FYI on TOP making money off Sanders run for White House
Submitted by Angela Marx on Wed, 05/11/2016 - 7:40pm
I only learned about this by accident a few weeks ago when searching ActBlue.
I private messaged two people I believe will be able to write about this at TOP.
Here's what I sent them:
Was reading that WTF? Story and was wondering if you knew there is a Joint Daily Kos and Bernie Sanders ActBlue fundraiser.
I found it by accident a few weeks ago.
So that the whole last year while Kos was giving Sanders side-eye and this year has acted like he doesn't exist... he's made a big pile of cash off of him.
Just go to ActBlue, search "Bernie Sanders"
It's the 3rd one down (contribute now to Bernie Sanders for)... and has raised $344,766.47, and is split evenly between Daily Kos and Sanders.
When I first found out, I was outraged.
In solidarity,

Wow. I want to know more about that. If fans of DKos are
giving them and Bern some love, OK. But if fans of Bern are giving him and DKos some love, not so much!! IOW, is Kos making money off of Bern, or is Bern making money off of Kos?
I have signed some petitions at DKos that then take me to ActBlue. It does clearly say who you're donating to, such as "Donate to climate change and Daily Kos." So it's the donor's choice, I guess.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Its a fundraiser under Daily Kos
this is the DK ActBlue fundraisers page, so they created and manage it, not Sanders.
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
If someone writes a diary
If someone writes a diary about this, I will definitely recommend it. Are you on kossacks for Sanders? I'm sure they would want to know about this.
this is little better than fraud.
Maybe not legally, but ethically it sure as hell is.
That's a great list
Kos has really been soaking up the donations from the Blue-bots. Amazing to see all the $$$ totals for all his act Blue donation campaigns.
There are two in that list that reference Bernie.
1) Contribute Now to Bernie's Progressive Budget
This one ALL $$$ go to Daily Kos
2) Contribute now to Bernie Sanders for President and Daily Kos
Your contribution will be divided evenly between Bernie Sanders and Daily Kos.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Pretty f'n 'disingenuous', to be charitable
That first link is totally using Bernie's name to make a buck for Markos. WTF! Anyone who contributed at that particular link had their entire donation go, not towards Bernie, or 'Bernies Progressive Budget', whatever the heck thatis,but into GOS' coffers for whatever the hell they want to spend it on. Maybe Markos has a special savings account named 'Bernies Progressive Budget? Earmarked for a nice family vacation? No way to tell, but it is improper to say the very least. Needs to be exposed over there.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Interesting that HilLIARy uses her own site for donations
I went to the daily HilLIARy News diary to see if it had a donation link.
This is the link they use.
I don't know if it eventually leads to an ActBlue donation page. ( You have to give up personal info to get to the final donate page and I don't want to be on her lists.)
None of the Daily Kos ActBlue donation campaigns use HilLIARy's name. Funny how Kos felt free to use Bernie's name.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
well why bother with the middleman if kos can get paid directly by her campaign.
so messy.
Only give to on ActBlue
Then you know where the money went. Sad to learn that the Wizard of Orange has been garnering half the money that should have gone to Bernie. Well, he's learned a lot from Medusa (aka HRC) who promised donors to her through the DNC and state parties that she would share the proceeds 50/50 so that they would get money to support down ballot candidates. Seems that B.S.Artist herself kicked back only 1 million out of the 60 million raised. Atta girl, Hillary--fucking your "friends" over just as you do everyone else. And yet those idiots still remain loyal to you.
Just seems uber hypocritical of kos
To treat Sanders as he has, and still make money off of him.
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
Sounds like Little Nap
was using Sanders' cachet to cash in.
Definitely hypocritical if that is the case, given recent events.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I think that this sort
of graft is rapidly becoming maybe the only good way of raising money today if you aren't a part of bank. Start a campaign, scream loudly about some simplistic issue that people can immediately understand, wait for the money to roll in.
The smart operators spend a little of it in some noticable way and only pocket some of the money for themselves. After Citizens United, there are all sorts of ways to just leave with the money.
Not hypocritical for grifters like Kos/$Hills
It's a feature, not a bug, as they say!
Fucking cocksucker! (*sorry to the sensitives, but GYAHHH!)
Why am I not surprised.
Top range Teslas are expensive after all.
from a reasonably stable genius.
How can kos do that? Where
How can kos do that? Where are those contributions coming from? Site members? I've only donated directly to the campaign, and a couple of times through the BNR jar.
I've gotten emails from kos
Where he used Bernie in his fund raising pitch.
I don't remember niw if it was one of the 50-50 deals.
I do know that Kos had some nerve fundraising off of Bernie given how he's a hillbot.
Kos didn't get a dime from me for that, he didn't get a dime from me for that piece of crap dk5, and he didn't get a dime from me for any candidates he supports.
Every once in a while, you get a pop-up over at TOP saying
"Sign if you agree". Maybe you don't see that if you have a paid membership so you don't get ads. Anyway, so it might say "The minimum wage needs to be $15."
Then you click and go to a new page, which might be a petition to the White House, something like, "Bernie is correct, we need a minimum wage to be a living wage of $15." You sign that, then you go automatically to an ActBlue page.
There, it says something like, "Donate to Bernie Sanders and to keep Daily Kos running". Your donation will be split.
I think you can say no, you want to donate to just one or just the other. If it doesn't give that option, of course you can just close the page and make no donation, or go to the main ActBlue page and make whatever donation to whoever you want. If you close the ActBlue page, it takes you back to the DKos page.
So that's probably what that third ActBlue account is. The BNR jar is definitely all Bern.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I don't have a paid
I don't have a paid membership and I haven't gotten a popup on my phone. I have several apps disabled, maybe that's why; or maybe I've just been lucky. Just rejoined in January, though.
Maybe phones don't allow popup ads; that would be heaven;
they are underpowered relative to computers, so that would make sense to me that they might be disabled so you don't spend a day downloading one Web page.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Pop ups OT on phone
You have to be in the full site mode & that takes a step other than just clicking the full site button. Another "by design" pos of dk5 probably; why "staff" never answered help desk pleas that I know of, probably too.
If in full site mode, you get the annoying pop ups.
Mobile has no help, my comments, or a slew of other buttons. Ugh, that place, and that little grifter make my stomach churn!
Don't think popups work on mobile platform
I don't recall seeing a popup on either my phone or my tablet when cruising by TOP, but I usually use the link (to save on loading all those damn images on the front page) so maybe that's what's stopping the popups.
Is there a similar one on
Is there a similar one on actblue under Hillary?
Can you link to the Act Blue Page that is a fundraiser
from dailykos to Sanders, please? I can't find it. Thank you. I hold back my opinion about it unless I see the page.
found it - 8,068 donors raised $92,312.87
... so dailykos made $ 46,156.43 from this fundraiser? I wonder when he had put up this fundraiser?
I guess he was unhappy to not have made more money from that fundraiser and then started to pee on the Sanders campaign to get a lot of kossacks, who support Sanders, pissed off and generated a lot of diaries with "compassionate" comment threads making him money that way.
Oh well, why would he be different than most "cool kids"? And then use the good heartedness of a lot of writers for free. [plonk]
The fundraiser that Angie's talking about is here:
It's the third one in the list, with a total of over $344,000 raised. On my computer at least, the whole name isn't displayed; all I see is "Contribute Now to Bernie Sanders for..." Click on that link, though, and you'll see that the full name is: Contribute Now to Bernie Sanders for President and Daily Kos. Despicable.
thanks, was it clearly announced that half of the donation
would go to dailykos? Just checked all my donations to Sanders on ActBlue. I got all directly to the Bernie Sanders for President campaign page. Thank God.
I don't know how dKos used/advertised this
... I just searched for it after reading this post.
I've made a point of sending all my Bernie contributions through LieparDestin's BNR page (he works so hard, I want him to get credit even though he's still over there), so Markos hasn't gotten a penny from me, either
Here's one where it is clearly marked
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Angela, actually much more $ than you saw
At this link (most of the candidate cause pages are 50/50 splits)
Who's supporting Daily Kos. Personally, all of which i would not mind if they were treating Sanders supporters fairly, civilly, and weeding out paid trolls quickly and often .......
this is page 1 of 13 at the link above

here is their sales pitch
Contribute now to Daily Kos
Daily Kos is the largest progressive political publication in the country. Our email list recently crested the 1.8 million subscriber mark. Our site reaches 10 million unique readers every month. We reach twice as many people more via social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter. We provide a million community members with a platform to report news, connect with each other and make change in their communities.
And we have real successes to point to, such as raising over $2 million for great candidates so far this year. On policy, our advocacy work was specifically cited by CNN as the catalyst for filibuster reform.
And we have just 47 staff members who help make it all happen.
Meanwhile, the economics of online publishing are in flux. Ad revenue, which once supported the bulk of our activities, is no longer able to fund operations. In fact, community support has become more important to our ability to operate than advertising revenue.
If you wish to donate by mail instead, please send a check to Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612. Contributions to Daily Kos are not tax deductible.
CA Democrat
This is key........
That's why DK is considered 'important' by the Dems.
from a reasonably stable genius.
They can subtract at least one from that number
I unsubscribed after one too many smarmy anti-Bernie diaries at the top of "Daily Kos Recommends".
Be careful when you sign
Be careful when you sign online petitions. Many petitions are "sponsored" by multiple organizations. If you sign these group petitions, you are giving them permission to share your information with the other organizations. Daily Kos is on most of these petitions. I've stopped signing the group petitions. They seem designed more to raise funds and build their mailing lists than to affect true change.
KOS unsubscribe
How do you unsubscribe? I recently took the advice of many diarists and users from Kos to come here. I can't find any way to unsubscribe on the DKos site.
you can't, that's the trick, you can't erase your account
you can only on purpose "misbehave" so badly that you get banned. That doesn't mean that your content can be erased once you are banned. Catch22.
People can't get off those lists and they try.
You should read the help desk threads. Every other person is demanding to be taken off the email list, and saying they've tried every which way and can't.
Keep marking as spam.
At least you don't have it clogging the inbox.
well, I am naive then, because
when was it ever announced that a fundraiser for some candidate or cause, which originates from the dailykos site and was processed by ActBlue, by default contains a 50:50 split with half of your donation not going to the candidate, but to dailykos? . Isn't that something that should have been disclosed?
Let's say Donna Edwards. A fundraiser for her was originating from the dailykos site. If I had known that half of my contribution to her would go the the dailykos site, I darn well would not have donated from there, but go directly to her own site.
So, what, I am naive. Hopefully someone will clarify this. I do mind it a lot, if that has not been disclosed. As I am not the smartest bulb around, I might have missed that. So, whatever it is, I would like to know.
It certainly should be
It certainly should be disclosed. I'm wondering if kos may be in violation, somehow. I'm also wondering why actblue is raising money for a blog website. I'm going to call actblue tomorrow and ask them why they are doing that.
Please post an essay of what ActBlue says
I'd love to hear it!
I was friends with Chris Bowers on FB
Good old OpenLeft and all that. He posted something about how naive people were signing petitions when all they were doing was collecting emails. I said something about people not being as stupid as he thought and unfollowed him. I haven't given them a dime or a signature in years.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I stopped even reading them, when they started
to ask to thank a lot of politicians for doing this and that. Ridiculous. Naive? Right. Question is who.
I use two different e-mail addresses for
all things political. Keep politics totally separate from my personal and work e-mails.
yes, but back when I joined dailykos, I didn't expect
something like it would be necessary. (2004) So, I have the whole mess of emails from activist and campaign sites in my old email address and it's a nuisance. And unsubscribing often doesn't work. They mail you anyway. One day I will be ready to throw everything into the trash. That will be the day !
Have you tried marking them
Have you tried marking themprovider will
just send spam from those addresses to
your spam folder?
My email account from the late 90s
got clobbered with a dozen or so junk
Dem political crap on Monday (found
out when I just happened to check it
tonight), all but a couple originating
from "unique" email addresses. Sent
them all to spam.
The last time the Dems spammed me
like that, doing that shut them up for
a bit ... at least until they bought my
address from some other source.
I write "the Dems." None of this is
coming from Sanders nor is it ever
pro-Sanders. Monday's deluge was a
bunch of "scary Trump" junk citing
media sources from what I could make
of the first line or two shown on the
email preview.
Added on edit:
How that came out so garbled with the
title replacing the first line of my
comment ....
Just try marking spam as spam, mimi.
See if that helps.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
hi dancingrabbit, you make me smile ... yes
occasionally I go through the hassle to mark some emails as spam, or try to block them, or try to unsubscribe. But I am apparently much more angry about the mess unsolicited emails cause in my inbox than most here are about it. I think I shouldn't have to do it. It costs my time and I like to have that time for something else. You know what? I do let the mess be a mess most of the time, look occasionally in my junk mail folder, wonder if what is put in the junk folder automatically is somehow something that is targetted. (Pro Sanders emails getting into the junk folder more often than others) Think about myself of getting nuts to even give a damn about those things and having those CT tinfoil hat thoughts.
No, you know I did something else. I happened to see Thomas Drake in one of the Apple store in DC. You know the whistle blower Thomas Drake. I had heard him in another panel at the German Goethe Institute in Washington DC before one or two years ago. And I remember hims talking about how his career and life had been destroyed. I knew what he thought about his current job situation. So, I thought I try to get his advice. It's for sure a man who knows a lot about surveillance, security issues and the mean, bad world out there.
I went into the store and asked one of the "technical guys" at the counter, if they know how to best to erase everything I have left behind on social media and clean up all my unwanted incoming emails. It was a younger guy and Thomas Drake stood three meters aside from him. The younger guy couldn't answer the question, so I suggested he asks his co-worker. That's the way I was able to get some answers from Thomas Drake about it. He was very nice, very knowledgeable and gave me good links and people to contact who would able to help me. So, I guess one day I just might act upon his advice.
But then, I have lived with very messy people. One thing about them is that they always find in their biggest mess exactly what they were looking for. Beats me. So, in the end, I just take it not that seriously and laugh about it. And besides, if I would clean all my traces up, the surveillance people would find that suspicious, so I don't do anything.
Which is actually may be the best thing. Pretend you don't know nothing. That always works, because most of the time I do know nothing.
I wonder if DK
is sharing all those proceeds to down-ticket Sanders Dems like Tim Canova? I'll bet if you asked over there, you'd hear those nice little crickets chirping
There are a couple of diaries
There are a couple of diaries up with Hillary supporters trying to dig up crap on Bernie and the FEC. The hypocrisy stinks over there.
PS I have never, ever, ever, EVER
followed any links or signed my name to anything that little weasel's website popped up on me.
I am so glad I never bought a "lifetime" membership or had one bequeathed on me. Dear God, what a shithole it's become. Looks like Bob J is "coming home" to Hills, and asserting with all his mighty might that she and Bernie will kiss and make up. He might have to kiss her for appearance sake until after the "election", but she better not even count on his supporters.
Better. Not. Even. He can beg me all he wants, my vote isn't going anywhere near that crooked hosebag and her Republicanism unless he's on the ticket, and maybe not even then, depending on who will end up Speaker of the House. I'll still respect him and I'll never say a bad thing about him, even if he just mouths the words and then goes quietly into the good night. Somehow, I really don't think any of that is gonna happen, but even if it does, it'll still never get my vote for her.
It's really too bad my vote at the top of the ticket wouldn't count for either Hills or Donnie--my intent, after much due diligence and consideration, I'll go Green since I can, and then vote the rest of the ballot. In fact, if "leaving it blank" at the top doesn't void my damn ballot altogether when it gets "counted" in the "optical scanner" (wiink-wink) I am still gonna go out on a limb and predict now that if Sanders does not prevail and millions vote Green Party--and particularly if they don't end up on all 50 state ballots--their total vote count will not exceed 2 percent. Those crooked counting bastards will never permit us to know how unpopular their cabals are via the voting process.
OMG, I would SO BE BANNED for this post at NapoleOrange Kos....I love you guys
I'm not going to make a decision until after the convention, so
they'll have to try to woo me, if they can. In the end, I'll probably vote for Hill, but you are certainly entitled to vote Green. And I hope we keep talking with each other about the election. I think shutting down this kind of discussion at TOP is going to be the death of them. I'd be NR over there for uprating your comments. It gets closer to thought police all the time.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I thought it was just me
that I always felt like I was somebody's lab rat over there, as far as studying usage and comprehension of the native language and what-not. But I don't think that's the case anymore, given all that are here, now, among other things
It used to be hard to understand what's so damned wrong with a little speculation, but I think I get the part by now where it's a little dangerous to let such speculation go on for too long. It is from discussion that we seem to be able to develop things like ideas and solutions... Can't have that, now, can we?
Definitely not just you.
The other side parse words for the most hateful meaning possible, even if it is unlikely. Woe betide any who misspeak! Meanwhile we try to read Kos' mind regarding acceptable expression of opinion, tread close to the line because we want to have our say, but try not to step over that line to keep our big audience.
I signed up a little over two years ago because I loved the diaries and comments, and absolutely, in the back and forth was where there was real learning and the development of new ideas. Take away discussion and speculation, and what's left? Echo chamber. How boring.
Ironically, kos' site made me more progressive. Now I'm too progressive for him!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I still appreciate the lifetime membership
just to avoid the damn pro-Hillary banner ads and shit.
If you wanted a sure fire way to get canned from the site
all you had to do was mention adblock.
Pisses them of to no end that they couldn't get people to pay to delete adds.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Make a real difference — but don’t ask, “in what direction?” n/t
I have one of those bequeathed lifetime memberships
It was anonymously gifted to me in the marathon lifetime membership drive before. They stopped lifetime memberships. Have absolutely no idea who gave me my membership.... At the time I thought DK was giving these memberships to as many women as they could since we were such a small demographic and DK had a rep as an old boys club.
I think if I didn't have this membership I would have lost interest in DK because of all the ads ...
Orwell was an optimist
Nope; nurse Kelly led that effort.
Ads messed up older computers, people who had dial-up, so when Kos announced that lifetime subscriptions were going away, she started a list of those who wanted a subscription but couldn't afford (for example, the kosability folks). The list grew to anyone who wanted a subscription. You could pick a name & buy a subscription, or chip in to help buy a subscription.
That New Year's Eve was fun: could we raise enough funds to buy everyone on the list a subscription, and we did!
It was a major windfall for Kos, and he supposedly put the money into site improvements. I say supposedly, as subsequent actions lead one to question anything he says.
Ahhh nurse Kelly. RIGHT.
I was very active In Adding names of people who deserved one of those lifetime memberships. To that list... Never asked for one for myself though. was quite surprised when I got one.
Orwell was an optimist
Bob's gone over to the other side?!
I'm sorry to hear that... I was so enjoying his snarky diaries a while back, as the site began its precipitous decline around the Ides of March. I haven't been over there in a while, so I didn't realize what had become of him. Ah, well.
Anyway, I really can't imagine Bernie supporting Hillary when all is said and done, since she embodies everything he's been fighting against. He consistently says he'll do everything he can to ensure that the Republicans don't win in November; I don't think it's happenstance that he never actually says he'll support Hillary if she's the nominee. I'm just staying tuned for what happens next!
Which Bob?
I can't seem to locate the comment you're responding to.
I think they are talking about Bob Johnson
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
I have not decided
exactly what I am going to do although I am leaning Green.
One thing I do know, the very last person on this earth I would vote for is Hillary. I refuse to validate her sociopathic war mongering. I still do the Sat. Peace vigil when we can get a quorum of two and I cannot vote for Hillary out of good conscience. She represents everything I am against.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Well I'm done with the lesser
Well I'm done with the lesser of 2 evils routine voting for president, could be green or write in Bernie, Will vote for down tix Dems though that support Bernie's ideas
is a high priced narcissist.
If you've got a few extra bucks hanging around, he'll find a way to suck it off you.
He became a one percenter and decided that he needed more. Typical behavior of those who only care about themselves
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Be fair! Think of his kids!
He's just trying to keep them going in the lifestyle he has attained! OMG, remember that fundraiser for some Greek relative of his? He is running multiple gofundme operations for his benefit.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
This w as discussed on top a while ago
I remember someone mentioning that donating to Bernie through a DK link means the money would be split between Bernie and DK
Might have been in an early BNR.
I read today that top also sells our emails to a whole CHITLOAD of groups.
I always figured they did but comments seem to indicate many people didn't have a clue.
Orwell was an optimist
I blamed ActBlue for selling my addy
We discussed this at the Texas Meetup. We all assumed it was ActBlue. I never got contacted by governors in states I've never been to until I donated to Wendy Davis through ActBlue, so I assumed, and so did others.
He's a scheming little man, and a grifter. No wonder he's humping $Hillary's leg. They're of the same cloth!
The sales pitch says DKos is a progressive site. Lol!!!!!
this is why i go directly through a candidate's....
...campaign website to make donations. there are too many pop-up fundraisers on ActBlue to wonder where your money is really going. i think i saw that same DK/BS fundraiser when i was clicking around on ActBlue a while back but didn't give it another thought other than telling myself to be wary not to contribute to that link.
I just read through the Masthead list of dailykos
these are all very serious and professional people. Amazing. Lots of them, a long list.
I am so glad I don't have to make a living with writing online. Reading is already a mind-destroying activity. Writing would be an absolute disaster and kill me.
In effect I regret to have started to do anything on the intertubes since 1995. I couldn't avoid it, but it was destructive to my life.
Just saying. Not my kind of environment. But that train has left. Just too late.
OTOH, mimi
there are interesting places to virtual-visit (like c99%) for those like me who don't get out in RL enough.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
ah, I just have a big mouth, I would be lost without
reading online. It's just that I am so aware of how dependent we are on the online internet technology and feel it enslaves us. We live inside the online system and use it to fight against that very system at the same time. It's like a two-sided sword, you fight with the one side of the blade against the other side of the blade ...
If one would seriously imagine to live without internet access and a computer or smart phone, I guess it wouldn't be possible anymore for most of us to manage our life.
Oh, I'll bet we could still manage our lives, we'd just be
darned lonely if the Internets went away...