Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-3: NY Polling Trend Lines
So, on T-3 HuffPo Pollster averaged polls has Clinton 53-43; a 10-point lead. Heh, heh, heh. Some digging into the numbers below.
Here's Steppenwolf with my NY election prediction.
Please volunteer for Bernie's NY campaign if you can. You can phonebank and facebank and offer logistical help from out of state. The reddit Bernie volunteering clearing house is at
NY Race
There's an interesting thing happening in the NY polls. All week, the "catch-up" horns of the trend lines have formed, unformed, and now it's half-formed. Bernie's trend line is now pointing steeply upwards. Notice the Clinton trend line is only wavering, not curling downward. What's up?
Well, some pollsters have their thumbs on the scale is what. NBC/WSJ/Marist has been the most regular pollster in NY and they are not to be trusted much. Their latest poll to 13/04 has Clinton 57-40. Ridiculous. I've pointed out their failings in this series. To recap: NBC/WSJ by themselves have a 538 A- rating. But Marist has a B- rating, a 1.5 GOP lean, and a simple average error of 5.0! They use a live phone method and it sucks :=)
The other recent poll was CBS/YouGov up till 13/04, which has Clinton 53-43. It is an internet poll with a much bigger pool. But heavens, CBS is a B rated pollster and YouGov is rated C+
The key is that the polls ended on 13/04, before the NY debate and all the latest developments in the campaign. A Clinton lead of 53-43 is very suspect. My second point is based on the performance of polls in the Dem cycle so far. The polls have under-counted the Bernie vote more often than not. To me, a 10-point lead at T-3 is really a 4-5 point lead, if that. Plus, the last 48 hours of the races so far have generally seen Bernie close fast and furious. If these poll performances hold for NY, election night could repeat Iowa's thrill ride. I am highly optimistic about NY.
BTW: I wrote this on 1 April:
"The Bernie campaign turned the corner last night and the magic carpet ride is on. "All right, G! What are we smoking today?" :=) I've watched a whole lotta Bernie speeches. Last night's speech was in a whole different league. Remember the pleas for Bernie to "draw the contrasts" sharper? Heh, heh, heh, if you watched last night's speech, you woulda done the same chair dancing I did. He waited until NYC. Why? Bernie is smarter than us."
National Race
The national trend lines are looking pretty, but have been stuck this past week. Bernie started to check into the passing lane, but a series of sniffy polls are keeping him from passing.
So there's reason for optimism in the national race from the averaged polls trend lines.
I look forward to your thoughts, data, and opinions.
Peace be with us, if we toughen our minds and work hard for Bernie's campaign,
PS: From the Department of The Dogs Bark But The Caravan Marches On
Let's remember this nonsense from Bloomberg. We're gonna keep old Helmut here and laugh at him on 19 April.
Helmut Norpoth, a political science professor at New York's Stony Brook University, said while Sanders has been “on a roll” lately, Sanders would need to buck historical trends and peel off a significant chunk of those superdelegates to have a shot at turning the contest around. He said New York is one of his last chances to make that case.
“If she lost, that would be a shock and that might really put some pressure on super-delegates,” Norpoth said of the New York primary. Given Clinton's deep political connections in New York, however, and a significant minority voting population more likely to favor Clinton, Norpoth said, Sanders is likely to find that “New York's going to be very difficult.”
Tsk, tsk, tsk, "very difficult"...bit of a faux clutch of faux pearls there, eh, Helmut?

CBS poll biased
The poll is biased. If one looks at the 30-44 age group it is 63-33 for HRC, more then the 45-64 age group(52-44 pro HRC) and even the +65 group (62-33)! Clear error or deliberate manipulation. If one calculates the 30-44 group as 50-50, one gets, rough estimation, about 49-46 for HRC. Which means — WE ARE CLOSING ON HRC!
But more importantly, at reddit they say that the phonebanking nr is lower then yesterday. If everyone who can focuses on phonebanking and canvassing THAT WILL DELIVER US THE VOTES THAT WILL BRING US BERNIE'S VICTORY! LET'S PHONEBANK AND CANVASS AND WE WILL WIN!!!
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
I have no background in statistics
And even I can see the problems with the sampling in that CBS/Yougov Poll.
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"The voice of passion is better than the voice of reason. The passionless cannot change history." ~ Czesław Miłosz
Well said, ScolarZ!!! The hard work will pay off in NY. Those
polls, with all their faults, only show the trends until 13/04. The four days since have changed the game completely. And the last 48 hours are crucial. Tuesday night is gonna be a Yuge party :=) Late, very late into the night, but the party will happen. Thanks for all you do mate,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Thanks, mate! Let's win this!
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
We not only have the debate on Saturday night,
which I think Bernie won hands down. Hillary was shrieking at the top of her voice and wouldn't shut up, that smells of desperation.
We have the visit to the Vatican and the meeting with the Pope which has to have a lot of Catholics thinking WTF? Maybe some of them will be rethinking their vote.
There has been a lot going on since the 14th, Hillary has got to keep her numbers up, with the help of her friends i.e. Maris, if they start to slip, I believe you will see total collapse. Also, she has to keep the numbers up for the electronic voting machines, so as to make the numbers believable. I'm sure they plan on skimming plenty of points out of those.
Of course, I despise the Clintons' and would rather see anyone in the WH than another 4/8 years of the loathsome Clintons, so my judgement may be slightly clouded by that, and this could all be wishful thinking. God, I hope naught.
Morning importer. I think you're right on all points. Cheers.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I suspect Poll results are
I suspect Poll results are not so reflective of the ground game. they ask odd limited blocks of people to get their results
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Ground game affects turnout.
If actual turnout differs from the model used in the poll, the poll results may not be so good.
If they don't cheat, we'll win
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning, Lookout. Oh wow, what a graphic! It says it
precisely. The visual is just so powerful. That s very cool. TY and have a great day my friend,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Staying Optimistic...
And hoping the 'fingers' are not on the buttons of the voting machines too.
Hope the establishment are not putting out padded polls to provide a maskirova for blackbox shenanigans by padding the polls to disguise exit poll irregularities. I've seen past analysis by BB voting - Bev Harris - and Greg Palast - of potential blackbox machine scams, i.e (Georgia Senate in early 2000's) 2004 Ohio (Kerry) where the vote switched way late and went drastically against exit polls with no explanations and others - those shenanigans potentially add about 5% to the winner - the most that can be realistically added without too many questions asked but enough to take the one being helped to the win.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
Morning Tommymac. I'm with you on those voting machines:
here in Canada we vote with pencil on a simple ballot and the counting, vetting, and results posting go smoothly because all our elections are run by an independent federal agency called Elections Canada. Our election campaign seasons are brief, usually 6 weeks with a definitive start date. Elections Canada is responsible for registering voters: there's only only voting category: voter. The parties' only job is to campaign: they have no say in how Canadian elections are run.
One of the first steps in creating an American democracy (you have a republic - like Rome had - with some democratic features, but not a democracy) is to implement the Canadian election system in toto.
Cheers mate, enjoy your day,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
If only.....
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
Good morning LCHarry, I hope you have a great day today!
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
You want HOPE the. Keep this in mind
All Bernie has to do in NY is keep it competitive but HRC has to crush Bernie or the narrative. For her. Going into PA will be that she barely held onto her home state and the Momentum remains with BERNIE.
TUESDAY is going to be veddy interesting in the Big Apple (smile)
Orwell was an optimist
Right on, Knot! You're correct: Bernie is already winning the
NY post-election narrative. And if he wins NY by 0.01% its his ball game from here on out.
Enjoy your day,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.