Open Thread-a-roonie - 4/14/16 - Dems are 29%
The point I'm hoping to make here is that both parties suck, hardly anybody likes them, and it's mind-boggling that somebody put up by organizations that are so disliked will be elected President and that we pretty much have no say in the matter.
Dems and Repubs are both minorities
In February 2015 the Gallup people found that 29% of all Americans of voting age identified themselves as Democrats, with 25% saying Republican and 43% saying they were "independent". When those indies were asked which way they leaned, and those people were added to the major parties, the Dems came out ahead 44-43.
Which is interesting because back when Obama could have done something, when he was seen as a leader of the people (right after the 2008 election), the D/R split was, with leaners included, 55-37. So that's how much goodwill he wasted.
The most recent poll had Dems up somewhere in between those two points, ahead 32-26 in self-identification. The number of people who say they're Democrats has fluctuated between 26% and 32% for a couple of years now and Republicans have been as low as 20% (!) of the voting population (2013).
Will either go the way of the Whigs?
Over the last few decades we've heard either the Dems or Repubs were about to become extinct but they never do. That's because both parties are incompetent and corrupt and when one fails the other becomes the "in" group....until it, too, fails. And we're only allowed two parties. Forget the labels, Democratic and Republican. They are always "In" and "Out". We're entertained by stories of court intrigue in foreign places, where we know little about the people, the issues, the factions, just that knives get drawn, people get stabbed and power passes to the new king or dictator or group. We can see it, in those cases, for the naked power grab that it is but we sometimes miss that that is exactly what goes on here, because we know too much about the situation and we get drawn into thinking it matters and that Person X will fix things. Person X, it turns out, is just another guy with a knife.
What does this minority status mean for the general election?
Now back to this 29%'s been mentioned that if we have two candidates and they split closely, like Obama and Hills or Hills and Bernie, then the nomination will be decided by about 15%. Right? 'cause half of 29%, add a little for one candidate, that should come to about 15%.
Let's say Her Ladyship wins the Democratic nomination with 15% of the total voting population and Trump wins the Repub nod with half of the Republican votes, or 13% of everyone. That leaves 72% of the grand total to be divvied up. Shouldn't Hills appeal to a lot of those people? I mean, in order to win she'd have to be popular enough. How does she do with that 72%? It isn't a pretty picture. But then I'm sure the dopes at the DNC, knowing they can't make her a winner will try to make the Repub a loser.
Why don't we have a third major party?
You'd think if the number of people who are independents is larger than either party we wouldn't have to put up with this nonsense but "independent" doesn't have the money behind it that either D or R have. Should someone decide to invest a ton of cash into a third party it would probably work and one of the current major parties would fade away until we'd be left with the remaining party plus the new party...which would then become the new "In" and "Out".
Who are the low information voters?
I recently read an article in the market research publication, Quirk's, entitled "How political marketing influences voters: Part 1", that got me to thinking.
It asks the question "When does the public start researching candidates?" Now this is interesting because we like to think we're well informed, that we've been following the issues and the candidates since forever. We're not low information voters. Before we look at this article, what are our assumptions? Mine were that people in the 40-65 year old range know the most about politics and that Democrats, in general, being smarter than Republicans, are more aware. Now let's go to the videotape...or the text.
When asked how early respondents begin researching presidential candidates, KSM’s political marketing survey uncovered that Millennials are actually more likely than Baby Boomers to vet candidates very early in the campaigning process. The difference is a statistically significant 38 percent of Millennials who say they begin researching presidential candidates one year or more prior to an election, compared to 27 percent of Baby Boomers who do the same. In other words, Millennials are 1.4 times more likely than Baby Boomers to research candidates early on. Generation X nearly splits the difference at 31 percent. Thirty-five percent of Baby Boomers (this group’s most popular answer) and 31 percent of Gen X research just three to 11 months prior.
In short, the older one gets, the more likely he/she is to get into the details later. Since older people are still more likely to vote it means that less informed voters are going to the polls in primaries and voting for people they know little about...but they've heard that one candidate or another is inspiring. Now dig this:
When it comes to research timing comparisons among party affiliations, the numbers also vary substantially. For instance, about one-fifth of Republicans claim they begin the research process for midterm candidates between six to 11 months prior to that region’s respective Election Day....Compare this with midterm numbers for Democrats and independents, and some stark differences arise. The latter two groups claim they either don’t start their research process until a couple of months prior to Election Day (17 percent for both Democrats and independents) or go as far as stating that they don’t research midterm candidates at all (25 percent of Democrats and 26 percent of independents).
That's about midterms but the article points out the Presidential election numbers are similar. 24% of Democrats say they do NO candidate research.
So the least informed voters are the Democrats who pushed Hillary into the big pledged delegate lead. Swell.
What about the general election in November?
Now for some more numbers. I'll try to make this easy to understand. I don't want anyone glazing over! I started talking about this with shaharazade and realized I'd have to get to the point quickly!
Let's say Bernie has about 45% of the Dem vote (which we've seen is only a smallish portion of the overall voting population). It works out to about 17 million voters that we can identify as Berners. Obama won the last election, with his great "Better than the Mormon!" slogan, by 5 million. If 1/3 of the Bernie people don't vote for Hillary then the Republicans win.
I want to make the point again that Obama lost about 4 million votes in 2012 off his 2008 total. Were those the same people who now support Bernie? Who decided, in 2012, not to vote for President or who voted for Jill Stein? It's an interesting question.
But it could also be argued that Obama's total in 2008 was a fluke, since the total number of voters was so high compared to 2004. 2012 showed a decline in total vote from 2008 but was still higher than 2004. I think if we take the 2012 numbers we're fairly safe in using that as a base, thus reinforcing the conclusion that Hillary is in trouble in the general election.
And yet, going back to the two party system and whether or not one of the parties will fade away, and that they're both corrupt and incompetent, the Republicans look about ready to out-incompetent the Democrats. That's Her Ladyship's best chance for a win, that the Repubs nominate either Trump or Cruz. Against any real human being she'd lose badly.
Ok, enough chat. Now for some music!
Some songs I like. The titles amuse me in the context of this diary. Some Beatles
And another...the original by the Valentinos
Perhaps Hillary will sing this song to voters on election night. This is Skeeter Davis
enough of's a rockin' number to cleanse the mind, clear out the political nonsense...Ritchie Valens!

Morning Shahryar and c99ers. Beautiful day here and I hope
yours is a beautiful day also.
Shahryar, I think it ill cost peanuts to start a third party. Just crowdfund it, the way Bernie is crowdfunding his campaign. I hope that c99ers would begin to discuss real soon how to start a democratic-socialist party.
Enjoy your day,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
They covered the Sanders rally on the Today Show.
My wife commented "Do you even think they would be mentioning the huge rally if it weren't for the 'corporate whores' remark?"
I have to agree, more of that please.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Tim Robbins at Washington Square Park
Tim Robbins' speech at Bernie's rally is really good. I tried to get the video to start when he comes on, but nothing worked. He starts at 16:13.
Would be nice if he and Sarandon could get back together for the campaign and team up. Bernie could use some good surrogates in NY while he is in Rome.
I wonder if they are friendly with each other after the split. Maybe this shared interest will get them back together.
Bernie's rally in Washington Square Park
had 27,000 inside the rally with 30,000 outside the event. 57,00 Total!!
Hillary had a rally across town with 1,300. No word on how much she paid people to attend. LOL.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Opps 57,000 Total!!
Hey, it was a typo, not a math error.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
HRC had a meet and greet at co-op city
About 1,200 people showed up... The majority of them were senior citizens She was an journal late.. Spoke for around 14 minutes, took a couple of pics with a few people and left.
This morning ALL her surrogates were out in force o. TV dismissing Bernie's YUGE rally in Washington Sq park
Orwell was an optimist
Where were the 30,000 outside the event? On social media??
Orwell was an optimist
I saw that number in comments to an article
"NYPD estimated another 30,000 that ~did not get in~"
I assume they were in the surrounding streets.
It was also streamed live here (you can replay now)
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
All over social media....
I heard it was another 24K that couldn't get in. They were lined up in the blocks surrounding the park...just rallying away.
There is a lot of conversation on FB about what is a Plan B. If the superdelegates don’t support Sanders and the voters, people are talking about how to take the Third Way aka Hillary out even if they have to vote for Trump to do it. Bernie called for a revolution, and it appears there is going to be one whether Bernie supports Hillary or not should he lose. Hillary and the Dems didn’t have a lot of good will to begin with, and they sure did a good job of destroying what little they did have by putting personality/politics/money over people and the planet. Every f@cked up election beginning with Iowa just puts more and more coal on the fire. Trump is calling the Democratic primary out, and he’s outflanking Hillary on the left. He hates the Republicans, and he is pro social security and anti-war and trade. We could do worse.
Has anyone heard more about Bernie's trip to Rome? I don’t think he should go. If he goes and loses NY by a drip, he and his supporters will be kicking him in the butt.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Bernie visiting Vatican
Guess there are pros & cons. I trust Bernie Sanders and trust his judgement. Also know there are MANY Catholics who will be voting in CT, RI, and PA in the coming days. That could be a factor.
The last 2 days - will be filled with Good Surrogates - and canvassers, phone calls - really not a whole lot to be done so close to the voting.
Go Bernie! Get some good photo-ops
I find it really intersting that...
Progressives are thinking of voting for Trump if Hillary is the nominee, but that some Teapublicans are thinking of voting for Hillary if Trump is their nominee...
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First Nations News
Agreed. First Trump is a racist, xenophobe, misogynist.
Then all these guys who think he's on the side of the working class are in for an rude awakening. Trump paid workers in Dubia 59 cents/hour to build his golf course and condos. Just like Hillary, you gotta look at his record, not his promises.
If Bernie gets blocked, I will vote Green.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Exactly. Trump is a greater evil
Jill Stein is a greater good
Beware the bullshit factories.
Nobody believes that....
What they believe in is fuck Hillary and Wall Street Democratic Party. They believe that Trump and Hillary are one and the same. They believe Hillary winning the WH sends the same damn message again. ..... any blue is better than red. Screw the DFH. We don't have to pay a damn bit of attention to them because they will fall in line.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
HRC is a de facto Republican
And Trump makes pretty noises about becoming more isolationist, without bothering to address the context that got us so enmeshed into attacking other countries in the first place, what's driving it, what would happen to the USA if we no longer ruled the world economy by fear.
Trump is correct that we need to look to our own house, but he wants to do it in a context of xenophobia, and this is not the way you put an end to war.
Clinton wants to keep driving the train until it runs off the track, while Trump argues that if we all jumped out of the train we would not fall into the gorge below. Sanders is more like "Maybe we should do something about that bridge." And maybe slow the train down a bit?
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I take the opposite position - i think he needs to go
It shoes that outside of the US, he is taken seriously as a leader, despite the fact that our MSM refuse to cover him as one.
And many, many non-Catholics and non-christians respect this Pope, I'm one of them. Sure, he working from within a broken and unfair institution, but he's doing all he can to move that behemoth in the right direction. Sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it?
At any rate, I think much good comes of him going to the Vatican at the request of Francis' people and being seen as a leader on the international stage.
The Pope cannot directly endorse a candidate b/c of the appearance of influencing an election. But by the invitation to speak at the Vatican conference, the Catholic Church has indirectly endorsed Bernie's Platform and therefore the man himself. And he will get a lot of press out of this -- a hell of a lot more press than staying in NY and speaking at yet one more college. It projects the image of a world stage player. Go Bernie!!
Trust me, Hellery is fuming about Bernie getting invited. Haha.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
The problem with not going
Is that it makes him look more concerned about winning than about international relations. It would look tacky. And this is still a very Christian country. There are plenty of non-Catholics who yet agree with the platform in many ways.
And far as winning goes, his main problem has been lack of exposure, media blackout and negativity. This would be difficult to ignore. Makes more sense strategically to make it part of the campaign than to defer the visit in favor of the campaign.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I agree too!
The invitation from the Vatican is, at the very least, an acknowledgement of Bernie Sanders as a valued world leader.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I agree too!
The invitation from the Vatican is, at the very least, an acknowledgement of Bernie Sanders as a valued world leader.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Daughter, Lilith, called around 7:30 - she couldn't get near
the park. People were massing in the streets, traffic blocked everywhere, side streets filled with young, old, black, white, brown people, latinos, jews, muslims, asians, for blocks and blocks and blocks (and 6th avenue is a really wide street usually filled with 6 lanes of traffic). The streets were cordoned off to cars and the cops were laid back watching the crowds go by. She said she never saw anything like it, not even at the Obama rally in '08. The numbers seem correct and there were over 16,500 watching online on one site, the other site I was watching wasn't counting viewers. As far as I have heard there were no incidents, no violence, just a HUGE Be-In.
That is what democracy looks like.
I'm reminded of the OWS chant and with 57,000 people on the streets of NY with the NYPD only watching, it doesn't get any better than this! Bernie brings out democracy in the citizens, in the cities, towns, states, our country.
We've got to get him elected. Period.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Talking heads at CNN were quick to note that Obama drew HUGE
crowds back in '08 but lost to Hillary in NY. They omitted the fact that Obama got ZERO votes up in Harlem even though lots of folks swore they'd voted for him. That's NY - its a well-oiled machine.
Good Morning!
Just browsing the YouTube this morning and I came across Cenk Uyger's recent interview with Jane Sanders on TYT! Listening to it as I type, and I'm sure it's been brought up before in another thread, but I figure that it'd be nice to get it again somewhere else!
[video: width:450 height:400]
You know, I pretty much discredit people who judge by looks
in any case, so why what they say bothers me, I don't know. But that recent story about people crapping all over Jane's looks really bothered me, a lot. It reminded me of nothing as much as those right-wing cretins who abused Michelle Obama every time she showed her face in public, comparing her with apes and saying how ugly she was - ridiculous of course, she's a beautiful woman. But no matter how we, as women, try not to be bothered by those things, you KNOW it hurts. I don't care how accomplished and confident you are, a bunch of people saying how disgustingly ugly you are is going to hurt you.
And its irrelevant. If either Jane or Michelle actually WERE physically unattractive, that would have literally zero to do with their value as humans or their accomplishments.
But it especially bothers me with Jane, because I suspect she isn't used to it and is unprepared for it. (unfortunately, women of color who excel in life have myriad chances to get used to abuse meant to "put them in their place"). And it just really hurts me to think of Jane facing this barrage of hate and negativity.
And as much as I believe looks really don't matter, I have to say, its especially galling because Jane looks just like any middle-aged lady you'd see in your neighborhood, at the store, or at a restaurant. You wouldn't look twice at her, and these horrible assholes attacking her wouldn't see a single thing wrong with her if she were not who she is and married to who she is.
I love Jane, she's a normal freaking authentic woman, and I think that's great.
Sorry, this is a totally off-topic rant - but that story the other day just really, really bothered me and your video reminded me of it. And it really bothers me that as a society, we still attack women's looks as a way to slap them down. Which is why as much as I despise Hillary as a person, I won't criticize her looks, because one - she's totally fine. two - it has zero to do with the kind of person she is, she could be a swimsuit model and would still be a disaster as a president, and three - I'm so tired of women having to be held to some ridiculous standard of physical beauty in order to be accepted or taken seriously.
And a well said rant it is too! Thanks! n/t
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First Nations News
"I love Jane, she's a normal freaking authentic woman, and I think that's great."
Agree. Don't do twitter, but a hastag of this would be great.
I RESPECT Jane Sanders, her values, her authenticity, her loving relationship with Bernie. Just looking at the two of them together makes me smile.
Definitely not true with any other candidate.
Jane IS Mrs.America
I was bowled over when I read her CV somewhere. Wow!
I know they're both very nice people and probably wouldn't stoop to my suggestions, but the next time someone takes a jab at her, she should say, "Bernie and I have been faithfully married for x-years." or "I have better things to do than spend thousands of dollars on outfits, and I don't have an expensive stylist on retainer."
I'd go, "Daaaaaaamn, you go Grrrl, kick her right in the nuts!"
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
I don't know about that
It's not really a good idea to engage on that level. It validates the idea that their personal life is up for discussion, bringing up fidelity, and it would be a low blow at HRC.
As for appearance, she should either continue as she is, or do something different, whatever she decides, but trying to defend one's appearance is a land mine for women, as it implies there is something to be defended.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
It's not sexist to belittle Jane Sanders.
Only HRC. Disgusting.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Completely necessary rant, and I agree!
I don't know what sort of people gain satisfaction from saying such things about such a superficial thing, but I feel pretty confident that those people wouldn't be voting for Bernie anyway.
As lame as this might sound, whatever happened to "If you can't say anything nice..."? Whatever happened to basic human decency?
Jane Sanders' beauty is not superficial.
That woman shines. When she smiles, the light of her intelligence and heart illuminates the room. That comes through clearly on videos -- I imagine in person, the effect is greater still.
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
Thank you.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Another piece on D chicanery, more fleshed out
"At the 2015 Democratic National Convention in Minneapolis last August, the DNC set up joint fundraising agreements with the Hillary Clinton campaign and 32 state Democratic Party organizations. Thanks to the McCutcheon v. FEC decision in 2014 that struck down the limit on the total amount that a single donor can contribute to all federal candidates, parties, and political action committees combined, these joint fundraising agreements provide another avenue for wealthy donors to pump even more money and influence into elections.
According to instructions on Hillary Clinton’s website, donors can give up to $356,100 distributed accordingly: The first $2,700 goes to Clinton’s campaign, the next $33,400 goes to the DNC, and what remains—up to $10,000 per state—is equally divided between the 32 state Democratic parties who signed agreements with the HVF.
In order for state parties to benefit from the fund, a donation of at least $36,132 needs to be made for a minimum $1 return to each of the state parties. These figures make sense of the upcoming April 16th Clinton fundraiser, where the price of admission is $33,400, and the cost of a seat at George Clooney’s table is $353,000."
It's money laundering
It's a money laundering scheme. But the Hillary campaign spins it as their candidate helping the party while Bernie selfishly uses all his campaign contributions to run for president.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I love counterpunch... This link will give you more on Hillary's money laundering scheme.
Today's counterpunch headline.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
This is a must read. It is a scathing indictment of both Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I find it galling that HC uses WJC's 2 terms
as experience (a FLOTUS lobbyist) and then dances off when accused of also being responsible for the outcomes. Candle lit at both ends.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
even when she's on camera she'll deny
if something works, "she did it". If it doesn't, "somebody else did it".
That racist skit with DiBlasio? His skit!
I love the title
Counterpunch certainly does not pull their punches. They also have a good selection of great writers who seem to write from varying uncensored points of view. One of my favorite sites.
Good Morning
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
I found some at TOP.
Go into any pro-Bernie diary and there they are! It's magic!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Did someone say "Magic" ?
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First Nations News
LOL, Martha!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The 'ideological battle’ over the Leap Manifesto
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First Nations News
Climate Denying Think Tank With Ties to Exxon Gets Subpoenaed
Climate Denying Think Tank With Ties to Exxon Gets Subpoenaed
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Ya know... I work really hard
to not hate people....but these people really are testing my resolve...
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First Nations News
I've stopped trying not to hate them
Some people are worthy of hate. Surely killing an entire planet for some temporary material gain - all of which is provided by said planet, has to be the most despicable thing a person could do.
Ignorance is one thing, but to know and decide, fuck it, fuck the planet, I'll get my money... Sorry, I can't even try not to hate them.
I would love, though, to understand them, because I really, really can't grok how their minds must work.
Hate takes up a lot of energy
And it doesn't work. These guys are very hard to get at. The problem is genuine and huge, but even if one advocated for assassination, which I do not, there would just be more to take their places.
The question of how to take it down is critical, though. Because it is an It, an It with human faces. Since it's impossible to walk away, some kinds of undermining appear to be in order.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
It certainly does and it's wasted energy
So I mostly try not to focus my thoughts in that direction unless some direct action can be taken, because as much I would love to be able to have compassion for all living beings, there are a few human beings who make that impossible for me.
Maybe someday...
But its not a fiery hate, its more of a confused hate, if that makes any sense. I just can't comprehend it and it makes me assume those people are just terrible, terrible human beings.
29% may identify as Dems but
only half or so actually vote. So it's much worse than it appears. We've got diehards keeping a corrupt and rigged system afloat while the rest are in effect clamoring for a new political system.
I self ID as a democrat, and I VOTE
In fact I found out a week or so ago that I am on an elite local list of democrats who ALWAYS VOTE... Especially I. Primaries and mid term elections.
On April 19 I will be voting... FOR BERNIE SANDERS
Orwell was an optimist
Good for you.
I vote for direct democracy actions, not for politicians. As has been said, if voting (for politicians) helped the serfs, they'd make it illegal.
I'm early voting TODAY as a Dem in Maryland
But given the current state of the DNC, once this election is over, I will be registering as an independent for the first time in my life.
Loyalty must be earned, and the DNC has amply proven that they don't deserve my loyalty any longer, if they ever did.
I've been indie for many years.
I was a dem my whole life. After the Kerry debacle, I switched to indie - no more dem party crap for me. I just, last week, switched back to dem to vote for Bernie in our closed primary, June 7. Once I vote, I'm switching back to indie. I've enjoyed being an indie - I wasn't sure, at first - but it was a great move for me.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Me too!
'Voting for an Honest Politician' at least once in my life is on My Bucket List. When I vote for Bernie, I can cross that one off.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I love your avatar, COE!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Aw shucks, thanks RA. Made it myself. :-)
And I like your's too. Lots of great avatars on C99! Yay C99ers!
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Green to Dem & Back Again
I've been registered as a Green ever since Bill Clinton first ran. I've never been able to stand the Clintons. Neither could Hunter Thompson so I know I've been in good company. Now I'm registered as a Dem so I can vote in the California primary for Bernie. As soon as my vote is cast, back to register as a Green.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
It can't be much longer Al
Independents are 45% and D & R together are 47%. Bill stayed under the radar. Obama opened the box. This primary dumped the contents all over the floor for everyone to see. Most find it disgusting. Hell, when Trump can outflank the party's candidate on the left, there can't be anything left in the box.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
yep, voting percentage lags because many have given up
to get a rough idea of how many Bernie people there are I started with the number of people who actually voted in the 2012 election. 57% of eligible voters went to the polls that year. 93 million people chose to not vote.
That's astonishing, really. The number of people who did NOT vote was 1 1/2 times the number who voted for each of the two major candidates.
The Internet's Going Crazy For This Bernie Sanders Corrido Song!
I love this!
I imagine some future time when there'll be folk ballads about "The Burn" and how he fought the rich to save the poor, and anthropologists and mythologists will argue over whether there really was such a person as The Burn and what he really did or didn't do.
Carne Asada, Yum!
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Muy picante
n/t. 8-)
Sentir la quemadura!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Getting ready to post these in the lobbies of my co-op in Bklyn
I love those!
I love that you're posting them in your co-op!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The current two party system is archaic
And so is the way our government structure. The fact that 15% or less of voters will have a say in which candidates are nominated for the highest office in the land is just shameful. I am not sure I know the best solution for this although the parliamentary system seems to be fairer. I would love to read others' thoughts on this.
Thanks for a great Open Thread, Shah.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning GG....
Before we go to a Parliamentary system, I would like to see some things tried first...
1) Every election day is a paid holiday.
2) Every citizen is register to vote on their 18th birthday. No need to declare a party... everyone votes whatever way they choose without "joining" any party.
3) Campaign funding by the government. With MASSIVE restrictions on how LONG campaigns can go on... Here in Canada I think it is 30 days. Not YEARS.... And the day AFTER the elections ALL of the signs are GONE. All campaign ads are FREE...public service by the broadcasters. And FAIR truly BALANCED coverage of the candidates.
4.) And every party gets an honest shot at the offices they are running for.
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First Nations News
This was the kind
of input I was seeking. Something is very broken here in the United States. Campaign financing is a huge part, but it is not the only thing wrong. I do not know if we can ever unwind the depth to which our government is now owned by the oligarchs. Thank you for offering your ideas. I think they are excellent ones, Martha.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I too like your solution list
especially #3. The run up endless campaigning to any election here in the US from mayor's to the president are so long and so awash with media hype they just become slug fests or wrestling matches. All the information we get is just garbage and gotcha's. Every campaign deteriorates into mudslinging pointless argument over semantics.
The latest brouhaha in the Dems. wrestling match primary is about somebody using the term corporate whore is a good example. Another one is the endless argument about who's unqualified and who said who was unqualified. Nothing about why either candidate is qualified just this constant lobbing of pointless distractions that are about bs. On and on it goes the longer this farce of a primary lasts.
Getting the corporate money out of the equation is a real catch22. Because the contemptible Supreme's said money=speech via CU, it's going to take an act of the god's to get this overturned. None of the elected pols or the party machines that get them elected have any interest. It's the hand that feeds them and the horses they ride in on.
One of the main reasons I am supporting Bernie was that early in his campaign he promised that if elected he would appoint a supreme court justice that was for overturning Citizens United. The thing is congress gets to thumbs up or down any appointment and both sides are complicit in the kabuki show of obstruction a compromise. Like any of these entrenched assholes are going to vote for cutting off the spigot of money pouring into their personal and political coffers.
It's viscous circle jerk in which we the people are stuck with the rigged system they call pragmatic. I just glanced at the FP on dkos and saw that the senate Republican lizard brains are going to use the filibuster to permanently block the appointment of a Dem. appointed supreme. lol. The Kabuki emanating from from our legislative bodies is almost as absurd as this rigged electoral primary and the unbelievable general that will follow. Really 60+ =a majority?
So I agree Martha, but how in the hell can this ever come to be when the system flawed as it was, is now just flat out a fraud. No Exit as the existentialists I read in my youth said. A political revolution is needed. One that involves and depends on the by-partisan complicit perpetrators is doomed.
'The pump don't work cause the Vandals took the handles'. Even Bernie plays their game. If he didn't he would not even be allowed to run. Pols are not the solution people are.
Bernie explains "New York values"
WATCH: Bernie Sanders Gives Cruz and Trump a Lesson in Real 'New York City Values,' Ends With Epic Mic Drop
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Erica Garner: "I Feel a Political Revolution Coming"
I Feel a Political Revolution Coming
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
If you look at the Democratic Party
as a Corporation, existing to make "profits" for its shareholders, it all fits together as long as we the people are not the shareholders. Which we should be. So we don't matter in this scenario.
oh lordy, I typed Demoncratic above and caught that little slip!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
great topic, Shah
I keep thinking its Friday but its not. Im still trying to read or watch about three other open tabs, lol, and I gotta get busy on the homefront. sheesh. Im really feeling like the next 5 - 6 days in Bernlandia are gonna be kahrazy!! Hello Tipping Point?
If nothing else, this whole primary season has got a shit.ton of people #woke.
Entire Fucking City of Asheville Moving Out of North Carolina
“It’s been a good 220 years, but we’re done here…”
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First Nations News
he he, good one
FB'd to a friend in Asheville who will love it.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Great find, Martha!
I have friends in Asheville - they are appalled!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Asheville is a very cool place
Brevard, NC, where I spend most of my time is only 35 miles SW of Asheville. While our county is very conservative, the city is much more open and welcoming, plus like Asheville, we have a real downtown too. Our local Peace vigil has been going on for 13 years. Many of us in Brevard might just want to tag along with our big brother Asheville in its relocation.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
A Call to FBers and Tweeters
FB, Tweet, or Email your (s)Elected officials.
Subject line:
No need for any body text, they never read those anyway.
The only thing [most]politicians care about is their jobs.
Most of them get into office immediately thinking, and only thinking, about getting re-elected.
Now go out there and make your elected critters know you mean business.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Great idea but...
Great idea but I live in Utah and all my elected officials are Tea-GOPers.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
The People’s PSA: A Vote for Bernie is a #VoteForMe
the americans
are also increasingly identifying as something other than Christian, something other than heterosexual, something other than of a single race. They are learning that they do not have to be swallowed by the great whale of some majority. That the only real in-crowd, is oneself.
How the elections work
That is SO shared to Face Book!
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First Nations News
Rigged elections
I just want to slap the smirk off that guy on the left's face...he is sitting there all smug... "it's not's the rules..."
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First Nations News
That's one of your best OT and all the comments too...
... you and they gave me back my hope. And I needed that. Thanks, Shahryar, and I am glad you talked it over with Shaharzade. You got to the point beautifully and on time, no glazing over at all. And thanks for the tunes. I would be amazed if Hillary could sing that beautiful song by Skeeter Davis, but it would make me so satsified and happy, if she would. Or if we could sing it for her.
I see a few good man and woman fighting. Thanks. Makes me welling up. I am such a faint of heart. Glad you all are not.
Yeah, I don't mind a new green democratic socialist party. Would love to work for that one. For sure.
Gothamist's pics of the Washington Square scene