The Watchers

This is down the street from me. As you can see from the multitiude of videos, this has been going on for some time. It is a neighborhood blight. When the police come, they cite the harrassers, never him, but he is the one who screams epithets out to my street.

It's also kind of funny, if you listen to it from your backyard anonymously. I don't understand the attraction, though. It's not like this is the thing you would plan your night around. I imagine it's bored twenty-somethings. We really gotta give them something to do.

I don't watch the videos, I don't need to, of course, I live this.

The connection I see is that revealed by the book written by Phillip Roth this one, in which violence incrementally ratcheted up in America in the War years, instead of being defused, it was exacerbated, and the result was, well predictable.

I connect the Watchers (plural, he has a son) with this story, probably to address my paranoiac instincts; i.e., this could escalate into general mayhem. Mostly it's annoying, but, having experienced this particular years-long degradation, I could not imagine living in a true inner city ghetto. Although I was born in an "Irish-Italian ghetto", I always had a chance, always had an opportunity. So I was able to escape. I want to afford that opportunity to all.

I believe that a government of the people should afford such opportunity to all, and I believe that we all should agree that it is in our best interests to allow for that and thereby promote the truly best of us, regardless of race, color, or creed.

It's in the Constitution.

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riverlover's picture

I would be getting weird and paranoiac if there were carloads of 20-somethings looking at my house all day. Not sure how I would respond, except that I would never live there to begin with.

I can see the neighborhood being frustrated, with extra traffic, an unkempt house and driven-to-crazy owners(?). I get it that if it is an ownership situation, the cops can't do anything except chase the lookers off. The municipality (and neighbors) can't push the owner to at least put windows back in (what is the deal with that?). Everyone but the lookers are mad, probably.

I think I would tell those young people to FO. You are right, nothing good will come of this. And it does drive locals to a bunker mentality.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Bluesee's picture

I have heard that he is a graphic designer. They say he worked on the movie "Up" in LA. I don't know his name.

I never make eye contact with him, so far so good.

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Bernie is a win-win.

Raggedy Ann's picture

the attraction to this activity. It seems like harassment to me. Unfortunately, the dwellers have responded and made it an attraction. These twenty-somethings need good jobs that pay well.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Citizen Of Earth's picture

This comment (under this video ) tells a rather tragic story. Maybe true, maybe not. But I don't see the point of harrassing people who likely mentally unstable -- for whatever reason.

patrick larocca
patrick larocca1 month ago
From what I've read (take it with a grain of salt) they are a family who were traumatized by their daughter being kidnapped, raped, and killed. They've supposedly suffered a mental breakdown and threaten people who seem suspicious. They don't trust anyone and are therefore harassed for it. Why this is considered a "landmark" or a "must see location" is beyond me, but all I'm advocating is that laughing at others mental issues is, in my opinion, a dick move.?

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Bluesee's picture

It's certainly sad. I don't think this would happen without the internet videos..

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Bernie is a win-win.