Open Sesame 05/14/16

Now that The Kenyan, he has directed that the public schools, all across the nation, shall accommodate in the restrooms transgender students, it is futile, for the yeehaws, to form their beloved state of Jefferson.
The state of Jefferson, this is a fever-dream of people of The Hairball. A cracking of California, in order to set aside, in the far north, a sort of preserve, for white people, who are ignorant, and afraid.
This proposed preserve, it is dubbed Jefferson, for Thomas Jefferson, a president who owned slaves, and who brought macaroni and cheese to the United States. For, the people of The Hairball, these would-be Jeffersonians, they would like to have slaves, and they would like these slaves, to make them, the macaroni and cheese.
The Jeffersonian fever, it began several years ago, up in Modoc County. Which is named for some Indians genocided there. These Indians, they did very well, holding out against the white-people invaders, for many years. Until the artillery was brought in, to seal the Modoc in the lava tubes. Once the Indians were dispatched, the white people moved in. Most of these, they soon moved right out. Because there just isn't a lot, in Modoc County. For white people.
When I moved to this area, my friend M., he was working for Legal Services, up there in Modoc. He reported that the preferred form of recreation there, among the Hairballians, involved getting liquored up, come Saturday night, and then driving the pickups out to the reservation. The Hairballians, they would get in the beds of the pickups, and then whoop and holler, as they drove around, roping Indians.
After M. helped put an end to this, as well as several other sacred Hairballian practices, he was one night hauled into an alley, and there beaten about the head and body, by several Hairballians. Through the pain, he was both confused, and amused, for the Hairballians, as they rained the blows down upon him, hotly denounced him as a "nigger Jew." M.: he is an Irishman.
I myself was confused, and amused, some years later, when I read the manifesto of the Modoc Hairballians, those who would become the citizens of Jefferson. These people, they ululated three main complaints. First, the president is black. Second, the black president owns all the trees in Modoc, and the Jeffersonians, they want to own all the trees, so they can have them all cut down, sell them, and then use the proceeds to buy more pickups, liquor, and rope. Third, the Mexicans in the state legislature, who apparently do not have normal families, like do the white people, they had gone stone mad, and passed a bill allowing transgender humans, to go into the school restrooms.
The Jefferson fungus next spread to Siskiyou County. This county was the vortex of the original iteration of the Jefferson joke, back in the very early 1940s, when white people in southern Oregon, and in northern California, wanted to yoke up in a state called Jefferson. They got pretty aggressive about it, setting up armed roadblocks, and stopping passing motorists, to tell them of their Lost Cause. Stanton Delaplane, he of the San Francisco Chronicle, he won a Pulitzer Prize for a series of articles that treated, correctly, these people as a form of alien species. Delaplane, he was one of that paper's many insane drinkers, and is credited with introducing Irish coffee to the United States.
Anyway, the Jefferson joke, it went sour on December 7, 1941. Because then, the would-be Jeffersonians, they decided they liked the United States, after all, and even California and Oregon. And so went into the armed forces, and there became serial killers. And got on big boats, and sailed all around the world. To kill. And be killed. And, when all that was over, and those who survived, they got back home, they just weren’t much interested, in any Jefferson, any more.
But now, there in Siskiyou, among the people of The Hairball, the Jeffersonian disease had flared up anew. And, these people, they had the same complaints, as those in Modoc: (1) Black Man/White House; (2) trees; (3) Wrongness in bathrooms.
My friend S., he refused to believe that, even white people, they would be so addle-pated, as to strive to form a new state, simply because of something going on in the bathrooms. I explained to him that this is because he has spent almost his entire life in San Francisco and Costa Rica, areas of the planet where they do not have Hairballians. He had no idea, then, just how completely seized up such people could be, by horrifying visions, of what might be going on, in somebody else's underpants.
If he didn't believe me, I suggested, he could accompany me to a local hoedown, coming up soon, where the Hairballians among us, they would be fervently meeting, to make plans to try to persuade the county's official bodies, to board the Jefferson train.
And so, together, to this confab, we did go. And: there they were. The people of The Hairball. White. Fat. Ignorant. Angry. Shrieking, rending their garments, about the black man in the white house, the need to have control of all the trees, the crazed Mexicans in the legislature, the gays running wild in the streets, the transgenders invading the bathrooms.
At one point, while one foam-flecked Hairballian was going on about the need, at all times, for all and every, to carry multiple concealed firearms, in case someone came from a government to try to protect a tree, or escort a transgender into a bathroom, S. suddenly said: "I can't be here. I'm a Jew."
"Relax," I told him, "they plan to kill all the brown and black people, before they ever get around to the likes of you."
"I am brown," he reminded me, "I'm Syrian."
"Oh, right," I remember, chastened. And so, soon after, we left.
But first, we listened to the long, sad story of the ancient old Hairballian. His tale of woe, it began with the usual invocation of how, once, the nation, and the state, they were so very great, when there was just the white people. Where, did those days, ever go? And how, could they ever, be brought back? Jefferson! Jefferson! That, was the answer! And then, the tears coming, he began speaking of his granddaughter. The light of his life. But, she was going to the school. And the Mexicans, there in the state legislature, they were going to make the transgenders, go into the school bathrooms! With his granddaughter!
It was clear, that this Hairballian, he did not know what, precisely, a transgender person is. He just knew he didn't want one. There in the bathroom. With his granddaughter. As Stevie Wonder—another black man, and therefore totally wrong—once put it: this man, he believed, in things, he don't understand. And so: he suffers.
Now, with the directive of The Kenyan, the suffering of such Hairballians, it will continue, and without surcease. For, the dream of the state of Jefferson, it is dead. Because, even if that state, were to come into the Real, it would not be Free. Because, with his great Muslim tentacles, The Kenyan, he would reach out, even into the bathrooms of Jefferson, and there, insert the transgenders.
The only hope—as he is the hope of all no-minds, everywhere—is The Hairball. For The Hairball, he has decreed, that The Kenyan, he is wrong. This, The Hairball says, is a matter of states' rights. The states. They should decide. About the transgenders. And the bathrooms.
States' rights. Right. Like abortion. And gaydom. And voting. And slavery. And placing children in little boxes, and beating on them with big sticks.
Oh! Mighty Hairball! Deliver your people! Ensure, that they may remain, who they are. White. Retrovert. Dumb as dirt. Guarantee, that they shall be, free. Free to, and forever, drag their knuckles, all along the ground.

What! No music to dispel the stain
of the hairball and his kind.
Music and The Hairball, they occupy wholly different worlds. Music, it is of life. The Hairball, he is of death.
I am in a moral quandry (not usual for me)
This involves a non-blood relative who would be quite happy to live in the State of Jefferson, as long as that State can get SSDI payments. I am not sure how vague I can leave it. And again, it might just be a Bad Feeling, brought on by said-relative's pronouncements. I would not mind any insights.
Relative is a narcissistic personality type. Controls the Universe around them. Over-inflated sense of correctness, always the victim.
Next door lives a person who seems to be the neighborhood loud and unpredictable person. Rumors of meth, not a lab on site, just use thereof. Mormon neighbors call the local police often. All calm, those police seem to be the buffer to an unfortunate situation.
Relative is reactive, and buys a pistol. Swears has license to pack concealed. I would not be surprised. Relative's mother carried pistol in glove box at all times. Gun culture.
Relative's partner has to travel today out of state to attend to dying parent. So relative with too much concern and fear about neighbor is alone with trusty pistol.
Question: do I make a phone call to police giving a condition state of neighbor of methman? Or just figure that nothing will happen? I am ambivalent but a little alarm is going off that it might not.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Morning, rl. Pick the option that would make you feel morally
good regardless of outcome. Best wishes, my friend,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I have two general principles I live by
1) Always trust your instincts. Even if you can't articulate why you feel trouble is coming, trust that trouble may very well be coming. Instinct is not always articulable.
2) Never call the police. They have become a gang of thugs and may make things worse.
Note that in your current case, 1 and 2 contradict each other.
Of course, sometimes you have to ignore 2 because it's a matter of life and death, and no one else can possibly help.
Is there a way to gather more information? Do you have other friends or relatives in common who might agree or disagree but at least consider your assessment?
Is there a third solution? A friend or relative who might stay with, or at least spend a great deal of time with, this guy until partner returns, as one example?
Whatever you decide, understand that you are not responsible for the outcome, and you can only do the best you can do with imperfect information.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
meth and a pistol,
these shall appear on the state seal of the state of Jefferson. Together with a roped Indian.
Everyone with a pistol, is living in fear. Including the police.
I have decided to do nothing. Not MY life.
ec, yours was the best reminder: never involve police if possible.
hecate: what's the insignia for methamphetamine? Two Ehrlenmeyer flasks, adjoined?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Do not call the cops
I learned the hard way, in Sybil Brand women's jail from my fellow inmates, 'Don't call the cops, use your feet.'
How badly do you sant your relative to get shot? This is
a variant of the 60's generalization that it is never bad enough to call the heat, because they will always make things worse, often infinitely worse.
You know better than us the propensities of the local heat, but you are considering saying "hey guys an unstable person is armed and alone next door to obnoxious abrasive neighbor with respect to whom he/she feels aggrieved". What are the probable outcomes and relative probabilities thereof?
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Back to my original condundrum.
And now I will confess that I have never liked/admired that person. My husband, sibling of that one, never liked his sibling. I have zero emotional alliance. When husband died, I should have severed all ties for my mental wellbeing. But I am a pushover.
As well, there are Relative offspring nearby who may have cooler heads. They are aware.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Plus point *for* Trump: calling out Amazon monopoly, WaPo bias
Trump accuses Jeff Bezos of using Washington Post as a tool for political power to protect Amazon’s monopoly
Again, correctly naming a problem no other candidate wanted to address.
Is it O.K. for people like us to complain about big companies not paying enough tax, while at the same time buying from Amazon to escape local sales tax and incidentally driving local stores out of business?
How about using Amazon to finance progressive blogs and websites?
If one were to go by Trumpisms,
avoiding taxes is good. For most of us, avoiding local sales taxes becomes second nature, our only small FU gesture. I do worry about Amazon's ability to create new markets to give us new options for spending.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
minus point
for The Hairball crying and blubbering about Amazon and anti-trust only because the Post is writing Mean things about him, declining to worship the godhood of his Hairballery. If he was truly concerned about anti-trust, he would take aim at the death industry. But he won't do that. Because he loves death. That is why it is generals, who he shall rely upon, to advise him on the Hairballing of the planet.
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. If Amazon has what you need
and you can't afford it any other way, use Amazon. Among other things, income inequality means our choices are limited through no fault of our own. You can't break your own bank. OTOH, do what you can. I shop at Amazon and Walmart for some things while at the same time signing petitions for them to pay their workers more and treat them better, for example. I also shop the competition when I reasonably can, which would happen more often if I had more money. And these types of unfair business practices are partly why we're here supporting Bern and the progressive movement. But until the progressive movement succeeds, we have to compromise sometimes to survive.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Ha! Speak of the devil! Credo just sent a Walmart petition
to my email inbox! "No more starvation wages" Yes, I'll sign that.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I disagree
Even if I can't find what I need or want locally there are other affordable choices online then Amazon. My boombox died this month and I decided I would get a new radio for kitchen and garden use. I was tired of having to buy new 30$ boomboxes from Target or any big box every 6 mos. I tried Radio Shack but they don't sell radios or boomboxes. I went online and found the model and brand I wanted. I did not even bother with Amazon. New Egg is a good alternative. I bought my computer from them.
We took a walk to check out our local Kogers, aka Fred Meyers, selection of audio units which was pathetic. We went to a local shop across the street which specializes in audio systems. There on a sales shelf was the dream radio I had picked out online. It was 50$ cheaper then on the net. It did not have a cd player but had aux. portals galore. We bought it and went back to Freddies and got a nifty cd unit for 24$ that plays through the great speakers on my stylish small but mighty radio. It is so little and compact I can take it out in the back yard and play it while I garden.
Just saying that it is pretty easy to not buy anything from Amazon. We are certainly not affluent or even comfortably middle class but you actually save money by avoiding the likes of Amazon or Wal Mart. I used to break down and go to Target for stuff I could not find in thrift stores or in local stores. I found that although they are dirt cheap you end up buying a broom that falls apart in a month or cheap underwear that's like wearing a hair shirt.
Not being sanctimonious as Obomber likes to call lefty's but you really can avoid the Big Boxes of mass destruction online or off. That old hippie maxim 'Think global buy local' is doable and it's more creative and entertaining to hunt down and find what you need from local sources.
Yes and no. We have found that often Amazon is the only
reasonable choice. I grew up when there was always some place, at most an hour's bus ride away, to get the parts to fix anything. Thus I became a fixer. Blender dies and no parts anywhere in the 9 county bay area in bricks and mortar. Online searches turn up a few specialty places with part, but cost and shipping is more than replacement of whole unit. Amazon, of course, had it for 4 or 5 bucks. Certain pills for our cats are vet only and cost a ton and are never in stock anyway at any bet in town, but cheap and shipped quickly from Amazon, like a particular human supplement I take as well that I can never find at any retailer.
Often one can avoid them, but not always.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Repairing appliances, large or small, can be challenging. has a bewildering assortment variety.
I've used them for parts from washing machine to small power tools. Cheap and always in stock. "AB Recommended"
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
I don't have a car so my local choices are somewhat limited,
although I am aware of what's around and check them for big items, as well as online, but day to day Walmart is right here so I don't have a lot of choice. Even if I had money, buy a car, pollute and add to climate change and use up resources overly much, so there's a tradeoff of progressive values. I have been trying to find the time to go farther afield for a big grocery stock-up for more than a week now, meanwhile nibbling on Walmart food. Time and transport constraints definitely affect the game. But like I said, do what you can. One thing I find, most items at Walmart can be bought made in America. I almost never find that anywhere else. Online, I always Google what I need. It rarely turns out Amazon is the best, so I don't use them often; but if I have to, I use them. Everyone's mileage varies.
But no, I didn't feel you were trying to be sanctimonious. I uprated you for the suggestions, thanks!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Is there a Costco in LEX?
It is members-only (an entry fee) but they are a model employer situation, all well-paid helpful staff, so I am told. Nearest one from me is 50 miles away. But they have many value purchases (tried some).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yes, but they are about as far away as they could possibly be
They're two long bus rides. Why they put them that far out I don't know. I'd say it was a mistake since there's not much housing around there that I know of, but I did go by once to see where it was (reasons as you mentioned) and they were very busy.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
You still using a bank?
Switch to a credit union. The money stays local. The members own it.
Forever push for all credit unions to combine resources and issue their own credit cards. Cards not controlled by the TBTF banks.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
No bank for us
since 2007- 2008. We had our money, business and personal and our mortgage at Washington Mutual. Yikes! I learned about the up impending big crash from reading the economist writers at dkos. including gjohnsit, bobswern and other's long gone. I love our CU which among other things helped us when we refinanced our dicey mortgage clear up a credit mess created by a CA state tax computer glitch loop that was seemingly unstoppable. We use The Oregon State Teacher Union, also know as OnPoint.
heh, lotlizard, forget about that ...
no good, no way. I have met the guy in a conference, when he was still a "nobody" . Not to be trusted to help anyone. Let alone make yourself dependent on with your finances.
You met him? Wow! That’s kind of the bad vibe I always got . . .
The power granted by the genie of Big Data is not safe in this man’s hands — “I think we’re all Bezos victims on this bus.”
Nor are we safe in the hands of Darth Lord Facebook. Over a billion people have now been “assimilated” by the (Zucker-) Berg and now get their news only through Facebook. “There’s a Zucker-victim Borg’ed every minute,” one might say.
I only bring it up because, as just one example, Duncan Black (“Atrios” of the Eschaton blog) uses Amazon links to earn some side cash, even if he doesn’t seem to feel that great about doing it (he titles posts hawking Amazon wares “Crass commercialism”). And many bloggers, apparently without thinking about it, automatically include an Amazon link when recommending a book to others.
Both practices make me feel uneasy — if I were to use them I would feel like a Wobbly who shops at Wal-Mart, or something.
Amazon & Bezos
I buy nothing from Amazon. I'm old and can afford to buy the few things I want from someone else. I was raised during the Depression and WWII so the old maxim "wear it out; make it do; do without" is second nature. I have a few one-person boycotts because I refuse to support the oligarchy any more than is absolutely necessary. It's a nuisance, but I feel better by doing it.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Sad Day
Last night I received an email from one of my Peace vigil buddies, Don. For nearly the last two years, Don, Bill, and I have been holding down the fort on the Peace vigils. Since last summer, Bill has not been well. He has severe arthritis and has been unable to attend any of the vigils this spring. In addition, Bill cannot tolerate the heat very well in the summer. Bill is 81 and Don is 86. Don is in excellent health for a man even 20 years his junior so he is fine regardless of the heat.
Anyway, it appears that Bill has decided that he can no longer do the Peace vigils after over 13 years. He and Don were among the original founders of the Peace vigil. Don said that he and Bill have decided that it is time to discontinue the Peace vigils. I cried as I wrote Don back that even though I wished that the Peace vigils could continue, that I understand their choice and will be willing to rejoin if either of them decide they want to do it again.
I knew this day was coming, but it still is a sad day.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning, gg, I am sorry for this big loss in your life. You have
talked about how much the vigils mean to you and it was such noble work. Best wishes, my friend,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Very sorry to hear this
13 years is a long time.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
13 plus years
I want to be clear that only Bill and Don have been doing this for over 13 years. This year was just my 5th year. I was the newbie. I will probably write about what it has meant to me and them later in a separate essay.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Still long enough to miss it though.
If the Mad Bomber wins the election I suspect that peace movements and vigils will spring up all over the country. This may be a respite as opposed to a retirement.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I hope you do write that. I think it would be an interesting
story. Perhaps one that will inspire more people to take action.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Oh gg, how I wish sometimes the years wouldn’t pass so fast. n/t
put in their time. And good for them. Youngbloods, they can take it from here.
Are there none of the fabled Millennials, there in the area?
I'm so sorry gg
I know how much your peace vigils meant to you. I have noticed that in activist Portland which used to be called Little Beirut back in the day, that nowadays there is nothing going on. I think the OWS put down killed it. I also blame Obama and his demoralizing bait and switch.
Portlander's are under siege by the investors, developers and our Democratic city government. I have a sense that people of all ages are laying low. Nobody even talks politics very much other then to say Trump is scary, Hillary is scary and godawful, vote Bernie. The only local activism and pushback I have found is online via fb.
I have also noticed that my once politically active liberal neighborhood has hardly any political yard signs. One Bernie sign on my block. I have a 'Stop Demolishing Portland' sign in my yard and I see a few of those around. The silence is kind of eerie like the calm before the storm? Perhaps you could look for a younger group to join. Isn't where you live near a college? I hope after this bizarre election season people will once again come out banging their pots and pans and singing songs of peace.
U.S. giving strongman means to crush democracy movement — again
U.S. delivers armored MRAP vehicles to Egyptian military
Uh-huh, “stability.”
just heard this on CNN, had to share
wow video at the link
She also talked about the accepted story is that early humans came to the Americas across the Alaska ice path and that this pre-dates that and omg this is huge.
You are right!
This is huge! Even in St. Pete, where I grew up, archeologists held a dig in my urban neighborhood and discovered a huge prehistoric armadillo in a small pond there. As a child, I used to dig in the clay banks of that pond and found fossilized animal bones and teeth right in my own backyard. I still have those bones.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Man, oh, man — if they can get some human DNA out of this . . .
OMG, you are right!
And just yesterday, NYT had an article about an exclusive conference designing the "perfect human genome" and putting it together into some cytoplasm to create an ideal human. What could go wrong? It's a fun science bar topic.
But really, enough DNA fragments and info about Florida mammoth "man" and origins.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
There is another theory that they did not walk,
Over an elusive and sometimes doubtful land bridge, but instead went by kayak along the edges of the ice. As they do even today.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
they came
gently down the stream.
Ooooh, mid-century modern delight!
And mom gets to drive the car! Or just sit in it while Dad, son, and dog take a hear. That is darling.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
There is a larger story on the BBC about the mastodon bone.
Here is a link that tells more about the discovery in Florida:
Why do you suppose we have to go to foreign news sources for our news?
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Interesting discovery
Non-Clovis humans here 1500 years earlier than previously believed, along with a mastodon - and in Florida, no less.
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
The Jeffrey Epstein connection: sounds bad but never led further
Bill Clinton was sort of friends with Jeffrey Epstein and used his private jet to fly all over the place.
New details on billionaire hedge funder Jeffrey Epstein's child sex habits as he is freed from house arrest
Does Hillary Clinton have to worry about Jeffrey Epstein?
It turns out Donald Trump counted Epstein as a long-time associate too, so it’s a wash.
The salacious ammo even Donald Trump won’t use in a fight against Hillary
That entire crew is high-flying
Behavior bedamned. All users.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
there can be a second trial, of The Clenis, there in the Senate. Since the first one, it was so edifying.
Can they impeach the First Gentlemen?
Mr. No Impeachy for Mechy
Maybe Trump won't go there,
but Fox News will. Fox News, yesterday
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
the mad bomber exposed
Most c99ers understand the threat Hellery presents, but it is nice to have it covered by some journalists. Last night someone asked me would T-rump really become president. Based on MSM news coverage I think the answer is yes. Thursday on MSNBC there was 5 hours of T-rump meeting with Ryan, and 2 min of Clyburn telling Bernie to get out of the race he was hurting Hellery. Who will people vote for? Baa baa baa T-rump. 5 hrs vs 2 min.
I glad someone somewhere is talking about these issues! Abby Martin is interviewed on Ring of fire about Killery. Nice 9 min synopsis of the war monger.
Want the longer story. Here's a 30 min Empire Files documentary
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Clyburn is a honorary co-chair
for The Third Way. Which brags on it website that the NYT called them 'Radical Centrist's'
Edit: C99 Tech Support: We have a problem
I have a message (not a comment) I'm trying to respond to, and as soon as I start typing in the text box, all editing and save/preview buttons disappear.
So, I can't respond.
Here's my response to NonnyO, because I have to get in the shower and don't have time to repost once the bug is fixed:
I'm on a phone, and I picked a suggestion. Don't even know which comment. My writing has become atrocious over the years. I've never been a good speller, but when my phone makes a suggestion, I usually take it.
Didn't offend, but I haven't a clue as to which comment it was.
I have a date with my boyfriend, and we're staying at The Teepee Motel in Wharton, Tx. It's a thing we love; so I'm off to shower.
Enjoy your weekend!
EDIT: date was rained/hailed out, and I even put on eye makeup and shaved
. Also added c99 to comment header so maybe they'll see it, and corrected Teepee from two words to one.
♫ There she is, Ms. America ♫ There she is, your ideal ♫
(photo from Black Agenda Report)
walking on air, she is
On sunshine.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
after midnight
Good morning caucus people
I've been working like a maniac on reclaiming my veggie garden. I'm stiff and sore and all scratched up from getting into a 3 day tussle with a run amok Cecile Brunner climbing rose that was eating my sunny vegetable spot. My hands are like lobster claws. I'm literally all tweaked thumbs. Yesterday was a hot one so I took the day off and laid around reading a mystery about Japanese art history.
Today it's going to be cool. It went from 90 degrees to a high today of 63. So I'm going out to dig in my amendments. I found a great little store in the industrial area of our urban neighborhood called Naomi's Organic Farm Supplies. They carry worms. Red Wrigglers. I bought a pound of them but they said not to release them in the dirt as they are surface loving worms. They also said not to put them them in the compost pile as it's too hot. I created a temporary worm house? in a wicker basket with straw organic material and some nice dirt. I put it in the shade under the newly shaped canopy of the Cecile Brunner. I need to learn about how to get them into the dirt. Maybe add them at the end along with straw and sheet composting in between rows and on the beds.
I had fun looking at and chatting with the goats rabbits and chicks at this great urban organic farm supply and nursery.
So off I go to wreck my hands and dig in all the goodies I bought at Naomi's. They carry a local brand of bagged manure called Horse Poo that's not all saw dusted and peat mossed up so I'll dig that in tomorrow. I'm having trouble getting my tweaked fingers to type. see you all tomorrow. Thanks for the always entertaining OT hecate.
This old song is what comes into my head when I think of where Hillary needs to go, below, below...where the goblin's go.
A worm bin for worms. Our local sanitation
district once gave major discounts on high grade worm bins to encourage home composting. They are a 3 tier system, worms inhabit and feed in the top, worm droppings fall to the middle and liquids perc to the bottom which has a spigot. It is a very kick-ass system, and could probably be approximated by a handyperson of average competence once they got a look at one. 3 Stacking bins, one (top) with a roof. One (bottom) with a spigot. Top and middle with perforated bottoms. I suspect it could be made from storage tubs.
The liquid can be used as fertilizer or aerated and used as fertilizes. The droppings can be used as fertilizer+amendment, or used to make a fertilizer tea and then used as an amendment. There is probably even an instructable or other on-line information source. Your worms stay in the bin and, given powdered eggshell (try a coffee grinder) even reproduce, eliminating the need to buy more.
Brand-name for ours is Smith & Hawken, once you build yours, you can probably get instructions and tips from their website, assuming that they are still in business.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Well thanks EL
I think Smith and Hawkins a great company was bought out by Lilly or some other big gardening corporation. I will try there website if they are still functioning. I loved their funky catalogs and still might have a few in my graphic art print scrape file. I'll see if they have any pictures of a worm bin composting system. I'm not a all handy in DIY house carpentry or repair stuff but I'm great at inventing and building funky good looking gardening structures and systems that do the job.
I googled "worm bin instructables" and got a long list -
here is one I grabbed at random using 5 gallon buckets:, which is probbly a bit clunky, and another:
that uses nursery flats which looks pretty slick.
The trick is that they nee to stack and let worm poop and liquid pass through the bottoms while minimizing the number of worms that do so.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Shaz, you need
Gardening gloves. They will protect your hands from a lot. Rose thorns will still poke through some, though. Go back to the great store and get some gloves for your poor hands.
this is
wise advice, I know. But, I need to feel what I'm doing. So: no gloves.
Me too hecate
I even bought a pair of rose gloves that went up to my elbows but after about 10 minutes threw them on the ground. It's like drawing with your toes.
I found a pair (now lost, of course)
that were a very soft leather, and fitting, so that tactile sensation still worked. Dirt and mud did a job on them. I am considering going to Nitrile gloves (the first to come out in purple) because they are mid-price in 25- or 50-bulk and therefore almost disposable. But I tear up my hands/arms/legs all the time. Battle scars.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
sometimes need you to feel their thorns. Thorns are part of what they're about.
& climbing Brunners, they are wonderful.
Yeah they are
It's the first big thing I planted when we bought this house old house 20 years ago. It covers the 1914 dilapidated garage fills the corner next to it. I have 3 vines planted in that shady corner and the breaded guy who built the fence and put in our French drain( rain garden) advised me to let them duke it out.
This year for some reason the Brunner went cookoo looking for the sun and decided to eat the small backyard. The climbing rose seems happy with it's major hair styling and trembled with joy once I was done messing with it and gave it a nice drink and some organic rose food. I sure like the politics of nature better then human power plays that can't be trimmed back over time as they just keep coming on no matter how many times you trim them back. Like ant's they don't listen to reason or respond to the general welfare of the place.
I do hope your worms like their new home.
They seem to
like it. I peeked this morning and their down under the straw wiggling around in the chopped up vegetable matter. I do have good gloves but always take them off after about ten minutes. Maybe goat skin gloves would work as they are tight and flexible.
Hurray for the worms
I love my gloves, but it is fun to just get my hands in the dirt sometimes too.
FT: 'Household income tumbles in majority
of US cities this century.'
Here are a couple of interesting stats from this piece,
**". . . median household incomes--adjusted for the COLA in the area--grew in only 39 our of 229 metro areas, between 1999-2014.
**" . . . 203 out of 229 metro areas experienced a decline in the share of their populations that are middle income."
**". . . 172 metro areas saw increases in the share of their population that is upper income, and 160 saw a rising lower-income share."
(Love how these articles never mention the gentrification on-steroids that began during the Clinton Administration, with HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros at the helm.)
Thanks for today's OT, hecate!
Postscript: Regarding calling cops on neighbors, I would proceed with great caution. I don't know if it's passed yet, but increasingly authoritarian conservative Dems are working with Republican Ohio Rep Tim Murphy, who wants to bring back laws which permit pervasive use of our mental health systems, to involuntarily commit individuals--even using cops on the beat as stop-gap mental health surrogates.
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Not Ohio
Republican Rep Tim Murphy is a Congress Critter from the Pennsylvania 18th.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Thank you, PD! I've done
this before--not sure 'why' I keep associating him with Ohio.
Anyhoo, my bad!
"The obstacle is the path."--Zen Proverb
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Honest Mistake
I mean with Kasich, Boner, etc, our track record is questionable at best.
I try to dispel the belief that we're all a bunch of batshit crazy stump-jumpers whenever I get the chance.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
On a follow up note. Murphy is originally from Northfield Ohio, so maybe that's where you get the connection. And he's a psychologist in addition to being a Congress Critter.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
I'm not familiar with the
Mental health bill you mentioned. I am however familiar with existing laws regarding commitment and quite familiar with a few people with serious mental health issues. IMHO we need to make it possible to commit people for treatment. As it stands in most states, loving family members are helpless to get help and treatment for their loved ones. It is virtually impossible to commit someone. They must be a danger and quite a danger to themselves or others. By that time, the police often kill them.
It is a complex issue to protect truly ill people, but also get treatment for them when needed.
I have no problem with allowing
involuntary commitments, under appropriate circumstances.
But from what I've heard Murphy say (in interviews), I believe that he's planning to turn back the clock to an era where folks were indiscriminately, and unnecessarily committed to (usually state) institutions, which were virtual h*ll holes.
And, I fear that if his bill passes, involuntary commitments will take the place of our current crises of over-incarceration (in our prison systems).
Bottom line for me--before we start ratcheting up court-appointed, and/or family-directed involuntary commitments--we need to make (universally) available 'voluntary' mental health services to all, in a crises, or otherwise.
And, according to the Administration's own numbers, we know that for millions of Americans, this is not the case. And that is a major problem.
Anyhoo, I think we're probably on the same page, in regard to shared goals.
“Love makes you stronger, so that you can reach out and become involved with life in ways you dared not risk alone.”--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I agree. And there are not nearly enough mental health beds for those who need and want them. For instance, temporary ones while finding appropriate medication and dose, and getting stabilized before switching to community outpatient treatment. Lack of appropriate housing also a huge issue.
Use-ta was
Until St. Ronald decided they cost too much and threw them out on the street.
There was a State Mental Hospital where I live that was only half full when I first moved here. But the streets of downtown had a variety of people with obvious problems walking around. I learned they were among those Ronny gave the boot and they really had nowhere to go. They were all housed at what used to be a hotel years back and subsisted on the County's dime - Medicaid, Food Stamps and cash assistance (which probably went right to the hotel's operators).
Around 2006, under a GWB "plan," they finally closed that hospital and moved the remaining patients somewhere else. Long time workers were offered the option of moving 75-100 miles to keep their jobs, but few had any real ability to do so.
I hadn't heard about Murphy's bill either until Unabashed brought it up. So I've been looking at articles about it. He's been at it for a couple years now.
Here's a good unbiased piece about it.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Please, all you passionate candidate supporters, don't
let it go so far as this man admitted:
well, but I do love Bernie talking matter of factly
about the coal miner's pensions.
Oh, I meant to reply to you but replied to essay instead.
See below where I said “Admittedly, There is power in the bond between idols and fans . . .”
It’s just a jokey comment so no big loss.
Admittedly, there is power in the bond between idols and fans
The power of squee.