Polls: Americans don't care about COVID and the vaccines anymore
This essay is about the fact that if you still feel that COVID and the vaccines are an important issue, then you aren't just in the minority. Your chosen minority is so small that it is statistically insignificant.
And that isn't my opinion.
For instance, Gallup:
I had to cut those two images into two because "coronavirus" was so far down the list that I couldn't put into the same file.
OK, you don't believe Gallup? Big Pharma and the government is rigging that poll?
Then how about Pew.
COVID was last on the list of people's priorities.
Even at the end of last year, COVID was falling in importance is IPSOS and Monmouth.
So what's my point? Only that if you are still obsessing over the issue then you should be aware that the world is leaving you behind.

Are you vying for top position here for being the most offensive?
Not that there aren’t numerous issues to take offence at.
I would consider this if...
...you were equally offended by all of the insults and personal attacks being hurled at me.
I posted a few polls and that is offensive?
what'd I miss?
what's offensive about this?
The guy thats
obsessing is the one who keeps posting to get reactions to his bullshit posts.
I Think that’s called trolling
but I’m not sure on all the etiquette definitions
and I’m probably not qualified to state that definitively.
Maybe you should do a bong rip
or three
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Let's compare
So I'm the one being offensive, huh? I'm the one trolling, huh?
Let's look at your comments to my last essay.
Personal attacks
Dude, are you really this big a tool for the establishment?
like other posters that spew bullshit in Really Obvious ways
Gaslight to the Max, Baby!
Well, here’s where you Will be told to cordially Fuck Off any AND All would be authoritarian douchbags
Apologies to actual douchebags performing a service.
Note that despite all of this cr*p I didn't once respond with a personal insult or slander.
But I'M the one being offensive!
It's responses like yours that makes me convinced that I'm on the right track and that you are the one spreading disinformation and propaganda.
How to respond to this?
I’m confused.
And I backed up my tool query with actual Full statements you made in the op. Punctuation included.
Did you afford me the same courtesy? Nay nay!
And the person who’s Obsessing(reading comprehension, Again) is the person who’s last three or four post have been about the’rona.
Rona and Ukraine
Rona and Chernobyl
America is leaving Rona behind
THAT’S not Obsessive? Obsessive, not offensive. Again with the reading comprehension! Oye vei!
You might wonder why I even respond?
I respond to dogshit, or in this case Bullshit. To pick it up if it’s mine or to point it out to others so they May not step in it as a courtesy
Do I do this in a genteel fashion? Of course Not!
Dogshit here! Don’t step in it! Some ASSHOLE didn’t clean up after his dog! Don’t step in it!
Consider yourself insulted with this, if I’m gonna tweak ya, you’ll know it.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
You're crossing the line...
On this one
And way to post Partial statements Out of Context to rise up the host
GJ while Still not address my points
And just to be clear(even if I gotta sit in the corner, again)
If you Are pushing for the Jabs you’re either an Enemy of Humanity or a fuckin’ idjit
Makes no difference to me.
If you’re pushing for more weapons to Ukraine
Same same
Please excuse me while Johnny puts me in time out
And I was Serious about the bong rip GJ you’re a little Too tight
edit for spelling
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
You seem to be begging...
for it judging by your latest comments in this thread. You were baited and fell for it, hook in mouth.
Stop the fucking personal insults or you're out of here for good.
I hear ya
but I stand by my statements against this poster
On economics he’s great
On politics he’s dodgy
On Rona and Ukraine he’s flat out wrong and he’s gonna see the world die
I’d Rather that Not happen
Gimme the cap, I’ll go sit in the corner sheesh
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Stand by your statements...
but do it without the insults.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Based on my personal experience when questioning
the party line on any issue I'm afraid you're going down a very lonely path.
We have an extremely polarized society that has been pushed to ensure that it remains polarized on each and every issue. Pick any item in the priority list and you will find that from a statistical standpoint there isn't that much real rational support for an opinion along the party line.
The silent majority has become even more muted. Anyone who disagrees is the pariah, thrown off the island, denied sustenance at the societal middle school cafeteria, ridiculed for their position outside the majority. Pure cult thinking.
Back in the dim, dark times of the "demics" I made a comment in the family forum that the whole business didn't meet the smell test. Eg, if it looks like dog poop, smells like dog poop, I'm not going to do the taste test. Well, that didn't go over well. About as well as suggesting that the balloon business wasn't a deliberate spy mission. Ie, of course it has surveillance equipment on it... it's a freakin weather balloon.
I got the initial jabs and sorry I did. I've also quit talking about the issue.
Good luck.
Health Care Issue vs. Culture War Issue
I have/had all sorts of problems with the COVID response, but instead I became "an establishment tool". Why? Because this is all about the culture war.
For examples:
1) The cost of the lockdowns fell disproportionately upon the working class, while the upper-middle class paid almost no price. This is a big deal.
What was the take from Team Skeptic? To invent derogatory terms for people that could telecommute, like "laptop class". IOW, to hate the upper-middle class rather than questioning the priorities of our capitalist society.
And from Team Vaccine? TINA.
My skepticism doesn't fall into culture war narrative, so it gets dismissed.
2) When COVID starting spreading the government made no attempt to do mass testing. The cost of a private test was in the thousands of dollars. And when the government finally started free testing, they offered no way to pay for the massive costs of being treated. This was a moment to highlight and reform our insane private health care system.
Team Skeptic response: It's only dangerous to the old and the sick, so you don't have to worry.
Team Vaccine response: Trump Bad.
My skepticism doesn't fall into culture war narrative again.
Notice that my takes had clearly identifiable issues and logical (although unlikely) reforms.
Team Skeptic and Team Vaccine both led us into armed camps.
After that both sides hardened their opinions and refused to consider anything but highly biased data. And why not? It's a culture war issue first and foremost. That's what you are supposed to do in a culture war.
3) When COVID deaths skyrocketed Team Skeptic downplayed this, and still do. Even to the point of slandering working-class nurses as "Twitter Nurses" and buying into konspiracy theories. While Team Vaccine felt obliged to not believe any criticism of the COVID response at all.
So when the vaccines got rolled out you were either a slack-jawed moron, or an authoritarian shitlib. And that dividing line was clearly demarcated on whether you allowed yourself to be "needle-raped".
I personally waited for maybe 4 to 6 months after the vaccine got rolled out, and when I went to get it I asked for the Cuban vaccines (which they not surprisingly didn't have because capitalism). I've repeatedly pointed out that the Cuban vaccines are NOT mRNA vaccines, but I haven't met a single member of Team Skeptic that has cared in the slightest about that. And why should they, since this is a culture war issue, not a health care issue.
It's because of this that I want to see this issue go away - because it is damaging in every way.
It's damaging to society. It's damaging to our health care system. It's damaging to debate right here.
Your experience parallels mine very closely
When the demic started I spoke out about the terrible response from the institutions that up until the last few decades had been so dependable. The reaction from family and contacts was more toxic than the "flu" I had endured in Dec 2019.
I was already on very shakey ground because of my lack of support for the chosen nobility in the 2016 election and this situation was the last straw.
So I did what I felt I had to do. I sold my home and moved 1500 miles. Dropped out of the family forum except for bare minimum contact and every other forum and avoidance of any opinionating.
It has only been in the last few months that I felt confident in rejoining C99. I am most grateful.
You seem to be painting us with a broad brush
You bring in things that you have heard other people outside this site say and act like we were the ones that said it. If you have proof that people here have said what you wrote above it’s on you to show the proof of that. I don’t remember anyone here saying that it’s only the elderly dying so that’s okay.
This especially:
I’m guessing you are referring to all the tik tok videos of nurses dancing after people were told that hospitals were overwhelmed and nurses too tired to anything after their shifts? Yeah I don’t remember ever seeing that posted here. The one video of dancing nurses that I posted was to make fun of the White House having a great shindig while many people were trying to make ends meet. And I don’t remember anyone signing up to be on one team or another. Paint us honestly and stop bringing in stuff from other sites.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
What Healthcare system?
I'll quarrel with Gallup's conclusion
One in 13 Americans has long Covid. All of those people certainly care about Covid, and likely some of the people close to them care too.
1 out of 13 Americans "have" long covid?
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
"covid," "pandemic," "vaccine" and any other similar terms
all imply two very different notions. One is the illness itself-- how serious of a problem does it pose? The other is the societal response to the illness. Was it wise or even necessary -- or was it even worse -- a nefarious fraud as part of some elite agenda? None of these poll numbers reflect any distinction between the two possible meanings. I have seen it argued that any discussion of the societal response is unproductive.
I will obsess on this question for the rest of my life, whether or not anyone regards it as productive, as the complex of mandatory shutdowns of public life and mandatory vaccination have destroyed all my plans for my professional life and for my eventual retirement.
I recently posted the observation that neither Biden nor any other public official is trying to claim victory over covid or even that the restrictions and mandates have been a huge success, No, it is now time to move on, and avoid any negativity about the social cost of "saving lives."
Fuck that shit.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
You don’t want Me to
but I’m going to agree
100%more if I could
My experience follows a not dis-similar path
I don’t care about their reasons, their conspiracies(theories or not) their fucked up culture(or just plain cult) wars Least of all what political stripe(like a skunks, down the back)
The shitty response Killed people
The jabs Are killing people
More weapons to Ukraine will kill All the people
Seems pretty kiss to me
How do we hold the assholes that be accountable is the only question I have for the moment
Please, feel free to disagree. . .
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Good question
as to how we the people hold our elected (or appointed) representatives accountable?
Won't be the press, demonstrations seem to produce little results, opinion polls are
rigged and science is misquoted or ignored. It is becoming more obvious the ruling
elites run the show, and we are just paying passengers on this train to oblivion.
Thanks for speaking up.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I should really
Ya just can’t reason with dogmatic ideological cults so I call ‘em out and I’m no longer nice about it
Ukraine defending democracy. Cult
America a force for good. Cult
Government(currently constituted) is here to Help. Cult
I got the Roma but it would have been So Much Worse if I wasn’t jabbed
Arguing something I didn’t say and ignoring what I actually Did say?
You tell me.
Admitting trolling reddit getting flamed and bringing that shit Here?
For why?
Ask the op
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Personally do not think it is inappropriate
to call out insanity in insane times.
I am also mad as hell. Probably creeps into my posts.
No matter. We call 'em as we see 'em.
My disappointment runs more along the lines of our
vaunted rulers doing nothing except to make matters worse.
That's just me. No solutions, no fake imagery.
Anger is expressed to seek resonance.
We are not alone and the socialization game is boring.
The points you made about cults can be applied to many
more issues. Going along to get along is madness.
2 cents, two senses ~ still, this is a good space to vent
good luck
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I would disagree if I found anything to disagree with
I can see the site owner's side of the dispute about your rhetoric toward the guy who posted this thread -- but in terms of substance and sincere opinion, I have had enough bullshit to last me through the next few centuries.
Thanks for responding to my thoughts on this polling story.
I want to add that, for whatever these poll results are worth -- they do not prove that people don't care about covid or the response to it. They do suggest that people do not look at this topic as a contentious political issue. Even though I obsess over the damage this lunacy continues to do, there are no politicians offering anything that interests me as an improvement.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Thanks for
I know I twist Johnny’s knickers and I truly cannot help responding the way I do
People think it’s anger ‘cause of the profanity but there’s a Reason Ugly was pinned on me
I’m Dead Serious about the serious shit but the openly visible ways being used to flare us off I respond to with (a dark) humour
hence the bong rip reference
I’d curse like this in person
I’d call the bullshit out the same way in meatspace only
you’d be able to see me laughing at the absurdity of a dumb fuck like Me having to point out the Obvious ways we’re having smoke blown up our asses
However the ideological cult policies he advocates for are Fucking Dangerous and I find no humour in that at all
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Warning, this could change
I'm still getting harassed by ubiquitous Phizer commercials.
In the next election (or earlier) some politician will try to reignite Covid paranoia, or rage over lockdowns and mandates, or "revelations" of the true dangers of the vaccines. Passions could rise so high that the right demagoguery could go as far as trigger a civil war. (link Social Security to vaccination status? "Cede sovereignty to the WHO"? both seem extremely unlikely, but lead-in rumors sound like they are more real than most apocalyptic fearmongering)
On to Biden since 1973
I agree with the author
Folks in the US don't seem to care at all about Covid or the vaccine. In general.
I'm still trying to figure out what the offensive part is. Perhaps I need to read it slower.
People often loose interest too soon - enough time has passed
this upcoming year's research study will better answer's on long term effects and efficacy of the different non-medical interventions to slow or reduce s of spread of COVID.
In the normal process of drug development the vaccine and treatment data being presented in research studies would be considered phase 4 in the published FDA Drug Development Process.
One possible reason survey participants of general public in the United States no longer considers it COVOD a high ranking problem to be solved by government policy or politicians is individuals have developed their own plan. This would minimize the ranking the surveys noted above, while individuals could be addressing the problem as part of their daily routine.
Another reason for the ranking could be the composition of the question and the restriction to multiple choice answers provided by the surveyor.
Still a good Hot Button subject to rile up a calm group of people and divide them into opposing sides. Will be for a long time.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Prophylaxis and treatment studies are still being
....compiled hourly on this anonymous scientific website:
An important research tool, if you don't already have it.
Formidable blanket of actualities
and I see sound traces of Adelle Davis too
and claim benefit of well-grounded advice from you earlier
Late thank you for the link
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I wonder how well this bodes for the next pandemic?
According to my research:
A global H5N1 avian bird flu outbreak in humans is likely to be declared in coming weeks. Human to human transmission of this pathogenic airborne virus is already occurring in various parts of Southeast Asia.
I wonder how soon mask-wearing will come back into fashion.
At the very least, people now know a lot more about how to avoid becoming infected. Hopefully, our Western corporate overlords will not censor and suppress research on preventive technologies, this time around.
(That's probably another way to stop a war — now that I think about it.)
I think the overblown reaction to covid will matter
way, way back in the beginning I read the numbers. It was something like 2% would likely get covid and of those, 3% would die. That's pretty bad but let's work out those percentages into actual cases (assuming those %s would be accurate). Out of 3000 people 60 would get it, 2940 wouldn't. Out of those 60 possibly 2 would die. Out of the 3000, 2998 wouldn't.
The illness was treated, however, like we're all gonna die!!
Three years later we've noticed that the plague didn't happen the way some said it would. Any new illness will be smirked at. Masks will not come back although some who still use them (as I do in certain locales) will continue to do so.
Absolutely no shocker
that concerns about Covid are way down among the US public given how long it burned as a red-hot issue for all of 2020 and most of 2021. It's human nature that there is a finite time in which people can be in a state of psychological full emergency alert. Burn out occurs soon enough and the public moves on to other things of concern in their lives.
And good luck trying to whip up the public about an alleged avian flu pandemic supposedly in the early stages. I think the public will be very slow to react with the prescribed degree of fear that the health authorities would like to see.
What is a shocker, or probably a fatal flaw in both surveys cited, is the lack of any category for rating the War in Ukraine as a public concern. Just some "terrorism" concern in one poll (which seems a very dated public concern in 2023), and various unspecified "wars" in the other.
Video chock full of information
Dr. Bhakdi and others have been saying that the mRNA shots wouldn’t work because they don’t give mucusol immunity and a few weeks ago Fauci wrote a paper saying the same thing and that’s why they failed. I posted it in one of my recent essays.
Horses and water but this is worth a look. As for the next epidemic coming our way soon it’s too bad that the health agencies have lost their credibility with a lot of people. The censorship of doctors and scientists that had other views is going to come back and bite them in their buttocks big time.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for the link, Snoopydawg
Your insights into what's going on seem solid to me. There is certainly significant distrust of US public health agencies. But like so many other realities, few in the public eye would dare point them out. That could make them a target.
The NIH and CDC, historically, have produced a lot of important studies and records about diseases, public health, health safety, and health research. A centralized system for health data works well for them. Conversely, national Public Health practices are flawed for the same reason; they are largely centralized and don't have much direct rapport with people, at the state level. Whatever state politicians decide to dish out is the only standard of public health the people will ever know. These days the 'Republic' system puts the states in an adversarial relationship with the Federal Government. (Plus, each new administration feels like a 'regime-change coup' to approximately half the population.) As for the FDA, the obvious corruption is probably the best you're going to get in a capitalism-based government.
It's never a good time for a national health crisis. But now, due to a number of entangled factors, every decision the United States makes is a bad decision, with many adverse consequences.
People have to strengthen their community relationships and adapt to trickle-down problems as fast as they can. The Federal Government is a rogue entity. Maintain a low public profile. The algorithms are watching.
I agree that the CDC and others used to produce good studies, but not since big pharma got so powerful. When someone pays you to approve your product how non biased can you be? And the fact that Fauci and others get royalties from the products they approve should be another warning sign imo. As Dr. Bhakdi pointed out in the video animal studies on reproduction weren’t done nor were pregnant women included in the studies and yet Walensky and doctor organizations for women insisted that they were safe for them to get at any stage in their pregnancy. Not one of them pointed out after Pfizer was forced to release their papers said anything about how women in the trials were told not to get pregnant and take every precaution against it. Men were also told to wear protection. Pfizer knew. Any health person who read the report before giving authorization knew that they were not tested on pregnant women for safety or what they would do to the fetus.
Anyone remember what happened to the children of women who took thalidomide? And one other drug which name escapes me that caused horrific birth defects?
Comment on this article by an obstetrician who just completed a study on women who have been jabbed.
There have been many doctors who have been trying to bring attention to the problems they are seeing that have had their licenses suspended and privileges removed and even some who have been prosecuted for doing it. Both here at home and across the pond. Debate should be encouraged not stifled.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Lol…don’t question Mr. Science!
Umm Peter Daeshik and Eco-alliance? Or eco-health? How about furin cleavage?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I owe you an apology, gj
I can understand that my comment was an overreaction and offensive to you. I experienced what you wrote as somewhat dismissive of those who still consider the subject an important matter to address. I personally object to moving on from the subject as if it’s outdated. There is still so much more consideration and discussion needed so that all involved can learn how to better approach something similar in the future.
Situational awareness is shifting
I'll give you that much. Being steered to the next shiny object does not change the realities
we are now facing nor the lessons learned by the Covid disaster.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
There does appear to be a bit of gaslighting going on
The difficult question is why. Lab leak warming up and we need a bit of social pressure to cool it down?
sounds about right
throttling the distraction machine up and down
seems to be their modus operendi
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
It’s the new color code scam that Bush created
Or just upgraded from previous versions. I was stunned when people didn’t wrench their necks when they went to focusing on Covid to focusing on Ukraine overnight. How could they not see what was happening? Necks should have fallen off when all of a sudden it was the Chinese balloons…..
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A lab leak (in China) supports the China = BAD narrative.
As disturbing as learning that bio weapons oriented labs are the likely reason for the pandemic, it is far more disturbing to consider that it may have been a US lab leak and/or that the ‘Rona was circulating among the general population Sept-Nov 2019 in LA.
These implications are far less digestible than “China did it!” If we buy the China lab leak and simply ‘move on’ we will have learned nothing that might prevent recurring ‘lab leaks’ and badly mishandled responses that will kill millions more and keep us divided and increasingly impotent.
Mission accomplished!
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Circulating Sept-Nov 2019 in LA
I can probably pinpoint when and where I got it, too.