Alpha's N.Y. Primary watchers Live Blog
Submitted by Alphalop on Tue, 04/19/2016 - 6:37pm
Hi Guys!
Today is the day! I have been avoiding the news coverage all day (Baked cookies for the wife to take to work for her co-workers tonight and got caught up on Lucifer) so I wouldn't go crazy waiting for the results, lol! So if I missed something important fill me in!
I hope you guys join me, it may be a looong night.
I will be watching TYT's Live stream and posting results as they come in.

FYI, TYT will not be starting election coverage until 8:45PM EST
I will post the Guardian election results tracker as soon as it goes live as well.
I will pop in and out over the next half hour (gotta finish cleaning up cookie mess) so if someone else see's it go up first please share it for me.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I am nervous
On the west coast here and waiting all day for those NYers to show us some bern. Worried that the closed primary where you had to switch last October to change affliation will mean more Hillary voters. As I say, worried...
Win or lose, nearly half of the US is waiting for Bernie
… to come to their state and campaign. Then it will be their turn to vote.
A chunk of them have never heard of Bernie Sanders. They will all get a chance to see Bernie and hear his message for the American people.
We must continue to fund Bernie until the entire country finds out that we don't have to live with crippling austerity. That Americans can live much better lives, beginning now.
If Bernie campaigns in all the states, America's future will never be quite the same.
Thanks Pluto
I needed that just now.
THANKS for saying this!!
I firmly believe there are deliberate shenanigans. I don't know who is behind them and I don't CARE who is behind them. I can see they exist, however, as can any person with cognitive function that has been paying attention to this race can see, long as they actually LOOK at what is happening.
And that makes me so damned mad that I will NEVER stop fighting for this guy. Bernie Sanders--and like it or not, to a lesser extent, Donald Trump (no matter how or why he actually got into this race on the GOP side)--have blown the doors off the scam that's been perpetuated on the American people for the last several decades, in regard to the deliberate engineering of our elections.
If they continue doing what they're doing, they are tempting a less-than-civilized response from those that they deprive of a voice. And there IS deprivation going on here. Deliberate, slanted, and obvious. No, you're not crazy and you're not delusional. Nobody draws those kinds of crowds and then doesn't get the votes. That's complete bullshit. It is so obvious it's being stolen, but they can't steal it everywhere. There are states remaining. We must do everything we can to keep supporting the Sanders campaign.
Who let the lop? out who who who, who let the lop out?
peeps been talking bout you all day man.
anticipating alphalop's election blog.
good ta freaking see ya!
and thanks man.. from all of us, serious.. I ain't lying.

With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
LOL! That was funny. :)
Hopefully it was good things people were saying I tend to crack open a bottle of wine or whatnot when I do these things and I tend towards the irreverent and silly to begin with.
Thanks so much for the warm welcome, it's great to be back. Spent some time at GOS over the last few here and there to support our fellow Berners that are still there but you can really see the numbers of Bernie supporters participating there has dropped off quite a bit. Too damn toxic..
That being considered it's gonna feel so good being here anyway, but if we can share a good showing by Bernie together all the better.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
ABC National news in MN said Hill 60 to 34 at 5:36 pm CST
about 5:36.. I didn't write the time down
I don't believe it.
another poster brought us
for review
may prove of interest to you if you hadn't seen it alpha
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I have not seen this information
I have been trying to focus at work, but have been looking at various media outlets and did not see this information.
It was on the over the air National News half hour here.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I'm afraid I can believe it.
The anti-democratic registration constraints in NY are a huge hurdle to overcome.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
What I'm afraid of is what I'm already seeing
which is that the media will use the fact that Hillary wins her home state (one of them, at least) as "proof" that Bernie's campaign is over. Since when has winning one's home state decided the whole thing? When Tom Harkin won the Iowa caucuses in 1992 everyone said it didn't matter. Hell, when Bernie won New Hampshire in a landslide, the excuse was that it was "the state next door."
Presuming Clinton wins this, I think her campaign is going to try to use her home state victory to bury Bernie, and the media's going to go along with it.
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." --Noam Chomsky
It's not really her home state
but it is the home state of her Wall Street constituents. I think she's from Illinois or maybe Arkansas or maybe DC. She belongs to the richie rich world, the world we want off our backs.
Hillary is from TV
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
Stop being afraid, that's what you're supposed to do--
you're supposed to roll over and play dead like a good little sheep. Bah? How about NO?
Because you know better than that already if you're here, though, don't you? You know enough to not give a flying fuck what Hillary Clinton or our demonstrably corrupted commercial American "information media" want to say about Sanders and his campaign?
I sure as hell don't, and don't know why anybody else would. They have every incentive to lie, cheat and steal and they're doing it right under your nose.
sorry for that double post
That October deadline was ludicrous.
Who the hell could have possibly known Bernie would make it this far 7 months ago or that NY could play a large part in deciding the result of the election?
We really need open primaries, or at least allow independents to change affiliation at the polls.
I thought we wanted more people to register as Democrats, so why the hell are we placing so many hurdles in front of them to overcome in order to do so?
At this point, I think the party is more concerned with retaining 3rd way control if itself than it is with winning elections...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
FWIW, the October deadline applies to Dems & Repubs.
Heard both the Dem and Repub townhalls on CNN--two of Trumps' grown children didn't switch their registration from Independent to Republican, in time to vote for him.
So, this doesn't seem to be Dem Party specific. But, I agree with you--it stinks!
(Music City) Mollie
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive."
----Gilda Radner, Comedienne
National Mill Dog Rescue
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
NY results pages
Here are a coupe of pages for results:
The Guardian featuring mini Bernie.
New York Times
I always like to check two places. They probably get their information from the same place, but somehow I feel better if I look at 2 pages.
Alpha- thanks again
for hosting. I am on the west coast and hoping for a long night- sorry my East coast/Midwest brothers and sisters. Just not a quick call unless it is for Bernie
w00t! Hey Alpha, it's showtime! See you at 9 pm.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Anyone in NY have any impressions of what's happening?
I've heard comments about low turnout in Hillary districts and higher turnout in Bernie areas, but these were probably anecdotal and not scientific.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
One interesting point concerning exit poll information
I have seen numerous sites saying it looks like a big night for Trump. However, nothing on the democrat side? Not sure if that is good or bad news??
Repost from Evening Blues thread
I found this link
In other words, this looks like the most official thing we'll have available tonight.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
mmm, cookies.
What kind are we having, Alpha?
Just the basics,
I did a batch of Butterscotch Vanilla and a batch of Sweet chocolate.
Had to send most of them off with the wife, gotta preserve my girlish figure.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
mmm, Yum. nt
Welll, this is troubling.
Well, This is troubling...
We really do handle our voting in a pathetic manner for a "First World" nation...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
The majority of those purged were from Brooklyn???
Imagine that. Bernie's home town and this just happens to happen yet again?
Whats that saying? Once is unfortunate, twice is a coincidence and three times is enemy action or something to that effect?
I am flat out disgusted with the state of things in this primary.
Are NY and Arizona are fighting it out to be the new Florida?
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Ian Fleming said it.
But it's been adopted into the "Moscow Rules" since then. (Goldfinger, originally)
It's been used by John Le Carre, Tom Clancy, and numerous other espionage authors.
It's also a damn good rule of thumb that the Captain I most respected lived by. (Captain Romito. Officer and a Gentleman, and I mean that NON-sarcastically.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
And Clinton's camp is demanding Bernie NOT make a stink...
about their bullshit. Yep, guess what? He needs to once again, "Watch his Tone."
In other words, don't rock the boat, keep your people in line and accept that the game was over before it started.
Fuck the fucking fuckers.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
And Now, a Message From Goldman Rats
The fix was in a long time ago.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Your absolutely right, as usual.
The Fix has been going on for decades and in this farce of a primary it seems to have gone into overdrive. We got no change we could believe in 2008 and when the people said enough they took off the gloves and haven't even bothered to soft soap the public. Hope this gets major blowback across the mythical political spectrum. Thanks JeckylInHyde you have always been a rational wry fellow who tells it like it is through humor and visuals. I appreciate your posts more and more in these days of by-partisan darkness.
Thanks. I Hope You're a Bit Thirsty.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
That is brilliant!!
Twain Disciple
I'm damn sure not paying for that
shit, let alone drinking it!
That's pretty damned funny in an "urgh" kind of way--like, I'm laughing and gagging at the same time over here...
To be honest, if Sanders does not win the Primary...
I am gonna really start pushing for Sanders to help form a Third party.
With him as a unifying figure, and the disenchantment with the system I think now more than ever is the viability of such an action likely to result in success.
We could pick up most of the Real progressives and a shit ton of the independents. Particularly if we don't make guns a hot button issue to scare off a big chunk. Not that I am against trying to enact common sense reform, but it shouldn't be a main focus, we would be better off focusing on the root problems that lead to gun violence, the environment and getting money out of politics, which we all agree on at least initially IMO.
But wtf do I know, I am just some asshole with a keyboard.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Third party
The Greens want us and have issued a very gracious invitation at
I think some other, less well known parties also want us.
Now, if we could just take Bernie with us . . .
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I will be Voting for Jill Stein if Sanders doesn't win.
So the greens already partly have me.
If Sanders was to join? I'd be all in....
Honestly though, I think a whole new party with them as allies might even be better.
New party for a new movement and less preconceived notions to overcome.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Imagine if this website
made Jill Stein President. I know Bernie would have a big place in her administration and Elizabeth Warren would be very important too as would the other true progressives in Congress, including most of those who voted against the Iraq War and are still there.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I plan to register Green after the Ky primary
I figure it's the only way left to make a statement, however small.
Twain Disciple
I've been considering the same down here in Florida.
And only switch back to vote in a primary if there is a candidate I can vote for that supports progressive ideals.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
i don't know yet, imho
Because Bernie pledged his support to her if she's the nominee. How did I miss that? Where/when was that?
I agree with you purely on the basis that the DNC/HRC have done everything in their power to alienate us progressives since, I don't know, late last year??? Arguably before that, but you get my point.
F*ck 'em all.
today's Latin phrase
Today's Latin phrase is: "pro forma".
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Why can't he run as an indie?
he did it in Vermont and he can do it here in the United States. As if we were united, but still why not run as an Indie as that's what he is and let the cards fall as they lay. What kind of loyalty or fidelity does he owe the Democratic party? None if you ask me he should not keep banging his head against a lost cause and the Democrat's are a lost cause. As it stands their is no other route to any power or representation by the people. Maybe he should stop caucusing with them and caucus for the 99%.
Why can't he run as an indie?
he did it in Vermont and he can do it here in the United States. As if we were united, but still why not run as an Indie as that's what he is and let the cards fall as they lay. What kind of loyalty or fidelity does he owe the Democratic party? None if you ask me he should not keep banging his head against a lost cause and the Democrat's are a lost cause. As it stands there is no other route to any power or representation by the people. Maybe he should stop caucusing with them and caucus for the 99%.
An Independent run is almost impossible at this late stage
In fact, I'd say it IS impossible to get ballot access in enough states to be able to win the electoral college-not that Bernie would do that. He's been very cleat about "not being a Nader"-as if Nader had jack to do with the Ds losting.
The deadline for getting on the ballot
as an Independent is much earlier than for the two major parties. For some reason.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Gee, I
can't begin to imagine why....
Jill Stein will be on most ballots
If Bernie is not on the ballot. I will keep a clean conscience and vote for Jill Stein and probably mostly Democrats down-ballot, especially for my Congresswoman, Barbara Lee. I just pissed off the censors and got a one-month time out for saying that on Kos. We need to build up the Green Party and the No Party Party.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I am avoiding that place like the plague anymore.
it's gotten so unbelievably into "Bash anyone who disagrees" mode over there that I feel like why bother.
If I was at a party that had that many assholes at it I sure as hell wouldn't hang out, so I see little point in doing it at a website.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
That would be a pretty bad party
Everybody trying to play everybody else. No authenticity and a lot of lying.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Me too. I get physically ill
everytime I go there. If it wasn't to support LD and his Bernie updates I would never click there.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
Clinton's Camp Can Fuck Right Off
I don't give a damn what butthurt they have about "Tone" and neither should Bernie Sanders.
They're all gloating already--it's so fucking obvious that this was a purge, yet WE WON! (which they really formally have not yet). They're going to gloat one too many times and it's going to get real ugly real quick. And I'm not just talking about that vomitous Front Line of Blog Propaganda so many of us know and love (cough); that's far from the only bullshit at play in this particular election right now.
I am avoiding that place, I know it's gotta be TOXIC right now..
Not even gonna give em a look, that place was ugly leading up to tonight so I am sure it hasn't gotten any better, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
An Orgy of Self-Indulgent Back-Slapping
In Celebration of the Disenfranchisement of Hundreds of Thousands of Their Lessers.
Ya, it might be halfway approachable by about Saturday...
When do the people say, No sir, not undermines, INVALIDATES!
How much is too much people?
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
NOW they say
they should clean up the mess?

Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
Well sure, you don't want to clean up the mess...
before you finish taking advantage of the chaos to instill your candidate of choice...
That would be unfortunate.... For TPTB at least...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
what's the filename for that head banging gif? ;->
i'm sure i could use that!
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
Well lookee there! Ha! Does that work everywhere or just here? And is it in a FAQ somewhere, along with some others?
Look down below the text box...
you will see "Textual smiley will be replaced with graphical ones." That is a link to a page that shows you what you can use...I open it up in a new tab.... either copy and paste them or just remember what they are...
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
I'm going to distract myself
watching NCIS. It comes on at 9PM ET when polls close.
The wife and I have been Binge watching that for a few months.
Finally about half way through season 10....
Man there are a LOT of episodes!
Generally a good show. Gibbs kinda reminds me of my old Sargent, which may be why I like it.
I really annoy my wife though because usually about 5 mins in I tell her how its gonna end and usually nail it, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Not that the Young Turks are unique on this,
far from it, but the still photo posted while we wait for the show to go live reminds me: just waiting for the night when some male newscaster will appear in an arm-baring, skin-tight top with spaghetti straps, while his female counterpart wears a suit jacket over her blouse.
Support all TV commentators' right to bare arms!
Updated TYT Live stream coverage link
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Predictions anyone? I say Bernie by 1-3% And I'm ready to
have a good laugh at myself tomorrow if wrong. All predictions free with a money back guarantee.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I think that would be awesome! My hope is a bit less optomistic
I think if he can keep it within a 3-5 point loss that would be an amazing feat in and of itself given the circumstances of the NY primary.
Anything above that and I might be dancing naked in the back yard around a fire with a bottle of red in my hand around 3AM.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
*falls out of chair laughing...*
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
w00t! Start practicing your dance moves, mate. Try this:
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Warn the neighbors, please
You do not want to cause any heart attacks.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Naaa, The guy next door is Jamaican...
He may die of laughter, but not a heart attack.
(Because of my lack of dancing skills you pervs! Ok, maybe the other thing too.. lol!)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Some music for you
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Fealess prediction
Bernie by 3-7%, and yes that's after all the election fraud. Unskewed polls would have shown a tie race a week ago, with Bernie gaining fast.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Thanks for posting this!
I have some short bread Girl Scout cookies. And I have some vanilla ice cream. And if that combo doesn't satisfy my life long passion for vanilla, like 64 years of being a vanilla junkie, I have some Lindt white chocolate candy and I AM NOT AFRAID TO EAT IT on an election night!
Go, Bernie!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
You could always make ice cream sandwiches with the Cookies...
Saves time, get your cookies and milk in one bite.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
They are not parties but clubs
I have been thinking about this item for a little bit, we do not have political parties but exclusive clubs.
Think about it. You need to sign up (register) to be considered, you need to pay your dues (blood, sweat and money), there is a leadership hierarchy that you need to acknowledge, there is a peeking order (seniority and titles) and you have to support the membership. That is what these "parties" really are in truth.
Therefore, we need to either join them and be happy non-complaining lower level members, get them disbanded or build ourselves a better entity (not sure if I want to call it a party) to overcome them.
I'm pretty sure the heads of the club are telling us quite...
clearly, "We don't welcome your kind here..." (But please remember to come back and vote for us!)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Thank you for putting up this thread, Alpha! Will check
in with you Guys after dinner.
There have been a slew of articles today that attempted to compare the consequences of a Trump and a Clinton win, as though they signify exactly the same thing--which they do not, IMO.
Anyhoo, hope the predictions (here) of a 2-3 percent victory are correct. It has narrowed so much in the past couple weeks or so, it really wouldn't surprise me.
Heard Howard Dean on MSNBC about 12:30 pm today, saying,
To think that at one time we were members of 2 DFA Chapters, and adored the man!
(Even had a photo of him and Mrs/Dr Dean on the frig--feel like an idiot, now!)
(Music City) Mollie
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive."
----Gilda Radner, Comedienne
National Mill Dog Rescue
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Yup, no kidding
I campaigned for Dean. What happened to him? I thought I was a good judge of character, boy was I wrong.
Lot of sheeps clothing on sale in second hand stores lately
Power and money. Turns out Dean likes them for what they are after all, not what they can do.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
There have been reports around the state of high turnoouts
Voter turnout unusually high in New York
Also, as usual, problems:
[UPDATES] NYers Reporting Numerous Problems Voting In Today's Primary
Some people citing Sanders' age as why they are not voting for him. People need to be reminded that Nelson Mandela was older (76) at the time of his first election.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I never liked Howard Dean after
I saw him coming into same room as the rest of us protesters and silent vigilers outside the Schnitzer theater in PDX where Dean was speaking with Karl fucking Rove.
We went into the Heathman afterwards and the building houses a secret entrance we later learned so we were dining and Rove and Dean come downstairs arm in arm without a lick of security. I stood up and he was just a foot away from me and all that could come out of me was, "Karl Rove, you're a fucking war criminal" then codepink and veterans for peace guys and the other diners chased them out. I was frozen and then finally I ran to the bathroom where I shook and vomitted.. then I called my husband and bawled.
Rove is and was pure evil. I was so close to the purest of evils.
I don't care what Dean made from that little speaking engagement but to be so buddy buddy with such vileness as Rove... when to be in the same rooom with him and so close made me and others violently ill.
But then Dean and Clinton go on vacations with the very politicians we are fighting for our survival.
I have no trust or respect for Dean. Never will.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
It's all just theater
The outward appearance of enmity and partisanship between the parties hides the fact that there is a lot of collusion behind the scenes. Look at how chummy the Clintons and the Bushes are (and have been for years). If the pols really had such deep ideological differences between them, they would hardly be able to be polite to each other.
Say it, Brother/Sister (?)! ;^D EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Given all the registration/voting issues (see Banana Republic)
I don't have high hopes.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I'm not getting the livestream on TYT yet. My screen says they're offline. Anyone getting the show?
TYT working link
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone