Open Sesame 03/12/16
This disease will be the end of many of us, but not nearly all. And the dead will be commemorated, and we'll struggle on with the living, and we are not going away. We won't die secret deaths anymore. The world only spins forward. We will be citizens. The time has come.
The Mad Bomber, she wants it to be, always and only, she, who Bombs. Thus, this week, she pitched a fit, because Iran test-fired two ballistic missiles. Glowering darkly, the Bomber demanded that, and at once, there be Sanctions.
But the people of The Kenyan, they said the test-firing did not violate any international agreements. And so The Bomber, she should just bugger off, and go back to Losing to The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man.
Then a Bad Quote got loose in the tubes, wherein the vice president, Uncle Joe, was quoted as saying The Mad Bomber, she has less foreign-policy sense than even Yosemite Sam, and "just wants to be Golda Meir."
Ballistic missiles, they are deeply stupid, and should all be ground into Murano glass. But the Bomber hardly possesses moral authority to screech and rend her garments about Iran firing a couple, when serial killers in her own nation are shooting the things off all day and all of the night from sites like the Vandenberg Lunatic Emporium. Not to mention all the missiles, bombs, guns, mines, grenades, and mortars daily fired, by the serial killers of her nation, at living human beings.
It was not a good week for The Mad Bomber's mouth. It was like she was the Tin Man, rusted in a forest in Oz somewhere, and then when Huma showed up with the oil can, The Bomber's mouth joints, they were somehow only half-lubricated, so that everything that came out of them, came out Garbled, Stupid, Wrong.
For instance, during the Wednesday debate with The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, she decided to go all Roy Cohn, and try to send the Deli Man to the electric chair, on the grounds he was Che Guevera's chief lieutenant at La Cabana, and commanded a brigade against the Miskito Indians for the Sandinistas.
But she forgot that eight years of unsane ululating from the wingers about The Kenyan being a "socialist," this has drained the word of all menace. The Americans, they may not like The Kenyan. But they learned, through personal experience, that, under the governance of such a "socialist," they need not wear paper shoes, slurp only watery turnip soup, hang pictures of tractors on the wall, or spend half of each year in a gulag. So, they are not Scared, of "the S word," any longer.
So imagine The Bomber's surprise, when, in the hours and days following, rather than the Deli Man frog-marched into Sing Sing, no one simply gave two shits, about he and his socialist compadres.
Then, yesterday, shamelessly horning in on the funeral services for Mommie Poo Pants, The Mad Bomber went on the television to emote that Poo Pants and her hubby, they had bravely roared out of the White House to conquer AIDS, just like their pal John Wayne had bashed all the Japanese off Iwo Jima.
Almost before her creaky, half-oiled mouth had closed, howls of outrage, from both the living and the dead, sounded deafeningly forth, thundering even into the outer ozone. Furious, The Bomber savagely kicked a minion, and then took to her twit machine, there to "clarify": "While the Reagans were strong advocates for stem cell research and finding a cure for Alzheimer's disease, I misspoke about their record on HIV and AIDS. For that, I'm sorry."
Right. Because everyone confuses AIDS and Alzheimer's. All these goddam diseases: they're all the same. Lupus, diabetes, diverticulitis, herpes, rabies, albinism, arthritis, asthma, wrestler's ear, flatulence, bunions, boils, brain tumors—what-ever. What she meant to say, there on the television, was: "It may be hard for your viewers to remember how difficult it was for people to talk about bleeding string warts back in the 1980s. And because of both President and Mrs. Reagan, in particular Mrs. Reagan, we started a national conversation, when before nobody would talk about it. Nobody wanted to do anything about it."
To the best of my knowledge, The Mad Bomber, she was not in a coma during the Reagan administration. She was therefore surely aware that tens of thousands of people had died before Mr. Poo Pants could bestir himself to even pronounce the word "AIDS." And that another two years passed before he addressed it directly—and then only because his friend Elizabeth Taylor threatened that he would no longer be allowed to play with Michael Jackson and the monkey, if he did not.
Even Patti Davis, daughter of Poo Pants and the sperm donor, reiterated just last month that Daddy, he screwed a twelve-pack of pooch, there on AIDS:
I'm not gonna make excuses for the failure of his administration to address the AIDS crisis when it was going on. It was a failure. And it hurts my heart that that happened on so many levels. One of my father’s flaws was that he delegated authority to other people and relied on them to give him the appropriate information on things. Presidents get briefings every morning. So they do rely on people to bring them information on what's going on and there were people around him who did not want him dealing with the AIDS crisis. I'm not making excuses for him. I'm saying that's a flaw of his, and in this case it turned out to be a really tragic flaw. He didn't really know the extent of what was going on until Rock Hudson died.
Freddie, the plague took him, before any Reagan ever breathed its name. His oak sideboard is in my kitchen. Because every "inanimate" object retains traces of those who have cared for it, I went in there to talk to him about this. He told me to go listen to Harper. And so I did. Reminded, then, there, that, in some universes, it was Ronald Reagan, rather than Tony Kushner, who had the dream about a former lover, a dancer, a man who was carried away early in the plague, but who in the dream was alive again, and was lying in bed, in his pajamas, when a great angel, she came crashing through the ceiling. And, in waking world, he then went on to write, Angels in America.
Yes. Dreaming ahead.
I would get on an airplane, with that woman. Because, there's just something about her: you know, she'll be Safe. Also, she packs a lot of Medicine.
Otherwise: I don't know. Because airplanes, they remain, really, pretty much Danger Birds.
Recently we have reviewed, here, the Reality that, if you get on an airplane, the mammoth French thespian Gerard Depardieu, he may elect to urinate on you. While other flights, they can feature shouting masturbators, people who smear feces on the food trays, a flight attendant who sets fire to the bathroom, a morose man who detonates a bomb that blows him out the side of the plane, and/or rampaging packs of dogs, dashing hither and yon, up and down the aisles, looking for loose arms, into which they can commence the Biting.
Now, this week, come the boom-box women. Seems two women decided to enjoy their music, there in the airplane, at top volume; three other women objected; all five then engaged in what authorities later described as a "mutual combat situation."
The truly chilling lines from this story, they are these:
"It isn't uncommon," Pedregon said of the fight. "People lose their tempers and just refuse to get along."
This means, it is "common," to get on the airplane, and there be subjected to women commencing a physical battle-royal, over a boom-box.
No. I don't think. That, without Harper, and massive doses of her Medicine, I will be getting on an airplane. Any time. Soon.
We have also, here, Understood, that many airplane events—like the "mystery illness," of unknown origin, that ODed a bunch of people over Iceland; the complete disappearance of MH370; the mysterious downing of MH17—are actually Fringe events, caused by Bad and Wrong seepage of another universe, into this one.
Fringe events, they are as common on airplanes, as women grappling over boom-boxes. But they also occur terrestrially.
This week, for instance, we learned of the "mystery illness" that has felled 15 people in Wisconsin, for No Known Reason.
A dozen people got sick, and then another dozen. More than four months later, the number has grown to 48. So far, 15 patients have died, though it remains unclear whether the infection was to blame. Federal and state authorities are still trying to figure out where the infections are coming from, and investigators remain baffled.
This is quite obviously a Fringe event, caused by the Bad universe-bleeding. Walter—the esteemed, and insane, Science Man known as Walter Bishop, in this case, rather than the KushReagan-inscribed American angel Prior Walter—he has gone into the Lilly tank, with a head full of LSD, and we are, even now, awaiting his Emergence, so that, hopefully, we might, then, Know.
Meanwhile, some Science Men, of more Normality than the various Walters, they this week did something kind of charming. They named a spider "Brian."
Usually, the Science Men, they will discover some new creature, and name it something like xythiguidsgjhkh fhgyrhisiaijh, which, in an actual human language, means something like "ant that is green."
But, this time, when the Science Men stumbled upon an Australian spider, that has been here on the planet for, oh, about eleventy-billion years, but which the Science Men are just now Seeing, and so it is classified as "new," they decided to just call it "the Brian spider."
My parents, before I was born, they were going to name me Brian. But then, when they got a look at me, they decided I wasn't a Brian. And so they named me: hecate. Because that is who I am.
Captain Underpants, if he had been named Brian, then, by the Law of Names, he would have led a much happier life. He would be jolly and red and ruddy and weigh 275 pounds, he would live in Provo, he would sell cars, and he would heave out each Sabbath great bundles of food, to the poorer Mormons, to see them through their days.
But no. Instead, he was named Willard. Which is a name for a boy with a strange and unusual attraction to rats. With a middle name of Mitt. Which denotes a squat and ugly leathery object, repeatedly punished, by balls, thrown very hard, and very fast.
As a result of the Wrong Naming, Captain Underpants, he is now Doomed. To igniting himself, like some sort of crazed Mormon monk, in what is intended as a desperate and last-ditch backfire, that will consume The Hairball.
The scenario that’s been floated in recent days by GOP insiders I've spoken to is that Romney could enter the Republican primary race late in California and New York to deny Trump the delegates necessary to clinch the nomination. Then, at a brokered convention, Romney would emerge as the party’s choice on a second ballot. There's no real hope that Romney would be able to beat [The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man]—it would essentially be a suicide mission—but losing in 2016, while being able to cast the Trump phenomenon as a fringe aberration, would be better for the party in the long run.
Somehow, I had never pictured the Underpants, wrapping a Rising Sun cloth around his forehead, nodding stoically as he is welded inside a Zero, and then determinedly kamikazing himself into some wallowing whaler like the USS Trump Tub. But, you know. Stranger things. They have certainly happened.
I mentioned here on Tuesday that The Hairball, he wants to hurt people, to kill people, that he states this quite explicitly, and that this is the core of his appeal: the people of The Hairball, they want to hurt people, to kill people, too. And that is why, they cleave, to The Hairball.
The next day, on Wednesday, this was made manifest.
As a young black man was being escorted, by hang-dog law-jockeys, out of a North Carolina Hairball rally—for, correctly, protesting that The Hairball is absolute anathema, against all of evolution—a 78-year-old yeehaw crackerjack forearmed the young black man to the face. And then ululated to Inside Edition words, scripted word-for-word, that he had absorbed, from The Hairball:
You bet I liked it. Knocking the hell out of that big mouth. Number one, we don't know if he's ISIS. We don't know who he is, but we know he's not acting like an American. He deserved it. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don't know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization.
The Hairball, having these past months opened the whole of his acrid arsehole, to blat forth great blasts of the foulest, rank diarrhea, across all of the land, about the malodorous Mexicans, and the murderous Muslims, all a congenital and constant Threat, deserving only to be deported and debarred, and having previously said "it was a beautiful thing," when his herrenvolk punched someone in the face; having fondly recalled "the good old days," when protestors were "treated very, very rough"; fondly recalling, again, "I love the old days; you know what they used to do to guys like that in a place like this? they would be carried out in a stretcher"; shouting out to one herrenvolk fist-wielder, "try not to hurt him; if you do, I'll defend you in court"; having directly referenced one protester with "I'd like to punch him in the face"; and then, yesterday, saying it was "very, very appropriate," for the herrenvolk to hit people, that "that's what we need a little bit more of"; and then, yesterday evening, in St. Louis, bemoaning that "part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long, is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore," that "there used to be consequences. There are none anymore."
The yeehaw crackerjack who forearmed the black man, formerly he stuck pigs and pretended he could shoot some six-guns. He named himself "Quick Draw" McGraw, after a dimwit cartoon character. He sez: "I believe in the scripture as a road map to a way of life. The Bible tells us how to live." And he cites then to Zebadiah 3:41, in which it is, Hairball, written: "forearm the darky to his goddam face; then, if he shalt offend thee again, kill the motherfucker."
But then, last night, in Chicago, where there was to be a Hairball rally, there was no Hairball rally. Because the people, they had come out in, great, numbers. And The Hairball, like all bullies, being, at root, a chickenshit, called off his speech. Because The Hairball, he cannot cluck-cluck his chickenshit cluck. When, where, there, are, en masse, Real, people.
These people, of Chicago, they are Brave, and they are Good. For they recognize, that The Hairball, he is of a unique sort of deliquescing menace. And they want no part of him. They do not want him, in their world. This world. Our world.
People in New York, they may like big-mouthed New York bullies. But the plain fact is: no one else does.
The Hairball, he has always been Over. But now, it is time, to truly make it so. He is a genuinely disgusting human being, without a single redeeming, public, quality.
I am erasing him from this universe.
My friend Freddie, he was black, and he was gay, and he was a musician.
Keyboards. From church, to proto-rave.
In Freddie's life, some black people didn't want him, because he was gay; some gay people didn't want him, because he was black. But he surmounted all that. Because he was of music. And so he had been to the monolith, and he had seen over.
Mommie Poo Pants, she didn't go to Freddie's funeral. Neither did her husband. Neither did The Mad Bomber.
But we went. And, there, we sang this. Because Freddie wanted it. Because he knew it. And he wanted us. To know it, too.

there remains the donate button,
up top, for people who have pennies—for to give to johnny, this site's slave, not master, this day living in a tar-paper shack, 'neath a leaky highway overpass—to put the pennies in.
if you haven't got a penny, a ha' penny will do
if you haven't got a ha' penny, then god bless you
every word of this Open Sesame. Wonderful stuff, as usual.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning hecate...
Couldn't sleep, too many memories of friends, fellow thespians and acquaintances who died horrible deaths before we knew why. Chris, for instance, had a lovely flower shop on Christopher Street and Gene, a director from Texas, and James, a TD, and Michael, an actor, and many more, so many, our preservation acting ensemble was wiped out in a few short years.
The theatre community, as the Village in those days, late seventies, was a large family interfacing, connecting; making New York City small. We all knew each other on sight at Jimmy Ray's, the Lion's Den, the public theatre, Murray's cheese shop; in Washington Square and especially at the Greek diners, which were plentiful, inexpensive and served good food; the soul food place, the Pink Teacup--my memory fails me as i write, all those marvelous people and the good times we had, the love we shared for theatre and life; the great brunch place, outside table with the Voice and the Sunday Times in hand; Bethune Street, Perry Street, the 14th street market; Provincetown Playhouse, Grove Street, the speakeasies... Mineta Lane, and the fantastic taramosalata from around the corner and roasted spring chicken; little Rose saying "shu-fly don't bother me." Ceviche to die for at the local on Spring Garden; foam mattress beds, couldn't live nor move without one.
Those were good times, those were sad times. Thank you for this good diary and remembering Freddie.
I am pretty new here, but I have already learned
to search out your writing. Beautiful, lyrical, inspiring, and full of TRUTH. I find myself talking, in my head, after reading your prose, in the same sort of cadence. I love what you have written, even though airplanes put food on our plates, my partner and I. I have wanted to fly airplanes since I was about four. But I have wanted to play banjo since I was about 8. Decades later, I often wish I had chosen the latter. But, there is always a reason for these things. Have you found a big enough magnet yet?
And now, I am off to look up a few words, and listen to some Neil Young, and some new music (new to me!) Thank you for this...I will read it a few times until you write the next one.
PS...the words of the crackerjack, they are SO much more dangerous than the snippet I have seen reported in the press. Truly we are farther down the rabbithole than I had realized.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
i am just
a chicken, with the airplanes, and probably because I was too old—nearly 30—by the time I first boarded one, and then it was a very, very small plane, piloted by a former dope daredevil, who almost immediately needed to show me how much "fun" it was to fly into clouds, and get buffeted.
I don't much like boats, either.
Thank you for your kind words. Still looking for the magnet. And, it is never too late, to pick up the banjo. ; )
my son and I crossed the Atlantic via Island
in the eighties so often, we called the airplane our living room. Then later came the Iraq war invasion experience. Since then my son detests to fly. He learned to jump out a helicopter with a parachute, but still breaks out in sweat, when in a airplane that is starting or landing, today. He also has helicopter noise over his head as a trigger. Meanwhile I have it too. Where I live the helicopters fly very often between downtown DC to NSA or where ever else they go, in addition to the traffic observing helicopters. They fly at pretty low height and make an astonishing amount of noise. I actually like to fly in small planes better than in the big ones, because they make you forget you fly. Small planes, bumpy and all at least tells you, what is going on in the air.
Today I am glad, if I don't have to fly, but try to contain those feelings with my brain. Doesn't work that well.
Oh, I picked it up about 10 years ago.
It's on my lap right now, as a matter of fact...I read and play, read and play. Harder right now, because it is windy, and that makes our internet wonky. Maybe I should just play.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
multitasking is good, sometimes it isn't.
Like, do you play the banjo, when you fly the airplane? ; 0
I TAKE my banjo when I fly the airplane,
every time. And every time, some passenger asks me that. But no, I don't (can't, wouldn't) play while we are flying. But if I get a chance, I play while we are sitting around between flights... I play for the flight attendants if we have some down time, I play for a few "through passengers" if they are continuing on the next flight with us, waiting for the new passengers to board. And sometimes, if everything else is taken care of, I play while passengers are boarding. Always good for some startled reactions
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
i like that
And I think it would be fun, to read essays from you, about banjo aviation. ; )
I have a question. You know the French jet that went down in the Atlantic, because the crew were believing the instruments, and the instruments were lying, and they couldn't see out the window that the water was coming up, because it was dark, and planes don't have headlights? Don't you think it would be better to fly the airplanes only during the day, so you could actually look out the window, and see where the ground is? ; 0
Hi Bisbonian...
three finger or clawhammer?
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Amazing article, as always. Thank you, hecate.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Taking the day off from writing...
Until tonight, when I'll put together my OT for tomorrow.
Going to be taking a long walk, spending time with my kids and working on the positive today. Yesterday was pretty emotionally draining, and I want today to be a good one. Last thing I want to do is to be writing in anger when I don't need to be.
So apologies of the non-content of my post.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Hecate !! F**ing true your words, JtC make the OT sticky,
it belongs to the top and please donate to our in a tar paper shack beneath a highway overpass living slave JtC for his slave work to help us all. (Who is the slave master in all of this, hecate?)
Man, I am so without courage. Did you read Chauncey DeVega's diary My Experience at Donald Trump's No-Show Rally In Chicago--With Video?
And all those commentators who fluster and swell themselves up saying they have learned something from history of Nazi Germany to justify them being better than the rest of us, who apparently learned nothing. Sure, of course, what else
is new.
Ok, it's going to be too much for me to comment on. Just listen and read and listen to yourself, if you can. Yes, Trump is the superior election campaign spectacle's enemy number one. Got that. The video in Chauncey's diary is just one example how freely floating hate speech on the intertubes and on TV incites hate crimes. It has spilled over into the non-digital life. The discussion about this having been orchestrated or not, is darn irrelevant. I really don't care anymore, in both cases, orchestrated or not, it's an incidence that incites more hate and more potential violence.
The way the police will be handling such incidences is crucial. Disarm the police from taser guns. These guns create violence and potential deaths of civilians. I remember so many demonstrations of right-wing Neo-Nazis in Germany against left-wing socialist-minded people in the sixties and seventies. It is crucial that the police manages to separate them without resorting to weapons that increase the mayhem (ie no sound canons, no teasers, no military style vehicles, the least amount of tear gas possible, just plain an overwhelming number of people (police) that can contain the excited masses with their bodies, preventing the masses from letting their hate for each other boil over. It can be done.
for the link to the Chauncey piece. I had not seen it.
The Hairball, he has never been funny, and he has never been worth, ever, on anything, a single damn. And people like you, they know that.
Adding to my earlier comment
Your wonderful mind boggles mine twice a week. There is so much meat in your wondrous words.
Chauncey's diary was excellent and his video was stunning and frightening. It appears he may be doing a second longer version. I especially loved this quote of his because I really do believe it myself.
Having been involved in a small local Occupy group, I came to the same conclusion. The young people of that group were the ones who really inspired me and gave me hope. I think there are far more of them than the ugly racist ones.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I have long enjoyed Chauncey's writing
Amazed that he was actually there, giving us a first hand account! And loved that statement, too.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I cannot start the precedent of making certain essays sticky. I'll be going back to work shortly and will not be around all the time during the day to sticky and unsticky essays. Joe also works so it's not practical for him to do that either. As an admin he can do it himself for the EB and as this site is considered "The Home of the Evening Blues" it holds a special place. As the new folks here get more acclimated to our ways they'll know that there's a daily Open Thread and what great writers contribute to them and they will seek them out.
JtC ...
I am sorry, I didn't mean you should do anything on it right now. The Evening Blues is the heart. I just am also always taken by our great OT writers here and today I got carried away with hecate's ...
... and rightfully so !
I know where to look for the awesome OTs and surely others will too. I am a lazy butt when it comes to searching for something. Sigh.
I guess when the tsunami rolls over your head, one is just a little bit more disoriented than usual.
I'm working on a photo essay to honor Nelle (Harper) Lee, and
would sorta like to cross-post it at your OT (since you've featured her, here), and Joe's EB in the near future--if you have no heartburn with that idea.
Some of the photos are absolutely delightful, IMHO.
And thanks for today's OT. Your writing is brilliant--sometimes above my pay grade.
(Music City) Mollie
"The obstacle is the path."--Zen Proverb
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
that would be great, UL. ; )
Thanks! Got to travel back home
(very briefly) for a medical follow-up at Vanderbilt, and then back South, again--so even though I've finally completed the screenshots, it will probably be a couple, to several, OT's out.
If you have a preference (Tuesday or Saturday), just give me a holler. Otherwise, I'll probably post it when I 'think' there will be the most traffic.
(Music City) Mollie
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I am so frigging confused, I could cry ...
Did you read BBB's diary?
They are throwing their bodies on the gears - By brooklynbadboy
If I haven't understood a diarist at the gos, then it's this one. I don't believe a word he/she is saying. I guess, online bloggers are really beyond me.
Ok, need to cut myself off the tubes. If someone can explain to me what BBB is standing for, I would appreciate it.
Just want to say thanks for another.fine
Only connect. - E.M. Forster