
And it's why I find myself spending
less and less time at c99p. Just
not my kind of place.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I wouldn't go that far ... and it deserves a clarification
I think I joined C99p around march 2015, early. I don't remember anymore how I found out about it. It was a very intimate kind of place and had some great writers (still has) I enjoyed reading.
I joined dailykos in 2004 and I remember that I came over from a site with the name kuro5hin. I got caught into dailykos, because I felt very lost with the msm media coverage of the Bush and Iraq war. I had a son in the war and had to deal with news as a foreigner, working with foreigners and being isolated in more than one way. So this dailykos site was open and I scanned it with 1/4 of my left eye, in the first years not that much, as of 2007/8 way more. Keith Olberman was the only guy I listened to. kuro5hin had some bad actors. I have to say that I didn't read any other blogs, nor facebooked, nor twittered, nothing.
Reading dailykos was so addictive because even if you didn't like much of it, you could always find corners and authors that really were interesting and satisfying to read. Otherwise for me it was also interesting to watch how the site tried to "make people not being dicks" so to speak. My respect for MB developed as much over his reporting skills as over the way he handled his "sherrif function" as a "ceiling cat" showing its claws when necessary. /s
Later on I realized how important it is for readers to know who they are talking to. The fact that you never know is a huge handicap, imo. Way later I realized how much the site was "used" by researchers to make conclusions about readers and writers there with regards to their psychological make-up, group mechanism and such.
As I am uneducated in these fields I have a hard time to express what I just intuitively felt. Way more later I realized that the site also abused those conditions, it was not clear to me for what kind of purposes. I also realized what MB was not writing about. And I realized that I may have read only 10 percent of all that was published on dailykos.
Way, way more later, I understood for what kind of purposes it was abused. That's when I quit and banned myself. If I hadn't done that I would still vent out my hate or love for certain opinions published over there (same thing I do now here). So, I also recognized how much of an addiction this style of reading and conversation reveals on my part.
I do feel that this kind of development is something that could occur on any blog. So, I would not relate this kind of mechanism of readers and writers conversing on a blog to any specific blog, but to the whole concept of online conversations. I don't have to leave c99p, because it could be any blog. But if it's the C99p, you get 99p of what is out there and have to deal with it and not blame it "on the blog".
In this specific case, I did't like what evolved in the comments, because it's a personal "shredding apart" of a writer from over there. I don't like it, because it's personal. I have met teacherken without having talked to him very early, (may be already in 2005 or so, I don't remember. But I remember him vividly.) I can sense usually how I relate to a person I can see, listen to and put the person into a context. Later I read him and thought my thing. That's it. End of story for me. Teacherken is ONE writer, he doesn't represent dailykos. Kos I thought by default would represent his blog as a whole. But apparently that was misunderstood by me.
He's made himself a public person.
I don't think there's anything wrong with this diary or comments. It could be about any public writer or politician.
I think the world divides into two kinds of Democrats
Those who have been fooled by the things Hillary Clinton has said in the past and who have wised up, and those who are willing to be fooled again by her.
She can put anything she wants on her website. She can say anything she wants in front of a crowd or in an interview. She's been caught saying different things to different crowds, sometimes even in the same week! What she says doesn't mean squat because she can't be trusted. She's the ultra self opportunist.
Cognitive dissonance is a strange thing. My husband had dinner the other night with some old friends. For one of them, justice for the Palestinians is her number 1 issue, but she's supporting....Clinton. When my husband asked her about it, she said that she believes Clinton is only mouthing now what she has to say in order to be elected, and once elected, she will immediately switch to pressure Israel on the subject of Palestinian civil rights.
Talk about rainbows and unicorns, eh?
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
what kind of dangerous
precedent is a candidate with no positions...
i keep asking people to sell me on clinton, with chirping crickets in response. they can't, because all they've got is "woman" or "democrat".
i like women, and democrats, but i'd rather vote on policy positions. politicians that go out of their way to avoid any sort of culpability, well, "the buck stops LOOK OVER THERE" is all i read.
He's a narcissistic asshole and why you even engage
him, I don't understand.
When he repeatedly starts his diaries with WATB shit about how abused he is, how people disagree with him, how he doesn't care... he cares about him, not the content of his diary.
I wish his wife the best of everything, hoping she can beat her illness, but like someone said up above, "but I cannot absorb the health issues of everyone online." Most of all have our own illnesses in our families, and if you're one that doesn't, you're damn lucky.
More people than not don't share that much personal information about themselves unless they're sharing it with people they actually know.
Words of an asshole: "Go play your intellectual masturbation someplace else."
And here is a previous version of Ken. It's not like he chose one candidate over another, that's fine. But he called Hillary "morally unfit." But apparently he had an epiphany and now she's "morally fit."
Ken is too busy thinking about Ken and believing that people care what he says. (And yes, as written in the diary, he shares his personal political thinking with his students.)
From May 2008.
So in 2008, he came right out and said he would not vote for Hillary in the general election, and now all of a sudden, he's an "expert" on how great Hillary is. Not only a narcissist but a hypocrite, as well.