Open Thread Saturday 04-09-16
Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Catherine Russell
Beauty Secrets of the Spies
CIA’s Venture Capital Arm Is Funding Skin Care Products That Collect DNASKINCENTIAL SCIENCES, a company with an innovative line of cosmetic products marketed as a way to erase blemishes and soften skin, has caught the attention of beauty bloggers on YouTube, Oprah’s lifestyle magazine, and celebrity skin care professionals. Documents obtained by The Intercept reveal that the firm has also attracted interest and funding from In-Q-Tel, the venture capital arm of the Central Intelligence Agency.
The previously undisclosed relationship with the CIA might come as some surprise to a visitor to the website of Clearista, the main product line of Skincential Sciences, which boasts of a “formula so you can feel confident and beautiful in your skin’s most natural state.”
Though the public-facing side of the company touts a range of skin care products, Skincential Sciences developed a patented technology that removes a thin outer layer of the skin, revealing unique biomarkers that can be used for a variety of diagnostic tests, including DNA collection.
Skincential Science’s noninvasive procedure, described on the Clearista website as “painless,” is said to require only water, a special detergent, and a few brushes against the skin, making it a convenient option for restoring the glow of a youthful complexion — and a novel technique for gathering information about a person’s biochemistry.
NATO as a War-Racket
NATO Causes Refugees, Then Uses Them As Excuse for More InvasionsNATO is the anti-Russia military club of nations, even after the communist Soviet Union and its military club against the U.S., the Warsaw Pact, ended in 1991 — NATO didn’t reciprocate that by ending itself, as it should have done (and would have done if the U.S. President at the time, George Herbert Walker Bush, had had any basic decency; instead, he said in private, “To hell with that; we won, they didn’t!” but he continued telling Gorbachev that NATO wouldn’t move “one inch to the east” — which promise he was planning to violate, and which his successors have been violating).
With the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact gone, NATO’s claimed raison d’etre was also gone, but NATO shamelessly continued on, and it even has expanded right up to Russia’s borders (just try to imagine what John Fitzgerald Kennedy would have thought if it hadn’t been Soviet nuclear missiles merely in Cuba in 1962, but all surrounding the U.S. — and that’s the situation today but reversed: today’s Russia is in the situation of 1962’s U.S., but even more so, though NATO has the audacity to accuse Russia of ‘aggression’ for, essentially, defending itself from NATO — from the enemies that are increasingly surrounding it!). (Yes, what America has been doing, really, is that bad.)
Is Hillary Clinton ‘Qualified’?
By Robert Parry
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has dismissed Sen. Bernie Sanders questioning her qualifications to be President as “silly” – and looking at her résumé alone, she’d be right – but there is also the need to judge her performance in her various jobs.
What is troubling about Clinton’s record is that she has left behind a trail strewn with failures and even catastrophes. Indeed, her highest profile undertakings almost universally ended in disaster – and a person’s record should matter when voters are deciding whether to entrust him or her with the most powerful office on earth.
In other words, it’s not just a question of her holding one prestigious job or another; it’s also how well she did in those jobs. Otherwise, you have a case of the Peter Principle Squared, not just letting someone rise to the level of his or her incompetence, but in Clinton’s case, continuing to get promoted beyond her level of incompetence.
So, looking behind Clinton’s résumé is important. After all, she presents herself as the can-do candidate who will undertake small-scale reforms that may not move the needle much but are better than nothing and may be all that’s possible given the bitterly divided Congress.
Covering Up Hillary’s Libyan Fiasco
Years after the end of the Vietnam War, as memories of its horrors and folly dimmed, conservative “revisionists” emerged to peddle the myth that U.S. commitment there was both justified and “winnable.” By obfuscating the historical record, they sought to undo the painful lessons learned by a generation of Americans about the perils of intervention and the costs of government lying.
The same kind of revisionism is being peddled today by interventionists to explain away a staggeringly costly string of more recent American failures in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq and other theaters of conflict. A new article by Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Shadi Hamid, who touts the nobility of NATO’s disastrous campaign in Libya, illustrates the shameless mythmaking of such revisionists.
Last year, Glenn Greenwald reminded us that Brookings — the venue for Hillary Clinton’s first major foreign policy campaign address — “served as Ground Zero for centrist think tank advocacy of the Iraq War . . . Brookings’ two leading ‘scholar’-stars — Kenneth Pollack and Michael O’Hanlon — spent all of 2002 and 2003 insisting that invading Iraq was wise and just, and spent the years after that assuring Americans that the “victorious” war and subsequent occupation were going really well . . .
“Since then, O’Hanlon in particular has advocated for increased military force in more countries than one can count. That’s not surprising: Brookings is funded in part by one of the Democratic Party’s favorite billionaires, Haim Saban, who is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Israel and once said of himself: ‘I’m a one-issue guy, and my issue is Israel.’”
We Stopped Pfizer’s Giant Tax Dodge, Now Let’s End the Stock Market Manipulation
Want affordable healthcare? This shady practice of stock market manipulation must go.Now that new Treasury Department rules have effectively thwarted Pfizer's attempt to evade its U.S. tax obligations by using its proposed merger with Allergan to do a tax inversion, it's time policymakers turned their attention to a far more common, and even more damaging corporate practice: stock buybacks. This mode of distributing corporate cash to shareholders helps pump up the pay of Pfizer's senior executives, while, as President Obama said of the tax inversion, "it sticks the rest of us with the tab."
Last October, in justifying the proposed merger that would effect the tax inversion, Pfizer CEO Ian C. Read complained that the company's U.S. tax burden meant that his management team had to take on global competition "with one hand tied behind our back." But, as research by the AIRnet has shown, Pfizer makes debilitating decisions that deplete its finances far more than taxes do. During Read's reign as CEO from 2011 through 2015, Pfizer paid out $44.7 billion in buybacks and $32.9 billion in dividends. Buybacks alone dwarfed the $16.0 billion Pfizer provisioned for U.S. income taxes over the same period.
Buybacks have clearly helped inflate the pay of Ian Read; in his five years as CEO he has raked in $76.8 million in direct compensation, of which 63% came from stock-based pay. Other senior Pfizer executives as well as stock-market traders who have been adept at timing their Pfizer stock sales have also gained from buybacks.
Climate Change to Cut Global Financial Assets by Trillions
Climate change could cut the value of the world’s financial assets by $2.5 trillion, according to the first estimate from economic modeling.
In the worst case scenarios, often used by regulators to check the financial health of companies and economies, the losses could soar to $24 trillion, or 17 percent of the world’s assets, and wreck the global economy.
The research also showed the financial sense in taking action to keep climate change under the 2°C (3.6°F) danger limit agreed by the world’s nations. In this scenario, the value of financial assets would fall by $315 billion less, even when the costs of cutting emissions are included.
“Our work suggests to long-term investors that we would be better off in a low-carbon world,” said Professor Simon Dietz of the London School of Economics, the lead author of the study. “Pension funds should be getting on top of this issue, and many of them are.” He said, however, that awareness in the financial sector was low.
Humans an Invasive Species Heading for a 'Crash,' Study Says
"The question is: Have we overshot Earth's carrying capacity today?"Human population growth has followed the trajectory of a typical invasive species, says a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature, and that suggests there may be a looming global population "crash."
"The question is: Have we overshot Earth’s carrying capacity today?" said Elizabeth Hadly, a professor in environmental biology at Stanford University and senior author of the paper, in a press statement.
"Because humans respond as any other invasive species," Hadly continued, "the implication is that we are headed for a crash before we stabilize our global population size."
The study examined 1,147 archaeological sites via radiocarbon dating to understand the patterns of human population growth in South America. As a successfully invasive species, upon arrival "humans spread rapidly throughout the continent," the study authors note.
'Unprecedented' Youth Climate Case Against Government Moves Forward
Decision marks 'tipping point on the scales of justice,' teen plaintiff saysA federal judge in Oregon on Friday ruled that the lawsuit brought against the U.S. government by a group of youths last August can go to trial—a huge victory for the case climate activists are calling "the most important lawsuit on the planet right now."
The lawsuit, filed by 21 plaintiffs ages 8-19, and climate scientist Dr. James Hansen, states that the federal government is violating their right to life, liberty, and property, as well as their right to public trust resources, by enabling continued fossil fuel extraction and use.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas Coffin in Eugene, who called the case "unprecedented," rejected motions by federal lawyers and representatives of fossil fuel groups to dismiss the lawsuit. He stated in his decision (pdf) that the plaintiffs "give this debate justiciability by asserting harms that befall or will befall them personally and to a greater extent than older segments of society."
There is a need for a court to assess the "constitutional parameters of the actions or inactions taken by the government," Coffin said.
Toxic Teflon Chemical, C8, Found In Tap Water in Several States
Meanwhile, chemical industry’s own research indicates that “safer substitutes” are also potentially hazardous.New information emerged last month about toxic contamination from chemicals used to manufacture Teflon pots and pans and many other consumer, military, and industrial products. Water tests in several states have revealed a growing number of sites where the groundwater is polluted by the most well studied of these chemicals — C8 or PFOA — prompting calls from a group of state governors for federal action.
Meanwhile there are new indications that another perfluorinated chemical (PFC), heavily promoted by chemical manufacturers as a safer substitute for C8, is also toxic and just as persistent in the environment as C8, raising questions about the adequacy of a voluntary C8 phase-out agreement promoted for the past decade by the Environmental Protection Agency.
First created in a lab in 1947, C8 has managed to spread extraordinarily far and wide. Built from one of the strongest bonds in organic chemistry, the tie between carbon and fluorine atoms, the chemical that acts as a surfactant was, until recently, used not just in Teflon cookware, but in hundreds of other consumer products including fast food wrappers, waterproof clothing, electrical cables, and pizza boxes.
Monsanto's Willing Executioners
Is Monsanto "evil"?
Just pop that question into Google and you'll find out quickly why Monsanto ranks near the top of every "most hated company" list. And ask any news editor ... the name "Monsanto" is guaranteed clickbait that reels in readers by the bushel.
It's probably why you are reading this right now.
Perhaps you, like many anti-GMO farmers, environmental watchdogs and consumer advocates, see Monsanto as the embodiment of everything that's wrong with corporate America. Its name is synonymous with unbridled greed, indifference to the environment, bipartisan cronyism and a demonstrated willingness to steamroll the little guy.
To wit, Monsanto wields a three-decade-old Supreme Court patent ruling like a scythe as it cuts down farmers who dare to save seeds for the next planting season. It has also beaten back challenges from organic farmers who fell victim to "genetic drift" when Monsanto's patented crops cross-pollinated with their non-GMO neighbors and therefore rendered them unsellable.
Climate Change is Altering How the Poles Drift
The spin of the earth is a constant in our lives. It’s quite literally why night follows day.
And while that cycle isn’t going away, climate change is messing with the axis upon which our fair planet spins. Ice melting has caused a drift in polar motion, a somewhat esoteric term that tells scientists a lot about past and future climate and is crucial in GPS calculations and satellite communication.
Polar motion refers to the periodic wobble and drift of the poles. It’s been observed for more than 130 years, but the process has been going on for eons driven by mass shifts inside the earth as well as ones on the surface. For decades, the north pole had been slowly drifting toward Canada, but there was a shift in the drift about 15 years ago. Now it’s headed almost directly down the Greenwich Meridian (sorry Canada no pole for you, eh).
Like many other natural processes large and small, from sea levels to wildfires, climate change is also playing a role in this shift.
Catherine Russell - My Man's An Undertaker
Catherine Russell - Just In Time
Catherine Russell - I'm Checkn Out, Goom'bye
Catherine Russell - Put Me Down Easy

Good morning JtC and 99ers.
Still waiting for spring to find Michigan.
Hillary is a disaster. The only thing she is experienced at and qualified to do is exactly what we don't want. I have a diary up with a link to a blockbuster article on Bill's racist political past. Well worth the read.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
been in the 80s the last 2 days in Portland
which is pretty unusual. Today it's back to the 60s and gray. A great day for a walk or maybe getting out to the garden. Can't wait to see this Bill article.
Morning folks...
For those expecting hecate's superior writing skills, I'm afraid you must settle for my mediocrity. I threw this impromptu open thread together at the spur of the moment, so ya'll can talk the talk anyway.
I"ll be pretty busy today but will try to make myself available.
We should have the replies notification system implemented by Monday or Tuesday. It will make a great addition to our site.
I think it's really interesting
To see what different people focus on wrt news.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
ripped out my tube at 5 p.m. PST Friday, and didn't reconnect it until late Saturday night.
They gave no reason for this.
I only have the one tube. A thin green wire, coming out of the wall, that goes to the skeletal Arris monolith, and from there to the Mac Mini, the Ooma, and the Roku.
I have no other computers. I have no smellphones.
So, when they clog this tube, I am back in the 19th Century.
My apologies.
Thank you JtC for all that you do!
Thought I would come by and share this little bit of news for those in New York...
Grassroots revolt against Hillary: Occupy Activists Launch 'Battle of New York' to fight Clinton machine, anti-Sanders bias in belly of beast
With its huge media campaign, Operation Battle of New York is taking on corporate establishment
By Ben Norton /
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First Nations News
Morning Martha...
you're welcome. Let's hope it works. Modern-day pamphlets, Thomas Paine would be proud.
Indeed he would
A couple of elections ago there was the "Whispering" campaign....a bunch of people got together and put out a one page info sheet in support of Obama (I think it was his first election) and the other side was a useful grocery list. They would leave them in shopping carts all over a city.
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First Nations News
Excellent news
and perfect timing - a lot of people are now realizing just how warped that the version of the world transmitted by the MSM is. There is a hunger for something better.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I read the 'apocalyptic' Sci-Fi novel, Earth Abides (1949),
when I was a teen. In it, George R. Stewart takes the idea that humans, not necessarily as an 'invasive' species, but just as normal mammals, will expand their population until they pass the carrying capacity of their environment, and then crash. He cites examples of rodents, rabbits, and other groups...each following that pattern of explosive growth and crash...the length of the cycle proportional to the length of time for the individual to reach maturity. The idea was that, while all these other mammals had gone through the cycle many times, we had not completed one cycle yet, since it took us so long to reproduce. The Nature article above makes the point that we have extended the crash even further, by developing both a social organization, and then also technology. But eventually, we will reach and then overshoot the carrying capacity of our environment. I think we're getting close.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Morning Bisbonian...
I liken it to an overpopulated cage full of rats. A group psychosis sets in, the strong kill off the weak until the food is exhausted, and then crash.
There is certainly that...
but even without the cage, there is eventually not enough Part of the group gets weak from starvation, and pretty soon disease sets in, and it turns to a plague. And always the opportunists.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I've spent my entire adult life wondering
Why some kind of mega-plague hasn't done most of us in. There is clearly something wrong with us.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
The key here
is the carrying capacity for humans. The divide between the richest over-consumers and the poorest consuming below their own needs makes it very hard to put a figure on it. I suspect that if resources were equally divided and the best stewardship was employed the carrying capacity may be quite a bit higher than the current population.
From a purely academic point of view the discussion on whether the carrying capacity theory holds up for humans as well as it does for other species. Our ability to, and our changing of, our environment on a massive scale may break the model.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
And the article above (Humans are an Invasive Species)
touches on that. But I think it only increases the carrying capacity...not breaks the rule. And in the end, then, the crash will be deeper.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
This runs into problems, ethically
Unless you think other life is so unimportant compared to humans that it doesn't much matter what happens to nonhuman life.
I personally have trouble with the idea that humans can just casually decide the natural communities we evolved within aren't all that important. It sounds, dare I say, a tad sociopathic.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Well, that is the general philosophy that has
gotten us this far. I don't agree with it, either...but our 'leaders' sure do.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Have you ever seen "The Lone Ranger"
The Johnny Depp one? Great flick.
There is a great point in the film where he says "There is something very wrong with that horse." How I feel about this culture, or humans, not sure which. Difficult debate, which.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
It occurs to me that maybe only Japan is planning realistically
Decades of low birth rates have baked substantial negative population growth into Japan’s future.
Regardless of what the developed-country elites and their economists are telling the public, this may well be the only sustainable course.
Unfortunately..'s not as if they planned it that way. Low wages and weak labor laws (or enforcement thereof) have left Japan's young population with no time or money to raise a family. Which means we may well be looking at the US's future in Japan's declining birth rate.
Planned or not, you're right.
2.5 earths. 7.2B people. Only one of these things exist.
Bisbonian: I have read Earth Abides at least three times
I like how he demonstrated the foolishness of thinking we can control what is passed on. The whole tribal thing is really nicely done.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Of all the Sci Fi I read as a teen,
that one stuck with me the most.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
It's the earliest post-apocalyptic novel I know of
Holds up really well to a re-read.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
It's been a long time.
I need to go read about Ish again.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
My husband and six of his friends are riding the Assault on the Carolinas. One is doing the shortest route while the other six were planning on doing the 100K which dips down into South Carolina and then climbs back up a very steep six plus mile climb up Caesar's Head and then come back the other side of Cedar Mountain back into Brevard. He called me right after they crossed into SC and four of them are riding together. They are hoping to stay together on the long climb back up Caesar's Head, but he was not so sure that would happen.
Last night I had dinner for nine and had made two huge pans of lasagna, one meat and one vegetarian, plus a smaller casserole of gluten free. I thought I had way too much food, but they ate almost all of the lasagna and all of the salad plus went through the dessert like a buzz saw. One guy suggested I should run a B & B and I said, hell no!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning gg...
that sure beats the fiasco that happened last year, no? All that talk of food reminds me that I'm hungry!
Morning, Johnny, thanks. We're still out and about,
and still a week from home. Had a few days of serious rain in East San Diego County, but they need it big time, so it is all good.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Afternoon el...
I'm glad you brought rain to the much needed area. Is there any other miracles that you perform!
Another for the exodus.
Most of you probably won't know me, as I never wrote a diary and wasn't even the most prolific commenter at Dkos (I guess we're calling it TOP here.. The Other Place?)
I saw the links being passed around close to March 15th, but I resisted because I felt that Hillary supporters and Bernie supporters getting balkanized into our own private spaces kills all possibility of further debate. And after all, as frustrating as it can be, the whole purpose of an election is to convince people to see your side.
At this point though, what else can be done? In spite of kos' protests that he'd be punishing Hillary supporters who crossed the line too, the new rules are clearly being enforced unevenly. One only needs to look at the rec list, which used to be 80% Bernie diaries with a few pro-Hillary stragglers (a fact that was commonly complained about by people who didn't understand how the rec list worked), and is now buried in Hillary diaries that are every bit as rabid, condescending, and damaging as the material kos claims is forbidden. I was never an active commenter, but I've grown less and less active as there have been less and less diaries that I felt comfortable commenting in.
So, here I am. I'll probably still frequent kos a bit for the comics page. Maybe just collapse the community spotlight and the rec list alike. For the real discussion, I'm here.
Welcome to c99, Doctor W :=) You'll like it here; make your
self at home. Soon you won't think about top at all; there's a lot going on here. Cheers,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Welcome Doctor West...
We were a smallish site with about two hundred members up until a month ago, we now support over 1,500 members. As a lifeboat for all wayward disillusioned folks to the so called democratic process, we welcome you to our fold.
Hi and welcome!
The single biggest difference I have seen between here and there is .... there's no pie here!.

All we got is thumbs. And it's hard to imagine how getting a thumb or giving a thumb could really be a bad thing.
The closets we got to a fight here (as far as I know) turned out to be a misunderstanding.
The ego's here are secure and don't need to throw pie to feel self worth.
good to see you here!
peace love joy!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Yes dennis...
the lack of bucking egos has amazed me. I am proud of the way this community conducts itself.
Afternoon JtC, TY for this. And a Yuge TY to the judge who
advanced the Oregon youth and Dr Hanson's climate case. Go get em! :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Afternoon Gerrit
my pleasure and I concur with the ty to the judge.
Morning, JtC and everyone.
TOP is toxic. I sometimes get physically ill reading the comment thread hijackers. They are full of vitriol. I do go for the BNR and rec and tip here and there.
I'm happy to hear about the push in NYC. Using their oun newspaper is proof of the revolution being alive and well. It may not be televised but it will be printed and read and discussed. I'm loving that!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
It's almost as if HRC doesn't want us to know her real agenda
Report: Hillary Clinton Used Static Noise Machine to Prevent Reporters from Hearing Fundraising Speech
BTW it's now 127 days since the last Hillary Clinton press conference.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Well, she does not give away
Well, she does not give away free speeches I hear.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Bon Appetit and Good Morning, your impromptu
news article Open Thread is always eye opening and a very good read and the Lady singer Catherine Russell just the right tune to listen to while digesting the list. I like her.
Boy, oh boy, all that talk about carrying capacity for humans and the human as an invasive species heading for a crash, or the caged rats groups psychosis setting in for the massive self-destructive kill-off, gets to me. I have heard now three people close to me all in their own words speak of the same thing. Now the whole caucus gets into it. What has gotten into your minds?
I say, wrong. Before we kill ourselves, we kill our tribal enemy, because by some weird set up in our dna, we have always tribal enemies. That results in a massive decimation of all tribes. Which will give the remaining survivors all of the tribes enough to survive. May be we mutate a bit to adapt (to radiation) and just accept our dna's intentions to survive and to diversify ourselves into tribal species by default of our dna given to us by the higher spirits and powers. Don't mess with that design.
Even though we always try to kill each other off, we also, at the same time, search for ways to get control of our own killer instincts and keep a balance over the number of people, who can live and the food supply those will have available. There is no reason to believe that human mammals will change in their capacity to find solutions to control their killer instincts.
The whole thing is stupid.
Had a look at TOP for two minutes. That was stupid too. I would suggest everybody engages in making some babies in anticipation of the big world-wide kill-off or our species. Then you invent a higher power that tells you to respect the baby making and don't intervene in its resulting creation of new human beings. Problem solved.
Oh gosh ... good luck with the coding of those reply notifications. It will make life much easier for the caucus people. Thanks for being able to do such work and doing it. If I were a five year old I would say, you are my hero. Yeah, all, give a big applause to Johnny the Conqueroo !
PS. Oh what a funny irony. I found a dailykos email in my junk folder asking for a donation signed by a fellow with the name of
That Rockafellow guy rocked my funny bone.
Justin Bartha, Harry Belafonte, Alan Cumming, Miley Cyrus,
American Airlines Boots Cenk Uygur
And it is all caught on tape....
TYT’s Cenk Uygur livestreamed booting from American Airlines flight because pilot wasn’t ‘comfortable’
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First Nations News
She was only a handful of votes from being invalid in Albany
I think 4 or 5 and she would have not gotten a single delegate from that county...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Woops. wrong thread, lol!
My bad
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
LOL!!! I wondered about that! ;-) - n/t
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First Nations News
Abe and Birdie on the same wavelength
“The Rag” was the 60s-70s underground newspaper in Austin, Texas
It lives on in the form of “The Rag” Blog.
Here’s an article from their blog titled:
Does the U.S. really have six political parties?
It's also something I was "on" once per month ;)
Thank the gods for modern medicine!
An MLKjr quote comes to mind. . .
Hey, LL! Ref your avatar--such a pretty & 'innocent' face! EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks! He was a rescue from a war zone in former Yugoslavia.
He was still just a kitten when a Dutch U.N. blue helmet picked him up. His human family had apparently been murdered by Karadzic-Mladic style ethnic cleansers.
It’s already been several years since he passed on, after a long and pleasant new life in the Netherlands.
One time I was at the dining table working on my MacBook and he strolled over and sat down on the keyboard. Somehow his paws not only managed to press the key combination that turns on VoiceOver (the screen-reading feature for blind people); he also turned the sound up to maximum volume.
My friend (whose mom the cat belonged to and who is blind) was in stitches.
I went to TOP
for a few minutes and had to leave because of spammers/trolls creating troll diaries and loading them with porn images. And because of the stupid advertising crap on DKos, those diaries show up amidst the ads even after they've been deleted. Good grief.
That's an interesting approach
Pointing out to them that they are dishonest surely doesn't seem to be working.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
The Albertson's I shop at
Has about five different kinds of bags of organic carrots for sale. What is different about them is the shapes they are precut into.
Or, you can buy a pound bag of unmolested synthetic carrots for sixty-nine cents.
I remember 25 years ago or so, when the movement for a USDA organic certification program was in the works. People were very excited about it.
Now, I cannot buy unmolested organic carrots at the grocery store, and they will not tell me how much of this organic produce was imported from China, either.
Thank you, federal government. So helpful.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I'm baaaaaack! After being banned dozens of times from That Other Place, and being stalked harassed and threatened by them, It's good to see people flocking here. Make no mistake: I want to put Daily Kos out of business, after the hell they put me through. They said they would put me in jail, find out where I worked, and go after my family. Daily Kos is a hate group and should be treated as such.
On a lighter note, I'm glad to see this place is doing well!
"Then I read this: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I read every word of that piece of sh*t and I'm never reading again !"- Officer Barbrady
The best carrots
come from Michigan. Imlay City is the carrot capital. I see them at Giant Eagle or Marc's at certain times. Not sure why precut carrots are so popular. Are people that lazy?
"Then I read this: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I read every word of that piece of sh*t and I'm never reading again !"- Officer Barbrady
Did you see the story about
Whole Foods, iirc, where they were selling peeled oranges in plastic containers, and they got trolled so bad about it that they desisted?
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Yes and no
Some people live in a time crunch, so saving 10 minutes or so may be he deciding factor. For some people, it is actually very difficult to peel or otherwise cut carrots and other foods. The rest are lazy.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Dutch supermarkets stock pre-cut vegetables & mixes of all sorts
German supermarkets don’t.
I’m not sure why that is.
At any rate pre-cut vegetables are certainly a boon for a blind person who does her own cooking.
'93 SNL Bill Clinton on now
Coincidence? Talkin' health care. Where is Bernie?
Edit add: Farley, Heartman (rip both), Nirvana (rip there too) And a bad C. Barkley host.
Look I found our theme song
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
A real first...
I have been tracking the media mentions of the candidates, and for the very first time, there has been a change:
This may be the only time this happens, so feast your eyes. Now about that change...while there may have been increased mentions, that does not mean that any of them were positive.
Personally, I believe that many of the things that Sanders has said and done recently was to get name recognition Period. He knows that there will be follow ups that will clear whatever misconceptions the public may have (cf the NY Daily News rebuttals). He also knows that the negative stuff is all fluff and not relevant to the issues, but people are now hearing about him.
It is up to those who are now being introduced to him to do their research. Hopefully, many here are helping to provide that information in other venues so that research is not wasted by people having to rely on corporate media outlets.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Buying back our democracy
Money seeped into politics, till this day, when corporations own us, lock stock and barrel. How ironic, that we, the 99%, not only have to fight tooth and nail to have our vote counted, but we must buy back our democracy, one small donation at a time.
But this is the price we will pay, and willingly. We the people, shall cast our vote, and our donations, $15.00, $27.00 at a pop...and in the end...we shall vote for, and buy back what once was ours. We will do the work, we will pay the price, and we shall win. Bernie is the white-haired Jeremiah, speaking truth to power. Throw your full weight and support behind the one who points the way. Through this small opening, the full current and strength of an entire nation will surge. - Nemoshell- Mark Whitman