Max Blumenthal on Nazi murderers in Canada

If you read nothing else this week on the events in Canada, I hope you will read Max Blumenthal's piece at Consortiumnews.

My personal focus in this controversy is that the burning alive of men, women, children and babies in locked buildings, by Nazis forces in WWII, honored in Canada this week, coincides with the burning alive of men women and children in the locked Trade Union Building in Odessa in 2014.

Clearly, either the Canadian government is composed of total ignoramuses about WWII, or they are trying to re-write history so that we accept the Nazis as a force for good in the war, COUNTING ON US TO BE AS IGNORANT ABOUT THE WAR AS THEY ARE.

Consortiumnews has also posted an article by Joe Lauria, "When Zelensky Brought a Nazi to the Greek Parliament," highlighting the similarity and the difference between the public relations events there and in Canada.

I'm hoping that this atrocious event in Canada will permanently end the process of manipulating the public to adore Nazis.

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Sima's picture

The cartoon sez it all.

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If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so


have been held in pretrial detention for around 600 days now. Although that doesn't come close to the US record of holding J6 protester Jake Lang (who saved at least one and probably more lives endangered by gross police misconduct) will have been in pre-trial detention for 1000 days right about now.

All due respect to our freedom-loving Canuck neighbors. And one of the warmer corners of Hell for the authoritarians and their enablers.

True North not forgotten:

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QMS's picture

They are the good guys. Why else would Russia be fighting them?
Like ISIS, they are now the good guys. Cause the bad guys are fighting
them. An enemy of my enemy is my friend. Weird how convoluted this is.

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QMS's picture


there is a full court press on (basketball term) reviving the image of
Nazis and revising history to coincide with the present powers' need
to justify killing Ukrainians en-mass. Quite sure Orwell would have had
a field day on this twist of messaging.

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question everything


Didn't want the European Jews coming there en mass - they were mostly leftist/secular and only wanted young/vigorous/skilled and ideologically aligned. Although they were happy to milk the Holocaust for all it was worth after the fact. Many of the militant Zionists in the 1930's were actual veterans of the Bolshevik revolution.

Discussed in depth in Tom Segev's excellent work on the Palestine Mandate period 'One Palestine, Complete'.

Al-Husseini not blameless, of course, but no more blameworthy than a whole *lot* of others.

Hitler offered to send Jews to the US but they were refused entry there and elsewhere...

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ggersh's picture

I guess no one listened

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley


2020 article about the key role of a Canadian Air Force officer in bringing over
30,000 Ukrainians to Canada post-WWII - including around 2000 veterans of the
Waffen WW 14th Division Galicia - who had a brutal record even by SS standards.

Not only had the Ukrainians voluntarily served in Hitler’s war machine but they had eagerly signed up for the Waffen SS, which had been declared a criminal organization by the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal.

Those who served in the 14th Waffen SS Division Galicia had taken an oath to Hitler and had received education in Nazi doctrine. Ukrainian officers had been trained at SS facilities in the Dachau concentration camp. In fact, some of the division’s members have noted in their memoirs that concentration camp prisoners were required to remove their hats as a sign of respect for the Ukrainian SS. Unit members were given SS tattoos under their left arm indicating their blood group. Leadership of the division included some key figures who had been directly involved in the Holocaust.

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They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore

QMS's picture

@Johnny Q

it will soon become subversive among the blind followers of networked news
or even radical? once upon a time it was a wake-up call ..

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question everything

Sima's picture

@Johnny Q
At this point, it's like, 'which nazi died'?

2 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

snoopydawg's picture


We know that Ukraine has been brimming with Nazis since before the end of the Great War, but they came out into the light after Obama’s brutal coup in 2014.

Adolf Hitler Is “The Torchbearer of Democracy” According to Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament (2016-2019)

No Outrage or Media Coverage by Ukraine's Staunchest Allies. Kiev Regime Speaker of the House "Is Not a Nazi". Ukraine Is "A Flowering of Democracy" According to the NYT.

On September 4, 2018 the Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) Andriy Parubiy’s intimated that Adolf Hitler was “the torchbearer of democracy”.

His statement was broadcast on Ukraine’s ICTV channel. Parubiy described Adolf Hitler as a true proponent of democracy claiming that the Führer “practiced direct democracy in the 1930s.” (Tass, September 5, 2018)

This controversial statement was not picked up by the Western press. Lies by omission.

Not a single US, Canadian or EU News media took the trouble to cover the story.

Why? Because the Kiev regime (including its Armed Forces and National Guard) is integrated by Nazi elements which are supported by the US and its allies. Parubiy has been given red carpet treatment by Western governments. He is casually portrayed as a right wing politician rather than an avowed neo-Nazi.

Embarrassment or denial? The US Congress, Canada’s Parliament, the British Parliament, European Parliament, have invited and praised M. Parubiy.

Of course there is a picture of the Nuland creature shaking his hand. Because of course there is. But she wasn’t the only one

June 15, 2018, two of the most influential Republicans in Congress, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator John McCain, meet Parubiy in Washington

Max also covered a neo Nazi that visited the US congress in 2018.

“At a packed meeting in the Senate, the Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal asked organizers whether it was appropriate for Congress and the American Foreign Policy Society to be coddling the founder of two neo-Nazi parties. The response his questions elicited ranged from bizarre to deeply troubling.”

Most corporate media sites wrote about the Nazis in Ukraine up until Russia started its SMO, but they have mostly gone silent about them and they pin the blame of Nazi atrocities on Russia.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


I'm hoping that this atrocious event in Canada will permanently end the process of manipulating the public to adore Nazis.

Poland is asking for the Nazi to be exported to Poland so they can start proceedings to charge him with war crimes and since over a thousand Nazis immigrated to Canada more will be discovered and their crimes will be investigated and prosecuted.

I still haven’t heard anything from the ADL who has not only whitewashed the Nazis in Ukraine, but hasn’t spoken out about this event. Nor has Israel or Bibi who has also stayed silent on the Nazis.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


Thanks for posting it, Linda. There was no way that the people who invited Hunka didn’t know who he was or his past crimes.

Sadly so much of Max’s work over the years has been missed by those who need to read it. Same with Mate and Greenwald who are all called Putin propagandists just for exposing the truth.

Meanwhile thanks to Obama it’s legal for the government to flat out lie to us. I think democrats have been the more effective evil going back to Clinton if not before him.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


I think democrats have been the more effective evil going back to Clinton if not before him.

helps me to understand why my anger toward the Democrats is so much more intense than it is for the Republicans. At least the Republicans present themselves as standing for greed, as in the mantra, Greed is good.

But the Democrats present themselves, somehow, as supporting workers, children, the elderly, the disabled, as they do everything possible to disadvantage those people, in fact. As Grandma used to say, watch what they do, not what they say.

But you're right. The Democrats are more effective at oppression and war because we're not supposed to see them do it.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Linda Wood

Take the latest threat to shutdown the government unless congress agrees to cut funding for things that help us. Democrats always say that they won’t let those things be cut and then turn around and cut them because they just had no other choice. That’s the play they play with us.

Democrats: vote for us and we will protect you from what republicans say they want to do to you.

And then it’s well we tried, but we just didn’t have the votes or this rotating villain that we didn’t see coming blocked us or that dastardly parliamentarian said we couldn’t do it even though it was just a suggestion and it has no real power to tell us no. Give us more democrats in both houses and the presidency and we will. Then just enough rotating villains….

How many times have we seen this damn play. The corporate media also plays along with their daily breathless headlines about how many days are left before all hell breaks loose.

OT, but every person serving in the military should refuse to show up for duty until the military gurus fix the houses that their families are living in. I remember reading of the atrocious conditions that the houses were in with people living with black mold and broken appliances, ect. I read about it again just this week. If Biden and the pentagon can afford to send billions upon billions to Ukraine then they can damn well afford to fix base housing. Have you seen the mansions that the higher ups live in along with untold perks that cost millions of dollars?

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

in the comments at MoA today:

... On the other side of the exchange, the Soviet leadership found out that despite the demands set forth by Stalin, British intelligence was retaining a number of anti-Communist prisoners under orders from Churchill, with the intention of reviving "anti-Soviet operations".[8] The 14th Waffen Grenadier Division, which was recruited from Ukrainians in Galicia were not repatriated, ostensibly because Galicia had belonged to Poland prior to September 1939, but in reality because MI6 wished to use the prisoners in future operations.[9] The officer in charge of screening the 14th Division for war criminals, Fitzroy Maclean, admitted in an interview in 1989 that it was "fairly clear that there was every probability that there were war criminals amongst them", but argued that in the context of the Cold War, such men were needed to fight against the Soviet Union.[10] On 23 March 1947, the United Kingdom granted asylum to the entire 14th Division, whose men were subsequently settled in the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.[11] The Soviet government protested against this decision, stating that most of the men in the division had previously served in German police units in Galicia and were deeply involved in perpetrating war crimes... [11]

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@Linda Wood

FWIW was one interesting cat - who certainly got around. This was the first I heard about
his involvement in vetting Nazis.

Just finished re-reading his autobiographical account of his experiences in the British foreign service in the 1930's and later in the army during WWII.

Maclean was from an old and aristocratic Scottish family and in the 1930's was a Foreign Service officer in Paris. Your basic dream assignment. But he was fascinated with Central Asia, mostly under Soviet control at the time. He got the idea of volunteering for assignment to Moscow thinking it might give him a shot at going there. That being considered a non-dream posting, he got it, managed several trips into the Stans and Russian hinterlands and also experiencing Russia during Stalin's purges and attending several of the show trials.

So, war breaks out, he tries to join the military but the Foreign Office won't release him. To escape, he runs for Parliament in an English constituency and wins, forcing the FO to release him and joins the army as a private soldier. Is sent to N. Africa, bumped up to officer and joins one of the earliest units of the SAS, going on commando raids and serving in Egypt, Libya, Lebanon and Iran.

Then, gets appointed as Allied liason to the Yugoslav partisan forces under Tito and runs the Allied mission there until the end of the war... One of the very few to go in a private and come out a general.

Recommended read:

'Eastern Approaches' by Fitzroy Maclean

"Another truck full of explosives went up, taking with it all my personal kit. That was another two trucks gone. My equipment was now reduced to an automatic pistol, a prismatic compass and one plated teaspoon. From now onwards I should be traveling light."

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snoopydawg's picture


being accepted into Canada. From the EB's.

I read one article on where the Ukraine Nazis killed people in Ukraine and Poland and was shocked at the cruelty and total disregard for lives of those who they think are different than they are. I’ve seen reports of what the current crop of Nazis are doing to their fellow citizens just because they don’t like how they behave or live. This is what our government is knowingly supporting. And too many Americans are turning a blind eye to it.

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

QMS's picture


I have no cures to prescribe.
Just to recognize it for what it is.
Unbridled torture to the soul of
civilization. As we once knew it.

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question everything

of Poland. Some people hired a local guide to take them to those woods nearby our hotel where Nazis shot and killed 1200 people.
At the time, I didn't know it was Ukrainians.
I do now.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

are as ignorant and fascist as the US Congress. How could those doofuses hear and not comprehend:

"We have in the chamber today Ukrainian war veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98,” Rota declared during the Sept. 22 parliamentary event in Ottawa.

How does the Canadian government rationalize its funding of WWII Nazis during the war?

"its website, the UCC boasted of receiving direct Canadian government assistance during World War Two: “The final and conclusive impetus for [establishing the UCC] came from the National War Services of Canada which was anxious that young Ukrainians enlist in military services.”

Perhaps more digging into US WWII history will uncover similar treasonous funding. Bad enough that the US waited until after the war before welcoming Nazi criminal.

As difficult as it is to believe, it's possible that the antipathy towards the USSR and Russia has deeper and more inbred roots in the UK and Canada than in the US. Nicholas II was family to the UK royal family and by extension all British monarchists.

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lotlizard's picture

tries to spin perceptions of the story in its headline, knowing many people read no further than the headlines:

Oh, sooo … (1) an EX-Nazi was (2) mistakenly honored ??

(1) The Ukrainian Nazis whom Canada coddled and cultivated are still Nazis, not “ex” (having never changed their beliefs about what they did and why)

(2) It was not a “mistake”; Canada’s elite knew exactly who they were honoring

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@lotlizard @lotlizard ex-Nazi? That's a new one to me!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

or even commented on his smiling fist pumping applauding of this Waffen SS veteran?

It's one thing to suggest that the Canadian House of Commons knows nothing about Ukrainians who fought Russians in WWII, but Zelensky, the President of Ukraine?

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@Linda Wood
for honoring a Ukrainian WWII Nazi when he supports (and needs) currently living Ukrainian Nazis actively working to kill Russians?

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If he's silent on the issue, either he's admitting he had no idea whom, or what, he was applauding, or his silence means he supports the Nazi assault on Ukraine during WWII and now.

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