I need space

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The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, imo, the real source of evil
Albert Einstein

Albert wrote these words way back in the year of my birth. A lot has changed since that time.
A lot has remained the same, war being the most reliable of sameness.
Al certainly witnessed a number of them, Spanish- American War of 1898, WW1, WW2, and the Korean War were all blood fests visited upon the world. Albert was not a fan of wars.
Nor am I.
Had he lived to 100, he would have witnessed the Indochina debacle.
But he would have also watched Yuri Gargarin become the first human to orbit the earth and Neil Armstrong step out onto the moon.
As a young lad Sputnik (the satellite, not the Vaccine) set fire to my wild imagination and I poured into Sci-fi paperbacks and scoured the three Los Angeles newspapers that my Mom brought home, looking for any news space related. As a latchkey kid I had lots of time on my hands and my biggest friends were the LA Times, Herald Examiner, the LA Tribune, and novelists like Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson, Andre Norton, Arthur C. Clark, and Robert A. Heinlein.
I was enthralled with the Gemini and Apollo programs and kept a scrapbook of every little tidbit I found in the news.
By the time I started high school I had already bought my own telescope, microscope, and two chemistry sets. I even built my own Heathkit Ham radio and learned Morris code.
I had visions of a beautiful and exciting future for the world and mankind.
" One giant leap for mankind" was exhilarating to hear.
It's been something of a letdown.
What the hell happened? Why did we stop the space program? We don't even know how to build big rockets anymore.
Meanwhile the Chinese, Indians, and Russians have rocketed so far ahead of the US that we will never catch up.
We have lost the space race forever.
We squandered a comfortable lead for Full Spectrum Dominance. And we are failing even that.
Americans have been robbed of their future.
Do you feel robbed?
The thread is open.

18 users have voted.


QMS's picture

First they came for my money, then they took my mind,
so I couldn't buy it back. I shared your youthful optimism
but several assassinations and wars of aggression later
caused the enthusiasm for change to disperse.

Now, having aged into the realm of considered cynicism,
the old US ideals have morphed into hope for BRICS +
and a fair multipolar world. Erase ethnic and resource wars
and the future may have hope.

Thanks for the OT!

11 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

earthling1's picture

I think it all pivoted on the JFK assassination. Remember the warning from his predecessor, Ike, regarding the MIC.
Been downhill since.
Thanks for the post.

11 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

TheOtherMaven's picture

What the hell happened? Why did we stop the space program?

It "cost too much", and we "needed" to "fix the problems here on Earth" "first", and all the rest of the lying bullshit spread by the propagandists for the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex.

The younger generations are turning away from science fiction toward fantasy because they know they have been robbed of any chance at that once-promising future...perhaps of any future at all.

Interestingly, Norton got her (yes, *her*) start writing SF with a post-apocalyptic novel, Star Man's Son/Daybreak 2250 AD, which soundly denounced any and all forms of prejudice among humans (this became one of her trademarks ever after, and she almost immediately extended it to humanoids who could get along with humans).

11 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

earthling1's picture

into Marvel/superheros is spot on.
I completely skipped comic books, considering them far out fantasy that was impossible to read.
It is all Americans have left to believe today.
Comfortably numb is the watchword.
The MIC inspired "Space Force" is an embarrassment.
Thanks for stopping by.

9 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

QMS's picture


long time passing, where have all the spacers gone?
gone to India, China, Russia and Pakistan long time ago

Now that the Pentagon runs the outer limits, the US
develops satellite lasers, orbiting bombs, spy webs and
other useless shit. Insecure much?

I see China has launched a replacement for the ISS which
was a fairly decent approach once upon a time.

The US is being left behind in the dust bin of history.
The ambitions of JFK are lost in time.

11 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

earthling1's picture

China and Indie compete for the first moon colony @ the south pole.
It's called infrastructure, duh!
If the two of them could overcome their bickering over earthly soils and combine their extraterrestrial endeavors they would dominate the near earth planets.
The Russian space program aims to build another space station (remember MIR?) and create a space "tug" designed to capture space debris and asteroids and harvest the rare earth's.
They also plan to colonize the moon.
The only colonizing the American regime covets is Russia and China.
When you really think about, any successful off planet colony would render the concept of MAD moot and impotent.
I'd call that a win for humanity, however little of it remains.

12 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

lotlizard's picture

It brought back many memories of my early childhood fascination with astronomy and space exploration, a bit like pre-teen Ellie Arroway in the movie Contact.

The For All Mankind series starts from the premise that it’s actually kind of too bad the Soviets didn’t beat the U.S. to the Moon, because that would have kept the Space Race very much alive and kickin’ — with the result that we would’ve been on Mars and stuff by now!

7 users have voted.

@lotlizard the Soviets didn't accept JFK's offer, made on 2 occasions, for the US and USSR to undertake a cooperative joint mission to the Moon. Well, actually Khrushchev did finally reverse himself and accept the offer, a week or so prior to the events in Dallas, and JFK began to issue orders to Nasa for full cooperation. This is according to Khrushchev's son Sergei. Not sure if JFK's docs supporting these orders have been made public.

4 users have voted.

As badly as we have screwed up this globe, I don't see why we would think heading out to another one to screw it up improves anything.
Losing Full Spectrum Dominance doesn't seem to me to be a bad thing.
I have a friend who is in the Army Space Force. He cannot say a word about what he does or what that force is capable of doing, or even it's primary purpose. It must be weaponized. Not good, IMHO.
As a teen, space travel seemed a cool thing, until I realized Sputnik was left to die in orbit, and Apollo 13 blew up as I watched the screen.
We build planes that do not fly, have easily hackable internet, so I leave space travel to others. Besides, as soon as TPTB have a bug out planet to live on, the sooner they will blast this one to smithereens. Planets can be useless eaters, in a manner of speaking.

9 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

As enlightened as this site is about political chicanery, including the "science chicanery" of C-19, it is disappointing to me that more of you are not more skeptical of the moon hoax. You should realize that with very meager computing technology we have claimed to fly to the moon and back six or seven times in the late 1960's/early 1970's when in the 50+ years since no human has left low Earth orbit. "Been there, done that" is in no way a satisfactory excuse given the decades of Space Station visits in low Earth orbit since. This guy woke me up in three chapters more than a decade ago. I would be surprised if it took you more than three chapters. https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/

5 users have voted.
QMS's picture

@Bring Back Civics

or touched it with your mind
it is possible this is more symbolic
than chicanery for now. Reaching
out to the great beyond is possible
in many ways, necessary for the
advancement of understanding.

thanks for stopping by

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@Bring Back Civics hasn't been an issue here.
You might be surprised at the individuals who believe he moon landing was a hoax, but it hasn't been particularly discussed.
Do an essay. Thanks for the comment. Essays get more reads, discussion, and let's see what ensues.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp There have been so many excellent, well-sourced articles and essays written about this subject that I would just be plagiarizing and cutting and pasting. I would direct the attention of those who are interested to read a little of what Mr. McGowan's work, to which I linked.

1 user has voted.
lotlizard's picture

@Bring Back Civics  
taking humans all the way to the Moon and back, yes, why was it all abandoned in favor of low-orbit military missions rather than developed further?

Space travel to another celestial body with IBM punch card technology was possible and affordable then, but impossible and unaffordable now when a supercomputer is something you can put in your pocket?

And granted, it does seem odd that reportedly, none of the original records and recordings can be found.

So there may very well be some important truths that the Powers That Be are hiding. As to whether that justifies an immediate leap to the maximal conclusion that the whole thing was faked, people’s mileage will vary, as the saying goes.

Right now we have other problems: our elites won’t even give us a truthful answer and non-fake explanation regarding Ukraine, or Israel, or any of our problems at home — let alone the Moon.

6 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture


"low-orbit MILITARY missions".

The moon shots were high-risk projects with little or no military application - and we got very lucky that none of them were total disasters (Apollo 13 came closest, but became a dramatic "we saved our butts" story instead).

Once the Deep State got full control, the risks were deemed "too great", and the prospects of being able to project military force from low orbit (Orbital Mind Control Lasers? Or just Orbital Lasers?) became more enticing. The International Space Station was (IMHO) a deliberate attempt at distraction from what the Deep State and the Pentagon were planning - and it was clunky, ill-planned, and disaster-prone even more than the moon shots. (So it has, for all intents and purposes, been given up on, at least by the US...the Deep State no longer needs the distraction.)

7 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.