Open Sesame 04/23/16

I am still trying to puzzle out what is "concave," and what is "convex," so that I can know about the mask, and thus determine whether I am schizophrenic. Or not.
Meanwhile, there is a different-one Science Man image, with which we can test our various brains. And that is the one down yonder, there to the right.
When you look at it, does it make you uncomfortable? Would you rather look away? Look away? Look away? Even unto Dixieland? Does your skin, maybe it crawl a little? Not far. But a little? Does your hair, it start to hurt? Is the ol' stomach, sorta churnin'? Has the breath, it gone kinda fast? The heart, now, more pitter-pat? Head hurt? Feet stink? Don't love Jesus? Do you feel a sudden and overwhelming need, for Medicine?
If so, it is possible that you are a trypophobia sufferer. Trypophobia, this is the fear of holes. It is a malady that, for millennia, went undetected. Until it was discovered, on the intertubes. In 2005. And now, it is everywhere. So that there are support groups, for the sufferers. And earnest campaigns, to rid the world, of holes.
The wrongest holes, it develops, these include those in honeycombs, crumpets, sponges.
Maybe this is why all the bees are leaving. Because the trypophobiacs, they are waging secret, cunning, undetected war on them. On the bees. Because of the trypophobiacs' great Hate, for bee holes.
Some of the Science Men, they say it is perfectly normal, to not want there to be the holes.
Individuals who do not profess trypophobia still find trypophobic images aversive, although they do not experience the emotion.
They do so because the configuration gives the image mathematical properties that are shared by most images that cause visual discomfort, eyestrain or headache.
Images with these mathematical properties cannot be processed efficiently by the brain and therefore require more brain oxygenation.
In a paper, Paul Hibbard and [Arnold Wilkins] proposed the discomfort occurs precisely because people avoid looking at the images because they require excessive brain oxygenation.
The brain uses about 20 per cent of the body's energy, and its energy usage needs to be kept to a minimum.
So holes, they suck all the oxygen, out of people's brains.
This oxygen deprivation, it then causes people to vote for The Hairball.
I have to admit that I suffer a variation on this hole-fear. And that is the fear that I will be lying in bed, at night, in the dark. And, suddenly, Neil Diamond, he will be there. And he will be singing, "Holly Holy."
Not many people understand that Neil Diamond, he is a serious acidhead.
But it's true. And it is easily proven. Just take a look at the lyrics to his song "I Am I Said":
i am i said
to no one there
and no one heard at all
not even the chair
Now, the first and most common reaction to these lines, is that the man is a moron. A songwriter so imbecilic, inept, and/or indolent, that he was unable to rhyme with "there," any word but "chair." And so he conjures a word-picture of a chair, not listening, whilst Diamond, he is ranting around, there in the song, about having to earn more money than Midas out in Los Angeles, rather than in New York. When anyone Normal knows, chairs, they are not about hearing. Chairs, they're just not real big, on listening. Even when the babbling songster, it is not Neil Diamond.
But here is why we know Diamond is an acid-eater. Because it is said that it required Diamond four months to complete this song. And even that chimp, the one that snoozed in the sleep chamber with Michael Jackson, he could come up with a better rhyme to "there," than "chair," in four months. So, this inclusion of "chair," it was clearly deliberate and considered and intentional.
See, the simple truth of the matter, is that Diamond, he was pissed. Because, like all psychedelic people, he knows that chairs, they listen, when they feel like it. But this chair, it didn't feel like it, when it was not listening, to Diamond, piss and moan, there in the song, about being a king, but still having the ennui. So Diamond, he called out the chair. In the song. For not hearing him.
It is, mostly, psychedelic people, who know about the listening chairs. Thus, Diamond, he is a serious acidhead.
This is logic. Occam's razor. Cui bono.
Holes, they are rarely ever wholly good or bad. Duality, it is stupid and boring, and the holes, they know this. Holes, like most everything else, most often slide along gradations, on the "good" and "bad" scale.
Take the holes in the human body. There are a number of these. All are there for a reason. All perform useful functions. Yet all are also subject to various afflictions, infirmities, blockages. All can bring great pleasure. As all can bring fundamental pain.
The Hairball, it is well-known, that he suffers from a severe, and, at his advanced age, completely incurable, form of trypophobia. One that is, unfortunately, all too common, among human males. And that is vaginal trypophobia.
We have spoken of this before. The Hairball, he lives in mortal fear, of the vagina. He is like the callow boy of eight or nine, who thinks girls are gross and icky and have cooties; and their vaginas, they are terrifying yawning mouths, waiting to swallow him up.
All of The Hairball's public utterances about vaginas, they express fear, loathing, contempt. Thus, when The Mad Bomber needed to use the restroom during a pause in a debate, The Hairball, he writhed in horror: "I know where she went—it's disgusting, I don't want to talk about it. No, it's too disgusting. Don't say it, it's disgusting." When a Mean Girl, she refused to appropriately acknowledge his godhood, The Hairball was riven with terrifying visions of "blood coming out of her whatever." And, when The Hairball sought the ultimate putdown, of Zed Crud, the creepy, sinister vampire who is his opponent, because Crud had declined to endorse waterboarding, and various and sundry other tortures that give The Hairball's micropenis a little mini-boner, whenever he fantasizes about inflicting them on the brown people, The Hairball publicly derided Crud as "a pussy."
The reason why The Hairball, before recently restrained by his new masters, would stay up all night and pound away on his twit machine, is because he is every night afraid to go to sleep. And cannot get there. Without many sedatives. Because he is afraid. That when he is sleeping. The vaginas. They will Get him.
I recently visited an interesting universe. One where The Hairball, and The Mad Bomber, they did not punish the planet by entering politics. But were, instead, both of them, thespians. And both were in The Wizard Of Oz!
The Mad Bomber, naturally, was the Wicked Witch of the West. Here she is, melting:
The Hairball, he was The Cowardly Lion:
Unfortunately, there has been some seepage, from that universe, into this one. And thus, here, in this universe, The Mad Bomber, she seeks to melt the people that she bombs, rather than melting herself. And The Hairball, he thinks he gets to be the king of the forest, in this universe, too.
No. And no.
I do not fear sinkholes, really. But I'm certainly on to them.
This began several years ago, when I read about a man in Florida, who was sleeping one night, peacefully, in his bed, when a sinkhole opened up under his house, and swallowed him up.
You know, there are actually a depressing number of things one can worry about, here on this planet. But being et up by a sinkhole, while you sleep, that was not one of them. Until then.
So I went into some tubes, and I learned there that Florida, it is known as "geologically unstable." Because it consists, in the main, of porous limestone. Which is a "weakly soluble mineral formed from calcified deposits of sea creatures."
And these sea creatures, they do not want humans to build stuff on them. But because humans persist in building stuff on them, anyway, the limestone, sometimes it gets Sad, and then it sighs, into Holes.
And this Sighing, it occurs with some frequency. It is said that Florida insurers received 24,671 claims for sinkhole damage between 2006 and 2010 alone. That's an average of nearly 17 claims a day. This means that at least 17 sinkholes, they pepper the Floridian earth, every 24 hours.
Generally, when a person walks the earth, they do so in the knowledge that there is no real chance the earth will collapse beneath their feet.
This is no longer true. At least in Florida.
And, as we know from Election Day 2000: as Florida goes, so goes the nation.
Then, right where that Florida man had been swallowed by the sinkhole, two years later, a sinkhole opened again.
By this time, I had noticed that sinkholes, they were appearing, and with increasing frequency, in many places other than Florida—all over the globe—and in realms where they could not possibly be attributed to Sad calcified sea creatures, Sighing.
Something else, clearly, was going on. And I knew what it was. Especially when I gazed at photos of these sinkholes. Like that one, there, of a sinkhole that manifested in Guatemala. It does not even look Real. It looks like a bad matte shot. From the true-life documentary series, Fringe.
Yes. That is what these sinkholes are about. They are Fringe events. They are manifestations of the leakage that is occuring between this universe, and neighboring ones. Like that universe where The Hairball, and The Mad Bomber, they are in The Wizard Of Oz.
This leakage, as previously reported, it is intensifying. And, as a result—could be—things may get worse, before they get better. But, they will, get better. Because, they always do. Alpha, unto omega.
In the meantime, we shall have to take the "bad," with the "good." For, although these sinkholes, they are coming in from another universe—so, too, did Prince. So that we would not devolve, in fear, the way of The Hairball. But know the vagina. As what she is. Among, many magics: fine, feisty, little red corvette.

Loved this!
Ah hecate, you are the best thing I could have read at 2:30am -or any time! Made my evening. I have to admit, I did not like that picture of the little holes, but it might have been the little things sticking out of them that was disturbing me. And sinkholes absolutely disturb me. So it might be the holes after all.
Don't you love this site where we can read about holes, and Bernie, and how we might be able to win -maybe?
thank you!
I didn't like the little green holes, either. And the Science Men, they say this is natural. Because looking at them, the holes, it sucks the oxygen, right out of our brains. And then we will—the horror! the horror!—find value in The Hairball. So it is best. Not to look too long. At those holes. And the sinkholes, of course, they are not even from this universe. To look, long, at them, then, one must first be, Prepared.
Like Medusa. Not a good idea. To gaze long at her. Either.
Can I make the green thing contextual?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
of course
No hole, really, is scary, when viewed in context. ; )
Oh, no----
Sinkholes are still scary. I have fallen into one. Only 5' deep, I was 4' tall. And video of trees being sucked into a perforated salt dome, also scary.
Elevators are scary. They go up and down in a hole. Slippage is acceptable (not). Stairs are also scary, MC Escher proved that.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
are admittedly rude and scary. But when I read about the Sad calcified sea creatures, not wanting the humans to build things on them, but the humans then built things on them anyway, and so, the sad calcified sea creatures, they will sometimes Sigh, and thereby make a Hole, I had sympathy, for the sinkholes.
And when once one understands the Fringe Reality, then one will also understand why it is right and meet, to feel sympathy, for the other universe, that is, these days, slinging sinkholes, our way.
Since we are in a Fringe period, it is wise not to get on the elevators. The elevators, they are Wrong from the get-go, but they are especially fraught now. Elevators are in any event wholly unnecessary. Because no building should rise higher than four stories. Higher than that, is a sign of deep mental illness. It means you are in a city. And it is imperative that you leave, and at once.
Stairs should wind, and always connect, at the top, and at the bottom. Stairs want to be a mobius strip. And when they are not allowed to be, they pout, and are apt to injure people.
Scientists are covering up what sinkholes
really are.....
Everybody KNOWS this!
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
that is
depressing on all levels.
Apparently there are four sequels.
The horror. The horror.
And, I like it when you quote the Science Men!
Yes, the Science Men - here to help us all understand oxygen sucking, and cancer cells, and bees, and plastics. What would we do without the Science Men -live in huts, eat free food, wander around the beautiful earth, I guess.
they are so cute,
the Science Men. They know everything. Until an hour later. When they know something completely different.
So many of them. They would be so much better off. If they just ate some acid. Like Neil Diamond. And listened to a chair.
Good morning, hecate,
and 99ers. Hope all is well this fine Saturday morning.
Thank you for the Open Thread, hecate.
It's 4am here. 2 hours to sunrise. Pretty quiet here. Am just waiting to go outside, to the front porch, drink some coffee, and watch the sunrise. See if any holes have opened up overnight. I may have my fill of coffee before then. Might water the lawn a bit, and feel guilty about the water use. Rabbits munch on the lawn in the wee hours. I rarely see them.
It is 54 degrees F outside, and expected to get to the low 70s today. That will be nice.
we don't have to feel guilty, about watering. For one thing, because it thunderstormed, and hailed, yesterday. But also because, this is a little microclimate Shangri-La. For over the past four years of California "drought," our little reservoir, it has filled, every year. And this year, plants are so confident the dry has passed, that bulbs I have never seen before, are poking their little heads above ground. And a rose, from seed I guess, decided now is the time, to make the move. Science Men, they do their best. But, it is, really, wisest, to See, and to Know, from what Nature, herself, all around you, says.
amen, thanks hecate
That green planty thing disturbed me not for holes, but for
its resemblance to eyes. Being stared at by many, many eyes. Does that make me paranoid?
Living in Kentucky, I know all about holes. We also have a limestone base that erodes. Thus Mammoth Caves, for example. Also limestone, being basic, melts in rain, especially acid rain. And so we lose classic cars to sinkholes. But our sinkholes tend to sink slowly, so at least we don't lose many lives.
Sinkhole opens under the Corvette Museum
As for Neil Diamond, you're correct; I never thought of that. I have thought, however, that the author of MacArthur Park was seriously tripping.
MacArthur Park is melting in the dark,
All the sweet green icing flowing down,
Someone left the cake out in the rain,
I don't think that I can take it,
'Cause it took so long to bake it,
And I'll never have that recipe again,
Oh no!
Now I hate the loss of a delicious sweet as much as the next person, but I have never come close to naming my cake MacArthur Park. Nor, OTOH, have I thought of my park as a sweet cake with icing. Nor would I be so upset were my cake to melt in the rain - but I take extensive precautions to ensure that doesn't happen.
Well, have a good morning, Hecate. I enjoyed your stream of consciousness! Although Hairball is too nice a name for him. My hairballs object. Perhaps lack-of-hairball.
Who you calling a hairball? We're not any kin to that!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
"MacArthur Park" man, Jimmy Webb, he is typical of the human male, in that, while actually in the relationship, he drug his knuckles, all the live-long day, but, as soon it was over, he put all of his energies, and even more, into wailing and moaning, about its end.
In that song, Webb, he was serious.
Webb's Cro-Magnon inability to make his relationship work, with Susie Horton, the siren of "MacArthur Park," also resulted in his penning of "By The Time I Get To Phoenix." Below is Glen Campbell, singing that song, about eleventy-billion whiskey bottles, ago.
Nothing fabricated? How hilarious!
The birds left tender babies in your hands....
I will have the things that I desire,
And my passions flow like rivers through the sky,
And after all the loves of my life,
I'll be thinking of you, and wondering why.
Yep. The birdies give me their babies while I float along all them rivers in the sky. Every day. Trippin.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
ever gone to a water park?
The wave machine is scary-cool, and the Lazy River is trippin' fun.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good point. Actually, at one point I lived near a water park and
had a season pass. Rode all the crazy slides, rode the waves until I was exhausted, used up bottles of sunscreen, and lived all summer on pizza and ice cream. But it's been ages.
Oh man, now you have me wanting to go and I don't think we have one around here. Sigh. Yes, they are trippin fun.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
"The birds, like tender babies in your hands," and all that schnitt about someday having the things that he desires, but, even then, still thinking of her, and wondering why—that's what all the boy songwriters, they write, after they've fucked up, and the woman has run screaming into the street. That sort of guff constitutes well over 80% of popular music. And has, since Og, back in the mists of time, he first beat on a log, with a stick.
Meanwhile, Campbell, who has since gone all the way into Alzheimer's, before he went, he got a big whiff of it: the thing itself:
Those are some gorgeous instrumentals on that version of
MacArthur Park, BTW. What a waste. Maybe he should have just written the music and dumped the lyrics.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Concave is the inside of the airplane.
Convex is the outside. If that helps.
The holes really don't bother me, at all. I rather like holes. Maybe it is because I am often at 41000 feet, and used to being oxygen deprived.
I have long thought that Neil Diamond was an acid head. But I never recognized the chair clue...that should have been obvious. Do you suppose Clint Eastwood is an acid head?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
hecate's OT is way beyond me, but Clint Eastwood
is a dried down to the bones acid head, who can't get over the fact that he is not juicy anymore. Whatever an acid head is, his head is making him very unappealing to the little people, who can look through him.
Sigh, I saw the house he built in HI for himself. My son labored on his swimming pool years ago. Considering this article The Star-Studded Side of Maui and what I think about some of Hollywoods conservatives, who mingle in the woods of Maui, and drive up the land prices to make the little people miserable over there, I say, yes, he is a dried out acid head.
i wouldn't think
an airplane man would be afraid of any holes. ; )
Anyway, according to this video, there are actually little holes in the windows of the airplanes. They are called "bleed holes."
Eastwood was completely dosed during that chair thing. He actually thought Obama was sitting there. His lifelong propensity for acid-eating explains why he spoke so little in his earliest films: he was too twisted to form and emit words.
I like the green squash thing
with the holes and buds poking out. I like the green color. I like most holes especially if they are circular. I don't much care for tunnels or caves but they are a hole other category. I love digging holes always have. Digging deep holes in the wet beach sand near the waves, trying to get to China, was a great way to spend a summer day. The round holes were fun to watch as they collapsed, an exercise in futility. An oxygen depletion? Like getting dizzy? As for stairs I dig them.
Science men take all the fun, wonder, beauty, joy and mystery out of life if you pay them to much attention.. They can't seem to just enjoy the creation and the perfectness of nature. Every freaking thing is a threat or something to blow up or take apart, shrink and then they do not put it back together because they are too damn isolated from the whole or hole.
I like the cake left out song. I'm not a Jimmy Webb fan but Richard Harris's hit version was very funny. So melodramatic. It was a perfect song for a hammy actor to sing. I liked singing it loud while driving the back roads illegally in my Dad's MG. Top forty AM time. I also liked singing loud to Eric Carmen, Steppenwolfe and Norman Greenbalm.
All by myself....
and born to be wild
along with the spirit in the sky
My daughter in law just loves Neil Diamond. She would be upset to know he's an acid head as she's anti-drugs except if Dr. Robert prescribes them to calm us all down. I have a funny chemical reaction to Neil Diamond his voice icks me out, but I like his songs a lot. Shah likes his songs and his voice. I confess to liking this song by him by the Monkeys. It was also good to hear driving the car. My fellow hippie pals would have been horrified...
A Prince
Our granddaughter absolutely loves
To dig holes in the sand at the beach. She can do that all day, too.
I just love anything at the beach.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
my mother
is a serious Diamond person. I took her to a show once. It was . . . different. My head still contains scraps of many of his pop hits that once occupied the radio. None spur me to want to get a lobotomy. Harris was a complete hambone. His son Jared is currently carrying on the family tradition.
Very few people would know what was wrong with this
story right off the bat, which is the big problem we have trying to form an antiwar movement. I would guess most on this blog would not know what was immediately wrong with this story, although I've written a diary in the past explaining it so some of the older members probably would.
Any guesses?
Well, it's about the source of the propaganda.
Here's the diary about it. If you don't know about this, you should. And what's happening now is a manufactured push to negate the truce in Syria and turn the faucet back up by Obama the war criminal and his sidekick Kerry.
It's tragic and disqusting
They are all war criminals and people in the west do not seem to care at all. Politically, I find it shocking when people say that Kerry is a better SoS then Killary. Like being a stone mass killer is an asset for a leader. Propaganda so blatant it's unbelievable. Everybody sits around and talks about threats to our interest's and how we have to or else? The media is complicit as in the Vietnam war people got to see what was really going on with our 'intervention'. Nobody talks about this in polite society it's too ugly to face. Do people really believe that this war on terra is necessary for security or to protect our interest's? If so we need to find some other interest's other then this madness and protect people globally from these vicious US (along with our partners in crime) war criminals who have unleashed death and misery on the world.
A sink hole between the cemetery and the sea
A few years ago a sink hole developed on Dallas road, a truck got stuck in it. The road was repaired and drastic erosion measures were taken on the ocean side of the road. The storm wall was enhanced plus loads of rock and gravel breakwaters were created. Eventually the sea will win this battle.
My 3rd Grade teacher told us that years ago, a storm created a surge that washed up the graveyard. So no-one knows for sure whose bones are in what grave. She left us with a horrifying image of sea water flooding the cemetery and unburying the dead leaving random bones floating around everywhere. Years later, I have never been able to confirm her story.
To thine own self be true.
I Have Heard those floating coffins and bones stories
about many places, NOLA comes to mind, even with the raised vaults. And often Efforts are Made to (carefully) exhume old cemeteries before deliberate flooding, as behind dams. Unless there are NA bones there, then not enough people care.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thanks, hecate. The plant conjures up, for me,
thoughts of some sort of weird alien being a Triffid filtered through the X-files or something. What does it want and what is it up to, that's what concerns me, not holes. I like holes, they create structure. And in semi-conductors, let me tell you, they are the thing that is.
No Neil Diamond, him I don't like so much, too formulaic or something else that I cannot identify. The acid hypothesis, however, I find interesting. So he suffers ego loss, and in existential terror screams to the universe that he is, he exists, he is real, and back comes silence, nobody and nothing hears or believes, New York, LA, who cares, it is all the same here and now and he isn't there. Heh.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
i like that—
the entirety of "I Am I Said" as existential acid crisis. Well done. ; )
The Great curvature mystery simplified:
Concavity is a cavity, concave is a cave, appears as ) when seen from the left
Convex is vexingly intrusive into your space & appears as ( when seen from the left
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Back to the Which Side thing, which you fixed
by setting the viewing point, as long as one knows Left from Right, Port from Starboard. Even innie and outie requires an understanding of orientation. Strange, isn't it?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
do not worry about convex/concave. It's an optical illusion
often when one looks at photos of the moon or some other big round object in "space" (that means not on Earth so it's a pretty large grouping of planets, moons, asteroids and Santa's sleigh) the craters will look like bumps. If you turn your head so you're looking at them upside down they look like holes.
if you move your head around this pic the craters will look like craters (concave) or like mesas (convex).
Oh, I'm very well of the illusions that occur, things
like the Neckar (Necker) Cube, the appearance of the moon's craters and the like, but, convex and concave are quite real conditions. One "minor" example, light is bent by a plano convex lens quite differently than it is by a plano concave lens. The telescope that grabbed that moon picture was probably some form of the basic Newtonian reflector, with a concave primary mirror. Replace it with a convex one and poof - no focal point and hence no image.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Now I looked at this green image of the OT again
... yes it looks to me like the green meadows in Montana, Great Falls AFB, with all their nuclear missiles popping their head out of their silos. So, yes, I think it's scary. If I could, I just would like to step on them and push them back. I guess that means I am not scared of the holes, but what kind of stuff hides in there and might just pop out and do ... very nasty things.
I think it's a seed pod
of a plant. Those missiles poking out are it's means of reproduction. Not scary to me at all. What hides in holes? Moles or gofers? Bugs? Not really nasty stuff unless it's a human made hidey hole. Oh there are some scary critters hiding in holes but the holes are their dens and if you leave them alone most aren't going get you. They are looking for sanctuary or another prey not human.
A young girl, 6 years old from down the street, who helps me garden, once dug a perfect hole to plant a small plant in. At the bottom of the hole we had dug was the creepiest spider I have ever seen. White sac, a slimy an underground dweller that was truly scary. Alice, the girl, said 'Cover it up and fill the hole and lets dig another one'. We did. Some holes you stumble on need to be refilled and left alone. Spiders though essential are freaking scary to this sufferer of arachnophobia. I don't like their hidey holes one bit.
Thanks mimi. What pops out is the issue not to mention who dug the hole and for what purpose.
speaking of creepy stuff not in holes, but in a slimy sac
I found three of these in one of my bushes (sorry, I never can remember the names of the plants I bought and planted years ago). It's a sticky, icky white sort of something with hundreds of caterpillars in it. Because I was afraid they would eat all the leaves of my bush, I cut the sac off the branches (with a sissor and the white stuff sticks to your hands) and threw the whole thing in the trash can. Afterwards I thought that I may have killed hundreds of future butterflies. Oh lordy, but I really didn't like the hundreds of caterpillar in the sac, may be it's like a placenta for them?
So did I engage now in a butterfly genocide? I hope not.
Feel less guilty, mimi!
"tent caterpillars" are swarmy masses of moth larval stage. AFAICT, they metamorphose into an undistinguished brown moth, not an attractive moth, even. And the swarmy mass does eat all the leaves of tented branches. At most, then dull moth mothocide.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
ahh, thanks, moths ... ok...
if they eat all the leaves of my bush, I will defend my bush' leaves from those overeaters. Nice to learn things here. Thanks.
that is
for sure a Fringe event.
it's a
lotus seed head. As they say, "out of the mud, grows the lotus." Then the seeds form. Then they spew out, and turn you into a pod person, as in the true-life documentary film Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Paul Jay interviews Bernie Sanders NOW
Sanders Tells TRNN (The Real News Network) he Supports a New Deal Federal Jobs Program
Paul Jay always asks straight questions and Sanders always gives straight answers. You might want to watch.
Sanders had two rallies plus this interview and I think another panel in Baltimore today alone. I mean this guy is a pretty tough long distance runner. Amazing for a 74 year old.
This morning Sanders didn't hold back to describe the conditions of the poorer citizens of Baltimore "as they are". I found the audience pretty silent... as if they almost were embarrassed to have those exposed so directly by a man like Sanders. But may be that was only my own impression.
First the neocons, now a Koch comes out for Clinton.
Make of it what you will.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Thanks, dr--apparently Koch is in agreement with Alan Murray,
Editor of Fortune magazine, who basically said the same thing today on 'No Labels' radio (XM Radio).
He used the same qualification: If FSC followed WJC's path, she would be preferable to the other candidates. Editor Murray added that this election cycle--with Bernie and Trump--was the 'most dispiriting' that he could remember in his lifetime, since 'the extremists' seemed to have taken over the two Parties.
Not too surprising about Koch--the brothers have been funders of the now defunct DLC. (regrouped as 'No Labels')
From Americablog,
Thanks for another excellent OT, hecate!
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive."
----Gilda Radner, Comedienne
National Mill Dog Rescue
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
'most dispiriting' , indeed.
But there is another option. And after shenanigans in several primaries, more brothers and sisters are awakening to the depravity of Both Parties.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Oh yeah and I do know what to make of it.
Pesky twofer's abound and why not Koch Bros. and Goldman Sachs? After all that's what your going to get regardless of who wins. They have it covered one way or another.