We Will Not Be Brought to Heel
It’s statements like this one by Ed Rendell, former Pennsylvania governor and current chair of the Democratic National Convention, that make my blood boil:
“I think it’s gonna be a great convention, but of course the key to it is the Sanders people. Bernie’s gonna have his name placed in nomination; we’re gonna have a roll call; there’s gonna be a demonstration in support of Bernie; he’s gonna lose the roll call,” he said. “His supporters have to behave and not cause trouble. And I think they will, and I think Sen. Sanders will send them a strong message.”
The Party could have been gracious in its seeming march toward a Hillary victory, and stand down on the constant belittling until *all* the voting was all done, but they just couldn’t do that. Instead, they just can’t help but throw more fuel on an already burning fire.
These are Hillary’s peeps doing this; her birds of a feather. Throughout this entire campaign season, even before any “Bernie Bro” incident, Hillary and her surrogates have treated Bernie and his supporters with arrogance, disdain, and condescension. It’s been implied that we, including Bernie, are naïve, immature, cultish, uninformed, and young, and it’s all been heaped on us with a large helping of an elitist patronizing attitude. And if we (including Bernie) ever pushed back, even just a little, we got called Bernie Bros, pony wanters, not real Democrats, and/or accused of sexism or racism.
This isn’t coming from one or two folks with Hillary; the list is very long. From Madeleine Albright, Gloria Steinem, Dolores Huerta, Claire McCaskill, John Lewis, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Joan Walsh, Connie Schultz, David Brock, Paul Krugman, Jonathan Capehart, Ed Rendell and a whole host of others, all the way down to Bill and even Hillary herself.
I can’t help but see that this – this is what the Democratic Party thinks of us. Sure you can’t take one or two isolated incidents and extrapolate out to that, but this is very much not one or two incidents; this is systemic. It speaks loudly and clearly what the Party stands for, and it’s not us.
They don’t want the things for us that Bernie wants for us; they won’t even try, and they call us naïve for even thinking about pushing for them. Instead of saying ‘our ideas are better and here’s why’, they say ‘your ideas suck and can never be done’. They think they have the market cornered on what’s doable, and what’s doable to them is not very much at all. The Party stopped fighting for us a long time ago; now they either a) don’t want what we want and/or b) are happy to accept whatever crumbs the corporate/political power structure deems us worthy of getting. They have become officially the Party of “No We Can’t”.
We are issues voters and we are angry at the trajectory this country has been on for awhile; they don’t get that. It would have helped if they gave some full throated support for what are traditional New Deal/Great Society issues, but they didn’t. It would have helped if the Party and the Hillary campaign came out swinging on the voter problems that have been had in a host of states now, but they didn’t. Instead of doing some positive Democratic values reinforcement, they’ve been too busy tearing Bernie and us down and putting us in the place they see fit for us.
‘Shut up unless we need you’ isn’t a good GOTV or Party building strategy. It’s not our fault a lot of us feel the Party has left us; it’s the Party’s fault. It’s not our fault a lot of us won’t fall in line; it’s the Party’s fault. It’s not our fault that a lot of the folks who recently registered in the Party likely won’t stay in the Party for long; it’s the Party’s fault. If the Party’s candidate doesn’t win in November, it’s not our fault; it’s the Party’s fault for putting up a candidate that didn’t inspire more folks like us to want to go to the polls for that candidate.
When you consistently treat us with arrogance, disdain, and condescension – hell, even borderline contempt – well, that’s not inspiring at all. When you expect us to vote for your candidate cuz “winning” and “fear” but you keep treating us like children, don’t be surprised when we balk at showing up for your candidate. And when you talk in absolutes as if the primaries are over and insinuate that we’d better “behave and not cause trouble” as if we were just a bunch of kids that need to stay in line, well, don’t be surprised if we can’t be ‘brought to heel’.

about to go up at Orange if anyone
wants to rec me... :o
Very good essay. I just left (21:55 Pacific Time) and you had 304 recs and 1,088 comments. I think there was steam rising from some of the comments. I never go there except in cases like this.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I will log into "All Hillary, All The Time" just to rec you. Excellent essay. It expresses exactly how I feel. "Behave" indeed.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Kicked out til the end of May: too truthful, evidently
so I cope by posting to facebook and commenting there.
Strangely, few of my progressive friends follow the GOS: or watch television: they are wise.
ok - up at Orange... here's the linky...
they may get petty and ban me for this...
Good luck, poligirl :)
Love the title!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Your guts deserved some glory--went back for a deserved
T&R. Congrats to you.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Went over an rec'd it.
Then I looked at the comments section. Good grief!
I went to lurk for the first time in weeks
Wish I hadn't
It is toxic over there.
This comment says everything...
censhorship is evil. The fact that you have to worry about retaliation is censhorship in itself. Fuck that place and those people.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
did not see it until this morning, poli
447 recs as of now, one of those is mine. Great post.
You'll forgive me if I skipped most of the 1300+ comments there, lol. Followed one though to this link THE POLITICAL REVOLUTION WILL CONTINUE LONG AFTER BERNIE SANDERS’ CAMPAIGN. HERE’S HOW.
Still growing
486 as of now. I'm number 486
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
Great rant, etc.
It's the party's own damn fault.
right on!
I'm afraid to rec it OT
Pathetic, I know.
I don't see anything that would be flaggable, but that doesn't matter to them.
I do wonder if anyone will pull some racism weirdness since $hillary used the phrase about black youth. That would actually be funny though, because they'd be admitting that the horrible skank said it.
could have been gracious??
I don't want their condescending bull shit. I'll take my vote and give it to Trump because it is the only protest vote that will count.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
well, i was trying to appear magnanimous, lol...
Comments At GOS Are A Cesspool
That place will never be the same. kos has destroyed his own creation. I hope he's happy with all the DINO freaks. Maybe that was his intention all the while.
Truth, Empower Ink!
Ain't that the truth! Nasty, argumentative trolls everywhere -- in a Linux diary, for crying out loud?
Much mo'betta here. Let's keep it that way!!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
And very suspicious UIDs
Just saw another one in a comment to this article. Guy's profile says he joined in 2008, has almost no mojo, and has made a grand total of 28 comments - with the first one being in January.
Who the hell hangs around GOS for eight freaking years and never utters a peep until now?
Do I have to mention which side he's on?
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
I beginning to think it's like domain names
Someone in the past created a whole bunch of accounts knowing they might be worth something in the future. I wouldn't be surprised to see them being sold on Ebay to the highest bidder. Unless of course, the Clinton campaign bought the whole lot.
In all seriousness though, some of those newly awakened sleeper accounts are owned by Hillary operatives. One was so obvious they were banned. Then they came back with a sock puppet, that I reported, and were banned again within an hour of my report. The Clinton people knew she would be running again way back in 2008. It doesn't cost anything to setup and account and I suspect many/most of those newly awakened accounts are owned by the Hillary campaign.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
I Think You're Probably Right
There is something just way too weird about all the unrecognized names over there now.
I remember reading about the alleged Facebook invites and some little voice in my head whispered bullshit. I think this was just a way to explain all the "new" people we'd be seeing.
Let's face it, for weal or woe, GOS became a major player during the Bushista's Days of Shock-n-Awe and everybody knew it. I had a queasy feeling when even the major networks started reporting on what was on there It wouldn't take a political genius to understand the tremendous advantage of a place like that in an upcoming campaign.
What bothers me the most is that this former powerhouse of progressives now looks like a $2 whore leaning against her lamppost.
(did I say that in my outside voice?)
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
It's like blogger's Telefon
The woods are lovely, dark and deep....
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Orwell was an optimist
would you like to expand on that thought? 'Cause I'm straining here.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Sure... DK HRC diehards... Who walked enmasse from DK after
The site went all In For Obama but didn't go the GBCW back then... Have now become the new DK power base. They are still PUMAS but now they are free to tell anyone who dares not SIPPORT her to GTFO and they do.
Orwell was an optimist
AH! Okay, gotcha
I'd kind of blocked that whole thing from my front brain for reasons that surpass understanding.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Probably no one cares but
I should have looked more carefully. I said the guy joined in 2008, which is true. But then I said his first comment was in January. Being as he only had 28 comments at that point, I didn't look closely enough and assumed it was last January. It wasn't. First comment was in January 2008.
It's probably NBD and few give a rat's, but when I screw up I like to admit to it.
That said. The member's comment history pretty much proves your theory - at least in this case. First comment January 18, 2008. A few, widely scattered ones that summer, nearly all of them in Hillary/Obama diaries. Last comment of that year was December 24, 2008.
Then he disappeared, until April 29, 2016. He's been posting daily ever since.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
how bout in bizarro world HRC beats the FBI & Trump turns NY red
that's not a real scenario, I don't think.
Okay, t&r even though I was afraid
Also left a comment.
Ack, what a horrible place it's become!
good for you
there's nothing we need to be afraid of. If you ever get banned or TO'd, take a screen shot and wear it like a badge of honor! It's good for street cred on other blogs, LOL.
Bravo! There's more important things to be worried about.
You think Bernie's worried about Markos?
Canadian wildfires still burning, reaching Saskatchewan
I can't look anymore. I'm just playing Ry Cooder's
(Hey Poligirl, good to see you here.)
To thine own self be true.
good to see you too Marilyn! hope you are well!
and i've been following the animal rescues from the fire area...
Well said, poligirl
And I'm glad you posted it OT.
The usual suspects came in to flame Bernie and his supporters, but had no problems with what Rendell said.
I flagged the guy who called GS a jackass. Another new member there that writes shitty comments and gets recced.
Personal attacks are only bad when they come from Bernie supporters.
As I have mentioned before, everything that was bad when the republicans were doing them are fine now that it's a democrat doing them.
That's some pretzlelized logic
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
pretzlelized logic
Where did you find pretzels made in Celto-Viking knotwork?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Great diary.
Glad you "bumped" the then current diary off the top of the rec list. Apparently all the world problems have been solved and now the only problem is where Kos sticks his rec button.
But to go along with that stupid diary, that same diarist said in a comment there recently that no one ever comes to this site.
Someone called Rendell a jackass. I wholeheartedly agree with them.
no one ever comes to c99p?
Yeah, right. 3 costly server upgrades to keep up with new traffic created by "no one".
Of course, that "diarist" lives in the Bizarro universe anyway, so that would be rational where she comes from....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Caucus99percent? No one goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.
Hey, hey,
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
There's some people that monitor
what we say here and then report it back there. How childish is that?
I wouldn't be surprised to see our comments from here show up in block quotes there.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That diarist is the queen of mean girls
and so unhappy in her life that she is so bitter. I actually feel sorry for her sometimes -- she's so unhappy and tries to take it out on everyone else.
I was thinking of a different queen of the
Mean Girls, but I guess 2 can share the throne. And no, I'm not talking about Killary, but I know the mean girl queen I'm thinking of is a total shill for the hill. I had forgotten (thankfully) about your mean queen.
OT: while searching for the above queen of mean, I ran across a fundraiser for Weezlgirl. She's one of the good ones.
Yeah, top of the rec list
some of those comments...
Democratic party is still wearing blinders, and pretending it's 2008
Remember when shrillary told Rachel M. "It's what one does" - about why she supported Obama so strongly in 2008. Bull shit - she HAD TO - she wanted to run for POTUS again. Now think she's delusional enough to believe that people believe what she says is true. Nevah!
Seems to me for alot on this site, Clinton Trumps Rendell
What if Rendell and the DNC were more accommodating regarding the "issues", would that make Sanders supporters vote for Clinton? Appears to me there's a lot of Sanders supporters and they all won't act the same on this. I'd guess over half will vote for Clinton but there will be a sizeable percentage that will not no matter what people like Ed Rendall say because it's Hillary Clinton, a war criminal we're talking about in the end. For many it's not really about the Democratic party, it's about Hillary Clinton. If Sanders wins the nomination the Sanders supporters will gladly vote democratic party for President. If it's Clinton, there's going to be a split.
(Hi poligirl
Tipped and recommended
Those people STILL do not get it. It is about the issues and Hillary refuses to address them. I am pissed as hell about the Democratic party and how it and most of its top members have betrayed those of us on the left. I will not be shamed into voting for her.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I won't be shamed, bullied, or frightened
into voting for Hillary.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Let it burn to the ground; IDGAF anymore. If that's what it takes to get some actual progress in this country, so be it.
This shit is bananas.
It's not only the Democratic Party that has
betrayed us when they became Clinton democrats, but it's also people like the ones OT that are supporting Hillary and what SHE stands for and who she will represent.
The number of issues that they have turned a blind eye to is what amazes me about them.
Like I wrote earlier, it was wrong when the GOP took the banker's money, started unnecessary and illegal wars, but once Obama and Hillary started doing the same things it was acceptable. Especially her taking the money because that's the only way for her to beat Trump.
Even though Bernie showed that the money could from donations from the people instead of the corporations.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
front page post. - trump leading Hillary in a poll.
Of course, it is the wrong poll, spin, spin, spin.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Yeah, I saw that.
I wanted to ask them how it felt. Jackasses.
And yes, I rec'd and commented on poligirl's diary. Well said. Hear, hear!
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
which front pager wrote it?
I might take a look, just to have a good giggle.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It was good for a giggle! lol!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Kos wrote it.
ETA: I was wrong. Ian wrote it.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
We’re dealing with people who want us to think a lie about Obama
having been born in Kenya or something is much more reprehensible than, say, a lie about Iraq having nuclear weapons that leads to millions of people killed or displaced.
Or that talking about using torture is much more reprehensible than, say, violating international treaties by shielding torturers from prosecution, arguing that critics of torture are being “sanctimonious.”
I don’t know how to begin to talk to people whose priorities are that warped.
It's not about Hillary for me
It's the whole party. TOP isn't made up of random people. The Hillary supporters there are the party functionaries and hangers on that run the show.
If I want to know what the Democratic party thinks about people like me, it's really easy to find.
I don't care what they claim to be for or against. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting, and frankly, it tastes like fucking shit. Mandatory insurance is another form of welfare for rich people, not healthcare.
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
Health care is to mandatory health insurance
As auto repair is to mandatory auto insurance.
I see a lot of broken cars.
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
Calling it "Affordable" was quite Orwellian too
When it first came out, it would have cost me over $700/mo w/a $6000 deductible (1 adult & 2 teens) and iirc nothing was covered other than part of cost of well check/required visit for prescription renewal. Even scripts weren't covered until the unattainable deductible was reached. I say unattainable because I couldn't have afforded to pay the premium AND all the healthcare too.
Now the premiums are even higher. Only would have received subsidy if I had made over $30k. I still don't make even near that much.
It's not affordable. The name is right out of a Koch "grassroots" organization play book on naming.
Welfare for the rich
Is exactly what ACA is, forced allegiance to insurance companies. Obama is a disappointment to me, I voted for change and got more of the same. I prefer Sanders, but if he is not an option I am voting for Trump.
Although I must admit,
at the age of 71 I don't mind being called young and naive. Of course, I think the whole human race is naive.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
The only time I am told
I am foolish, young, naïve, is by Hillary supporters. By everyone else, I am mostly in that 'Hey, you are cool for someone your age!" bracket.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Perhaps they mean to compliment us.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
that must be it.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Undoubtedly so. n/t
record 110K voters change registration in OR!!!
I think Oregon will surprise Donald Hillary.
In Oregon, there's been a race to register as a R or a D so that you could actually vote for Bernie.
It's a closed primary here. Just saw this in the BS rag called the Oregonian. 110K some kind of record.
linky dink http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2016/05/recor...
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Quite why anyone would want to be a member of such a party
is beyond me.
As far as I'm concerned, they can all take a very long walk over a very short cliff.......... with the GOS people in the vanguard.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Almost Makes Me Wish
I could go up to Cleveland for this shindig just so I could drool on someone, eat with my hands, or... you know belch like rolling thunder.
But I ventured back into the hellhole of N/E Ohio for the last time when my Mom passed away. Cleveland and today's Democratic Party. What a pair.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Cleveland is the GOP Convention... teh Dems are in (lolol)
the city of brotherly love... :o
city of brotherly love
-- James E. Riley, 1951
[n.b.: Mr. Riley was my grandfather, my mother's dad. He was a native of Pittsburgh. The above-quoted utterance occurred while he was attempting to perform a necessary navigation through Philly one afternoon.]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Sorry about your mom.
My mom's gone on to her reward. She wanted her head stone to say "I was a good Democrat", but my brother thought that was tacky.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thank you
She's missed daily, but lived a very full life and passed away just three months shy of her 100th birthday.
I disagree with your brother. I'd have put that on her stone in an instant.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Yes it is
And, in my defense, I got very little sleep last night. Been babbling incoherently all day.
BTW, T&R'd this over at GOS, but didn't take in much of the "discussion."
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
T&R'd over there.
Wretched place, trolls got the first comment; descended from there.
If for no other reason I hate going there now because that site is such a pig. I have Google fiber and it takes FOREVER for pages and comments to load.
Once this is settled I'm dumping that dump for good. What a shame.
I replied that McCaskill was going to have to show a couple of years worth of better decisions before she can count on my vote again!
twittered it,
but I am stupid to have twittered it from the dailykos site and not from here.
Mimi, you're NOT stupid, so stop that!
You have a kind heart, a sharp mind, and are not, in any way, stupid. Please stop putting yourself down. Okay?
:-) jawohl ! - I will try, but I was stupid, because
if I twitter a story from the c99p site instead of twittering the same story from TOP, it would bring clicks to C99p, whereas if I twitter from the TOP site, it gives clicks to dear leader Markos, and I have become greedy and don't want to do that.
I kind of can't figure out how to get a new twitter name as well, another sign of stupidity. I guess I was too lazy to really try hard. So, may be I am more lazy than stupid. Deal?
No deal, lol :-)
I get your point, but you're not stupid. Deal?

No, no deal, I am still too stupid to figure out
your avatar image. And you won't tell me. How about we settle that over a

No ?
See, I told you so ...
It's a chicken wearing sunglasses
Silly woman:-)
Okay poligirl... you got me
Okay poligirl... you got me to go over there! (gryn) Tipped and Recc'd and stayed long enough to laugh at and T&R the pootie diaries, as well as the ones on the "Beast" wildfire. I have a friend (actually, an old beau) who lives in Edmonton, so I've been watching this one from the beginning.
Well said and I agree completely.
Tipped and rec'd over at that fucked up place.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
We have the numbers, we have the communications, why not Green?
So the 3rd way has doffed the FDR mask they have been hiding behind and donned an Obama mask.
My family was Democratic with Jackson, Republican, from the civil war up until FDR, when the Democrats essentially swapped philosophical places with the Republican,
A label is not policy and belief in policy is what we share and what holds up together.
I believe we have a more effective voice if we go Green together, IF BERNIE DOES NOT WIN THE MOST PLEDGED DELEGATES, WHICH HE STILL HAS A GOOD CHANCE OF DOING, rather than voting for Trump, or sitting it out.
We can disburse or we can wheel in formation and fight on as Greens.
Bernie gets AT LEAST 40% of the 28% who call themselves Democrats.
He gets 70% of the 42% that are independents.
That is like 10% plus 28% which means that it is likely he would get 38%
in the general. If Hillary and Trump split the rest, Bernie wins a plurality and the issue goes to the New House, (but the Old House can still try and muck it up.
Each state will get one vote, So we need to show enough strength for 26 states to vote for Bernie to get him elected president.
It will make it crystal clear that they care not a fig for the people if they vote for the Hillary just because of the Democratic label.
If they DO they will find themselves facing SERIOUS Green Congressional Candidates their next time out.
Because of the 20th Amendment (adopted in 1933), those who vote would be the individuals who were elected to the House of Representatives in November 2012. Unlike the situation in 1800 and 1824, the only two times that the House has actually selected the president, the outgoing Congress no longer chooses the President. (but they will assuredly throw a fit and try)
The road is long and not easy at all, but at the end of the day, do you want your grandchildren to remember you as a fighter or as one who went along.
Completely agree -great post
over 1200 comments over at the Great Orange Ugly and counting.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Great diary poligirl!
This is much appreciated and needed. Thanks.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Rendell, HRC and Trump are in favor of genocide
Rendell, Clinton, Trump: turning the U.S. into an extraction colony for the .01% and the fucking MSM are too fat stupid and lazy to do their job.
Mommy, am I a Superpredator?
(imagined conversation between a child and her mother) Mommy, someone at recess told me Hillary Clinton called kids like me superpredators and then this guy that works for her, Eddie Randal, said mommies like you that support Mr. Sanders need to be brought to heel. Am I a Superpredator? Are you?
Great diary with well over
Great diary with well over five hundred recs!!!
Hi poligirl
Good one! I've been gardening for the last week or so so I missed this on Sunday. Went over today and reced and tipped it. Those people over there are so stupid. Loved how they call liberals 'purist' and then turn around and call the same lefty purist's RW Republicans. Doesn't it occur to them since HRC is going after the Bush list that their candidate is a real Republican? They are as pig ignorant and ass backwards as the RW teabagger's they fear and loath.
They could care less about what The Mad Bomber is going to do once she is crowned. Anything including starting WW3 and bringing us all to heel for Goldman Sachs/Koch Bros. as they are pragmatic and rule the world. The disconnect from reality is hard to read. Maybe they really believe Axelrod's world as we find it is not only inevitable but good.
They are not Democratic loyalist's but authoritarian loving royalist's. Not to mention that this rigged so called primary is a farce of democracy. It's dirty politics and she is gonna win. Just reading the comments made me want to vote for Trump so I had to log off. Back to digging in the dirt if I can get my aching muscles to comply. See you around.