Evening Blues Preview 7-1-15

This evening's music features Texas bluesman Juke Boy Bonner.

Here are some stories from tonight's posting:

No Actual Threat, But US Ratchets Up Security for July 4th

While conceding there is no specific threat, nor evidence of any ongoing plot, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are both issuing warnings about terrorist plots on the Fourth of July, and Rep. Michael McCaul (R – TX) predicted several “small scare ISIS attacks” that day.

Terrorists have not used July 4 as a particular date to carry out attacks in the past years of the over decade-long terror war, and officials offered no particular reasoning for why this year should be any different, though some maintained that the 4th is such a “powerful” holiday ISIS would be desperate to attack it.

Not that officials are going to let the lack of evidence spoil their security crackdown, as the FBI sets up command centers across the country to prepare for increased police deployments nationwide, just in case.

Hillary Clinton’s Failed Libya ‘Doctrine’

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fancied the violent 2011 “regime change” in Libya such a triumph that her aides discussed labeling it the start of a “Clinton Doctrine,” according to recently released emails that urged her to claim credit when longtime Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was deposed. And Clinton did celebrate when Gaddafi was captured and murdered.

“We came; we saw; he died,” Clinton exulted in a TV interview after receiving word of Gaddafi’s death on Oct. 20, 2011, though it is not clear how much she knew about the grisly details, such as Gaddafi being sodomized with a knife before his execution.

Since then, the cascading Libyan chaos has turned the “regime change” from a positive notch on Clinton’s belt and into a black mark on her record. That violence has included the terrorist slaying of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other U.S. diplomatic personnel in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, and jihadist killings across northern Africa, including the Islamic State’s decapitation of a group of Coptic Christians last February.

It turns out that Gaddafi’s warning about the need to crush Islamic terrorism in Libya’s east was well-founded although the Obama administration cited it as the pretext to justify its “humanitarian intervention” against Gaddafi. The vacuum created by the U.S.-led destruction of Gaddafi and his army drew in even more terrorists and extremists, forcing the United States and Western nations to abandon their embassies in Tripoli a year ago.

One could argue that those who devised and implemented the disastrous Libyan “regime change” – the likes of Hillary Clinton and Samantha Power – should be almost disqualified from playing any future role in U.S. foreign policy. Instead, Clinton is the Democratic frontrunner to succeed Barack Obama as President and Power was promoted from Obama’s White House staff to be U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations — where she is at the center of other dangerous U.S. initiatives in seeking “regime change” in Syria and pulling off “regime change” in Ukraine.

The Defense Department’s Indefensible Position on Killing Human Shields

The Defense Department apparently thinks that it may lawfully kill an unlimited number of civilians forced to serve as involuntary human shields in order to achieve even a trivial military advantage. According to the DOD’s recently released Law of War Manual, harm to human shields, no matter how extensive, cannot render an attack unlawfully disproportionate. The Manual draws no distinction between civilians who voluntarily choose to serve as human shields and civilians who are involuntarily forced to serve as human shields. The Manual draws no distinction between civilians who actively shield combatants carrying out an attack and civilians who passively shield military objectives from attack. Finally, the Manual draws no distinction between civilians whose presence creates potential physical obstacles to military operations and civilians whose presence creates potential legal obstacles to military operations. According to the Manual, all of these count for nothing in determining proportionality under international law. ...

The Manual cites no basis in treaty, custom, or scholarship for its position. Nor could it do so. As is well known, Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions immediately follows its prohibition on the use of human shields with an unequivocal statement that “[a]ny violation of these prohibitions shall not release the Parties to the conflict from their legal obligations with respect to the civilian population.” Yet, according to the Manual, if a defending force violates the prohibition on using civilians as involuntary human shields then the attacking force is, in effect, released from its obligation not to inflict excessive incidental harm on those civilians.

Of course, the United States is not a signatory to Protocol I. However, the United States is bound by customary international law, one principle of which is that international humanitarian law (IHL) applies unconditionally to each party to an armed conflict irrespective of the conduct of opposing parties. If the DOD thinks that unlawful conduct by our adversaries releases us from our obligations under customary international law, it is badly mistaken.

US churches vote on joining BDS movement targeting Israel

The international movement to boycott Israel over its treatment of Palestinians has received backing from one of the largest Protestant churches in the US, as two other major denominations prepare to vote on whether or not to divest money from the Jewish state.

The United Church of Christ’s general assembly on Tuesday voted overwhelmingly in favor of divesting funds at its synod in Cleveland. Further votes by the Episcopal Church and the Mennonite Church USA were expected on Tuesday night and Wednesday.

Inspired by the sanctions campaign against apartheid South Africa, the Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) campaign, encourages organizations and institutions such as universities and churches to divest from Israel until “the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel” have been recognized.

Decisions that will shape Greece's future are being made in Frankfurt

When Alistair Darling was faced with the hair-raising news in autumn 2008 that Royal Bank of Scotland was on the brink of being forced to close Britain’s cash machines, there was never a serious doubt that, whatever Mervyn King’s moral qualms, the Bank of England’s job was to underpin the UK’s financial system as “lender of last resort”.

Yanis Varoufakis and his colleagues in Athens have also faced the prospect of a total financial collapse this week – but key decisions about whether, and on what terms, to prop up its struggling banks are being taken thousands of miles away in Frankfurt. ...

Bank branches are already closed, a powerful symbol to Greek citizens of a government that has lost control of events. But Tsipras and Varoufakis know that without support from the European Central Bank, capital controls and withdrawal limits would just be the start. The Syriza government faced presiding over total financial collapse.

As the Greek bank run continued in recent weeks, the ECB had repeatedly extended the ceiling for its crisis loan scheme, known as emergency liquidity assistance (ELA), which permits the Greek central bank to prop up Greek lenders.

When the ECB opted to leave the ELA ceiling unchanged on Sunday, it didn’t amount to pulling the plug on the banks, but it sent the message that Frankfurt – and by extension Brussels – would be willing to watch the Greek banking sector fail.

Tsipras Signals Greece May Accept Bailout Terms

An unexpected new effort by Greece to compromise with its creditors on a bailout package prompted a cool response from most of the rest of Europe on Wednesday as the financial pressures on Athens intensified and efforts to find a way out of the crisis remained chaotic.

On another day of twists and turns, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s government reversed course and said it would be willing to accept many of the terms of a bailout package that it had previously rejected, if they are part of a broader deal to address the country’s funding needs for the next two years.

While reviving hopes for a deal to end Greece’s latest financial crisis, the seeming reversal by Mr. Tsipras further underscored the confusion over his strategy as well as over where the monthslong muddle of negotiations now stood. The sudden turn of events raised questions about what offer was actually still on the table for Greece, whether Mr. Tsipras would still go ahead with a referendum scheduled for Sunday on a deal and, if so, what deal Greeks would actually be voting on.

Greek debt: Merkel dismisses Tsipras's last-ditch compromise plan

Germany has dismissed a last-ditch compromise plan from Greece that bowed to some key demands of its creditors.

In an address to the Bundestag, the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, reiterated her stance that there was no point in having talks with the government of Alexis Tsipras before a referendum in Greece on an EU bailout plan.

“The door to talks with the Greek government has always been, and remains, open,” she said, but added that talks could not take place before Sunday’s poll. ...

Greece is insolvent and almost bankrupt after five years of €240bn (£170bn) in European bailouts dried up at the stroke of midnight and it became the first EU member to default on its creditors. On Tuesday, Greece missed a deadline to make a €1.5bn (£1.1bn) payment to the International Monetary Fund, dealing a blow to a Europe committed to the irreversibility of its 16-year-old single currency.

Shortly before it slid into default, Greece wrote to its creditors to elaborate on an earlier request for a two-year €29bn loan from the eurozone’s €500bn crisis fund. The Tsipras government indicated it was ready to accept a large part of its creditors’ demands, but asked for concessions on VAT reform and pensions.

Greece sticks with bailout referendum with fiscal lifeline talks in the balance

Greece’s prime minister vowed Wednesday to stick with plans for a referendum on the cuts demanded to receive a financial rescue, even as powerful lenders led by Germany insisted that all talks are frozen until the outcome of the vote.

The renewed commitment to holding the planned Sunday plebiscite came amid sharply mixed messages from the prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, that could further frustrate European partners and deepen rifts in Greece as the financial blows mounted. ...

Tsipras appeared to open room for significant concessions in the cash-for-cutbacks standoff, suggesting he could agree with the painful belt-tightening measures he once scorned.

But at the same time, he stood behind his plans for the referendum and urged Greeks to reject the European Union’s demands, which include raising taxes and further trimming pensions.

Greece, he said in an afternoon address to the nation, will be back at the negotiating table after the referendum, seeking “better terms for the Greek people.”

Greek pensioners queue at dawn as banks allow a €120 withdrawal

Greek pensioners began queuing before dawn at up to 1,000 banks around the country which opened on Wednesday to let them collect the €120 (£85) they will be allowed this week.

Hours after Greece’s bailout programme with its creditors expired and the country became the first in the developed world to miss an IMF loan repayment, Greek pensioners without debit cards were at last able to withdraw some cash. ...

Banks are due to remain closed all week after the Greek government imposed capital controls following the decision by the prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, to call a referendum on Sunday on whether to accept the demands that lenders insist must be met before they will release fresh bailout funds to stop a Greek default.

Long queues formed through the night on Sunday as anxious Greeks withdrew their cash. ATMs had been replenished and reopened by Monday afternoon, but Greek account holders are now limited to withdrawals of €60 a day (in practice, many are finding it hard to take out more than €50 because of a growing shortage of €20 notes).

Large numbers of pensioners, however, do not use bank cards and rely instead on deposit books – so have been unable to withdraw any money at all. Many were further frustrated by a string of finance ministry announcements, each reducing the amount they would be allowed to take out.

Why I set up the Greek bailout crowdfund - Thom Feeney

I set up the crowdfunding campaign to support the Greek bailout because I was fed up with the dithering of our politicians. Every time a solution to bail out Greece is delayed, it’s a chance for politicians to posture and display their power, but during this time the real effect is on the people of Greece.

I wondered, could the people of Europe just have a crack at fixing this? Less talk, more direct action. If we want to sort it, let’s JFDI (just effing do it)! On Tuesday, between leaving for work and returning home, the crowdfunding page had raised over €200,000 in around six hours, which was incredible. This isn’t just about raising the cash, though. In providing the perks, we would be stimulating the Greek economy through trade – buying Greek products and employing Greeks to source and send the perks out.

The way to help a struggling economy is by investment and stimulus – not austerity and cuts. This crowdfunding is a reaction to the bullying of the Greek people by European politicians, but it could easily be about British politicians bullying the people of the north of England, Scotland and Wales. I want the people of Europe to realise that there is another option to austerity, despite what David Cameron and Angela Merkel tell you.

The reaction has been tremendous, I’ve received thousands of goodwill message and as I write almost €630,000 has been pledged by more than 38,000 donors. Many Greek people are messaging me to say how overjoyed they are to hear that real people around Europe care about them. It must be hard when you think the rest of the continent is against you.

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Where's the surprise? BBB reminds me of a mom clapping and cheering because Johnny peed in the big boy pot - at age 5. I'm sure all 45 mil came from 45 people in Wall Street.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture

and I posted. There is some serious bull flying about that place. The front pagers with the exception of MB are all in for Hillary. It is pretty pathetic to watch them scramble. Not ONE word about policy and I will continue to bring it up over and over. Wink Thanks for the heads up. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

gulfgal98's picture

bbb and the Clintonistas have their hackles up and they descended upon me to put me in my place. Shok

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

is somebody over there, in the other Hillmoney diary, who says s/he is sending Clinton II: The Sequel $10 each week. I think that's sad. It reminds me of people who send money to TV preachers. Such people need to hang onto their money. Not send it to multi-millionaire grifters and grafters and gantrys and gangsters.

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That 10 is certainly more important to a million others. What a waste of good money.

PS - I'm on my phone. please forgive all mistakes.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

joe shikspack's picture

oooh, i'm impressed! B)

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mimi's picture

Pluto's Republic's picture

In April Indonesia reaffirmed its readiness to switch to settlements in local currencies with Russia. The Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Sofyan Djalil said it is interested in reducing the dependence of the US dollar on the global financial system.

Other countries throughout the world are doing the same. The US Dollar is a global pariah that harms nations that use it for trade (in part, due to the corruptive-destructive policy of QE).

The dollar is a weapon. One that is backed by U.S. military might. That has been shown to be the case throughout U.S. military history with Iraq, Iran, Russia, and any other number of U.S. adversaries that the U.S. Treasury seeks to cripple by shutting them out of international markets and financing. You see, when the dollar reigns supreme, other countries unwittingly find themselves paying for U.S. military expansion.

Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi both tried to break away from the domination of the petrodollar in attempting to sell their oil in other denominations. Sadly, both were demonized by the elite-owned western mainstream media, had their countries invaded on false pretenses and were ultimately assassinated.

As a result of those two heinous, nation-destroying war crimes, the world is rapidly bringing an end to the financial weaponization of the dollar. I wrote about this process in my essay, America's Mein Kamph.

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gulfgal98's picture

Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi both tried to break away from the domination of the petrodollar in attempting to sell their oil in other denominations. Sadly, both were demonized by the elite-owned western mainstream media, had their countries invaded on false pretenses and were ultimately assassinated.

I am not the most knowledgeable about how global currencies work, but I have always believed that the wars in the Middle east are more about the petro dollar than about the oil itself. This is why Saddam Hussein had to be taken out because he wanted to trade oil in Euros instead of the US dollar.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Pluto's Republic's picture

…by everyone in the world. Americans are the only exception.

The entire world is also aware of the deplorable US attack on Russia via the Ukraine (except Americans).

On that note, the world also has a pretty good idea of what happened to flight MH17 — and a few days ago, Malaysia decided to so something about it:

Malaysian Pressure Forces MH17 Investigation to UN

Malaysia, frustrated by the refusal of the official international investigation-team to produce any clear evidence yet of whom to blame for the downing of the MH17 Malaysian airliner over the Ukrainian civil-war zone on 17 July 2014, has finally forced the team to request the UN to investigate. They’ve forced the original four nations on the team to accept UN adjudication of any final report. This will enable a court-proceeding to make the ultimate determination of guilt (upon which judgment penalties and compensation will be assessed), and this court-determination would inevitably allow whatever party is being blamed by the five-member official investigating team, to present its own evidence in the case, so that the court will make the ultimate determination — the official investigating team will not be performing that crucial judgmental function.

Malaysia was long prohibited from even participating in this investigational team, but on 5 November 2014, a deal was finally reached with the four nations that did comprise the team — four U.S. allies: Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, and (a suspect in possibly having downed the MH17) Ukraine itself (though it had lost none of its citizens in the disaster)…. Even by late November of 2014, Malaysia continued to be refused membership. That refusal was especially outrageous because, like three of the four nations that already were on the team, Malaysia had lost (44) citizens from the downing. But in addition, Malaysia had lost the plane, from it.

There was no excuse for the four pro-Western nations to exclude Malaysia, and for their limiting the investigating-team to only Ukraine (a key suspect in the downing) and three of its allies. And, between November and now, Malaysia has finally become so fed-up with the team’s continuing refusal to act, and to declare the culprit, that Malaysia demanded to transfer the investigation over to the UN.

On 24 June 2015, Agence France Press, a mouthpiece for yet another Western nation (France), bannered, “Netherlands, Malaysia push for UN tribunal for MH17 culprits,” and Thailand’s Bangkock Post headlined this same story more honestly and directly, as “Malaysia demands UN court for MH17 shootdown,” but carried unchanged the anti-Russian-slanted AFP text. The anti-Russian-slanted AFP ‘news’ report said “It remains unclear, however, whether Russia would back the creation of the special tribunal” (something which they could also have said of the U.S., for example) and included a sub-head: “- Getting Russia on board -,” which section had only this brief and anonymously sourced reference to Russia: “The diplomat [unidentified] said the countries were mindful of the need to ‘avoid a Russian veto’ [as if a Russian veto would have been likelier than an American one, etc.].” That’s propaganda for a regime, not news-reporting for a democracy — it delivers the bias (to whip up support for war), along with its sugar-coated pro-regime facts.

Of course, you'd never hear about this reality in the US press.

Personally, I am much more concerned about what happened to MH370. I've written about it from the beginning. I see several circumstantial ties to the US.

But, then again, Malaysia is the only nation in the world that tried the US for its atrocious war crimes over the past 15 years. Recent news suggests that the once "safest national airline in the world" will be forced to fold.

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Big Al's picture

website which garnered double digit rec's (because they knew what I was talking about),
If you don't mention the Oded Yinon plan you can't have any pudding,
How can you have any pudding if you don't mention the Oded Yinon plan?

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mimi's picture

- it takes a while til they stick so that I am not all the times surprised again when I read a new article basically telling the same sorry story over and over again. Thanks Pluto.

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mimi's picture


It should be a must read. Among others:

The names and details are the latest revelations to come from documents leaked by the whistleblower Edward Snowden. They provoked a furious reaction from the European commission, Almunia and others on the target lists.

• The commission said the disclosures "are unacceptable and deserve our strongest condemnation. This is not the type of behaviour that we expect from strategic partners, let alone from our own member states." Almunia said he was "very upset" to discover his name was on GCHQ documents.

• Leigh Daynes, UK executive director of Médecins du Monde, said he was "bewildered by these extraordinary allegations of secret surveillance. Our doctors, nurses and midwives are not a threat to national security. There is absolutely no reason for our operations to be secretly monitored."

• Another target, Nicolas Imboden, the head of an NGO that provides help to African countries, said the spying on him was "clearly economic espionage and politically motivated".

• Human Rights Watch, Privacy International and Big Brother Watch condemned the targeting.

• Labour said the committee that oversees GCHQ should be given extra powers.


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gulfgal98's picture

that majority of our spying on our allies and the EU was all economic espionage.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Pluto's Republic's picture

…presenting documents about spying on Germany, I find it to be pretty revealing in regard to the Greek debt kabuki. (Building on the IMF sheepdogging-of-the-EU theory that developed in my Greek essay yesterday.)

Indeed, the timing of these releases is fascinating = Leaked spying documents covering a former Greek debt negotiation (2011), that are released during the current Greek debt negotiation (2015).

Normally, it would be difficult to see a connection between these spying events that might be vital to US national security interests. But the purported EU scheme to stiff the IMF, get them out of Europe, and then restructure the Greek debt privately, seems to be coalescing.

IMF sheepdogging and manipulation of the European Vassal States is pretty clear, if you compare their behavior toward Ukraine's default and Greece's. Both, ultimately, are about containing Russia (and the rise of Eurasia) as the US "wannabe-empire" aggressively drives wedges between Europe and Russia — all at the points where Russian gas enters Europe.

Today, Greek FinMin Yanis Varoufakis made it fairly clear that he's aware of the kabuki. He makes the following salient points and firmly predicts the ouitcome:

The Eurogroup had previously (November 2012) conceded that the debt ought to be restructured but is refusing to commit to a debt restructure.

Since the announcement of the referendum, official Europe has sent signals that they are ready to discuss debt restructuring. These signals show that official Europe too would vote NO on its own ‘final’ offer.

Greece will stay in the euro. Deposits in Greece’s banks are safe. Creditors have chosen the strategy of blackmail based on bank closures. The current impasse is due to this choice by the creditors and not by the Greek government discontinuing the negotiations or any Greek thoughts of Grexit and devaluation. Greece’s place in the Eurozone and in the European Union is non-negotiable.

The future demands a proud Greece within the Eurozone and at the heart of Europe. This future demands that Greeks say a big NO on Sunday, that we stay in the Euro Area, and that, with the power vested upon us by that NO, we renegotiate Greece’s public debt as well as the distribution of burdens between the haves and the have nots.

Speaking of have-nots — everyone here is fully aware that at least 90 percent of all the "loans" Greece receives, leaves Greece again within 24 hours to line the pockets of foreign bankers, investors, and weapons profiteers — right? It's not spent on pensions, health care, or other "socialist" evils. Greece is just their bagholder.

If so, pat yourselves on the back. You are the only people in the United States of America who know the facts.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Anyone who defends the unspeakable holocaust that the sub-human US war-criminal elite unleashed on Libya are reeking pieces of human garbage.

I'm looking at you, Hillary, you fucking savage.

holocaust noun
cataclysm, disaster, catastrophe; destruction, devastation, annihilation; massacre, slaughter, mass murder, extermination, extirpation, carnage, butchery; genocide, ethnic cleansing, pogrom.

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Big Al's picture

that defense goes straight to the entire democratic party and it's accoutrements. It's been said for years
and most progressives still don't really grasp what went down.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

…as we speak.

But Libya is on Hillary and her smelly Neocon Harpies, Samantha Powers and Susan Rice. They are covered in blood.

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Big Al's picture

In effect anyway. Only republicans voted no. Sanders voted for the bill which was to stop Obama from attacking
Libya with the full force of the U.S. military. The no votes were purely about Constitutional authority, not in any way
opposed to bombing the shit out of Libya and destroying it.
They were the architects, there were and still are plenty of supporters for the lies. It's on Clinton, Powers, and Rice,
but it's also Obama's war.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

…and he was also bamboozled into the Afghan Surge.

He would have been bamboozled into bombing the shit out of Syria, too, if Putin hadn't pulled his ass out of fire. His new treaties with Cuba and Iran are about Obama trying to rehabilitate his dumbass military naivety that murdered and dislocated millions — to achieve nothing but more unspeakable human disaster.

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Big Al's picture

remarks years ago that Iraq should be partitioned into three section. That was the Zionist/neocon plan from the
start for Iraq, to destroy it and balkanize it. They make it look like a sensible move after all the destruction and the Democrats
fall right in line.
There's lots of blood on lots of people and they don't even fucking know it.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Its borders were created the last time the West went on a global murder-spree.

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Big Al's picture

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Pluto's Republic's picture

You are absolutely right.

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lotlizard's picture

That would be an independent Hawaii.


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mimi's picture

and Hawaii is really a special case of imperial landgrab. The Pink Show is very well made. I am listening to all of it and enjoy doing so. Thank You. I can't tell you how many conflicting feelings I and my son have over Hawaii. But that's just as an aside.

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lotlizard's picture

President Grover Cleveland's administration investigated and condemned the putsch against Hawaii's legitimate government. Cleveland and his Secretary of State (= Außenminister) even recommended that the U.S. intervene to restore it.

But by the end of the 19th century, Southern Confederate racist ideology had spread to the North too, so the chances of white troops actually being deployed against white businessmen to roll back the unjust takeover were effectively nil.

A few years later, McKinley and Teddy Roosevelt were elected, and U.S. policy toward Hawaii changed 180 degrees from Cleveland's.

So, who are two public high schools in Honolulu named after?

That's right, not Grover Cleveland, friend of the Hawaiian people and the last non-imperialist U.S. president, but McKinley and Roosevelt.

That's known as "rubbing their face in it."

For Hawaiians, it's always been clear that the aims of U.S. foreign policy have nothing to do with the soaring rhetoric about freedom, democracy, or humanitarian ideals, and everything to do with adapting the "white man's burden" ideology of the British Empire to its own purposes.

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