Friday photos
Submitted by QMS on Fri, 10/11/2024 - 5:36pm
For all you shutter bugs, keeping the lens open in the stead of Social Progressive
who has temporarily stepped into the darkroom to develop some new film.

For all you shutter bugs, keeping the lens open in the stead of Social Progressive
who has temporarily stepped into the darkroom to develop some new film.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.
Sunny San Diego has been anything but sunny this week. Didn't see the sun all week and it rained yesterday and today. Next week is supposed to be sunny and mid 70s. Can't wait.
While out and about yesterday I noticed the price of gas has risen to about $5.25 a gal. A few pennies more at one place, a few pennies less at another. I'm glad I ditched the gas guzzler and got a hybrid. All that money I'm saving on gas I can now spend on the ever rising cost of groceries. It seems no matter what you do, you just can't get ahead these days.
The orchids in 1,3,5,7 were taken in the orchid house at the San Diego Zoo. The African Iris in 4,8 is from my front walkway and the rest are from the Carlsbad Flower Fields.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.
The bird watching group I belong to meets once a month. These photos are from both this month's and last month's meeting. Last month we met at Mast Park in Santee. The park is a narrow strip of natural riparian environment that runs alongside the San Diego river. This month we met at Harry Griffen Park in La Mesa. A typical man made and maintained city park with one corner left unlandscaped and with it's native vegetation. Even though the parks are about five miles apart and are very different environments, most of the birds we saw were the same at both parks. Our group leader heard there was a rare sighting of a Baltimore Oriole at Harry Griffen Park recently. If one was there, we didn't see it.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.
For most of us our cars are nothing more than a means of transportation. Something to get us from point A to point B. For a few people though, their car is more than just transportation, it's a treasured piece of art created on a metal canvas.
These pieces of art were on display at the Good Guys car show last weekend at the Del Mar fairgrounds.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.
With all the recent problems in the aircraft and airline industry in the news these days, I thought since I haven't been to the San Diego Air and Space Museum in a half dozen years, a visit was in order. I'm happy to say, while I was there no door plugs blew out, no panels fell off, no engines flamed out and no emergency landings were required. It wasn't all rainbows and lollypops though, as they once again managed to lose my luggage.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.
Every month the camera club I'm in has a challenge subject. This month's subject is ICM. What is ICM? I'm glad you asked. ICM is intentional camera movement, where you intentionally move the camera while the shutter is open. Camera motion can consist of panning, zooming, rotating, or any other random movement of the camera. Depending on the subject, and the type of movement, results can range from artistic to awful. I won't say I got anything artistic so here are some of the less awful results.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.
It's Spring. That means the days are getting longer. The temperatures are getting warmer. The trees are turning green. The flowers are blooming and mattresses are one sale. The return of Spring also brings with it the annual butterfly exhibit at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well . Post any photos, memes, or music you like.
It's been a week of gray skies and moderate temps. It was supposed to be sunny and warm yesterday. Never did see the sun and there was rain, thunder, lightning, and hail thrown in for good measure. Mother Nature's way of reminding everybody it's still winter, even in sunny San Diego.
Last Saturday when it was sunny I went to the library. The San Diego library has 35 branch locations scattered throughout the county plus the central library located downtown. The central branch was built in 2013.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.
The monthly water bill came today. $106. Of that, only $15 is for the amount of water used. The rest is for such things as consumption charge, infrastructure charge, system charge, sewer base rate. I'd love to cut my water bill in half but even if I used no water at all I'd still be paying $91 a month. Oh the joys of living in paradise.
While we're on the subject of water, here are some sea and shore birds from last month's visit to La Jolla Cove.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes' or music you like.
Every Saturday in January and February the Wildlife Research Institute presents Hawk Watch, a two hour educational talk and Q&A about raptors.