I see the adults in the room are gearing up to blame someone
Yes, they will blame us if their candidate flops, we will even get the blame that if once elected she turns hard right if only we had heeded their calls for unity earlier.
They were too busy hailing Robert Reich calling for unity where at the end of his article he mentioned the dreaded "third party" platform, something that will get you banned from ToP.
That means, if Hillary Clinton is elected, I urge you to turn Bernie’s campaign into a movement – even a third party – to influence elections at the state level in 2018 and the presidency in 2020. No movement to change the allocation of power succeeds easily or quickly. We are in this for the long haul.
This election like 2008 has only demonstrated to me how little I have in common with Democratic Party supporters where all that matters is winning, whilst firmly ignoring who actually wins. Any progressive candidate is subjected to ridicule, no matter how far they progress in the primaries.
Reich has argued quite often that the two party system is on the verge of collapse, good riddance I say, the sooner the better. Where we disagree is that supporting a candidate of the status quo at least one more time is just a means to an end, to me it just consolidates the hold of the elite upon the Party. I believe the time to act is now since they have remained deaf for so many decades it's time not only to shake the tree but to cut it down. The road they have taken has led to almost catastrophic failures at State level and loss of both the Senate and House at the federal level. Keeping this strategy going will just slightly prolong the disintegration. Hillary would also be a down ballot disaster as I believe Democratic Party turnout will be low, independents may vote for her to avoid Trump but down ballot is another matter entirely. I keep asking what swing States will Hillary actually win?
The reason I think now is the time is that exactly the same arguments for unity will be used in 2020 and 2024 for the same types of candidates again, the putrid nature of Party politics and the media will ensure it happens all over again. It's a vicious circle that needs to be broken once and for all.

If my failure to support Hillary
actually results in her failure to get elected, they are welcome to blame me. If true, it would make me proud. Her loss is the best outcome possible should she land the Dem nomination.
If you don't know what you want, you deserve what you get.
They have only themselves to blame is my opinion.
If they didn't want to lose
they should have voted for Bernie.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
^^ This is key to starting a backfire right now.
What is required is a flurry of essays written by those who can and repeatedly posted in all the right places, before the convention.
The essays should carry a version of this message:
After that a public push like this on the record — there will only be one entity to blame.
(By the way, this idea is definitely on the Party table right now. It is believed that if Bernie is taken in, he can be harnessed and helpful to the Party. So goes the buzz.)
Pluto - maybe dem leaders worried about what you said
I was working in the garden and I almost never use my phone to go on the web and I brought up this
The Democratic establishment's anti-Bernie Sanders 'violence' smear is a dishonest attempt to silence legitimate dissent
From the NY Daily News which is something I only went to recently to follow a Shaun King link
And it hit me: Oh Shit, they are scared that as Bernie's edge against Trump gets bigger and bigger, maybe from the wide exposure on the West coast, they will have lost another slogan to justify Hillary. And if Hillary turns negative relative to Trump, and Bernie widens the gap over Trump, they will be in a pickle.
And if the back fires have been built as suggested by Pluto then the establishment will be in a corner with a poor candidate.
Kos went for the bait and wrote 3 or maybe 4 pieces bashing Bernie over the Nevada "Dean Scream Incident." It was bazaar. Do they think we are stupid?
Why was Barbara Boxer in the room? Was this thing planned?
People I know who are close to election integrity have said that Hillary has hired Karl Rove, the king of how to throw elections. That is a rumor in my mind, but I trust those who told me. They have been working for years to put Rove in jail for election fraud.
And why did Barbara Boxer have to lie?
Are citizens supposed to worship politicians?
So, build a backfire for the rude awakening - I added the bold
It looks like the backfire is already burning.
Quotations from article linked above
Oh screw Barbara boxer
If I was rich I would make BARBARA BOXER CRYING TOWELS to Hand out to BERNIE delegates at the convention
Orwell was an optimist
I think the reference to Karl Rove in the comment above
yours is right on. What happened, and how it was reported, is right out of the Rove playbook. Does anyone remember when a "mole" from the Gore campaign (working in the Bush campaign) sent debate prep info from Bush to the Gore campaign? Only there was no mole. In fact, the documents that were sent to the Gore campaign came from someone working in the Bush campaign. It was supposed to make the Gore campaign look sleazy, but was a major FAIL, as the guy who got the info immediately turned it over to authorities.
I'm not sure how to link, but just google "lozano sentenced for being a mole" to read the whole story. As you read, it will feel so familiar in its similarity to last weekend's bullshit.
So, I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary has hired Rove, or at least someone who thinks like him.
That "someone who thinks like him"? Would be Brock
Assume you know that Hillary's youngest brother is Boxer's
former son-in-law and the father of her only grandchild? Yup, little Zach Rodham's granny is Barbara Boxer and his auntie is Hillary Rodham Clinton. A fact that may shed some light on Boxer's Nevada performance. Imagine the bright dynastic futures planned for Zach and his cousin Chelsea, in politics or the family cartel--I mean, foundation.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I didn't know that ... what a f'g incestuous corrupt system filled to the brim of conflicts-of-interest ...
Swift boating of Bernie
Yep.They are running scared. And as I've said in several threads over at TOP today, neoliberal swift boating is all they got. Can't
bring their candidate up so try to bring the other candidate down. Aint gon work!
Hillary is definitely not a done deal.
In analyzing that, it's important to keep in mind that Daily Kos is actually a test-market laboratory operating inside a New Democrat think tank. Has been since 2006. Not new information.
Just sayin'
The current test is being pressed to the limit. And it's being observed.
Your view and impressions feel right to me, Don. (Hope this posted to the right comment.) I'm expecting the unexpected. Been talking about this for eighteen months. Something's going to shake up this election.
2008 WAS Bad
But it was nothing compared to 1968. No one at the 2008 convention was seen flipping the bird at a speaker as was Chicago Mayor Richard J Daley, who called out his riot squads to squelch opposition protests outside.
There is, however, every reason to believe that the 2016 Convention will be every bit as bad as was 1968. Bernie Sanders has revealed the corruption behind the curtains which is today's Democratic Party. All The World IS Watching, and the neocon lies that make up the Party Platform aren't going to be believed for even a second. Years of careful preparation were neutralized every time Bernie won. Even when Bernie lost, the corruption was at least exposed, and the meme that the Democrats represent the common man was smashed to bits.
Force is all the Democrats have to wield now, and wield it they will. But they will end up losing anyway. They may still hold power, but no one will believe them. The Allies are already drifting away, as French and German resistance to the TTIP shows. The USA will have to force a war to keep them in line, and to do so costs the US neocons everything they plotted for. But they have before used the line they had to destroy it in order to save it. They will again, no matter who gets hurt.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
My aide was here today, she and I always spend the first
Hour every Saturday talking politics. Today I explained why the dem party seems afraid of Bernie supporters so I asked if she knew about what happened in Chicago in 1968... She is from Haiti and wasn't horn until 1970 so she didn't know. Rather then explain we watched a few old news video. Her most common comment throughout was OMG in genuine shock and afterwards she said it reminded her of politics I. Her native country.
And then I explained that the party is afraid thousands of young people are coming to Philly ... and told her I was afraid the party would deal with Bernie supporters the same way they did in Chicago in 1968
She is a Bernie supporter and haas been one since almost the beginning.
Orwell was an optimist
That will be my response as
That will be my response as well
For months I've responded to "But the [Supreme Court/Trump/DOOM] is the most important issue EVAH!!!" with, "If [fill in the blank] is so important you'd be supporting the candidate most likely to win, but you're not, so obviously trying to elect the first woman president is more important to you than any actual issue."
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
If they want to be the rah rah cheerleaders
behind an unpopular politician when an extremely popular candidate with long coattails exists as an alternative, then the Dems deserve a loss. If it's going to be hillary or nothing, the DNC is in for a very rude awakening.
Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.
If my vote is enough to sink her
in Crystal Blue Persuasion California, she's in deeper shit than anyone could imagine.
really hope so ... it is too weird for me to fear her far more than a Drumpf ... but the common denominator between Drumpf and Sanders are they have been vocal against globalization and the entire political establishment has been pushing the shit down Amerika's throat for 22 years straight since NAFTA and the economy is a f'g mess.. yet they keep bs'g everyone that it is 'good'
Right on brother!
The best response we can give to "It's all your fault!" is "You're welcome."
It'll never stop
a month ago I said
Coat tails,no. Actually I see a negative effect down ballot
When you have 2 unpopular candidates the logic follows that you try and offset one with another
Who cares
Lets face it whatever the outcome of this rigged election decides it's not going to quell the the growing discontent and insurrections from either side of the false duopoly. Everybody knows and nobody likes either side. The fear wears thin after 16 years of this bs. and we've all had enough. Enough is enough. Who gives a rats ass about the differences between Hillary the Hun or The Hairball. We all know we've all been screwed.
Post Election Blues
This statement to me is very important. Either side is going to feel screwed. The PTB must be running a program as in "War Games" as to all eventual outcomes.
It could be bad.
Watch for a ramp up of "Terrorism", or Chinese/Russian aggression propaganda.
That Chinese/Russian manufactured threat is
already happening. NATO is going nuts in Europe, and we have the Japanese going militaristic now. Scary freaking times.
Bernie Sanders Rally Theme Song
This needs to be Bernie's new theme song at his rallies.... It's time to make it very clear that the system is rigged.. that 'Everybody Knows'... I'd so much love to hear this playing and watch how the crowd responds .....
They can shove their 'unity' in a certain email server.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Fuck 'em
sorry but (after some thought) that is all I've got.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Practicing MMspeak I see
from a reasonably stable genius.
that is absolutely the only thing that we have in common -believe me.

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
My opinion as well I'm sick of the not as bad as and this time
the difference is even smaller than before.
Ah but
it is only for this election cycle - then something magical will happen and, after much incrementalism, we will all be living in a progressive paradise (or something).
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Yep just by rewriting slightly all those old Republican ideas
and putting A DONKEY logo on them
Yay -go team blue
underlying philosophies are for wimps anyway.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Yep just by reqwriting slightly all those old Republican ideas
and putting A DONKEY logo on them
No apologies needed--that's what they've been doing to you
and the rest of us. Enough is enough.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I was all for unity until I thought about it. If
SHE is the candidate, then we're past the "bloodless" point on direction change My SURVIVAL is in the overturn of oligarchs, and without that I'm going to die homeless. and broke...
Feck the bitch.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
It's what happens when you have only 9% of the population
on each side deciding which candidate will be chosen for a 51-49 race.
I like the French run off system over 2 rounds.
I like a lot of things, including real
chocolate pots de creme, which NO ONE makes any more than they make meat salads or tomato aspic.
That doesn't mean they're going to spring up in this election cycle in the US. ::sigh::
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
We either take the brand back...
or roll out a new product (in capitalist speak). Bernie has proven, and continues to demonstrate there is an strong appetite (Yuge Hunger) for socialist policies across this country. The neoliberal status quo is a crushing and suffocating presence without a countervailing force up until now . This genie is not going back in any box, and your right LaFeminista, there will be a rending of garments.
not only a different brand name but a whole new manufacturer
A really good piece
written by Shaun King on the same subject.
He wont be alone
The man can write. Put the case out there very well.
It's a great piece but for one thing
King's concluded he is leaving the party. I say, it's time to CLEAN HOUSE AND TAKE THE PARTY BACK...
It's four times the work to start from scratch as it is to clean house and take the brand BACK.
I refuse to think I'm such a turd that I'm required to do four fucking times the work just because a pair of oligarchic bitches and a few billionnaires with plasticine penises demand it.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
New product has my vote n/t
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
They don't even remotely resemble adults.
And that room they're in is a padded room, up in the attic of a neoliberal nuthouse filled to the rafters with cobwebs and dust.
Yes indeed, it's at feverpitch
I'm out of adjectives
for the scum and villainy that has stolen our American politics. I am blind with rage at these vile, self-important, delusional excuses for "Americans" and their mindless minions that have helped greedy power-brokering scumbags break this country and everything good that it ever stood for.
I feel like a person without a country. I feel saddled with a bought-off, sold-out shell of a "government" that no longer gives a shit about anyone, even its children or its old people. I feel nauseous, having watched these greedy, nasty, bloody hacks lie, mock, steal or kill the minds of millions, while they helped enable this disgusting, power-tripping bitch to the highest levels of government, and for what reward? The ability to laugh in our faces because they think we're too stupid to understand how it happened? Like we can't see how they helped encourage non-people to socially engineer the flow of useful information to the point of incoherence, such that we couldn't come together and agree on how to fix this mess ourselves?
I have a news flash for all of these treasonous idiots. They can point fingers outward and assign blame and pretend to Adult all they want. THEY BUILT THAT. That destruction is never, ever going to be on anyone but THEM, no matter how many times they shriek and holler otherwise. And they can shriek and holler until they choke on it. They OWN it. They will always OWN it.
Many, Many "Thumbs Up" ~
Right TF On !
"Preach" !
Going to Vista, Might make National City ~
Many, Many "Thumbs Up"
Me too!
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Terrific comment!
I have had a difficult time writing any comments lately because I am so sick in my heart over what I am seeing happen. The oligarchs have always controlled this country, but have been relatively benevolent most of the time by at least providing some measure of a social safety net and at least providing a future for our children. All that changed with the election of Bill Clinton and the greed has been escalating. People are simply commodities to be used up and discarded by the vast never ending greed of the neo-liberals as they march us onward toward extinction. These two sentences capture just how dismal I see our future as a country and as a people.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
If Hillary Wins It's 12-16 Years of Democratic Rule
and there ain't much to hang a hat on. The ACA is crap public policy.
It's like Brave Sir Robin from the Holy Grail:
...who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol...
12-16 years of Democratic rule gave us this?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
bravo LC
Can't agree more. I only joined the orange place to try to give voice to the fact the math of 'free trade' NEVER made sense. Ross Perot said all it was going to do was be "a great sucking sound" and he was absolutely right yet the crap is still being pushed by essentially heroin dealers masquerading as 'leaders'. I wasn't well received as 'FreeTradeIsYourEpitaph' at the orange place for the most part. Essentially the political system has destroyed my trust or confidence in any thing they do including most, if not all, the major alphabet soup federal agencies ..... I didn't choose to not trust them... they taught me to never trust them. Its basically a condemnation of the entire system and since the the 'dollar' is based on the 'trust and faith' of the US government... it is a very serious problem when the populace gets to this point. And I see this view is very common now with my democratic AND republican friends and acquaintances.... 8 years ago it was not common
Good post.
Good to see you back here.
Hi Tom, I have been really busy both politically and
domestically, renovations on our home and offices.
Familiar faces
I love seeing so many familiar faces, and it's nice to see total members here spiral upward.
Following conversations here shows how bad it had gotten over there.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
I don't want them to blame me...
I want them to HATE me. And I WELCOME their hatred.
As long as they're assigning blame
they aren't learning shit.
I will never vote for people that stupid. Reich is right about "third party", but that isn't going to wait 2 more years, it has to start NOW.
Now is the time, today is the day...
Incremental change, is the status quo.
I suggest
Blow up the duopoly.
Time Has (Finally) Come Today ?
Spot on
and its been like this for at least 35 yrs.I dont think it can be explained any better.Anyone that thinks it will be different this time is living in a fantasy. If not now when?
Always the same chorus line to the wrong song
The logic of the Clinton supporters escapes me
Some of them are incredibly nasty at ToP. How do they think that will do their candidate any good? Do they think that if they insult us enough times we will suddenly turn into HRC supporters? They and their candidate have managed to turn off an incredible number of people. Another diary shows the drop in support for HRC among independents. The Clinton camp may blame it on Bernie (they will not blame it on the real culprits--themselves) but that is BS. Bernie talks about issues and he rarely mentions Clinton.
Many names that I do not recognize spout the vilest stuff
The Hillary supporters in 2008 often resorted to downright nastiness.
On twitter today
I saw a Clinton supporter claim Karl Rove has been working for Bernie since he started his campaign. And she was dead serious.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
here suggested Clinton had hired Rove.
The Gallup poll was pretty revealing: the rank and file really don't think the party is being hurt. It's mostly a bunch of overwrought Clinton pundits who are ginning this up. Per Gallup this morning:
"Though tensions have boiled over recently, the dramatic events are not representative of the feelings of rank-and-file Democrats, who don't share with Republicans the view that a continuing campaign for their party's nomination is damaging the party itself. Republicans' more pessimistic views could stem from a long process that has involved a large group of candidates, name-calling and many heated, televised exchanges. While the Democratic candidates have had impassioned exchanges of their own, the temperament of the contest pales in comparison to that of the GOP."
have found there true home - tbh I never saw that one coming.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Not logic, panic
It is the lashing out of authoritarian followers against infidels, a self-amplifying group dynamic used to prevent fissures in their belief structure and the ice-wall of cognitive dissonance that protects it. It is a long time until Philly, and we still have enough time to call everyone in California. For those not minutely attuned to nuances in the punditocracy and corporate messaging apparatus most of this isn't happening. Republicans and even progressives are getting to the bargaining and acceptance phases of dealing with Drumpf, and his polling is ticking up, while Clinton's is ticking down. Exposure and campaigning does not help her, only being attacked seems to have any positive effect on her numbers. With over a decade at DailyHos, I am encouraged by the truly unprecedented level of rabidity exhibited from the top down, they are going all in, burning their seed corn, calling in all the chits and whoring their last orifices. This level of desperation will be difficult to sustain, and I don't think we would see that if they were even one tenth as confident as they claim. A cornered animal is dangerous, but it is still cornered.
as things really started getting ugly at 'dhos' back in January/February ... the edict to only support hillary was an incredible turn off. After roughly 10 years of it I walked away from the site in Feb, a little painful at first since it was like getting rid of a long time friend that went off the deep end and is unhealthy to be around any longer, and now don't miss a thing about it. I perused it for about 5 minutes twice in the past 3 months or so but just lost interest quickly without reading anything really. I struggled when still visiting the site with the factoid about markos being former cia ... who the fuck gets a job with the cia out of college or whatever and then quickly quits and starts a political website... it usually takes someone a couple of years to figure they are working for dysfunctional or completely corrupt organization... it always struck me as odd and improbable though it is possible... just not probable for some young guy.
Their real goal?
Their goal is to drive us away so that TOP becomes a fully Potemkin progressive beachhead unsullied by reality. They've become to politics what Scientology is to Christianity.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
heh-Reich is getting INCREDIBLE pushback on his
2nd recommendation:
"2. Don’t demonize or denigrate Hillary Clinton. If she wins the Democratic nomination, I urge you to work like hell for her. She’ll be the only person standing between Donald Trump and the presidency of the United States. Besides, as I’ve said before, she’ll be an excellent president for the system we now have, even though Bernie would be the best president for the system we need."
I think he and the rest of the turd way cabal are gonna be very shocked very soon. What I can't understand is why they can't see the outrage, the desperation, the absolute commitment to changing the poisonous political landscape we have. I mean, to me, it's freaking obvious. sigh
the turd way cabal are on a road to nowhere it's a losing
strategy as has been shown at all levels
He can
fuck right off with that recommendation. Don't tell me to get behind that bitch and then in the same breath, tell me to get behind a third party for 2 years from now.
The WILDINGS are angry
BERNIE is coming
The game of thrones
Orwell was an optimist
Honestly? I think they see it perfectly
they're just compelled to pretend they don't. Whether they are compelled by money or fear of retribution, they have to pretend not to see it. It benefits them somehow, if they are successful with their self-delusions.
Reich is a perfect example of a disjointed message after years of working his way back into the side of human decency. Start a third party but in the meantime, support that nasty piece of fake Democrat? That makes no sense whatsoever.
I know, right?
They keep pointing with glee to Humphrey, McCarthy, McGovern, Nader, even Dukakis. Do they believe that bilge, or are they just trying to discredit Sanders and dishearten us? It is so obvious that no "thens" are like now, that their comforting analogies don't fit. Months back, I said that they're using old maps but the political landscape has changed. More true now than ever, I think.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I think it's a CYA strategy
I've noticed that a lot of people with a public platform seem to be making a point of excluding themselves from the revolution while otherwise backing the cause in their writing. Even Thomas Frank, who's done a magnificent job in his latest book revealing the current state of the Democratic Party and how we got here (particularly the grim reality of the Clinton Years), told us at a book-tour appearance a couple of months ago that "of course" he's going to vote for Clinton over Trump if it comes to that.
I get it… as people with public exposure, they're covering their butts. I can barely expose myself as an occasional anonymous commenter online, so I can't excoriate them for not being valiant warriors like Shaun King.
I am happy to be blamed....
and I wrote something when I saw what Robert Reich wrote, not at TOP:
Well said, cardboard.
I like Reich too. But he sure missed this one by a mile, IMO. And I cannot imagine who her appointees will be if Hillary Clinton is elected POTUS. Gawd.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
The Clintons...
and the Clinton Foundation and all their funders constitute a political behemoth and even a political hegemon. They can offer or take away a lot of opportunity for others seeking to remain among the elite.
I think Robert Reich and others know and fear this.
It's quite clear that Clinton Influence is alive and at work at WAPO, NYT, MSNBC, CNN and other major outlets. At law firms, venture cap firms, banks and major research schools, the Clintons are a force to be reckoned with.
The Clintons are the closest to royalty you can get
in this country. Except it's the more insidious kind, more overt, without the same visibility that real royalty has.
I Hope Reich Reads What You Wrote
Very well said.
(Updated/Edited)* Frankly, he seems to be a master
manipulator, IMHO.
I base this upon a couple of NPR interviews that I've heard him participate in with a libertarian economist, and former Social Security Administrator in the Bush Administration--Jason Fitchner--in which Fitchner praised Reich for not favoring 'redistribution' to solve inequality. Reich thanked him, and did not dispute his assessment, BTW.
(Fitcher was referencing one of Reich's books, when he complimented him for this. I have not read the book.)
Also, as I posted several weeks ago, Reich also gave a very favorable assessment of Republican Candidate, and ultra-fiscal austerian, John Kasich, on a Sunday Talk Show Panel. Reich brought it up, too--he wasn't put on the spot to name a Repub that he liked, or anything.
Remember, Kasich worked with Reich's 'boss'--WJC--to dismantle the New Deal-era program, AFDC, and replace it with the joke of a welfare program, and state block grant program, TANF. And, to churn out one budget after the other--balanced on the backs of the poorest and most vulnerable Americans.
IIRC, Reich's an old law school chum of FSC's (Yale), and was at Oxford (Rhodes Scholarship) with WJC.
He has often said that he would vote for FSC, if Bernie loses.
Bottom line, I think his support is as insincere as that of Dem Party shill, Bill Press--who also says that he will vote for FSC, if Bernie doesn't get the nomination.
I believe that their motivation is to keep in the good standing of liberal activists--so as to keep them in the 'Veal Pen,' when all is said and done.
Of course, I could be wrong.
In Tribute To 'Barabas'
Please Visit Save Our Street Dogs [SOSD]
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Reich is a classic neoliberal
He still thinks NAFTA "wasn't a mistake", he was for fast track, and he holds a multitude of really crappy analyses about "globalization" and free trade.
I thought so
I have no respect for people who continue to carry water for the globalists and their crap milton friedmanite 'ideas' shoved down people's throats. But then again I am FreeTradeIsYourEpitaph, the refugee, so ....
If you ever
read of Reich's books from the 80's and the 90's you would conclude he is a truly phony progressive.
I agree completely
I was very disappointed in what Reich said after he has done a nice job of rehabilitating himself post Bill Clinton. If he really cares about the economic issues he has done numerous videos on, how can he ask us to close ranks and support the very person who will continue the downward economic slide that the majority of people in this country are experiencing. It makes no sense.
Your comment to Mr. Reich was spot on and well written as is the case with all of your writing.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
of course the Democratic wing of the Dem party will be blamed. It's always our fault.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott