Reflecting on what I have done
I got timed out for a week on D Kos today. I don't know what triggered it but am pretty unhappy which I guess will make someone happy. The thing is, although I am certainly no saint I do work hard to not just attack. To actually have a point to make. I made some intemperate remarks early on but......
Please feel free to take a look at my comment history and tell me where I strayed from civil discourse. I can take it, Doc. Just give it to me straight.
Sorry, I don't want to whine. BFD. A week. But for what? Be a grown up and say you disagree but to just fuck someone over because you disagree without just saying so smacks of cowardice.
It sure doesn't give me warm fuzzies for the other side, though. And yeah. By that I do mean Clinton supporters who pull and or endorse this kind of thing. To the convention! American Spring into July. And beyond.

A. WC once said, "I would never join a club that would have me as a member." Others quoted him without attribution. "If YOU are given a thyme out, why do Easter Bunnies crap chocolate eggs?"
B. Stalin once said, "It really doesn't matter who can vote. What matters is who counts the votes." What would an honest public servant named Debbie Whatsername Schultz say? (OK trick question here. )
C. If the MANX meteor has no tail, then are all fairy tails grimm, or ae soppy?
D. What is the ultimate way to slice a PI?
If tin whistles are made of tin, what are fog horns made of?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
You tricky dog
a. WC once said 'Yes madam, I am drunk, but in this season, there will be no rainbow unicorn crapping Easter Bunnies, get it?. Man I think I'll stay drunk the next 4 years'. Or something like that.
b. HAHAHAHAHAHA .. tricky dog, as if.
c. I don't judge meteors
d. Can't answer, I don't deal with pie anymore, I'm all thumbs!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Been there done that.
Was Timed Out a week ago and have lived to tell the tale. Suspect I'll soon be banned becuz I can't keep my mouth shut while HRC gets closer to her throne.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Stopped going there
And commenting there is a waste of time.
Not to mention a health risk from the stress it creates.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Why do you buy into and care about a blog
That prohibits speech, pits people against one another, and sits adults In a corner with a time out as if they were children?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Spot on DK
I haven't even checked in there on fast approaching a month. Not missing it in the least. I don't miss the asshole clinton supporters. I don't miss the anal grammar police. I don't miss the *yawn* "front pagers" and most of all, I don't miss the egomaniac, phony "Democrat" that owns the place. We've made him rich over the years and by not going over there we'll slow down if not turn off his money spigot...
Note; I do miss the environmental diaries. Fish, Pakablo?, MB. I thought I may be missing something on that front but the information is out there if you look for it. I did stumble across this site recently called Circle of Blue. Lots of good info...
Hey Mimikins!
Ma gentil ami, I recommend most strongly that you not place any too much store in anything done over at TOP (That Other Place). Once upon an ancient time, it was a good place to hang out with fellow progressives; but the commercial management of the site went clear into the septic tank for the Turd Way and Hillary Clinton on March 15. Ever since then, punishments for dissent from the Clintonite/Third Way/Conservadem line have increased beyond either rationality or even belief. Moreover, the injustice collectors and Victim Poker Players there (if "privilege" is part of their argument, you've got one of these) now run everything that the commercial management does not.
I would take this as a sign that you should join our General Strike against TOP (no more free content, no more participation except for Bernie and OPOL Diaries) and instead spend your valuable blogging time where you're appreciated: here at C99P!
Seriously: TOP's founder and owner, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (kos), has shot his first and best Internet creation in the foot, and himself with it:
There is no reason what-so-fucking-ever to allow him to shoot you, too.
So just hang here instead, that's what I say!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Look up "abuser traits" online
Seriously, read about this stuff. It's important. And when you interact with anybody, and I mean anybody; ask yourself how much their behavior reminds you of what you've read.
I think that blog has a bad case of abusive personality disorder. There's a lot of that going around. It always comes down from the top, though.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
my link about injustice collectors
....... is one of the ones that list abuser traits. (In that case, the specific abuser traits of injustice collectors/Victim Poker players.) So she can start reading about abuser traits even before going to the Google!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
My late husband had a touch of IC,
his sister is 10X worse. OT I have two strikes, so I am put on parole forever. Screw that.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I just received a warning about tipping a comment
That says things like what is in this diary, yet the link in not clickable so how the hell am I to know what I tipped?
Fuck them. I'm not a baby that needs to be told I made a boo boo.
Jesus, that place has gone further off the wheels.
I'm hoping it crashes and burns soon.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
If you want to help it along....
stop visiting the site...
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
You must examine your conscience and then confess
did you or did you not tip a comment that advocated a capital crime? like murder for example?
Just kidding. I do believe the site will die from being boring. Echo chambers peopled with corporate spammers get very boring in no time.
To thine own self be true.
Let it go
who cares, really, that place is a dead zone. Welcome to cc99% and please remember this is not a partisan site and it is not a place whose purpose is lob shots across dkos's bow. I hope anyway. A timeout? Oh my God! Take it as a sign that perhaps you need to get off that place and take your mind and spirit back. Your addicted to a sick, sick farce of a web site that is nothing but toxic. Hang around here and read something else besides fear and loathing taken to ridiculous degrees of insanity. Take a deep breath and welcome to the real world. Why be unhappy your free to just get on with it instead of knocking your head against an authoritarian brick wall.
An Election Day Story About Clinton-Mentality People [edited]
What you experienced just might be an across-the-board way of seeing and doing things.
Early on Election Day I got a call from a Bernie admin in NC asking if there were any Bernie signs at my poling place. I told her I was just on my way out to vote. She told me if there weren't any signs she'd make some calls and get it seen to.
I (we) went to the poll, voted, and I noticed that there weren't any signs. So, I came home, got all of my remaining Bernie signs and bumper stickers, and returned to the poll. There, I proceeded to put up my signs.
While I was trying to put up my first sign, I got to talking to a middle-aged black guy, (I was having trouble with my left hand and it was in my brace), so I asked him to help me hold up the sign while I unraveled the masking tape.
He didn't know much about Bernie. No wonder, says I, they've been ignoring him of the TV. I was telling him about how Bernie got handcuffed to a black woman in the '60s during the Civil Rights Era, how he'd always been a straight shooter, how he wasn't rich, in sum, all the good shit Bernie did and stands for.
There was also a Hillary woman putting up signs. She was crowing, "Hillary's going to stomp all over him," and cackling as she did so.
So, I turned to the guy and said, "I've never heard Bernie say anything about stomping on people."
He hadn't voted yet. Who knows, maybe I made a convert.
[edit] I called the admin back and told her it was all taken care of. I used up all my signs up and down the street leading to the poll and even stapled up all my bumper stickers.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Obama/Clinton represent a
Obama/Clinton represent a slow moving takeover the democratic party by Bush/Cheney voters. It is just happening at a quicker pace now, because Obamacrats don't care that Hillary supported the war, so her supporters can get away with being brazen now.
That is an excellent observation, betterdems,
and something I hadn't seen that way til just now. Thank you. Is that part of the reason why it is hard to tell if it is their party or ours?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
You bet. You have to
You bet. You have to consider that PNAC founder Robert Kagan and Bill Kristol support her now, as a way of heading off Rump. The Koch brothers support her too. Just tonight there was a thread on GOS, where Trump was called "surrender monkey" because he didn't want to go to War with Russia over the Ukraine. If you recall this was a favored freeper insult to describe those of us who protested the Iraq war. It sounds like redstate now.
I keep writing comments about how the site was
against everything Obama and Hillary are doing now, but were against it when bush and cheney and the republicans were doing them.
The wars of aggression, the drones that are killing thousands of innocent civilians and especially taking money from shady corporations and banks.
And how they railed against citizens united, but it's okay now for Hillary to take advantage of it.
One response I got asked if I knew that CU was decided because of Hillary.
I don't think that the person understood what it was about originally and how the Supreme Court made up some bogus ruling that had no connection to the original complaint
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The hardest part is allowing yourself
to accept the likelihood that almost all of the people around you have contracted some weird brain disease not unlike one of those "B" horror flicks from the '50's. The symptoms were almost amusing as we watched them progressively take over the Repubs finally leaving them blithering idiots unable to do more than repeat the first thing they heard that morning. To see it in people that you've known and respected for years (including those that you went to for the tv news)is scary. It's not something one can willingly admit. It's not contagious, but it is contractible. Hopefully, it is also temporary. Like the reports of the French villagers that ate mouldy bread in the 1800's.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
They are abuse symptoms
No roles seem possible other than abuser, victim, bystander, or rescuer. It's horrifyingly common and makes it impossible for people to work together as peers.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Yup. And those four fit almost
every narrative presented by the MSM. Gets confusing when the abusers scream that they are victims and the rescuers stand around watching the show. One of the responses now is that the $hill would most graciously support Bernie if he was the winner. Setting themselves up to be victims again by gloatingly calling Bernie a loser. (We can't possibly allow a Reepo to blah blah blah.) What they can't seem to grasp is that it no longer matters what $hillary does. It just doesn't matter at all. She already done it. What matters is what WE do. They all really expect us to just disappear: turn back into the bystanders rescued by the nobly sacrificing Clinton. Bet SHE doesn't feel MY pain.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Free Speech Zones
I remember when progressives protested them. Now they give "time outs"...
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
time outs
Progressives -- real ones, anyway -- aren't giving "time outs", they're getting them.
Fucking Ichabod, people! The glory really is gone from over there.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Pi has always been at war with Cobbler
Why will there will always be a war between the sexes?
Too much collaboration with the enemy! (the only rational analysis of war ever made by Henry Kissinger)
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
i wonder
what people still at orangewater hope to accomplish on a site owned by a dnc shill, who has given free-reign to his dnc acolytes to abuse anyone that isn't a dnc acolyte.
cut the cord. fuck that shit. orangewater has been dead since version shit.0.
As most of from TOP realize, for however many years
we were groomed to become DNC operatives, of the Third Way flavor. Whether Moulitsas was a CIA wannabe or not, he read their playbook about grooming operatives. It started as an amusing fancy that the DNC could be brought into the 21st century, and be responsive to the concerns of the Little Man. Once hooked, the gate turned and the new way out was a way back into the fold of the unrepentant arms of the power that we were allowed to criticize before. Or else.
Screw crashing the gates, hop the damned wall!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Mimikins - You are an adult
You don't deserve to be virtually sat in the corner and told to "reflect upon what you have done" as if you were a 5 year old child... you have a right to your opinion. As do we all. Please, don't take this kind of abuse to heart...and that is exactly what it is...abuse.
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
If you're a thinking adult
you get treated like that over there. As several people have said, it is abusive. It is also really creepy. Have you read George Orwell's "Animal Farm"? George knew about creepy social dynamics.
You've reached a healthy place here.
I spent quite a bit of time in your latest diary (which I
uprated) and in your comments and I'm not seeing anything, Mimikins. Unless someone misread quickly and thought you were supporting Repubs? Or a tag team flagged your quite reasonable comments into oblivion (there have to be three comments flagged for that to matter)? We can't see flags any more, but I don't see anything hide rated. Or it was another mistake that they made? What did they tell you when they timed you out? They used to say specifically what the "offense" was, links and all.
While I agree to some extent with people here who say, "Don't worry about it, just stay here and be happy," I can also see why you would want to know regardless of your ultimate decision where to write. Let me know if you have more info. If I can look at a specific comment I might be able to decode for you; but as it is, all your comments over the past few days look fine to me even from a Kos standpoint.
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