Open Thread WE 7 FEB 24 ~ e day, EU, Pan
Submitted by QMS on Wed, 02/07/2024 - 5:00am

Let's take the Ukraine war from a cynical view.
Part of the globalizers' propaganda war is to deny that the term "neoliberalism" has any historical, political, or economic content, to reduce it to a mere curse word used by lefties. In the past, the best rebuttal I had to that was the maddeningly jargon-filled writing of Philip Mirowski, an economics professor at Notre Dame. Today, I found a book review of a book that purports to be not only a history of neoliberalism, but a fairly clear and readable explanation of its goals.
Starting this week and lasting into the summer there will be a series of elections/events that could totally redefine the political and financial system of Europe.
(jjohnsit and Scizor99 have blogs on this story. My knowledge of EU banking, and British law are very limited. This is my first blog, please let me know if it could be improved or needs corrections)
I was not really expecting the referendum would win the vote. I’ll leave the analysis to the professional experts. This is what I could find to help me wade through the media fog of breathless “latest new thing” reporting.
This evening's music features Chicago blues singer Jimmy Lee Robinson, also known as Lonesome Jimmy Lee. Enjoy!
Jimmie Lee Robinson - Boss Man
This evening's music features delta blues harmonica player and singer, also a member of the Jelly Roll Kings, Frank Frost.
This evening's music features Houston bluesman Johnny Clyde Copeland.