Warren for Hillary's Running Mate
Say what you will about Elizabeth Warren, but she's a damn sight better than Shillary, and for that reason, Warren would make a better president than her. Alas, she demurred.
Now, there's some buzz about making Warren Hillary's running mate. This comes in light of the Twitter war between Trump and Warren. Certain folks believe that she would make for a good running mate. I wonder why that is?
Could it be because Hillary's campaign and flagging numbers against Trump could use a shot in the arm—some campaign Viagra, as it were? Or is it an attempt to remove Warren from the Senate and put her somewhere where she can't do much damage to Shillary's plans (such as the TPP) should she win the nomination.
Undoubtedly, it's an attempt to coax Bernie's supporters to vote for Hillary, if she wins the nomination. I'm sure I speak for most here when I say that there is no force in this world that can make me vote for Hillary, if she the nomination. Naming Warren as her VP is not only not going to have an impact whether or not I vote for her. It's a pretty shitty consolation to have Warren placed in a role where she can't do much beyond campaigning with Hillary.
Now if it was Warren that was running for president and she appoints Hillary as her running mate, I would probably vote for Warren. Hillary would be in a position of relative impotence, not that it wouldn't stop her from using her position to benefit herself and her dynasty.

VP Choice is irrelevant.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I wouldnt
vote for hrc if Bernie was the VP much less Warren and I doubt very seriously either would accept or that hrc would even offer it to them.its just more bullshit to try and make her seem progressive and woo Bernie supporters that are on the fence about her.
Nina for VP
I wouldn't support Elizabeth in any foreign policy decision making position. Like H. Clinton she is in AIPAC's pocket and has completely dehumanized Palestinian people. Who I would like to see nominated is Nina Turner from Bernie's delegates. She would be an effective voice for People of Color, Women, and Peace. And she is a great orator. #DraftNinaVP
From the Light House.
I'm really don't give a damn about that region anymore.
Look, if I was part of a religious diaspora that was searching for a country, I would've said that my religious text says that my people's promise land lies somewhere in Provence, France, instead of the asshole of the world.
We need to disengage from that part of the world, and I don't care how much evangelicals whine about how Israel will be destroyed, thus preventing their prophesied meet and greet w/ Jesus.
Love Nina; wouldn't want to see her tainted by assn with
Besides, Hillary Clinton would never allow herself to be upstaged by a more dynamic and better-liked female candidate.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
People are proposing Warren on the ticket because they know they need a powerhouse who is actually well liked to prop up a weak candidate.
Senator Warren
We need Senator Warren where she can do the most good and that is in the Senate. In fact, with 99 more like her in the Senate the US would be much better off. We also need to go about getting 435 more like her in the House. The run for VP would be a one time shot and she may get 8 years, then what??? In the Senate for many years, Ted Kennedy was quite a staunch supporter of the people. Elizabeth Warren could be the same and help steer the country in the right direction.

"A government for protecting business only is but a carcass
and soon fails by its own corruption and decay."
-- Amos Bronson Alcott (1799-1888), Transcendentalist, writer
and philosopher.
still wouldn't vote for Clinton with Warren as VP
am i clear? pass it along to Clinton.
I would lose all respect for liz
I'm sure most of you have seen the decade old interview with Moyers. After telling this story, what kind person could run with Hellery? Not someone I can respect. If she join the Clintons she will have sold out in my book.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ditto. No to Warren as VP, nor would it do Clinton any good
Warren is needed in the Senate where she can be effective on the banking committee, at least she could be if there were a Senate and House full of Bernie-type FDR Democrats. Without that, she probably has an uphill battle she might lose, or have too many weak sections minus the regulations found in the original Glass-Steagall Act.
Besides which, there is nothing, favorable or otherwise, that HRC or her handlers could try that would get me to vote "for" HRC, not even with Warren on the ticket. It's not gonna happen (for me; YMMV).
I'd lose all respect for Warren if she became HRC's VP candidate. If that happened, Warren could resign from the Senate and move on her way because no one would respect her after the election she would lose right along with HRC.
Bernie or Bust!!!
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
I have already lost all
I have already lost all respect for her. She has been campaigning for Hillary in all but name with all of her Trump directed attacks. And, her foreign policy positions are much more aligned with Hillary's than I can tolerate.
What Hillary's Campaign Ignores
No matter the quality of any woman Hillary might ask to run with her, she will cause lots of men not currently involved in the election to rush to support the Republicans. Generally speaking, American men are warming up to the idea of a female VP, for in their eyes it's just window dressing anyway (see: Sarah Palin). But to put TWO women up for office would be seen as too much by these types (of which I work with many, so I know they exist). They will flock to the opposition, and that could make the margin of victory for the wrong side.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I'm not too sold on Warren.
she's another stinking ex Republican for starters. She's another neocon AIPAC hawk. I think her weak tea economic populist talk is bs. and she's been the designated the sort of liberal, neoliberal, in the DC kabuki show. I'm just done with the whole freaking lot of the Democratic bad actors. Why is she running around spreading fear of the Hairball for Hillary?
This primary is certainly revealing as all the Democratic big name pols are crawling out from under their rocks and giving us all a look at reality rather then the kabuki good cop bad cop show they call democratic governance. The Dems. are complicit with the RW loonies and together they have licked the platter clean.
No thanks. If Sanders had Nina for a VP it would be great but we aren't getting any Bernie as he's a violent thug. Actually I think this is freaking farce a good thing as it will shatter the New Democrat's Third Way takeover of the party and the country. No way will I vote for Hillary the Hun regardless of what she does or she says. She's pure evil. Maybe she should get that B'word Barbara Boxer to be her VP poodle.
I'm done with voting for Democrat's unless they actually step up and fight for we the people's right's civil and human, restoring the universal rule of law (Repealing the Patriot Act, AUFM for starters) and a just economy that is democratic and serves the common good. I just don't care if there is a D after any pols name regardless of their claim to fame is eg. Warren, Lewis, Clyburn, Leahy, or any other lying poser of a moderate or progressive Dem. This general I will vote for my senator Merkley but that's about it. Local and state Dems are just as disgusting and the DC crooks and liars.