The Way Things Are and The Way They Ought To Be: A Rant and A Question.
I've been nursing some griefs from my personal life which relate to the lives of almost all of us here in the 99%. Particularly, I've been bothered about the fact that I've had so damn few realistic options in my adult life. I know for the fact that it is that this is driven by the complete lack of debt-free access to a stable adult livelihood.
I graduated from high school in 1976. By that time, the deindustrialization of the United States of America was well underway. One had no real access to a unionized job unless one lived in the right place and had the correct parents (read: your father, not your mother or anyone else, belonged to the union and worked a similar job). The inexpensive higher education enjoyed by Silents (born during the lifetime of the German Weimar Republic through World War II) had gone into the history books, at least in flyover country States like my native Colorado. And if all you had was a high school diploma, all you could ever get was minimum wage, just like today. And, just like today, that's not enough to raise a family on, or pay for one's own education, or anything else for that matter. Bottom line: if you arrived at high school graduation with nothing else but that diploma in your hand, you were screwed. Again, just like today. And that was exactly where I was at, and where I ended up spending all my adult life no matter what I did. I have never known genuine prosperity; money has always been a major object in every life decision and remains so today.
I will assume that most of my readers don't want things to continue any longer in this toxic vein. I will assume that we are basically agreed that Americans need to arrive at adulthood -- high school graduation -- able to make a decent living for themselves without having to hoist a debt burden in order to achieve this. One needs to be fully able to obtain a grown-up job with grown-up wages and grown-up position stability with only the education (s)he can obtain for free. Remember, folks, this was the norm only one generation before me. I am old enough to have experienced this as a child, but not old enough to have tasted of it as an adult.
I will also assume that most of my readers also understand that we cannot either go without manufactured energy products or make these from carbon-burning any more. We need manufactured energy simply to stay alive, and have needed it since we mastered fire and clothing, with the subsequent loss of natural biological armors like fur.
For better or worse, we're now naked apes, and we need help staying warm in the civilized parts of the United States (i.e., where it snows in the winter and palm trees don't grow). Moreover, we now need manufactured energy to get around our yuuuge inhabitancies as well, and also to fuel the technologies which make our lives livable. And to complicate matters yet further, nuclear fission electric power is no solution here, not even a temporary one; even looked at with the most optimistic possible light, a favor it definitely does not earn, the fact remains that fissile heavy metals are nothing else but YAFC, Yet Another Fucking Coal, another scarce mined thing whose mines will peter out and leave us high and dry just like oil and coal will.
We also need to go back to producing truly wholesome foods of all kinds, which means a return to family farming. Corporatistic agriculture results in food production with poor nutrient quality, with volume (profit$) taking precedence over wholesomeness. And this is present in the entire food chain to an absolute degree, to the point that everything an ordinary working-class stiff can afford to eat is completely affected. Legacy non-GMO foods remain available, but their scarcity means that they draw top-dollar prices that we plebs can't afford. And the super-hybridized, GMO crops whose products we plebs can afford have resulted in autoimmune sicknesses, obesity at a level unheard-of before my generation's adult years, and an unheard-of incidence of cancer as a cause of morbidity and mortality, even if one completely removes tobacco smoking from consideration. Moreover, the second we lose petroleum-based fertilizers, our human race is done. Stick a fork in our asses.
Additionally, our nation is hopelessly addicted to war. I have yet to draw even one single breath in an America on a peace footing (read: minimal or no standing military and NO foreign intervention). Our taxes go to pay for wars, more than any other single thing. And our people keep dying and getting mangled up in these wars, which do nothing for ordinary Americans but cost, cost, cost. Big Al wants us to call this "imperialism"; I respectfully submit that this situation is actually an arch-insult to honest imperialisms (!), such as those of the British or the French, which at least did some good things for the mother country's ordinary working-class dweeb on the street. (The Spanish imperialism prior to 1650 CE, on the other hand, resembles ours in many painful ways!)
Healthcare. I need to not forget to rant about this. Who the fuck decided to victimize Americans by insisting on sticking to fee-for-service medical care and "insurance" 50 years after all other civilized lands figured out that healthcare needs to be a human right, paid for by the society as a whole and enjoyed by every individual? You want to talk about special sections of Hell, I'll name two who would have guaranteed seats in the Ultimate Crispy section if I were God: Joseph Isadore Lieberman and Max Sieben Baucus! We had a perfectly good opportunity to make real headway towards national single public payer healthcare until these two got hold of it; why??!!??
What is to be done?
So what the fuck do we do about all of this? How do we actually get from the corporatist, oligarchic clusterfuck we live in now to a society we can live in reasonably and decently? Some still look for the change through electoral politics. I cannot blame these for one simple reason: I see no other non-violent way to actually address these issues and so many others of similar nature we Americans face. But the many stories I've been reading here of late regarding folks being deprived of their right to vote leaves me both angry and afraid. I don't want a violent revolution; but I make no bones about fearing one if the oligarchy turns the American populace into a people who, in Jackson Browne's words,
.... can't take any more so they pick up a gun or a brick or a stone .....
by way of depriving us of our rightful say in the governance of this country.
Any ideas, fellow c99ers?

I will be in and out
...... of this Essay tonight. But I will make the best effort I can to respond to commenters.
Thank you for reading!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
looks like folks could see this essay.....
...... published or not, so I decided to leave it published.
And thank you for the clickage!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Read and enjoyed
The political system we 'enjoy' now has no way of rectifying the long-term, systemic problems you address. Peon that I am, I've no answer, but I notice the French are once again taking action.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I noticed the French direct action myself.
And I'm afraid it's the wave of the foreseeable future.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thank you for this:
GMO crops whose products we plebs can afford have resulted in autoimmune sicknesses
I was diagnosed with lupus and fibromyalgia this year. Since the early 90's I was loosely keeping track of all my female friends who'd been diagnosed with one auto-immune disease or another. Just seemed like there were more of them every year, even as some were dying way too young. After some research and deep thought, I blamed it on GMOs, too... but those around me initially pooh-poohed me 'cause I've been against them from the start for a variety of reasons. You're just the first person other than me I've heard declare that association. Makes me feel much better. (gryn)
Initially, the whole idea of farmers not being able to hold back seed for the next year's crop is what turned me against the GMO's. Take that ability away from the farmer, and you have total dependency towards (a) corporation for food production. Not only that, but you break the natural cycle of food production. Even tho we can get strawberries in Dec now, there are some of us who are still aware of and intent on celebrating "seasonal" foods. Buy local. I HATE the GMO companies!
GMOs and autoimmunity
Thank you! I, too, suffer from some of these problems (autoimmune alopecia with associated autoimmune dermal damages).
As I've pointed out before, it isn't really the GMOs themselves which are directly responsible for the illnesses; in nearly all cases, it's the chemicals the GMOs permit the plants to tolerate. Glyphosate (Roundup) IS. NOT. good for anybody, plant OR animal, for just one example. this article from Mother Earth News points out that glyphosate is known to cause cancer in humans and immune system difficulties in fish. What I consider the "money quote" from the article:
Much yuck!
And then, as you point out:
This is still the true core of GMO opposition. No matter what the supposed "science" says, the bottom-line economic fact is that we cannot live with "no food to be grown that we don't own". It's WRONG. Most genetic modifications which actually help people are tax-funded research, and are therefore in the public domain to start with (or ought to be by Federal Law). I don't get along with the GMO companies (soon to be company as Bayer is buying Monsanto) either, as you can plainly tell!
Great discussion -- and I like your avatar picture, too!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Respect for your struggle. Likewise respect for your intelligence and understanding, academic credentials notwithstanding.
thank you, oldchuck!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Tis a conundrum
I graduated HS 5 years before you, overspecialized with two degrees and am in the same boat as you now, without that uncomfortable middle period.
What worked in the past cannot work going forward. We can't deplete the earth of every single molecule to reshape it for a moment in time.
I suspect there is not one answer. Maybe no answer, we're doomed to extinction. Maybe other new answers. I see c99p as a place to discuss and listen. I hear you.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
thank you, riverlover!
thank you!
And your point about every molecule on the planet's a great one, too. My take on that: humanity needs not to go away, but certainly it needs to shrink. We need to get down below one billion of us. It's an occupational hazard of being where we are in all the food chains we occupy: top position not because we're such great hunters or agriculturalists, but because we downright suck as a food source! We are net consumers of all vitamins but D (most mammals can synthesize C , but we can't). And we stockpile pathogens like no other macrofaunal species whatsoever. It makes sense that there can only be so many of us on the one and only planet we have.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
We blew repeated chances to control our numbers,
so now Nature is going to do it for us and we will not like her methods one little bit. Nature can be a real mother.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
This touches on some very black humour that cost me a friendship
I had a friend (middle age person who fell to one of the more esoteric new age angel intervention stuff), when I joked that the planet can continue quite nicely without people, after all it did for billions of years proceeded to tell me I was the most negative person they could ever possible know and our friendship was at an end. Granted, they are post 50 and rather desperately trying to find a meaning to and in life through the lens of being a rather insulated 1% ish person so reality need not apply. The sheer rejection of anything that does not smack of people being THE preeminent force on the universe is what we are up against. A twist on the Dominionist thinking if you would.
Your friend never read Jurassic Park?
I think the character's name was Malcolm. He said the same thing about the planet. I thought it made perfect sense. Funny the things you remember from books read 20+ years ago.
Too bad about your friend.
I made a similar comment at the other place.
And the emotionally reactionary people jumped on me immediately for that viewpoint.
The earth will be fine (without us). That it was fine before us and will be fine after us.
Of course, they determined that if life, and more importantly human life and our survival isn't included in that then I was a bad bad person for thinking in that frame.
As far as if life continues here when we are gone, whenever that may be, we'll have to accept that the planet has a term of office for our survival here. There are things we can do to get impeached and thrown out of office and we should avoid those practices.
But too, when our term is done, maybe there is another species waiting in the wings.
One species totally crazy.
Another species of similar creatures has a couple of branches which will be struggling to see who will be dominant and what kind of quality their survival long term will be.
One portion of that second branched species will insist they can do things like the humans did (the previous administration) and keep the status quo and that any changes they make from what the humans did should be small adjustments.
The other portion of that second branched species will point out that if actual quality of life for all of them is important, they'll need to make some corrections in what they are doing form what the humans did.
But the first will say to the second, you're wrong, and it's my turn. And life will go on - for a time, for those species that survive after we are gone. None of that matters anyway. We'll already be long gone.
sew age crystalweenies
Sounds to me like this person has the psychic depth of the thickness of a single piece of typewriter paper.
This seems to me to be the dark side of this Sew Age crap, wherein a devotee cast you out of hir life because you dared look at the world as it is rather than the all-positive view of it that this person tried to maintain despite it being the lie that it is.
And my sympathies for being the one rejected; this person would rather cast a real friend to the curb -- one real enough to tell hir the truth -- than suffer hirself to question hir obvious bullshit.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
what Ralph Nader suggests ...
as we can't get anything done via legislative process and our votes (because the system is so idiotic, that only an idiot would believe in it to get something done), he proposed another non-violent tool:
Sending Citizens Summons to Members of Congress
When he ended the "Breaking through Power" conference, he mentioned this in his closing remarks (starts st TC at 7:18:21 in the video below). I didn't understand first what a "summons" is, so I didn't take that as something serious to consider, but then I googled for the meaning of "summons" ....
... and thought, it appears to be something "legally possible".
Here is what he writes about the citizens summons and the actual summons text itself:
So, I guess this is a procedure that could demand from your representative to appear before your townhall group and answer to your demands. When he talked about it at his conference, he changed it to a minimum of three hours attendance of your representative.
May be it's a step to "hold the feet to more fire" of your beloved representatives who do nothing but the opposite than representing you. Here is the video of the conference. It's very long, scroll to the very end (TC 7:18:21) and you can listen to what he said.
But then what do I know. I guess, so far, Nader's proposals have been completely ignored.
I hear you here
I hear you, as actually it's worse than that: the town meetings have themselves been manipulated by existing power to come back in support of the very things Nader is objecting to. Note well what happened in the "town hells" which were infiltrated by Big Insurance during the time Obamacare was making its trajectory through Congress. Those "town hells" were a great deal of why we got neither a public option nor the organized single-payer health care system we actually need, but instead got the greatest corporate welfare program in history.
It's why I harbor the fear of violently forced change as I do. As The Other Maven said upthread, things are likely to become quite unpleasant unless change does happen, and it's not happening.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
omg, I couldn't imagine that, sorry. wow. bad.
I will reread your essay. Have just to swallow that. So, not only bought, but also sent out to deceive the town hall folks completely.