Open Tummler 05/17/16

first the earth was flat
but it fattened up
when we didn't fall off
Sometimes when you are a moose, you need to sound the chimes.
A moose is a moose in North America, but in Britain a moose is known as an elk. Except not really. Because there aren't any there. In Britain. Moose. Or elk. They all died out there during the Bronze Age. Because the humans killed them. But, somehow, the word—"elk"—persisted in the twists and turns of the language. Even though there were no actual animals to apply it to. So, the British, they became accustomed to monikering as an "elk," any deer that looked to them rather large. Which was kinda, sorta, accurate. Because that's what a moose is: a really big form of deer. Elk: them is, too.
Over on the European continent, there were legitimate elk, as in moose, for a time. Until the humans there started killing them all off, too. Eventually, the animals receded to the far north, to Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Siberia, and the like. Where they dwell today. I don't know what they're called there, because the humans in those places, they speak and write in languages that I don't understand. I, myself: I barely understand English. Some of it—English—I get. Like: "Let floods o'erswell, and fiends for food howl on." That sort of thing: not a problem. But "I think Snowden is a terrible threat, I think he's a terrible traitor, and you know what we used to do in the good old days when we were a strong country—you know what we used to do to traitors, right?" Or: "The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families." Nope. No comprende.
They don't have the word "moose" in the European countries, because that word is from the Algonquian, and they don't have any Algonquian in Europe. It is true that, once upon a time, a young Algonquian lad, there in "North America," he said to the people: "Hey, I know what let's say we do. Let's get in some boats, and sail to some other continents, and then we'll kill all the people there, and take all their land, and shit, and we'll invent cities and money and jobs, and all the live-long day we'll worship machines and nonsense, and we'll make everyone else do that, too. So: what say you?" What the people said was, that he was very ill, poor boy, and so they put him to bed, and they gave him Medicine, and they watched over him, until he was Better. And that, was the end, of that.
No matter whether it's called a moose, or an elk, or whatever else it might be named in those languages I understand even worse than English, the Science Men, they have decreed that the animal, wherever it may be, is an Alces alces. Presumably the word, it is repeated twice, so there will be no mistake. "Alces alces," these are words (word) from an extinct language—Latin, a dead language, native only to dead people. The Science Men, they name all things, living or dead, in this dead language, of dead people, who are glumly mumbling about, in their deadness, there, across the river Styx.
Does any of this, make any real sense? Of course not. But: don't worry about it. The moose, they don't care, what any humans might call them. When. Or where. Alive. Or dead. The moose, they just sound the chimes. "We have heard," say they, "the chimes at midnight."
In North America, there are elk, that are not the elk, of Europe. These are different-one elk. Their dead-people name, it is Cervus canadensis. These elk, they are not as big as a moose. But they are certainly bigger than you. Or me. Or even the largest human on the planet, rumbling through a supermarket, in a motorized fat-cart.
Elk, they used to be all over the place, here in California, in a localized version dead-languaged as Cervus canadensis nannodes, or "tule elk." But then the white people showed up, and that meant all the tule elk needed to be dead. They got rid of most of the tules, too. Did the white people. The white people, they managed to stop before they had killled all the tule elk—but just barely. They massacred these animals, down to a single breeding pair.
There are also in California, in a couple of far-northern preserves, a few Cervus canadensis roosevelt, or Roosevelt elk. A name that is extremely rude. Because Theodore Roosevelt, for whom these elk are named, he was almost as avid to roam around the United States, hunting and killing animals, as he was to roam his United States around the world, hunting and killing people, who were not white. Whom Roosevelt, a sort of ur-Hairball, regarded as scarifying "Mongolians," menacing the purity of whiteness. "No greater calamity," foamed he, "could now befall the United States than to have the Pacific slope fill up with a Mongolian population." Yes. Indeed. Everything old. Really is. New again.
Elk, they are useful to understand, for people who are interested in the politics. Because, as the dead person Hunter S. Thompson once so artfully explained, a human who has decided to try to be the president, s/he is akin to a bull elk in rut.
A man on the scent of the White House is rarely rational. He is more like a beast in heat: a bull elk in the rut, crashing blindly through the timber in a fever for something to fuck. Anything! A cow, a calf, a mare—any flesh and blood beast with a hole in it. The bull elk is a very crafty animal for about fifty weeks of the year; his senses are so sharp that only an artful stalker can get within a thousand yards of him . . . but when the rut comes on, in the autumn, any geek with the sense to blow an elk-whistle can lure a bull elk right up to his car in ten minutes if he can drive within hearing range.
The dumb bastards lose all control of themselves when the rut comes on. Their eyes glaze over, their ears pack up with hot wax, and their loins get heavy with blood. Anything that sounds like a cow elk in heat will fuse the central nervous systems of every bull on the mountain. They will race through the timbers like huge cannonballs, trampling small trees and scraping off bloody chunks of their own hair on the unyielding bark of the big ones. They behave like sharks in a feeding frenzy, attacking each other with all the demented violence of human drug dealers gone mad on their own wares.
A politician finally smelling the White House is not much different from a bull elk in the rut. He will stop at nothing, trashing anything that gets in his way; and anything he can't handle personally, he will hire out—or, failing that, make a deal. It is a difficult syndrome for most people to understand, because so few of us ever come close to the kind of Ultimate Power and Achievement that the White House represents.
The presidency is as far as he can go. There is no more. The currency of politics is power, and once you've been the Most Powerful Man in the World for four years, everything else is downhill—except four more years on the same trip.
We know, now, from The Mad Bomber, that this terrifying bull-elkness, it is not cabined to the human male. Wanting to be the president, it can send, deep into the realm of the saneless, x-chromes, too.
But those are elk. Not moose. Moose, I think they would rather play in the sprinkler. And, maybe, to Alison Krauss music.
That song, it was written by Paul Overstreet and Don Schlitz. On a day that had been a dry hole. Nothing was coming. They hadn't produced a thing. All, the wasted, day. Then, as Overstreet recalls, "as we tried to find another way to say nothing, we came up with the song." These men, who wrote the song, they didn't think much of it.
But Keith Whitley, he did. Whitley, he was a bluegrass person, transitioning to country. And he was really charmed, by the song. He said he wanted it. So, Overstreet and Schlitz, they gave it to him. The song helped kick-start Whitley's career. A career that didn't last long. Because Whitley, his brain was in pain: he suffered from depression. And he self-medicated with alcohol. And that worked. For a time. Until it didn't. And so he died of alcohol poisoning. At age 33.
Some years later, Alison Krauss, she recorded the number, for a Whitley tribute album. Her song, it was released as a "B" side. Nobody, in the money-rooms, thought it anything special. But the people, it developed, they wanted the song. And so, for the first time, Krauss music, it manifested upon the charts.
More years go by, and then an Irishman, Ronan Keating, records his version. And the people commenced swooning, all over the isles . . . and then, too, down in South America, and also over in Asia. Keating's version, it is then inserted into the marvelous mush movie Notting Hill. And you can go, right now, to the YouTube, and experience, there, the Keating version, yoked to the film, uploaded by someone Vietnamese, complete with Vietnamese subtitles.
I really like. How music. It travels.
Music that hasn't traveled, nearly enough, yet, is the gamelan music of Bali and Java. The primary problem, here, is that generally it goes on for twelve to sixteen hours, accompanying intricate wayang puppet performances. Not even opera people, or even Deadheads, are accustomed to "songs," that literally go on all night, from dusk till dawn.
People, they are not accustomed to films that spool out at 720 hours, either. For 720 hours: that is 30 complete days. But such a film, it is coming. Ambiance, from Swedish director Anders Weberg. Recently a seven-hour, twenty-minute trailer was released. A longer trailer, clocking in at 72 hours, is forthcoming. The film features two performance artists on a beach in southern Sweden; that's about it. No cuts. "Space and time is intertwined into a surreal dream-like journey beyond places." Partially based on the beachside chess-match in The Seventh Seal.
So don't bitch. The next time Martin Scorsese. He frenetically spills. One of his three-hour coke bindles. Onto the screen.
That 440-minute Ambiance trailer, it is embedded below. Because: why not?
That trailer, it is infinitely preferable, to this endless making-the-president horror.
Back in late January, I blithely wrote that a presidential election is "sort of like a vast national pregnancy. For nine months, the nation is increasingly swollen with votes. Then, finally, and in the fullness of time, the new baby president is born." How so totally wrong I was. No pregnancy, it has ever lasted, as long as this campaign. This ceaseless and perverse making of the president, it must have consumed at least 991 months by now. And the end, it is nowhere in sight. It is seriously warping my brain. I feel like a rat in a Science Man torture chamber. And, there, is no one. Who will make it. Stop.
Sunday, I was in the supermarket, standing before the cans of cat food, trying to puzzle out, like all cat people, which of the infinite variety of flavors, on the shelves there assembled, would be considered, at least marginally acceptable, by my impossibly finicky felines.
Then, round the corner, and into my aisle, rumbled a motorized fat-cart. Asprawl in it was a truly massive yeehaw. He was ululating his vocal chords at top volume about the animals he had killed. When still, one presumes, he was able to walk. Or maybe he kills animals from a fat-cart. Who knows. With these people. Then, as he rumbled closer, I beheld, besmeared across his 19-acre torso, a black t-shirt, emblazoned with a giant and hideous image of The Mad Bomber; and, below this, the legend, "Crooked Hillary."
How quickly. I marveled. Did it travel. From The Hairball's twit machine. To the hideously swollen, poisoned, bodies. Of The Hairball's people.
And, I realized, in that moment, that, for me, this campaign, it might not be survivable.
Prior to the commencement of this madness, I had steeled myself, for The Mad Bomber. As I recently moaned here: "Her show, it has been on longer than even Gunsmoke, and it is time to pull the plug. She is fucked-out, worse than ever were Chester, or Miss Kitty. She is like a Wrong refrigerator, old and rundown, that remains there in the kitchen, just out of sloth. It is time she was junked. But first take the doors off. So no children can crawl in there, and suffocate."
But I had not anticipated, this Hairball. I had not thought that, so many, would, so willingly, so lay themselves open, for such a truly depraved fuck.
You see, all of my life, I have had to move among the people of The Hairball. Always, they have been titanically difficult, to tolerate. But, now, when they are emboldened by The Hairball himself, I simply can no longer stomach them. At all. I need them, all, to go away. This instant. I think I need to go down to the basement, and there into the Lab, and invent a Ray. That, when directed at the people of The Hairball, will transform them. Into sentient beings.
I feel like the weatherman in the true-life documentary film Groundhog Day, condemned to every day awaken to more of the same old Wrongness. I have taken, like that weatherman, to wandering the alleys at night, looking for an old dying wharf rat, whom I can hobble into a diner, and there feed him soup. Then, I will go out, and, each day, catch the boy falling from the tree, inflate the flat tire on the old-lady-mobile, Heimlich the mayor, entertain the people with the piano—something, anything, any of it, all of it, just to turn the page, and get past this.
It is worse, this, than limbo, that endless spirit-dulling grayscape, that finally the Catholic Church, it just abolished. Because it was just too cruel. But no one, is abolishing this campaign. Though, it is worse. More cruel. Than ever was limbo.
It is so Wrong, that it can't possibly be Real. I must be stuck in a novel, or a TV show, or a movie, or a play. And I Need, to Get Out.
I am still firm, in my here-stated conviction, that neither The Hairball, nor The Mad Bomber, shall become the president. Something, somehow, will prevent it. Even if it is a Fringe event.
And I am thinking, now, maybe the buffalo, will in some way be involved. Because, ever since The Kenyan, and the Confederates in the Congress, they recently agreed, for once, upon something, to designate the buffalo the national mammal, the buffalo, they have been getting kind of feisty.
They are, for instance, bulling into people's backyards, and there jumping up and down on the trampolines.
Maybe, I'm thinking, they will stampede, the conventions.
things are not always
how they seem
will you be ready
they don't turn out always
don't quite turn out always
how we think
will we be ready

I have tears falling down my cheeks
from the baby-moose video. What a Mother's Day gift, a patient overseeing mother, nudging her offspring into the unknown. All we can do, she did that. Enrichment activities for the kids, er calves. Whatever the proper collective noun. My father taught me of collective nouns, like murder and tribe. Cabal and magic. Pack and run.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
yes. mothers.
Love your writing. Better every time I read. Thank you.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
thank you
Enough about Bullwinkle, what of the squirrel?
Juan Cole manages to pick tough topics and write cogently about them. For example, while I was aware of the Balfour idiocy, I was unaware just how treacherous and backstabbing the Brits and French were 100 years ago, and how that treachery has led to constant upheaval and a permanent state of riot, disarray, even war in the Muddle East.
The whole article is worth a look.
are wonderful people.
I have one here now, who is a young'un, who occupies the feed-railing, nearly all day long, eating the squirrel feed, and also the peanuts, which are supposed to be for the jays.
In just a couple of months, he has figured everything out. For instance, he has realized that I am not a real or actual Menace. And so, when I come out, with more of the feed, he doesn't anymore actually leap off for the tree, but instead remains on the railing, but does the really fast and loud thumping with the front feet, in case I might try to get any Bad ideas.
His forebears, they, meanwhile, some years past, buried walnuts, in my front lawn, which have since appeared, as living seedlings, and I am, now, growing them into trees.
They almost fly, squirrels, the way they can sail, from tree to tree. Or roof, to tree. As the case may be. And they can lie there, motionless, gripped to the trunk of a tree, facing towards the ground, hundreds of feet up in the air, defying gravity, except for their little paws, lightly hugging the trunk.
They, then, and in many other times, impress me.
Humans, they think the squirrels are stupid, the way they zig and zag, when a car comes. But they are not. The squirrels, they can't outrun predators. So, they evolved, to confuse them. By going this way, and that.
The squirrels, they are still adapting. To the cars. It's only been 100 years. For them. For chrissake.
Humans, they are much more piss-poor performers, in adapting, in that 100 years. Humans, for instance, have not been able to handle the sudden surfeit of meat and sugar, and so they are bloating all over the planet, in a giant tidal wave of obesity, that threatens to knock the planet right out of its orbit.
As for the Brit humans and the French humans, back there, then, in the Middle East: everybody already knows that. Jeebus. And, all that, it is so much more boring. And unimportant. Than Knowing. Any squirrel.
I post of moose, and you deride them as "Bullwinkle." Perhaps you, as a human, would like to be similarly cabined, as "Vlad,"" or "Adolf," or "Cheney."
; )
Vlad works
Vlad the impaler,
Vlad of Dracula
Vlad the economist (Lenin)
those are all
thoroughly gross and deformed and de-evolved humans.
How 'bout, you know, something, more Better?
Like. Say. Angeliou.
Actually, Lenin was brilliant
He predicted how corporations would become more powerful than nations, and greedier than an unsupervised kid in a candy store.
I recently reread some of his works. Worth studying, actually.
His best work was done in London. At that time, the peasants were getting restless and the bosses were getting nervous. The fear of the masses and writing like Lenin's led to child labor laws, workers compensation, and more worker protections.
"Democratic centralism" was
a big error. Lenin was profoundly undemocratic. The vanguard was flawed. Kautsky had good criticisms of Lenin; so did Rosa Luxemburg.
I prefer the early Marx, although Bakunin's criticism of Marx was prophetic.
ARGHGHGHGHG! I meant Marx, not Lenin
What was I thinking?
I kind of wondered about that.
Makes a lot more sense.
weren't thinking. You were reciting.
meet the new boss
same as the old boss
won't get fooled
i've been runnin'
from side to side
now i know for sure
that both sides lie
he was dumber than dirt. He believed, it could be justified: killing, human beings.
We lived, for about 4 years, in a cabin
surrounded by walnut trees (mostly black walnut, but one English about 150 years old), and, of course, squirrels. The squirrels, being efficient, learned that it was easiest to hide walnuts in the holes occupied by freshly planted garden plants. And the the best way to crack a walnut open was to drop them from the trees, onto the roof of the cabin. Just before dawn. Loudly. They did adapt rather well to getting across the road. They would run from tree to tree across the powerlines.
The good part of all of this was that when they cleaned out the walnut shells, they left the perfectly halved shells lying all over the yard. I used them as a peghead inlay on my banjos, for a while.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
you know,
you're pretty magic.
I assume you know this.
If you don't: believe it: it's true.
Ha. For you to have noticed means
That you must be, too. But then we all knew that already.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Squirrel Sanctuary.
Squirrels are SMART and delightful
I've watched squirrels puzzle out access to just about any supposedly squirrel-proof feeder in existence. They also routinely yell at the cats and warn all the animals when the kitties are on the prowl in the backyard.
A squirrel once almost killed my husband in an attic. It jumped at his face and made him almost fall out of the ceiling above a racquetball court because it didn't want him in that attic. Smart squirrel.
We "saved" a baby squirrel once who had fallen, I guess, from his nest, and was left on the ground. When he was still there several hours later we took him inside.
We, unfortunately, didn't know how to properly feed him, I guess - although we tried giving him milk for kittens - because even though we ended up taking him to a refuge a couple days later, he didn't survive. I was devastated. If I had known about the refuge the first day, he probably would have made it.
A couple of years ago
We were getting ready to leave town and there had been a very nasty storm the night before. My husband was cleaning up debris when he found two baby squirrels that had been blown out of the nest. It appeared that part of the nest was destroyed while the majority remained intact. They were very young with their eyes still closed. Since we were leaving town that morning, we did not want to leave them in the yard as we have lots of hawks in our neighborhood and they probably would not survive even if the mother came back. So we called the St. Francis Society and they directed us to a local veterinary hospital that treats wild animals. We took the two babies into the hospital and had to fill out a bunch of paperwork saying how we found them. The veterinary asst. said that they have a high rate of success with baby squirrels that are brought in right away compared for many other animals. They asked us if we wanted them to update us on the babies and we said no. We were just glad that someone would take care of them I was very grateful that we had a place to take rescued babies..
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
My daughter's dogs brought to her doorstep
at baby squirrel. Intact, living, breathing. Eyes still fused, so somewhere 4 weeks along in life. She scooped it into a Sephora box, and nestled that against the fence, under a likely tree. Husband appeared later and donated a T-shirt to baby's warmth. Next day, baby gone. We think Good Thoughts.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"The treacherous nature
of these agreements planted terrible seeds in Arab relations with the West for
decadesa century to come."My parents called me Lawrence. (They called me many other things, but we don't need to go into that right now.) in 1990, I spent five months in Egypt. It seemed practical, on several levels, to adopt the local dress. Some Egyptians that I became familiar with started calling me "Lawrence of Arabia", fondly, and as a compliment. So maybe they knew, that he, too, had been double-crossed.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Squirrel watcheth moose who extracteth rabbit from hat. n/t
Hang in there Hecate
This campaign will end and eventually the hairball people will go back to the margins. This is their moment, but it will pass. All that fat, stress, hate, and poor survival choices won't lead to longevity.
English is funny. I look at the phrase hang in there being immediately understood as positive meaning keep on hoping but as I typed it it occurred to me that someone who didn't understand the language might wonder why I wanted you to hang.
Humor is how I self medicate. Not to offend any lounge singers, but I heard the following joke triggered by the mention of moose. What's the difference between a lounge singer and a moose? The moose has the horns in the front and the asshole in the back.
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire
the people of
The Hairball: once, they burned "niggers"; now, they are about burning Mexicans. They disgust me beyond my ability to rage. They are the appendix of human beings. They serve no useful purpose. All they can do, is swell up, and kill.
My cat is also a very finicky eater
During the cold months I had run out of the dry weight control formula. I borrowed a little non diet cat food for a few days before getting her regular food. I've always been amazed that someone could have the same food every singe day and be ok with that. Not only would she not eat it she changed the door and went outside with many feet of snow on the ground, something she never does. She sleeps so close to the wood stove I worry she'll catch on fire. A few hours later she came back in with a half eaten mole or shrew, she usually chases mice in the house then leaves them be if they won't run anymore. I got the clear message that if I didn't get her the regular food she would go out and hunt her own dinner and deposit the remains on the carpet. This won't happen again.
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire
I only object if I don't see the half-eaten mouse on my chair
Before I sit down. It's nice of them to share.
the half-eaten mouse is
a bestowment of great honor. For they are bringing to you, a mouse, or mouse-parts, dispatched of their own will and action; this, as an offering, acknowledging, that you are Head Cat.
Either that, or, having long observed you, they've concluded you're a pathetic weakling, who can't catch shit, on your own, and therefore, probably, could use something, good, to eat.
I've often tended to the view they think we need help
My dad's cat always brought him half-eaten rodents, as if to say - look, this is what you need to do.
But he never learned.
I think they believe they are the ones in charge, and we are the pathetic ones that they keep as pets. The cats certainly train us far more effectively than we can train them.
ETA: Sunspots' comment below mine reminded me that she also used to let chipmunks and baby squirrels loose in the house - as if giving him an easy one to start with.
I think it's the second option
I once had a cat who tried to teach my dog to hunt. She'd bring crippled creatures and drop them in front of him (OK, here's an easy one to start with). Unfortunately, he had no hunting instincts at all, although he tried. He understood what he was supposed to do, but when he dutifully and reluctantly bit at them, he pulled his lips way back (ick), so they wouldn't touch.
Eventually she seemed to decide that he was developmentally disabled as far as providing for himself went, and gave up on teaching him. Just ate them herself.
Heh, moose.
A few years back my brother-in-law told the story of how he was just chased out of the woods behind his house by a moose. Someone asked him, was it a bull or a cow? He exclaimed "I'm telling you it wasn't a bull or a cow it was a f'n moose!"
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Odd that Roosevelt had an Elk named for him,
But called his party Bull Moose. Maybe Bull Elk and Bull Moose act much the same.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
In Europe, "Elk" means "Moose"
(EDIT: but ... I see that this is explained in the main essay. one of the perils of having the "recent comments" list is a tendency to jump into the middle of the conversation without troubling oneself for the full context ...)
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Mind you, moose bites can be pretty nasty.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
talk actual nasty. Let's talk insanity. Let's talk humans.
Dew point air + humans
is not a good fit.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
if a moose
chases you, out of the woods, by your house, probably you should stay out of the woods.
Wild boar operate on the same principle. They will let you have the house. And environs. But if you go into their woods: better be prepared. To start a-runnin'.
such a sad news day already...
The baby bison had to be euthanized because some idiots picked it up and put it in their suv because he looked 'cold.'
And the Yahoo headline today is 'what kind of a loser will Bernie Sanders be?'
One makes me sad and angry, the other makes me angry and sad.
What kind of a loser will Hillary Clinton be?
the bison
didn't "have" to be murdered. That animal was killed, only because the humans, into whose hands it fell, were avid, to kill.
I lived 14 years with a scrub jay, 10 with a crow, and six with a cowbird, all of whom had plunged out of the nest. Just as that baby buffalo did. You don't need to kill these people. Instead, you can live with them.
As for The Mad Bomber: she has always been a loser. That is why she wants to be the president. Same with The Hairball. Another loser. Both: them: they are the littlest piglets, who could never get enough, of the teat. And now, we all are expected, to pay for that.
And the bison of the East have been contaminated
with domestic cow genes. Still honkin big. Herd-watching is cool.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Some of the contamination was intentional
A while back they started breeding "Beefaloes" for leaner and more flavorful meat. So naturally the hybridization spread until now there are very few pure Bison left. (Nobody has studied back-contamination on domestic cattle, as far as I know.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
HRC may well be the kind of loser that takes us all down
with her.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
got no chance
of losin'
this time
I think
we are there, now. A third American Revolution.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
an angry man - for good reasons - we should not yield
Good Morning, hecate, thank you for all your written words, they are so artful one can only grasp them with eyes and mouth wide open - in silence. I love your work.
I need to get outside now, because the primaries and running female bull elk in a rut are just too much for me to handle. There shouldn't be female bull elks in the rut ... someone must have manipulated their genes ... yeah fuck that shit.
Very cool reflections, hecate, as always. Have a great day,
from Moose Country Canada :=)

Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
is that
really your county? If so: how wonderful.; )
Among the 9,956 paragraphs excised from this here Tummler, for reasons of length, and/or energy, and/or sanity, was one which, would have read, something like this:
Yes, I am so fortunate. I think you're right about the moose:=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
What charming Canadiana, Gerrit
backyard boat cum snow? check
local wildlife? check
attractive chain-link fence? check
My friends garden with broken hockey sticks as tomato poles
I tried (and failed) to pave a swath of driveway with beer caps. A neighbor gave me an enormous plastic tub of beer caps, which they had stored.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Too funny, river lover :=) And the piece of resistance: duck
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Great Open Tummler today!
I am here trying to pull together my Open Thread for tomorrow and got side tracked by your animal videos. Of course, one thing led to another and before I knew it, I was watching funny animal videos on YouTube. I loved this video shot in the back yard of a house in Washington state. Listen to the comments of the people in the back ground. I have always heard that moose are not particularly bright, but the moose in this video was an Einstein compared to the humans commenting in the back ground.
Oh and by the way,squirrels are definitely not stupid. They are a higher life form as anyone who has a bird feeder will tell you. There is no such thing as a squirrel proof feeder.
Anyway, here in Brevard NC we have white squirrels. The consist of somewhere between 30-40% of the total squirrel population. They are not albinos but are simply a coat color variant of the common grey squirrel and can be born to greys or in mixed litters. At the end of May, we celebrate with White Squirrel Festival.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Poor moose.
Just the wrong swimming hole, a puzzlement once in. The overtalk on the vid is funny, like the insurance discussion.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
i am
a firm believer in animal-videos at all times. Why should everything always be about the humans? They are a very tiny fraction of the life-forms on this planet, and most of them are dumber, and less interesting, than algae.
I love how at the beginning of this clip the moose is staring at the swimming-pool like: what the fuck? This is not how water is supposed to be. Then it figures: what the hey. Let's get wet.
We have black squirrels
Nobody's done a head count, but there always seem to be a few around. They're probably descended from escapees from Rock Creek Park (Canada sent TR some breeding pairs of black squirrels, and he released them there, not realizing that squirrels can and will travel).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Here in Arizona
we have Kaibab Squirrels. Mostly dark colored, extra-fluffy tails, and really long ear tufts. One day, driving a long a dirt road in the forest, I came around a corner and caught a pair of Kaibab Suirrels in the act. They froze, staring up at me, with a startled look on their faces.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I just noticed
A resemblance. To my hair. Hmmmm.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Like the Fnords, the legendary squirrel proof feeders
exist but are seldom seen. There is a cult about which I may not speak overmuch, with sekret handshakes and signs. One hint comes from those of the realtor profession -- location, location, location.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I had such a thing.
It required pulleys, and an attach point to a tall tree other to the house. I put that feeder 15 feet from the house, 10 feet off the ground. Then the rope broke.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
“Alison Krauss,” I thought, “made records? They shot her dead!!”
But of course I was thinking of a different young woman with a similar name who had lived and died in a different (though, like ours, very political) time.
Allison Krause
. . . A time much like ours in that to vote for a “moderate” was to vote for mass killing of foreign people and the dropping of tons of explosive and/or birth-defect-causing substances all over the places where they live.
a woman,
who was there, and who, from that, then went to the bombs, she, after, sheltered, on the run, some months, in my home.
She came back, to this here yonder, a couple years back; having, through the decades, made it all the way round.
And we all, then, gathered; from hither and yon; and we all had, a real fine, time.
Among the songs, that we all then played, and sang:
; )
A banjo favorite, for me.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Ooh! (found different copy of “I’ll fly away” w/ Alison+Gillian)
Often, I must search the web for a different playable copy of the work or performance one of y’all posted.
The reason is: The GoogTube, it often does not like to play, because the patch of soil where I am, there are different people demanding munnies for me to hear the music, than the ones demanding munnies on patch of soil where y’all are.
Because intelleckshuwell propittizz. And Digital Millennium Foo Fighter Act.
here is
one of the versions of the Krauss/Welch "I'll Fly Away." Made it, for the nonce, through my tubes. ; )
Yes, this is a bit more like it.
I'm not a churchy guy, but a few years ago, my HS English teacher (now a choir director) asked me to play this...with a guitar, bass, and fiddle a morning service. It came out well, and I survived
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
she can be such a wonder, that, some years ago, my then-partner, and I, while chopping up some vegetables, there in the kitchen, we were blindsided, by her, coming on with this song, embedded below, on the Garrison Prairie Home show; and, though, both of us are once and future and forever pagans, by the time she was finished, we were, both, soul-strained: washed away: tear-stained.
The voice of an angel
Every time she sings, her voice gives me chills. It is so clear and beautiful.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The voice of an angel
Every time she sings, her voice gives me chills. It is so clear and beautiful.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Funny, it’s a totally different genre but it resonates inside me
like Hawaiian music does. That’s some gorgeous singin’ and pickin’ there.
just good, ll. That's what connects: everybody.
Alison Krauss is a multi-Grammy winner
over the years with a voice of an angel. She was a child progidy fiddler too. Love her and her back up group Union Station.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It bummed me out when she discovered she could sing,
'cuz she spends way more time singing than fiddling.
I saw her about a thousand years ago at some sort of "fiddlers' summit", along with Natalie MacMaster, Joe Cormier, a young guy I don't remember, and a guy who was or had been the All-Ireland champion. I think it was somewhere around '88 or '89. MacMaster was only 16 or 17, Krauss a year older. That was something.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Thought I'd share this from my nephews...
My sister is about as a-political as you can get, so I know they didn't get it from her. Either way, its pretty funny.
Travis is 9, but he apparently got it from the older nephew, who is 12
LOL Haikukitty :=) "Out of the mouths of babes..."
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Can't vote in Oregon!!!
Got out our ballots and our county had turned us from Dems to Non-Affiliated. We got non-partison ballots. I had just checked my registration April 10th even. I've been a Dem here for almost 10 years. Had been an Independent my first year up untill I learned of the closed primary.
Can't vote. My husband's ballot - same. Only my kids got the correct ballot.
Called the BernieSanders vote hotline. Reports about this are all over. People who registered for first time even had their registration changed.
Got to go try to get a provisional ballot.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Arizona, New York, Nevada,
and now Oregon. Dems switched to Repulican, or unaffiliated.
Nothing to see here, move along.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Seething mad right now
I should have checked our ballots when we got them a few weeks ago. I am so damn foolish for not doing so. But we checked our registrations last April 10th. I even had it done this Nov when I got my new license.
Emailed as directed by an email I got last night.
Oregon Bernie hotline is 503- 928 -6950
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
The only good news I can see in this
Is that it is becoming ridiculously obvious.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
The lady on the phone reminded me to be calm
and kind to the clerks at the election office. That they are trying to help with this mess.
Mess. This is FRAUD.
I have never had a problem voting.
Just another wake up call for my kids to see how screwed up things are.
We can't even vote.
One side is screaming about guns being taken away when they aren't - I'm screaming cause I can't fucking vote.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Please talk to a reporter.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
we don't have "news" in Oregon
Oregonian is such a rag. Portland Tribune .. maybe.
I just did a shitload of running around, waiting in line. The lady who helped me was very nice and seemed genuinely upset that my case was indeed odd. She thanked me for coming out and doing all this to try and vote. I started to cry when she handed me the "I voted" sticker and told me she hoped my case was okay and that vote for presidential candidate would be cast. They decided AFTER the election....
There is no elections in this country. Delegates?? WTF???? One vote. One voice. No money involved. Count all the votes..
Today, me and my husband were robbed of our vote.
There is only one option when you take away a person's right to vote. I'm not a violent person, our household is anti-violence. But today... I wouldn't mind seeing a radical change in our voting process.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Years ago someone posted a Youtube video of some
Musk Oxen playing on frozen ice -- basically, they were doing a slip and slide.
I've searched and searched for it, more than once, but haven't been able to find it again.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
hecate, here's another Imogen song for this endless "season"
Great tummler today. My sister lives in Colorado and often has whole herds of elk in the yard. Its strange for someone who lives in the Eastern megalopolis to see such large animals just hanging out doing their thing.
that woman,
she is Real. I put up her "Propeller Seeds," here. She has many wisdoms. Like: "You can only be in a bubble for fifteen minutes at a time. Then you run out of oxygen." Below, see and hear her, as mad hatter, with the white rabbit, running, like a coward, up the stairs, and all the playing cards, flying, everywhere. While, she: feeling a weakness. Coming on.
Elk in the east
In 2001, as an experiment, the national parks re-introduced 25 elk to the Great Smoky Mts. national park in the Cataloochee valley area. Since that time, the herd has grown to somewhere between 150 and 200 elk with two smaller herds that have branched off from the original herd. When my husband and his friends did a one week hike in the park several years ago, they saw the elk herd and said it was very impressive. Here is a good article on the elk in the Smokies.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
i like
that they reintroduce these people, to where they once belonged.
in my yute
I went horseback riding in the west. A herd of bison (when they only had thousands instead of today's 500,000) ran past. What magnificent beasts those were. Huge, powerful, thunderous.
To think we almost exterminated them for fun.
There are reintroduced herds of elk in PA
who are happily producing more elk and now spreading into southern NY because they can. Along with the bears. My neighbor sighted a bear in her front yard. I have jealousy fumes emanating.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
get ready for two months of reading crap like this
now they're comparing bernie to ted kennedy. what the fuck ever.
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
More weapons for Libya
because that's what they need
that's what they need