Friday Night Photos Butterfly Garden Edition

Happy Friday everybody. I hope everyone is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

With any luck at all winter is finally over and spring is here. It's been a whole week without rain and the temps have been in the 70s the last few days.

Every spring the San Diego Zoo Safari Park has their annual butterfly exhibit. It's been a few years since I last checked out the butterflies so I stopped by for a visit last week.

Blue Morfo


Blue Morfo

Paper Kite

Blue Morfo

Could not ID


Tailed Jay

Orange Julia

Giant Owl

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Socialprogressive's picture

with spelling. It's Blue Morpho, not Morfo.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

snoopydawg's picture

Great photos. I remember playing softball and being in the field when the monarchs flew by and boy there were thousands of them. I haven’t seen that many in some time.

It looks like we are finally going to have spring. Yay! But we got a doozy of a last wallop before it came.


So much melted by the time I took this.


Most is already gone and all will be by Sunday. And the lake has gone up 3 feet with more to come. Hopefully we repeat next winter. Just not so late. Lol.. I’m still looking out the window to see how much snow we are getting even though it’s been sunny for 2 days. It just never seemed to end and then it did. Now when Sam goes out to roll in the snow she comes back in soaking wet cuz of how much water is lying on the ground because it’s so saturated. It’ll be a muddy spring for awhile…

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Socialprogressive's picture

What a sight that must have been to see all those Monarchs.
Nice photos. All that snow is something I would expect to see in December, not April. It was a long wet winter but all the western states really needed the water. I bet a lot of people are relieved that the water level in the lake is up 3 ft.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
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janis b's picture


so majestic in both those photos.

Do you happen to have an outdoor dog shower?

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snoopydawg's picture


I think there were a few more times they came through, but none that I remember in the last decade. Yes it’s great to see the lake filling up some. Mead has also gotten a couple feet which is good news for Vegas.

@janis b

Alas no shower for the Sam, but if she gets too muddy the hose is hooked up. Smile Not that she minds it. Water in any form is good for her. I just have to remember to close the bedroom door so she can’t go in and soak the bed.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

janis b's picture


Leave a permanent note at the front door before you go or let Sam out. I was at my little local beach yesterday and met a soaking wet Water Spaniel who was having a great time.

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Bollox Ref's picture

Spring tomorrow. Gotta love a continental climate. Or not....

Thanks for hosting SP.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

janis b's picture

@Bollox Ref

The photo is so delicately exquisite, thank you.

I hope Spring stays until summer.

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Socialprogressive's picture

@Bollox Ref
Lovely scene. I'm no fan of the cold and snow but there is something inviting in your image. Glad spring is almost there for you. Before you know it, it will be mosquito season.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Bollox Ref

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

janis b's picture

What a wonderful world it can be to look closely through a lens. Thank you for exhibiting creatures in all their glory.

That blue mofo on leaf is a bit trippy. It goes as well with your selection of music, as butterflies and flowers go together ; )

The colours of the Tailed Jay and flower it is enjoying for dessert are a wonderful combination.

The patterns and textures of the Giant Owl and the tree it is anchored on are wonderful. Is the tree a type of Palm tree?

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Socialprogressive's picture

@janis b
I'm just glad that the Safari Park does this every spring. It's a great opportunity to see and photograph butterflies up close.
I don't know what type of tree the Great Owl is on. It could be some type of palm tree.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
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janis b's picture

Have an enjoyable and comfortable weekend all.

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snoopydawg's picture

@janis b


I thought this might interest you for some reason.

And here is the back story of the picture and the woman in it.

Migrant Mother: Dorothea Lange and the Truth of Photography

Dorothy finally settled in Modesto, CA where I lived for awhile and there is a nice write up about her in this article that is worth reading. If not it’s okay. I enjoyed both articles.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

janis b's picture


simple and elegant, or a least simple and satisfying, can be so rewarding : ). I will look forward to reading about Dorothea Lange. Her photos have always spoken so deeply.

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snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

Dorothy is the photographer. The article is about the woman in the photo. I think..oh well you will figure it out.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

janis b's picture


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janis b's picture


The question at the end of the article is an important one to consider. Knowing the context of an image generally enhances my experience. To know something about the photographers intention and experience is revealing. And then, there's always more information that comes to light.

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Socialprogressive's picture

@janis b
The Taro leaves make a great subject and the lighting is excellent.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

janis b's picture


The lighting is all natural.

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dystopian's picture

@janis b Hi Janis, Great purple pic!

Don't they use taro root for something, like maybe eat it?

I loved your smoke shot last week, the smoke almost got in my eyes! Wink Very cool photo, and not easy to do. Sometimes backlight, against a dark background are a couple things that often can help.

be well!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

janis b's picture

@dystopian @dystopian

It's the root that's eaten, of another, more common variety. Only the leaves of the purple taro are used. Island cultures and cuisines use the leaf to wrap food in to be smoked or cooked - sort of like banana leaves. The mature leaves are very big. You could roast a whole chicken in it ; ).

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QMS's picture

Inspiration for an olds mobile


thanks for the flutterby fotos SP!

9 users have voted.

question everything

Socialprogressive's picture

Cool butterfly. Now I'm wondering if there is one with a 442 on it.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

janis b's picture


Thanks for the photo.

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dystopian's picture


There are a few other very closely related species with other numbers! I think maybe a 89, and maybe a 69 too, there are few in that group, often called the '88's. They are tropical and one type is found not too far south of the Rio Grande. Neat pic.

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hi SP!

Awesome butterfly photos SP! Outstanding! Beautiful work!

I would sure like to see a Blue Morpho in the wild. I think the blue is mostly only visible in flight? We have similar like Great Purple Hairstreak, about the same color as the Morpho above, and you can only see the upperwings when they are in flight. Seems nearly a crime! Or torture.

I have seen a few wild vagrant Malachite here where I live, they occur almost annually in very small numbers in southern Texas, mostly along Rio Grande. The upperwings are bright lime green and chocolate! Gorgeous beastie. Have seen several of the Orange Julia here as well. I could use an Orange Julius now that you mention it. I think unknown one is a Heliconian Longwing of some sort, they are a huge group in the tropics, among which are the Zebra and Julia with those extra long forewings. Great structure!

The story I recall is that Doug Ingle (the singer) was sooooo drunk, and they had soooo many takes that the original working title to the piece, In the Garden of Eden, which it was loosely about, became sooo slurred, it got that new name. But if you think that lyric, it actually makes more sense for the song.

Thanks for hosting!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Socialprogressive's picture

It's both a crime and torture that the blue is only seen mostly during flight. It's a beautiful metallic blue. I too think of Orange Julius when I see the name Orange Julia. Is Orange Julius still around?

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

dystopian's picture

@Socialprogressive @Socialprogressive @Socialprogressive Hey SP! I don't know, but I think Orange Julius went by the wayside? Maybe they are still out there? I went boondocks 20 years ago and don't go to 'the big city'. Did not see one the last 10 years I was in L.A. up to about '03. They were great though. The fluffy aspect was egg whites. Besides the orange juice they added sugar and whipped frothy egg white. Which may have been powdered or something? I don't know how they did that part. But dang they were good. There was one across the street from my high school in Huntington Bch. and though little higher priced compared to other drinks, we loved 'em and drank gallons. Long time ago I looked up (web searched) 'mock orange julius' and there was a recipe to make them. Maybe meringue powder would work?

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

dystopian's picture

Here's a butterfly... a tiny 3/4" one.

Olive-Juniper Hairstreak on an Acacia sps. flower

same beastie

Here is a Julia Longwing dorsal surface, what a shape!

If only I had resolution!

Thanks for the great pics SP! and all!

countin' on y'all to have good ones!
and remember to take pictures!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

janis b's picture


Do you think that would also work in a culinary dish? Do you have Juniper trees growing where you are?

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dystopian's picture

@janis b @janis b Hi Janis! Yeah we are covered in Junipers here. In many areas they are called 'Cedar'. Sounds quite the combo, olive and juniper. With the juniper hairstreaks there are 20 kinds and it is an absolute taxonomic mess. No one knows where the species and subspecies lines should be drawn. Some are very specific only laying eggs on one type of juniper.

One should limit Juniper berry intake as they can be hard on kidneys or liver I think it was. In my old herb tea days we used it very sparingly, as it can take over flavors. Lots are very allergic to the pollen, often called 'cedar fever'. My wife sometimes gets it real bad. When the trees are blowing off pollen it looks like yellow smoke if the wind blows. The volunteer Fire Dept. chases calls down, of what turns out to be cedar pollen, not smoke. Best use of Juniper according to worldwide reasearch is for gin! And Tennessee Red Aromatic Cedar is the one of choice for protecting clothing in cabinets, wardrobes, etc...

Olives on the other hand I don't think are possible to OD on. Smile

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

janis b's picture


it appears that Juniper measures largely in your experience. Despite that, I doubt you're a gin drinker.

In my experience one has to have some connection with British culture to enjoy gin ; ).

A start-up gin distilling business in Taranaki is appealing to the public to join the Great New Zealand Juniper Hunt and help it find the liquor's elusive key ingredient - juniper berries - in this country.

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Socialprogressive's picture

that Olive-Juniper Hairstreak packs a colorful punch. Nice shots of the Hairstreak and Orange Julia, dystopian.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

orlbucfan's picture

Seeing a monarch always cheers me up! I've actually seen a rare one in our area.
Smile Good news from snoopy that the Utah water bodies are starting to get replenished. Thanks again, everyone, for the positive lift. Rec'd!!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

Socialprogressive's picture

I use to see Monarchs all the time, but I don't see them very often any more which is sad.
Not only Utah, but all the western states got lots of much needed rain and snow this winter.
Thanks for checking in.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.