Open Tummler 04/12/16

On Sunday evening, and well into the night, I was compelled to draft a 34-page legal brief. I am too old for that sort of thing. And so, now, I am pretty worded out. Thus, here, I think I am just going to free-associate. And see what happens.

Once I asked my brother what was the difference between a "canyon" and a "gorge."

He replied: "It requires fewer teeth, to say 'gorge.'"

Then he added: "And it requires no teeth at all, to say 'arroyo.'"

My brother, he was a man of many wisdoms.

He liked Beethoven's Sixth Symphony. The "pastoral" one. He called it "going home." A reference, in part, to the film Soylent Green, where it was featured heavily on the soundtrack.

I ran that film for someone some years ago. After which she said, "I'm glad I waited to see this until it became a documentary."


Beethoven, he consumed mass quantities. Quite commonly, the man would pour huge tankards of booze down his throat, all day, and all of the night.

In fact, some say it was alcoholic cirrhosis, that killed him. While others say, no, it was syphilis. Then there are the lead-poisoning partisans. And the people of hepatitis. The sarcoidosis devotees. And those who cleave to Whipple's disease. This last, I think it involves an irresistible urge to squeeze rolls of toilet paper.

There are still various Beethoven hairs and skull fragments floating about. And so, periodically, some Science Man, he will subject one or more of these to Tests, and then write a Paper about them.

Because, for the dead, there really is no "rest in peace." Not any more. Someone is always digging you up, rolling you into some Lab. Even if you go to the trouble of having yourself cremated, this may not stop people from, decades on, writing whole biographies, about your balls.

The father of Gore Vidal, Eugene, he had three balls. Apparently they were all the same size. So far as I know, they are not in a Lab.

Gore Vidal, who only had two balls, he observed that there was irony in the fact that these days George Santayana is pretty much forgotten, except for something he said about forgetfulness: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

This is too bad. Because Santayana, he had many wisdoms. For instance, he knew that "chaos is perhaps at the bottom of everything."

But if Santayana were going to live for but one remark, I would prefer it be his observation that "there is no God and Mary is his mother."

The brain, it can play with that one, and a lot longer, than with the "past" thing.

"Santayana," that is not a rock band. But it could be.


When I was a youth, there were two pop songs that would cause my father to want to stab and shoot. "Windy," and "A Horse With No Name."

When I determined that my father needed to be Punished, I would play the latter, over and over again.

My brother, he possessed a copy of the Woodstock album, with a skip right where Joe Cocker, in "With A Little Help From My Friends," erupts into a massive, prolonged, vomit-scream. This hideous noise, it was eternal, until my brother nudged the needle. Which he would refuse to do. On those occasions when he believed the parents, they needed to be Reprimanded.

"Vomit": that is one of those words that looks and sounds just like the thing it describes. It's pretty gross.

Then there's the Australian variant—"chunder." One pictures with that word, someone like Russell Crowe, sweating, weaving, heaving heartily, in some tumbledown back-of-beyond booze-shack, as he prepares to toss another dwarf.

There is, for no reason known to me, some genetic programming in cats, that commands them to keep moving, whenever they vomit. Generally the cat, when beginning the barf beguine, must heave in at least three distinct places. I asked the tubes why this is, but they wouldn't tell me.

This current crop of cats, they are unusually sensitive to the emotions of human beings, as expressed through the television. Any emotion, high or low, that pulsates out the TV, causes the cats to get up and leave the room. It's just too unnerving.

The radio, now that is not a problem. A clinically insane person, like Runt Limprod, or The Mad Bomber, or The Hairball, they can screech without surcease, there on the radio, and the cats don't care. Maybe the difference, with the television, is that there the humans, they are also visible.

The cat buried out there under the naked-ladies birdbath, it took him a while to get acclimated to the reboot of Battlestar Galactica. There was so much death and anguish, particularly in the early b5e7e93bce1b6fe3fb09a5f366960563.jpgepisodes, that he needed to express, via vomiting, his solidarity with the suffering.

My brother, he was one of those human beings who was consitutionally unable to vomit. He only heaved twice in his life; on both occasions, after consuming a corn dog at the county fair. This makes sense. A corn dog, that is such a monstrous object, that any human body, it is going to want to get rid of it, and as quickly as possible.

Back there in mid-March, I erased The Hairball from this universe. It happened: trust me: it is just not fully manifest yet.

It is like sometimes, in battle, a soldier, he will be running, and he will be shot, and killed, but he doesn't notice it for a while, notice that he's dead, and so he keeps on running. For a while. That is sort of what is going on, now, with The Hairball.

But he is definitely fading out. He does not know how to have even the delegates he has won, and even his number-one fangirl, she is estranging herself. Also, he is no longer a menace in my dreams. For a time there, nightside, he was a real annoyment: showing up to, like, bellow his nonsense right into my earhole, as I was trying to drive a bus.

But last night, he was old and bent, teeth bad, not much hair, a burnt-out carny, trying to urge people to his county-fair booth, out on the midway, to there throw baseballs, at milk-bottle stacks. But people weren't interested. They just kept walking on by. It was sort of sad, really.

This universe, you know that it is basically just fucking with us, when you learn that the loudest natural animal noise on the planet, it is made by a penis.

99.2 decibels, blares the noise_comparison_0.jpgthing, sounding forth from that wee beastie monikered the "lesser water boatman."

I am surely glad, that human males, they are not able to produce sound with their members. Because then all the world, it would be deaf.

The boatman, he creates what actual Science Men have termed "this colossal acoustic din," by rubbing his johnson against the ridged surface of his abdomen. The entire noise-making assembly measures about 50 micrometers across, or roughly the width of a human hair. Which should provide fresh meat for the perennial "does size matter?" debate.

The little loud guy, he starts rosining up his bow when—you guessed it—mating time comes around.

[The dude] can create mating calls as loud as 99.2 decibels, which is the equivalent of sitting in the front row of a loud, full-blown orchestra, or standing 15 meters away from a hurtling freight train.

"Remarkably," said Stratchclyde University's James Windmill, "even though 99 percent of sound is lost when transferring from water to air, the song is so loud that a person walking along the bank can actually hear these tiny creatures singing from the bottom of the river."

The Science Men were at first Confused, but now they are Sure. Says Windmill:

"We were very surprised. We first thought that the sound was coming from larger aquatic species such as a Sigara species [of] lesser water boatmen. When we identified without any doubt the sound source, we spent a lot of time making absolutely sure that our recordings of the sounds were calibrated correctly.

"If you scale the sound level they produce against their body size, Micronecta scholtzi are without doubt the loudest animals on Earth."

The Science Men rushed their discovery to a conference in Glasgow, where they "are now keen to bring together aspects of biology and engineering to clarify how and why such a small animal makes such a loud noise[.]"

Hell, the "why" of it is answered easily enough. Guy wants a woman.

I didn't make any noise at all here, Saturday, much less any "colossal acoustic din" of 99.2 decibels. For I failed then utterly, in my duty to post the Saturday open thread. Because AT&T ripped out my tube at 5 p.m. PST Friday, and didn't reconnect it until late Saturday night.

They gave no reason for this.

I only have the one tube. A thin green wire, coming out of the wall, that goes to the skeletal Arris monolith, and from there to the Mac Mini, the Ooma, and the Roku.

I have no other computers. I have no smellphones.

So, when they clog this tube, I am back in the 19th Century.

It was sort of relaxing, really.

But then they unclogged the tube. And so now I am back on Medicine.

I don't get why it's called an "open thread." Because a "thread," it is not generally "open." Nor is it "closed."


People, they are always whining and moaning, about human overpopulation. But what about chickens? There are 19 billion of those things running around. Three times as many chickens on the planet, as people.

The extraterrestrial film director Werner Herzog, he has observed that when you "look into the eyes of a chicken, you will see real stupidity. It is a kind of bottomless stupidity, a fiendish stupidity. They are the most horrifying, cannibalistic and nightmarish creatures in the world."

A chicken is key to the finale of Herzog's Stroszek, in a sequence which pretty much sums up the human condition.

At the time of fliming, Herzog's own crew scorned the footage: they "all found the scene very stupid and embarrassing; everyone asked whether we were really going to shoot such rubbish after spending so much time on this stupid film. 'Please,' I said to Thomas Mauch, 'just point the camera, press the button and let it roll until the film runs out. This is something very big.'" And so it is.


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gulfgal98's picture

Thank you for posting it.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

Miep's picture

Thanks for the entertaining post. Glad to hear you're back online, unless you're not.

I hear you about unexpected online failures. They can be oddly addictive after the initial withdrawal period.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

Lookout's picture

it might be a frayed knot.

Enjoying the thoughts, better open than a frayed.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

hecate's picture

have coffee with your threads, you get this:

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Lookout's picture

When we listen to media deceive. Very cleaver...

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Miep's picture

Is a web spun by an orb weaver, not a cobweb weaver.

This is the spider equivalent of waking up and realizing with gradual dismay that you are not under your own ceiling.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

mimi's picture

cash within 15 days in person at ...

I got this text message. Lol. I wasn't at the Democracy Spring sit-in yesterday.

So the Capitol or DC police made 21,500.00 dollars yesterday by arresting very kindly and friendly 430 people from the sit-ins.

If you get arrested a second time, you spend a night in jail and I don't know how much higher the penalty fees might be.

I wonder if they will send me a message tomorrow, "when you spend the night in jail, you have to pay ...." Blum 3

These arrests make not much sense, apparently. They fund the police for their kind work, and the main stream media doesn't care to report about the sit-ins or the arrests as anything that would be of interest. Heh, you can sit-in all you want, nobody cares.

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Bisbonian's picture

And they all moved away from me, there on the group Dubya bench.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

elenacarlena's picture

Clearly it needs a new name.

Kentucky has bourbon barrel overpopulation. We have more bourbon barrels than people, and the darn things keep multiplying! But we do what we can to keep the population under control. Putting bourbon in everything we eat or drink helps. It's a tough job, but it's our duty as state citizens. Wink

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hecate's picture

amazing about Kentucky is that the grass really is blue.

What I found disturbing is that when the people killed the raccoons, they would slap the carcasses over the fences, so everyone could See.

My friend lives in an area of Kentucky where the sheriffs once periodically had to go into the pokey because they were such big wheels in the moonshine trade. Today the law jockeys recurrently go into the jail because they are major methamphetamine mavens.

Have you checked to see whether the bourbon barrels are breeding and reproducing? It's possible, you know.

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Miep's picture

On fences.

This is something they said:

"Ok now on to the answer he told me obviously it may be different other places and I will ask a few more people too. Snakes are hung on the fence because people kill rattle snakes,copperheads,rat snakes because they are either poisonous or harm farm animals and they leave them on the fence because some people make things out of the skins. So someone who drives by can take if they can use it. Turtles are usually snappers and are killed because they are dangerous they hang them on the fence so that the vultures will clean the meat away from the shell and the sun bleaches the shell and then apparently they use the shell for decoration or art(I didn't really understand the art idea,has anyone seen this before?) Raccoons ,possums, smaller animals are shot because of the danger to eggs,animals or because they are a nuisance and hung on the fence for scavengers. If you bury dead animal other animals will come and dig them up ,so they leave them on the fence the vultures/animals can take them and eat them. Also putting them on the fence allows them to dry out so they don't smell if they don't get eaten like they would on the ground. Oh and the coyote is for what some ladies suggested,to ward off other coyotes,they are a huge problem here."

They also said the warding off thing doesn't work.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

Miep's picture

Would work in Kentucky, but it would here. And there are many vultures.

I suspect the above explanation of being a complete fabrication, but it still makes an odd kind of sense.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

Miep's picture

"We hang carcasses on the fence in case somebody can use them. Like with the free box at the thrift store."

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

Haikukitty's picture

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hecate's picture

your explanations are preferable to the one I settled on: that these were just Cro-Magnons, proud of killing critters, and wanting to show them off.

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Miep's picture

They do the coyote thing in these here parts.

But we are supposed to believe they hang snapping turtles on fences in order to retrieve the shells later, for decorative ornaments repurposing.

Real barbarians eat the turtle and then make things with the shells. Also they probably eat the raccoons too, and definitely use the fur.

Here, the highest form of art is probably making up bizarre explanations for one's behavior and laughing at people who believe them.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

elenacarlena's picture

then I travel outside the state and wonder, "Why is the grass so yellow?"

I have never seen a dead animal hung over a fence. It'd be OK with me if that particular behavior has fallen out of fashion.

There's still some moonshine and some meth, but last I read about the drug trade I think it was the prescription opiates that people go for these days.

Yes, I think we have breeding bourbon barrels. I may have to eat and drink faster to keep up!

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Shahryar's picture

related to the Joe Cocker getting stuck, this was back in the old days when we first discovered marijuana. We were all pretty high, listening to Sgt. Pepper (I repeat, good times!) and A Day in the Life came on. The record did that thing in the big buildup, going on and on and on until my feeble brain, which has always listened to music in a funny way, figuring out how it's made and all that, caught on to the fact that bits were repeating. I got up and moved the needle ahead, at which point my friends started thanking me. That's partly because it was blowing their little minds (as Donovan would say) and partly because it was our custom to take a hit off the joint and hold the smoke in for the entire length of that crescendo.

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hecate's picture

i do not miss is toting the vinyl when moving. Crates of albums were so heavy they could be reasonably lifted only by somebody like Atlas. Today an iPod will contain as much music as once launched a thousand hernias.

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Shahryar's picture

the usual, Bernie vs the Devil, the kind of thing that Bernie's been winning easily. No need to go there and vote. In fact, it's better if you don't. Hills is well ahead which doesn't mean she's more popular than before. It means that the twit has chased off the smarter set.

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OLinda's picture

The last one he did was March 8. He never did another one after the edict. Why should he since he had his nominee? Except until now, apparently. Maybe he wants to know just how many Bernie supporters are still there, and how successful his effort was.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

He just might be counting heads. My head won't be there to be counted. Wink

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Gerrit's picture

comfortably :=) My, voter suppression works well, don't it. I laughed; all the Berniacs are here at c99. Zuniga sure learned quickly how to fix a voter pool :=) I checked the comments: my, the bots are ever so grateful to Zuniga for running off the progressives. Well, that's enough schadenfreude. I don't care about top the way long-timers do and don't follow the hoofala. But it was interesting to go see how the kossack pogrom turned out. They work, just as they did back in the day in Eastern Europe.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

LeChienHarry's picture

I voted. Can't vote enough times though.

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.

Miep's picture

So I'm taking pictures. They're not thumbnailing into my avatar as well as I'd like, alas. The originals are much clearer.

This one is a Peace rose. This hybrid was released at the end of WWII, in honor of the war theoretically being over. The rose has held up better than wars being over, but still; the wars are over, it just hasn't happened yet.

I love this rose. Beautiful color, great scent, and really tough. This one has had various sorts of heart rot and whatever for years, but she keeps on coming back and giving me a show every spring. Can't keep a good rose down.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

Deja's picture

I know I shouldn't laugh at this poor person's bad luck, but I just love his/her way with words.

From Help Desk:

I've unsubscribed three times! I don't want your "paid for by the Clinton campaign" bullshit, or anything else from this website anymore! You're supposed to be a progressive website, how the hell are you taking money from campaigns to spread their message! Get out of my inbox you fakers!

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