God's Wrath

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Earthling2 and I go to the local employee-owned Winco grocery store once a month, sometimes six weeks, and stock up on essentials that we can't grow or buy elsewhere.
Elsewhere being Chuck's produce, which is owned by a church co-op that doesn't sell pork products or shell fish, but has a fine selection of grain-fed beef from the Painted Hills Ranch, free range chicken, and fresh fish.
Going so infrequently gives us a better sense of how prices increase over time, which is slowly, then suddenly.
Nobody can deny that prices are going up.
But to be more accurate, the greenback is losing value. This is most glaringly obvious with the price of gasoline or diesel fuel. It takes more dollars to buy it than before.
A kind of slow ratcheting upwards that is certainly more noticeable than groceries or other consumer products, even those that have been on the shelf for a long time. How they magically cost more for just sitting on the shelf is indicative of the degeneration of the greenback in value.
They call it inflation, but it is actually the deflating of the American greenback.
Witness c. 1964 when a silver quarter would buy a gallon of gas, a pack of cigarettes, or a Weinersnitzel chili/cheese dog. What would that same silver Quarter buy today? A gallon of gas, a pack of cigs, a hot dog!
And it has only begun.
More and more countries have started using their own currencies to trade with each other, threatening the dollars' position as the global reserve currency.
Couple this with the Uniparty's penchant for unrelenting foreign adventures and bailing in and out every banking mis-adventure that comes down the pike, we are in for a miserable future.
Or our children and grandchildren will face it on their own. The looting of America is slow but methodical.
So when the Russians hand us our asses in Ukraine, and the Taiwan debacle blows up in our faces, and no other country will accept our worthless greenbacks, what will our dear leaders do then? Print more money? Will they realize then that sanctions are not a weapon but a noose around the American neck? A slow strangulation while the world caravan moves on?
We have to start thinking about how to regain control of our government of, by, and for the people when the collapse comes. The powers that be will try their best to control the narrative and place blame on someone else. The evil Russkies, the unscrupulous Chinese commies, or even more likely, the American poor, working class, or retirees. The useless eaters.
But we could seize the narrative by blaming the evil in this country, the leaders, both corporate and elected/selected, and the radical religious nutjobs that condone the death and destruction that permeates the Total Spectrum Dominance goals that have killed millions of men, women, and children worldwide over the last three centuries, beginning with the Native Americans we genocided. All in the name of God.
That's not my God.
I'm not particularly religious. I am a follower of Jesus' teachings as I believe he was a brilliant thinker in a time when TPTB brutally squashed dissent and was betrayed by those who worship mammon. He rocked the table.
But I recognize a weapon when I see one.
God's wrath is being visited upon America because of the evil in our government and our churches. The crash of our economy, the wildly devastating weather, the plummeting birthrate, the diseases killing millions of us, all attributed to the Wrath of God.
Doesn't have to be true, just scary enough to put the fear of hell into the nutjobs and burning at the stake for the leaders that feign belief.
How to generate this narrative nationwide should be our most pressing goal, and to be ready to spring it instantly.
Otherwise, I'm out of ideas.
Anybody else got anything?
The thread is open.

P.S. Will be hosting from the farm so there will be brief intermissions.

14 users have voted.


ggersh's picture

before we can have nice things like freedom, brotherly love
universal healthcare, housing, education, etc.etc.etc.


11 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

earthling1's picture

The 16th century Chinese Admiral Zang He conqured all of Asia and traveled the globe demanding tribute.
He was a eunuch.
Force of arms will fail.
We need another weapon. One TPTB are not expecting or have a defense against.
Thanks for the link.

9 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

TheOtherMaven's picture


who was early 15th century, not 16th. (By the 16th century China had turned its back on the sea and was once again concentrating on overland routes).

10 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Those "elites" in power have made a Faustian bargain with the evil in themselves. And just like a cult which travels around bringing in new recruits, the "elites" offer that bargain to anyone who might listen. A large Mephisto waltz.

This morning I saw a clip of byedone's comments about the current bailout... the one where a failed bank that relied on a fake credit card limit from the fed to pump money into their friends' investment accounts has had its assets passed on for pennies on the dollar to Jamie Dimon while its liabilities get written off by the fed.

And it's not going to cost the taxpayer a penny. Of course not... only poor people fund their existence, all others pay the satan for their billions.

Meanwhile we're supposed to believe that the debt limit is really a thing? I don't remember the debate when all the dancers in the waltz were lining up for their "profits". And then voila! $32 trillion, just like that. Meanwhile our local schools and services are handed out to buddies in the dance and we deal with the individual tragedies.

Be well, friends. We're on our own. Those aren't friends sitting on their golden toilets.


One bright side... the writer's strike means I won't have to endure the late night pundits. Hmm, how do I boycott someplace I never go?

12 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

selling our National Parks to the highest bidder.
32 trillion, hummf.
Thanks for the rant, a good one.

11 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

QMS's picture

good strategy
the nationwide approach will not reach critical mass
until a whole lot of individuals see the chains that bind us
one mind at a time

10 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

QMS's picture

12 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

for “medical misinformation”, whatever that is supposed to mean. Of course, there has been no clarification on the offending bit. In the meantime Campbell will not be able to post for 7 days. Any further “infractions” will incur escalating punishments, up to the banishment of his entire portfolio of his many years of medical teaching videos.

The clip linked below has been posted on Rumble. Presumably any further updates from Campbell will be posted on Rumble as well.

Update from John

9 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

earthling1's picture

and researcher. I've been following his advice for three years and haven't died yet!
Thanks for the update.

9 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Lily O Lady's picture


4 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"


when he was recommending the mRNA vax or when he started questioning its safety/effectiveness (or both)?

I'm glad I didn't take his advice early on, but appreciate his willingness to look at the evidence and to modify his views as appropriate.

The 'misinformation' charge is BS, of course. This is just about Narrative Protection.

The PTB can't afford to have people like Andrew Bridgen be noticed by the sheeple. Bridgen is using the UK government's own figures to pose some very basic questions about excess deaths and the safety & appropriateness of UK vax policy.

They'll do whatever they can to avoid having to engage in open, substantive discussion with him.

FWIW - Bridgen not only appears to (gasp!) take seriously his responsibility to represent his constituents' interests, but also has a pretty solid science background Masters degree dissertation was on viruses and viroids. Conservative Party responded to his speaking up by kicking him out - not that any other major party there would likely have done otherwise...

Maybe someone else can get this interview with Bridgen to embed - I couldn't:


6 users have voted.
QMS's picture


acceptable content. Do they have a staff (infection) of doctors smart enough
to determine where lies the truth? Hope his move to rumble works out.

11 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Codifying todays understanding and “protecting’ it from ‘misinformation’ is counterproductive and antithetical to a growing understanding. Scientific censorship kills the scientific method itself.

11 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

QMS's picture


The abstract concept of disallowing information due to some list of unacceptable
sources is anti ethical. There is so much to learn from the banned.

10 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

usefewersyllables's picture


is to attempt to redefine reality itself along political lines, such as Bill #246 of the 1897 sitting of the Indiana General Assembly- which attempted to redefine the constant pi as a nice even 3.2 (not 3.0 as often misquoted). It damned near passed, too, which goes to show that politicians that lack a fundamental understanding of reality is nothing new.

There is no “separation of church and state”, because in the final analysis the state itself is just another damned religion. Science has no chance against religion, unfortunately, especially when it has the weight of the state (carefully enforced by their many disparate and varied goon squads) behind it.

The road ahead is going to be very bumpy indeed. Stupidity is an incredibly strong force, especially when combined with both the profit motive and a belief that Gawd hisowndamnedself is On Your Side…. Religion has always been more than happy to make up its own unassailable Truthishnessitude. The State is no different. The end will always justify the means, for those who have the means (and want more means; especially if it means taking someone else’s means, if ya know what I mean). And so it will always be.

8 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

snoopydawg's picture


You know that disinformation is whatever the government and its lackeys say it is even if it’s true information. They have created the reality that they insist we believe and anything that goes against it is disinformation. Easy peasy….welcome to 1984 happening in real life.

I think that we the people should follow the V for Vendetta script. It’s like it was written for this current scamdemic. The PTB created both the disease and the cure.

9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

enhydra lutris's picture

chromium since around a=8 or 9 am until I gave up and did other things from maybe around 1 pm until just now. So I sit down and give it a try and bang! instantly:

God's Wrath

Hahahaha. ok, fine, but why this site (and about 6 others).

Sadly, those pictured aren't monsters, they're just humans, and there are plenty more like them or potentially so if given the chance.

Thanks for the ot. Be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

Must be on your machinery, as there were no gulps here.
Or blame it on P,G, & E. Tech support is out for a holiday in
India or Pakistan, so no help there. Wink

4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@enhydra lutris Based on the timing, there were a couple of events that occurred during the Dec-Jan timeframe and I can't narrow it down to a single player.

I know for a fact that my emails were compromised. I had been doing the prep work to move from a POP3 client to IMAP because Comcast wanted me to move into their cloud for my emails. I think they might have been a little lax in their security while they were switching over. My breach could have been there but not likely cause the spams were obvious.

In my search for a client I found that Thunderbird offered the best functionality that would allow me to run as a virtual smart client with local storage and no cloud repository. So I started setting it up.

At about the same time I was inundated with Edge stuff. It had been fairly functional during the fall but then went all marketry and trying to get me to wander into the streaming "vital links" that I really need... Took a bit to clear that PoS out of my machine. Still needs some air freshener. Chrome was doing much the same. Nagware telling me I really should upgrade to Win10 so I can enjoy all kinds of really cool videos.

So I decided to try Firefox. I'm not real thrilled with the programming in either Mozilla product. Leaks like a sieve. Thunderbird was the first to go. I found out that it established sessions on my email servers and then didn't bother to close them. I found ones that had been active for a couple of weeks. Even if I closed the program it still left it open. That and the way it did internals was funky. Throwing a request for service into an RPC call and then wandering away.

Took quite a bit to clean up after those programs but I'm pretty sure they're gone. Now if I could figure out if I can kill the rpc service I'd be really happy. BTW, I'm not certain Edge isn't the guy.

I'm sticking with Chrome but I regularly do an air gap and clean up. I also flip the power to my router and modem. Uninstall and reinstall.

They're still watching but just like in some of the novels I read, if I know there's a camera in my house I can deal with it. If they get their jollies watching some geriatric heading naked for a pee at 2 AM, meh.

I haven't had a dns problem with C99 or any other site for a week or two. Note fingers crossed.

Maybe next time I'll offer a suggestion on who I believe has been peeping. No way to tell for sure but mix between theft motive or data mining. If I were a deep stater I'd sure worry about me.

Good luck. Watch your 6.

9 users have voted.
mhagle's picture


A bunch of us here are Linux geeks. My desktop is Ubuntu Studio. I use Firefox and Falcon mostly for browsers. I used to use Chrome but ran into too much malicious activity. I have a Chromebook, so I am stuck with it there. I don't like that if I buy something on Amazon, there will be ads for it on my weather site. Ugh.

My desktop with Linux is the cleanest environment I have. My phone is Android, but even there its standard clock app caused me to get booted off Facebook. Just as well, I have stayed off Facebook.

Best of luck to you!

6 users have voted.


"Make dirt, not war." eyo

@mhagle @mhagle with Linux. When our installation started introducing it as a specialized web box I had already left. Retrofitting a desktop was way too much of an investment for me.

I think that our biggest challenge will be backing off of the sloppy implementations of the technology. Really sloppy and little decent security.

Smart phones need a good Linux dongle to provide a good standardized understructure. I've heard that the Rosa(?) distro is supposed to have a different approach than our current Android stuff.

(on edit) After looking into the Rosa, I've decided that it doesn't fit what I'd like to pursue. It's difficult to describe. Linux is a special tool that works to fit a particular niche. It works quite well at it.

Maybe a side trip might convey the situation as I see it. I have some pieces of equipment that I use for some projects. Like scanning transparencies, negatives, slides, etc. A really good machine that does that function costs a lot of money, money I can't afford to expend. Quite a few years ago I stumbled upon, no actually I was hunting a lot, a Canon scanner which had that capability. Not as good as the fancy expensive one but I could convert my father's slides from his 20 years or so of photos into digital before he died. Took a lot of my time but the excitement he showed when he showed off the stuff to everyone was worth every minute.

There was no driver for that scanner for Linux. The specialty software supplied with the scanner didn't work on Linux.

A couple of months ago Win10 "fixed" the software in my tablet PC. They deleted my software for that scanner. They told me about it but who cares. The thing is now a brick. Add in the Edge garbage and it's a brick that smells a lot.

Maybe there exists a distro and drivers to make that scanner work on my tablet, maybe not. Not an investment I want to make.

I am fighting like hell to keep my Win7 machine limping. Oh, having the microcrappies do away with the pdf reader really sucks. That scanner builds .pdfs also. But now I have to run that stupid Chrome to read them.


But ya know? I'm having more fun than I've had in a long time.

(added) it's still fun. Life is good.

5 users have voted.
mhagle's picture


. . . is that Linux is pretty blame good and simple at recognizing hardware. Less so in the past. However, sometimes you might have to choose a similar driver and it works. I have an inexpensive Canon printer with a scanner that works like a breeze.

However . . . I am no expert!

BTW . . . I just hate Windows. My son's computer is newer than mine but totally screwed up in the Windows universe where it takes forever to boot and then crashes. Too much stuff running in the background. Ugh.

3 users have voted.


"Make dirt, not war." eyo

enhydra lutris's picture


I use chromium instead of chrome and firefox, both of which were causing grief with the same small set of sites. Do you like falcon, I've never hard of it.

be well and have a good one

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture


I just run pretty much vanilla firefox and chromium (not chrome). My internet has been iffy since all of April, so that's on my service provider, but this was just a handful of sites, in both browssers. Mystery shit, but gone now. Good luck with your issues.

be well and have a good one

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

If they censor polite research oriented John Campbell, then they'll censor anyone. The even censored Trump, and no one was shocked...most seemed relieved. Do you think they will let RFK jr to speak?

An ABC News host admitted the network edited statements Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made about the COVID-19 vaccine out of an exclusive interview it conducted with the longshot Democratic presidential candidate.

“We should note that during our conversation, Kennedy made false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines,” anchor Linsey Davis said in a disclaimer when the interview aired Thursday. “We’ve used our editorial judgment in not including extended portions of that exchange in our interview.”

“Data shows that the COVID-19 vaccine has prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths from the disease,” Davis added. “He also made misleading claims about the relationship between vaccination and autism.

“Research shows that vaccines and the ingredients used in the vaccines do not cause autism, including multiple studies involving more than a million children and major medical associations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the advocacy group Autism Speaks.”


Here's the treatment he can expect. (1 min)

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

in Cut'n'Shoot, a community near Conroe, Texas, where in my youth, Willie Nelson played in a local bar regularly. Can't count how many times I went there to see Willy.
God ought to unleash his Wrath on the bad guys, and leave the rest of us out of it.
Thanks for the OT, earthling1.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981