Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - July 8, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

This seems to be the week of waiting until the NATO summit.

Except the rest of the world is creating new future.

Finance, power, integration: The SCO welcomes a new 'Global Globe' The Cradle Pepe Escobar July 6, 2023

The 23rd summit of the heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), held virtually in New Delhi, represented History in the making: three BRICS (Russia, India, China), plus Pakistan and four Central Asian “stans” (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan), finally and formally, welcomed the Islamic Republic of Iran as a permanent member.
The next step for the “Global Globe” – what the collective west dismissively qualifies as “the rest” – is to work on the complex coordination of several development banks and then the process to issue bonds linked to a new trading currency.

The main ideas and the basic template already exist. The new bonds will be a real safe heaven compared to the US dollar and US Treasuries, and will imply accelerated de-dollarization. Capital used to purchase those bonds should be used to finance trade and sustainable development, in what will be a certified, Chinese-style “win-win.”
The interconnections are fascinating. Apart from Iran and Pakistan, the only full SCO members that are not BRICS members are four Central Asian “stans,” which already happen to be EAEU members. Iran is bound to become a member of BRICS+. No less than nine nations among SCO’s observers or dialogue partners are among BRICS applicants.
So it’s no wonder that several leaders at the SCO summit were in favor to what amounts, in practice, to an expanded BRICS-SCO Central Bank. When the new BRICS-SCO-EAEU currency is finally adopted – of course it’s a long way away, perhaps in the early 2030s – it will be traded for physical gold by participating banks from SCO, BRICS, and EAU member-nations.

Not much hope for meeting Western defined victory in Ukraine. Hopefully the faith in a wonder weapon saving the day disappears before more blowback of violence occurs in more countries.

Vilnius NATO summit will likely be a flop Asia Time by Stepehn Bryen July 7, 2023

Europe is out of money and out of bullets. It is not in a mood to give a blank check to Ukraine or risk a bigger war that might spread into Europe. President Biden will have a hard time trying to squeeze more from the Europeans.

Biden knows that he cannot unilaterally use US forces, especially air power, without airbases and supply centers in Europe. Right now, Washington has a free hand because US warplanes are not bombing Russian positions in Ukraine. Bombing them, however, would force a strong European reaction and shatter NATO.

Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky has been pressuring Washington for advanced warplanes, saying airpower would make it possible for Ukraine to win. But the only practical way forward with that over the next year is to operate from bases outside of Ukraine using US and possibly other NATO aircraft.

This would certainly mean war in Europe, and the currently ruling governments in Europe either would have to say no or face being removed by force. It is, therefore, an unlikely, if highly dangerous, scenario.

​Washington has already signaled that it has been unable to convince its partners about Ukrainian NATO membership.
The failure of the Leopard in Ukraine represents a huge challenge for NATO and signals that the current NATO “tripwire” strategy may not work.

Under the tripwire paradigm, the idea is that an initial Russian attack (most likely in the Baltic states, because Russian forces are very close to Estonia and Latvia) can be held for some days while the US ships heavy forces into Europe. But if the tripwire is illusory, then NATO is exposed to rapid Russian advances in Europe should an attack be launched.

The bottom line is that NATO’s strategy needs revision or, alternatively, that the Europeans and Russians need to work out a mutually acceptable security arrangement. It is exactly such an arrangement that Russia proposed to NATO in December 2021. It was rejected without discussion.


The COVID experience opened a larger number of individuals to the manipulation of information by government and media. Each generation seems to need their moment, then back to self selected ignorance for many.

How To Create A Fake News Cycle Zerohedge July 6, 2023

The whole debacle presents a neat lesson in how to create a fake news cycle. It goes like this.

Step one: Identify a public tool, such as poison control centers, that are easy to manipulate.

These organizations have a public hotline and email address that anyone can use to report a problem. The reports are logged as “adverse events,” but they are not easily confirmed and typically will be tabulated for public records whether or not they have been verified. This is exactly what happened with the Oklahoma story. The local poison control center was deluged with fake calls from people claiming they overdosed on ivermectin.

Step two: Deploy “independent,” seemingly credible voices to validate and embellish the false claims.

Doctors are among the most trusted professionals, but having a medical degree doesn’t make you an honest broker. Many doctors struggle to earn a living practicing medicine, and sadly some – like the Oklahoma ER doc – will stoop to industry or political hit jobs if it pays the bills. And doctors willing to go on the record expressing concern about a health scare – ivermectin overdoses – are all a reporter needs for a juicy scoop.

Step three: Coordinate with institutional allies to add legitimacy.

FDA, American Medical Association, and GAVI (The Vaccine Alliance) – to add credibility and fan the flames with outraged public statements and targeted ad buys. Reporters can pose questions to their representatives at televised briefings, which carried more significance during the pandemic.

Finally, step four: Activate the echo chamber in mainstream and social media.

Twitter influencers who live and play in the Acela corridor can talk to each other in the green rooms of cable news studios and glitzy Beltway gatherings. They can pat each other on the back for exposing the crazies and conspiracy theorists.


Repackaging old news as new distorts is a method to disrupt the memory of the timeframe of important events. Shakes the foundational understanding a bit and it becomes easier to shape new thought patterns.

The Danny Haiphong video released yesterday(Pepe Escobar: NATO is CRUMBLING as Russia and China Assume World Leadership) on Youtube is an example of a fake interview on current events.

It would be very easy to add the information at the beginning of the interview clarifying the article being discussed by Pepe Escobar was released mid-April. (Escobar: All Roads Lead To Beijing) after French President Emmanuel Macron visit to China and the Ukraine offensive had not started. Instead at 11:34 minutes into the video Danny states these events happened in the last few days in Beijing.

A more current interview discussing the French violence and weapons coming back from Ukraine.
What’s REALLY Behind the Riots in France? With Pepe Escobar. July 4, 2023 (11:35 min)


Who has time for this long of a video. But because of the content felt I needed to share. New audience and most subjects include background information I had not heard previously from Ritter. I spent most of my time during those years meeting the obligation of funding the monthly payroll and had little time for anything but business. Fortunately others were working on preventing the world from being blown up.

THIS Is How NATO's War On Russia Has FAILED w/ Scott Ritter (2 hr 51 min)

first hour Events leading up to first Iraq war through second Iraq war includes many events he participated in at the time.
1.00 discuss China and Russia's ability to by-pass US missile defense. It only takes 400 nuclear bombs to end the world

1:14 - how did we get here on Ukraine and current events
2:41 - bioweapons
2:46 - drop Youtube to discuss sensitive subjects, had dropped facebook feed about an hour earlier. People adjust quickly to censorship.

The full video on Rumble. It is over 4 1/2 hours in total.


The other livestream videos this week by Judge Napolitano channel ongoing discussions regarding current Ukraine/Russia conflict. the interviews are generally posted on Monday through Thursday if would like to view them in a more timely manner.


A reminder we are part of continual change. A couple hours drive away and closer to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge(Bundy occupation)

Testing yields new evidence of human occupation 18,000 years ago in Eastern Oregon

Oregon archaeologists have found evidence suggesting humans occupied the Rimrock Draw Rockshelter outside of Riley, Oregon more than 18,000 years ago.
In 2012, O’Grady’s team found camel teeth fragments under a layer of volcanic ash from an eruption of Mount St. Helens that was dated over 15,000 years ago. The team also uncovered two finely crafted orange agate scrapers, one in 2012 with preserved bison blood residue and another in 2015, buried deeper in the ash. Natural layering of the rockshelter sediments suggests the scrapers are older than both the volcanic ash and camel teeth.

Radiocarbon-dating analysis on the tooth enamel – first in 2018 and then again in 2023 – by Dr. Thomas W. Stafford, Jr of Stafford Research and Dr. John Southon of University of California, Irvine, yielded exciting results: a date of 18,250 years before present (14,900 radiocarbon years).

That date, in association with stone tools, suggests that Rimrock Draw Rockshelter is one of the oldest human-occupation sites in North America.


What is on your mind today?

13 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Not sure if I can do the math, but if we adjust our calendars to reflect the
origination of humans (instead of a somewhat fictitious occurrence of christ)
then this would be the year 20,023? The Chinese date is 4721, so they are
a bit behind Eastern Oregon time.

Thanks for the OT Potluck!

9 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

The balance of power is indeed in flux. It'll be interesting to see how the BRICS+ currency evolves this August. All the sanctions have backfired and most of the world views us as a bully. Can't say I blame them.

Thanks for the OT and all the links! Have a good weekend.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture

You can't make this up. Sgt Kim in front of NATO embassies in Seoul, a one man demo. The problems are two three fold, first his placard says UN, the war was fought by the UNC not the UN. The UNC is a vestigial US run organization in East Asia, it is not the UN. The UN command was created by a Security Council resolution while the Russians were absent. The second problem is that "Thank you for your service" is a US slogan. I've never heard this expression from a South Korean. Third, the pitch based on the support of an ethnic Korean (we don't actually know where he comes from) for a war ostensibly on behalf of "democracy" in Ukraine is specious. And this PR stunt, is the hook for dunning the South Koreans for weapons, because NATO has started a war it literally can't support itself. Good luck with that. The more South Korea is pushed into commitments unwanted by people suffering from an economic downturn, the more unstable the Yoon administration becomes.

Ukraine war: Pressure builds on South Korea to send arms to Kyiv

Ultimately, maybe they could convince the lackey administration in South Korea to send several brigades to Ukraine, like the US did with the Park dictatorship during the losing Vietnam war. I'd post the ridiculous Sgt Kim back from Vietnam song here that goes with that past propaganda effort but I've done that before.

While the BBC News plugs this little propaganda play on behalf of a desperate Ukraine, they ignore the real demos in the streets of Seoul today, which proceeded from City Hall to Statue of Peace in front of the Japanese embassy. By the way, there was more than one person there. Todays theme was impeach Yoon Seok-yeol, and stop the dumping of radioactive waste into the Pacific by Japan.

Screenshots from 오마이TV news coverage of the demo posted on youtube a few hours ago.

The pro-Japanese Yoon government goes the LDP route trying to deny history.

The South Korean minister for veterans affairs said he could state with absolute certainty that the late Gen. Paik Sun-yup didn’t collaborate with the Japanese.

Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Park Min-shik made the remarks in a radio interview with CBS news anchor Kim Hyeon-jeong. “It’s wrong to smear [Paik] as being a Japanese collaborator, which is an outrageous framing of the facts,” Park said.

Critics say Park is stoking national division with his over-the-top campaign to whitewash Paik Sun-yup, which has now reached the level of blatantly disregarding historical facts.

Park reiterated that he’s considering the option of deleting a phrase about being a Japanese collaborator from records on the website of the Daejeon National Cemetery, where Paik was buried upon his death three years ago.


I can't believe it's been three years already. I wrote about US veneration of Paik in 2019.

(Source- Yonhap News 11.21) Korean War Hero on Birthday. https://en.yna.co.kr/view/PYH20181121124600315

Admiral Harris pays homage to the former Japanese Imperial Army officer who served in Manchukuo on behalf of Japan during WWII. General Baik later led troops against the communist armed forces in the Korean conflict. Recently, the former ROK Army four star general has been rolled out at the forefront of encouraging active duty Armed Forces personnel to oppose the Moon Jae-in administration. How far ROK Army officers might go in their opposition is an open question in light of Saenuri Party (LKP) administration martial law plans in early 2017. One recently defecting LKP Assembly representative used the term "spitting in the well," to characterize South Korean conservative leadership flirting with reactionary generals.

Currently, President Yoon is going with the police state model, rather than a military coup. He controls the prosecutors and the police, and intimidates the judges. Critics and key opposition members are investigated, indicted and prosecuted, while their own corruption is ignored. The Yoon administration also ignores the majority in the legislative assembly. Media regulatory bodies have been taken under control, along with the National Intelligence service. Virtual all government officials are in a state of fear, as there appears to be no limit to government investigations on any pretext, lawful or not.

From the IAEA report:

"Finally, I would like to emphasize the release of water stored at Fukushima Daichi Power Station is a national decision by the Government of Japan and this report in neither a recommendation nor an endorsement of that policy. However, I hope that all who have an interest in this decision will welcome the IAEA's independent and transparent review, and I give an assurance, as I said right at the start of this process, that the IAEA will be there before, during and after the discharge of ALPs treated water." Rafael Mariano Grossi

The trouble is the review wasn't "independent and transparent" but rather coordinated and subject to approval by Japanese agencies and TEPCO. There is also the matter of the financial impact of Japanese support for the IAEA which isn't disclosed in the report. Several top nuclear engineers in South Korea have challenged the adequacy of the report and their views have been widely disseminated in alternative media. The first part of Grossi's concluding statement in the intro to the report is CYA, the second meaningless PR. None of us will be here one hundred years from now which is how long this inadequate "process" may go on without addressing the principal issue - the meltdown itself. I'm not a scientist or engineer, I'm merely summarizing what I've heard them publicly say in recorded South Korean videos.

The Hankyoreh’s examination of the document shows that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) published its final report on the discharge of radioactive water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean after only completing one round of sample analysis of the contaminated water, despite previously promising to carry out three rounds of safety reviews for the release.

Moreover, the IAEA released its final report even though the results of its environmental sample analysis, conducted in order to corroborate environmental monitoring results, had yet to come out. Critics say the IAEA undermined the credibility of its own report by coming to the conclusion that dumping the irradiated water into the ocean is fine even before analyses of its core samples were completed.

In its final report made public on Tuesday, regarding its plan to conduct three rounds of sample analysis of the irradiated water, the IAEA revealed that “a report including the analysis of these samples” — the second and third samples collected in October 2022 — “is expected to be published later in 2023.”

There's more at the link, there are still other issues with the process.

IAEA rubber-stamped release of radioactive Fukushima water without finishing sample analysis

Thanks SOE for the open thread.

11 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

QMS's picture


saw that in the news that diplomatically, So. Korea is all in in wasting their waters
with Japanese radioactive waste. Thought, WTF? Really? Thanks for sharing that
the people are demonstrating against this next ecological disaster.

It is similar to the new cluster bomb cluster f*ck. Sane people do not want to
maim and destroy a country for the specious purpose of a military whacko Z.

There are no demonstrations to speak of, and a few congress mouthpieces
are quoted as saying this is insane. But Biden only espouses what his handlers
deem as being 'good' for their world. His only hopes are the US citizens do
not cotton to the truth about his corruption. So. Korea is ahead of us there.

The cat is out of the bag and no amount of distraction can erase history.

7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

soryang's picture

@QMS ...to get the connection between cluster bombs, and the push described in the BBC article for more military support for Ukraine from South Korea. My initial reaction about the cluster bombs was simply the inhumanity of it, and how it reflects moral and ethical bankruptcy in the west. After I watched Matthew Hoh's interview on the Judge N's show I realized the driving motive is the inadequacy of the western supply chain to support the military campaign in Ukraine against Russia. This is the same impulse driving the west to get more and more military production out of South Korea to support the war in Ukraine.

The BBC article mentions that South Korea had already produced and shipped some 4 million rounds of artillery to Poland or the US to replenish stocks. I didn't know this, and I follow the South Korean current events every day. Last I heard, it was a million or so. In South Korean media, the impression given is that the administration was still thinking about whether they should provide more in the way of offensive weapon support for Ukraine.

Humphrey's video post concerning the unique role of Poland and Warsaw in execution of the conflict reminded me that South Korea's Yoon administration made an almost 14 billion dollar plus contract to ship Korean made tanks and artillery pieces to Poland (reported in the BBC article I linked to above). These shipments already began last year. So Yoon's administration is already in this up to their eyeballs.

Thanks for your reply QMS.

4 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

enhydra lutris's picture

Especially appreciated the info on the Rimrock Draw Rockshelter.

Cool, overcast and bleak today. Tons of good looking veggies and produce at the Farmers' Mkt today, fruits too, though we don't ussally shop for too many fruits (outside of tomatoes).

We just had yet another clutch of chickadees fledge, I wonder if they will ever knock it off for a while. Thinning and culling of the apple goes on apace, both a little bit each day, and then days like yesterday where most of the day goes toward that. Time to clean the fountain and decide what to do with the raised bed that I had the shallots and garlic in.

Time to get back to work on stuff.

be well and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

10 users have voted.

8 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


have a much more formidable tank force which is still growing.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

8 users have voted.

@humphrey The Nose knows.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

the Ritter interview.
Admittedly, I picked out 2 of the 4 1/2 hours.
His knowledge of history, of Europe, of Russia, is wonderful. His visit in Russia recently comports with my recent trip there.
I may yet watch the other stuff tomorrow.
Can't thank you enough, soe, for sharing it with us.

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

lotlizard's picture

Progressive goodthink versus Moms for Liberty.


People on the other political side are bad. They are evil! They are Hitler. You don’t know why, is the thing, but you know they have to be, because they’re over there and you’re over here, so you start with the knowledge that [name here] is Literally Adolf Hitler, and then you work your way back to find the supporting evidence. Note: any evidence you discover must be supporting evidence.

Found via Way of the Bern (the new one on Saidit, formed by WotB denizens in exile / exodus from Reddit):


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