Homeland Security

And now a word from the people that brought you the TSA

I'm going to try to limit my outrage to two episodes per day--but I'm sadly failing. Maybe, I'll just have to take some of that stuff Hillary uses on her private jet. This article is a tribute to the same organization that brought us 3 hour waits for "security screenings", enough time for those well-vetted baggage-handlers to throughly pilfer your belongings.

Oh, crap, Barack, how could you let this happen again?!!!

Yes, folks, think of our forebears in days gone by. Think of War Hero, U.S. Grant who turned the tide and won the Civil War. Think of Professional Politician Warren Harding and his fondness for tea-pots. What did they have in common besides being Republican Presidents? For different reasons, each of them had administrations riddled with corruption.