The Bloodbath of 2016

I just posted this brief diary at the Dkos:

Long before the 2014 midterm-elections, I was one of the few people on this site warning members of the Democratic Party to prepare themselves for huge losses during the midterm elections. For holding that position, I was vilified. But in the end, I was proven right.

So, here is another prediction I will posit, one that will probably draw the same type of reaction, but one that I’m even more confident to make: If the TPP passes, no matter how many Democrats vote against it, the Party will suffer huge losses in 2016. And because Hillary Clinton has failed to take a forceful stand against the TPP, she will be the primary victim of voter anger, and the Democratic Party will pay dearly for supporting her candidacy. For her to say she has a few problems with the agreement isn’t the same as taking a principled stand such as the one staked out by Sen. Bernie Sanders.

And I’m not alone in making that prediction. Gaius Publius posted the following comment at Digby’s Hullabaloo today:

Two things I do know. First, if Democrats push Fast Track and TPP over the finish line, it could be a bloodbath at election time. (That's a warning for Republicans as well.) And second, if Democrats push Fast Track and TPP over the finish line, it should be a bloodbath at election time (my emphasis).

He’s correct, because the most motivated voters in 2016; the people who will vote with the most passion, the group that will be most eager to get revenge against their representatives in D.C. are the anti-TPP forces.

They are that fucking angry.

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I think fast track is a done deal. Personally, I hope they slaughter Hillary and the horse she rode in on. Grover Norquist may be crazy, but he ain't no fool. Time to make the Democrats pay.

So what if we sign this treaty and decide to tell the countries and corps to kiss off at some later date? Contracts, treaties, and agreements are reneged on all of the time. Even if you lose in court, somebody has to make you pay up. How insane the US is.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

for posting supporting comments at the Dkos...up until a few days ago, they wouldn't even let me recommend other writer's diaries...

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mimi's picture

a diary out at you? How generous. Gosh, I can't stand the arrogance of those people, who are responsible for that.

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gulfgal98's picture

And I was proud to be the first to recommend it. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Unabashed Liberal's picture


"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

job training for workers dislocated due to trade failed - so they could save Medicare...ha, ha, ha.... Yep, look at how we saved Medicare Mr. and Mrs. Democrat - not just send me your money and put your check mark here because I'm not a Republican.....

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

TV is saying fast track failed. I am so confused.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Unabashed Liberal's picture

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

hecate's picture

measure approved in the Senate was broken into two parts in the House. There was (1) the actual fast-tracking (TPA), and (2) a trade "adjustment" portion, to provide services for displaced workers (TAA). For the thing to advance to the White House, both TPA and TAA had to be approved by the House.

Those opposing fast track decided their best shot was to convince Democrats to vote against TAA.

Republicans never vote for TAAs, because it would mean supporting workers, which they are congenitally unable to do; Democrats traditionally do vote for TAAs, out of guilt for approving the "free trade" deals that necessitate TAAs in the first place.

So today a bunch of Democrats joined the usual Republicans in voting no, and the TAA was defeated.

However, Orange Boner then rushed a vote on the TPA portion, which was narrowly approved. Boner next muscled through on a voice vote a motion to "reconsider" the defeated TAA. This reconsideration, it is said, will occur next week.

There is currently noise that some sort off sweetener will be added to the TAA to convince a sufficient number of Dems to switch their votes. This could include yoking it to a highway bill the Republicans have stymied (Pelosi mentioned this), or maybe announcing that one free pony ride will be provided to every displaced worker.

The circus continues.

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gulfgal98's picture

the failed vote on the TAA may be temporary kabuki. I am fearful that the next vote on the TAA may barely pass with the requisite Democrats' votes.

It is a circus or perhaps more aptly, a temporary misdirection. I really want to puke thinking that this thing will probably pass in the end.

BTW, excellent comment, hecate. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

Exclusive footage of the latest closed-door congressional TAA negotiations:


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I finally figured it out.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Unabashed Liberal's picture

incremental maneuver, IMO.

Consider Pelosi Dear Colleague to Members from her official Press Release website:

Dear Democratic Colleague,

The overwhelming vote today is a clear indication that it’s time for Republicans to sit down with Democrats to negotiate a trade promotion authority bill that is a better deal for the American people.

The prospects for passage of a such a bill will greatly increase with the passage of a robust highway bill. (My paragraphing for emphasis.)

We look forward to working in a bipartisan way for a trade promotion authority bill that has better transparency, more consultation with Congress and stronger protections for Congressional priorities – especially labor rights and the environment. Such a proposal was put forward by our Ranking Member Sandy Levin in committee, but was denied the respect of even being allowed a vote.

Looking forward, it is important we come together to achieve the best possible trade agenda to promote growth, create jobs and increase the paychecks of American workers. . . .

IOW, looking back on Van Hollen's C-Span interview (and Grover Norquist's interview) the Dem Party's strategy is to lift the cap on the sequester, every chance they get.

So, I'm reading this as they've decided that they would rather trade the 700 million (or 800 million, or whatever--sorry, don't recall the exact figure) dollars in Medicare cuts for infrastructure funding--Pelosi references the Highway Bill--in lieu of funding for the TAA, which benefits just some workers who are adversely affected by the passage of the TPP, down the line.

Notice Pelosi's reference to "to achieve the best possible trade agenda to promote growth, create jobs and increase the paychecks of American workers." Certainly, Dems constantly push for this Bill--citing job creation, economic growth, etc.

And to achieve this goal, they must be willing to trade cuts to entitlements--especially, Medicare and Social Security--which is non-discretionary spending, for discretionary (sequestered) monies, or funding.

This would be in keeping with the "Pay-Go Rule" (pay-as-you-go) instituted by Democrats some years ago.

Naturally, they might be reluctant to 'say this out loud,' since they look to Labor so heavily for funding and GOTV efforts. Not to mention other staunch Dem Party interest groups (their term, not mine) like seniors' lobbies/organizations.

See Pelosi touts Democrats' revival of 'pay-as-you-go' budget rules.

As much as I'd love to believe that Democrats are sincere in wanting to indefinitely stall/defeat the TPP, I truly can't imagine that neoliberals in either Party would allow this.

This major trade pact, along with the ACA, and achieving much of the Grand Bargain [piecemeal], will likely be the shining crown of PBO's legacy.


"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

lotlizard's picture

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