Bernie Postcard Blitz
This coming Friday, May 13th, over 4,000 people will send seven ( or more) postcards to the DNC, Hillary for America, CNN, NBC, CBS, FOX, and The New York Times.
Postcard Blitz in Support of Bernie Sanders sends real, tangible, NOTICEABLE evidence of our determination to champion democracy.
I filled out 40, with a special one going to NPR to inform them that I will never again listen or support them financially.
Imagine the impact of thousands of pieces of mail arriving with the same message, Bernie Or Bust. It has a visual impact an email does not. They must touch it, handle it, process it. It cannot merely be deleted.
Please join. There is a Facebook ( this is helpful so we know the number of participants)event you can rsvp'd to or you can join the Twitter page.
777: Seven postcards, Seven Stamps, Seven addresses.
This is what the event is about, a targeted blitz on mainstream media, the Democratic National Committee, And Hillary Clinton.
We want it to be known that Bernie Sanders is the best candidate and should be selected as the Democratic Nominee for the 2016 Election. This is "Bernie or Bust" at its finest.
Date: Friday May 13, 2016, Mail to addresses Below
HAND WRITE: “Bernie or Bust” in message area of all 7 post cards. HAND ADDRESS each post card to one of the addresses below. Put, First Class Recommended stamp on postcards and MAIL THE MORNING OF FRIDAY, MAY, 13th, 2016, so that the post date and mail date are the same.
DO NOT PUT Return address on postcard. NO Photocopy cards, postcards must appear as originals. They must not appear as advertisements, to be thrown out when delivered.
Emails are invisible; postcards have bulk and are extremely visual. If enough are sent: Thousands, (Millions?) They will be noticed and acknowledged, possibly unprepared for.
Show the mainstream media, the press, the DNC, and HRC that we mean business when we say, “Bernie or Bust”.
Remember: Make Friday May 13, 2016 the day that will be remembered by those that try and suppress Bernie and our movement. We will not be ignored, only to be asked to support HRC. Let her know we are “Bernie or Bust” for the Democratic nomination for Presidential candidate.
* CNN Headquarters 1 CNN Center Atlanta, GA 30348
* NBC, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, New York 10112
* CBS Corporation. CBS Headquarters 51 W. 52nd Street New
York, NY 10019- 6188
* Fox News Corp 1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036
* New York Times, 620 8th Ave. New York NY 10018
* Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street Southeast Washington, DC 20003
Hillary for America
Post Office Box 5256
New York, NY 10185-5256

You're on it, and thanks for the update on this! Quick questions:
Do we make these in Word? I've never done anything like this before.
Can you purchase blank postcards at a box office store? Hallmark? Not Staples of course! (because RMoney)
Office Depot
Says they carry paper for printing post cards.
If you buy pre-stamped post cards at the Post Office
They only cost $.38, and have a really nice tree printed on them.
any kind of postcard is fine, you can get them online or at the
post office, or on ebay. Celeste got hers on Amazon, but the time's getting close to postmark date so that may not be an option. I've been making my own for months and the images are stored on this site (they should reproduce to 4x6 postcard size if you have any blanks to print them on).
If using blanks - just write Bernie or Bust on them. If you're using picture cards, you can write it on half of the address side. Thanks for participating!
Great idea!
I'll purchase some postcards today. I wish I could have them all have Bernie's photo on them - with the bird! Awesome. Since I can't, maybe I can find some bird postcards!
Bernie, because fuck this shit!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I got some bird postcard stamps from USPS
Thanks for posting
this here. I do not do Facebook, and was wondering what this postcard blitz was about.
I'm in.
Me Too. n/t
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I'm in
Sending one to each of my superdelegates in Washington state. Too. Also. In addition. Yeah.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
can we reach the super delegates too?
Anybody have a list, addresses? I am feeling it, but 7 is not enough for me...
Here you go
I used this
I'm not sure if the link will work, I haven't used a site like this before but I will make sure you get it. Yes, this link works and I like this list as you can sort it how you like.
Sounds like a FANTASTIC idea!!
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
I'm in!
Going to buy the cards & stamps today, and write them tonight while watching the results come in.
I plan to include at least three of Vermont's superdelegates as well: Howard Dean, Peter Shumlin and Patrick Leahy.
One question: have you posted this on the Sanders subReddit? I imagine you'd get a huge response there!
I haven't
To be honest, I figured they would know. I shared it on my tiny subbreddit and to Tim Black's Facebook group and on Twitter and here.
Put it up on RedditforSanders CF, I looked and its not there
it's only on Kossacks_for_Sanders now, and I just put it up again over there.
Excellent! (n/t)
I did
Though that place is so large I am intimidated.
I'm sending this one to the DNC
Well that felt good!
I "personalized" my postcards to let them know I am not one of their "delusional" millenials...
I bought some MA postcards with a picture of Paul Revere on the front, even found some cute bird stamps at the Post office.
Just finished mine and am
Just finished mine and am dropping them in the mail shortly!
I also sent one to NPR, and to all of my superdelegates who have already committed to Hillary (the list posted above works great).
I'm anxious to hear the results of this!
Mailed on Friday, postcards from the NE region should be arriving in NYC mailboxes today, I'd think ...
If anyone's heard anything, please share!
I am also excited, I bet they
I am also excited, I bet they start arriving tomorrow!