Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 12-24-2022

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso
Wish everyone a great weekend of celebration of their choosing. Mine will be surrounded by those I care about, more food than necessary, reflection of past year and future plans.
Just have to add some news.
Richard Wolff, a good economic educator has an article on the Economic war currently being conducted and its history from World War I forward.
The economic realities we face at the end of 2022 Asia Times Richard D. Wolff Dec 19, 2022
The economic warfare that has defined this year threatens to escalate into hot war, as it has in the past
The key fact is not the military war between Russia and Ukraine, so far a limited, secondary affair except for the massive on-the-ground suffering of the Ukrainian people and the soldiers on both sides of the conflict. The year’s key reality is rather the economic warfare between the United States and the EU versus Russia and China: sanctions and countersanctions.
Their ramifications (energy-price spikes, supply-chain disruptions, and massive market shifts) worsened the inflation already troubling many countries. These, in turn, provoked central-bank interest-rate increases that added more disruptive and costly shocks to an already problematic 2022 global economy.
Meanwhile, global changes in great-power alignments risk being misunderstood or undervalued because clashing capitalisms disguise themselves, yet again, in great principles. Russia versus Ukraine gets rewritten as anti-Russian NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) expansion versus Ukrainian self-determination.US capitalism’s shift from neoliberal globalization to government-led economic nationalism to counter China’s rise in the global economy gets rewritten as required by “national security.” The further fracturing of Europe’s unity gets rewritten, in truly upside-down fashion, as a rebuilt US-EU-NATO alliance. Proliferating delusions need deciphering.
The capitalist system that dominates globally today organizes 99% of its workplaces/enterprises with a small minority of employers who direct the large majority of employees. It forces today’s great powers (the United States, the EU and China) to mobilize their allies and compete to shape the decisions of the Global South.The post-World War II years of US hegemony governed and held together a particular global arrangement of economies. The culmination of short-term instabilities and long-term trends inside and outside the great powers has undermined US hegemony. A struggle to shape the emerging “new world order” is under way. That struggle is the economic reality as 2022 ends.
The hegemonic war of maneuver is our context now; it will last until or unless a new global arrangement arrives.
t would be wishful thinking to mistake this result as peculiar to the French. Many leaders and influencers around the world criticize and resent the last 75 years of economic hegemony wielded by the United States.That perspective on current events has only strengthened in recent years as the US global empire has lost power, the United States lost wars in Asia, and China emerged as the first serious economic competitor against the United States since at least 1945. The Ukraine war has so far served mainly to validate and thus harden that perspective.
Propaganda, trials and errors characterize efforts by all sides to navigate a dangerous, tension-filled time of change. One side’s “freedom fighters” are characterized by the opposing side as agents of domination by major powers. One side’s expansion of its international trade and capital is branded “aggressiveness” by another side rattling its swords. Shifts from neoliberal globalization to assertive economic nationalism are all rationalized as requirements of “national security.”
World War I split socialists even as it strengthened a broadly defined socialism. World War II did the same. It not only hardened the splits within socialism (such as social democracy and Soviet socialism) but also extended the social reach of socialist variants of anti-capitalism, especially to the former colonies and China.Capitalism has been the context and ultimate cause of world history’s two worst wars. Many had thought, hoped, and worked so that those horrific wars might enable and empower first the League of Nations and later the United Nations.
The goals of these organizations were to secure peace in place of global power politics moving toward war. They tried to achieve that goal without fundamentally challenging capitalism, the organization of an economy whose production entails a powerful minority (private or state) owning and operating enterprises. These organizations seem to have failed, but their failure left a lesson we can learn and build on.
Pepe one of the best writers on Asian geopolitical The full article is worth reading.
Can China help Brazil restart its global soft power? Asia Times Pepe Escobar Dec 22, 2022
Ten days of full immersion in Brazil are not for the faint-hearted. Even restricted to the top two megalopolises, Sao Paulo and Rio, watching live the impact of interlocking economic, political, social and environmental crises exacerbated by the Jair Bolsonaro project leaves one stunned.
The return of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva for what will be his third presidential term, starting January 1, 2023, is an extraordinary story trespassed by Sisyphean tasks. All at the same time he will have to
- fight poverty;
- reconnect with economic development while redistributing wealth;
- re-industrialize the nation; and
- tame environmental pillage.
A concerted imperial campaign since 2010, duly denounced by WikiLeaks, and implemented by local comprador elites, targeted the Dilma Rousseff presidency – the Brazilian national entrepreneurial champions – and led to Rousseff’s (illegal) impeachment and the jailing of Lula for 580 days on spurious charges (all subsequently dropped), paved the way for Bolsonaro to win the presidency in 2018.Were it not for this accumulation of disasters, Brazil – a natural leader of the Global South – by now might possibly be placed as the fifth-largest geo-economic power in the world.
Batista sees Lula facing at least three hostile blocs.
- The extreme right supported by a significant, powerful faction of the armed forces – and this includes not only Bolsonarists, who are still in front of a few army barracks contesting the presidential election result;
- The physiological right that dominates Congress – known in Brazil as “The Big Center”;
- International financial capital – which, predictably, controls the bulk of mainstream media.
Bolsonaro reduced Brazil to resources-exporter status; now Lula should follow Argentina’s lead into Belt and Road
Lula is already winning his first battle: approving a constitutional amendment that allows financing of more social spending.That allows the government to keep the flagship Bolsa Família welfare program – of roughly $13 a month per poverty-level family – at least for the next two years.
To recover from the previous, disastrous six years – which included a two-year no man’s land (2016-2018) after the impeachment of president Dilma – Brazil will need an unparalleled national drive of re-industrialization at virtually every level, complete with serious investment in research and development, training of specialized work forces and technology transfer.There is a superpower that can play a crucial role in this process: China, Brazil’s close partner in the expanding BRICS+. Brazil is one of the natural leaders of the Global South, a role much prized by the Chinese leadership.
We will see if this is a trend. Countries not simply exporting raw material, but creating the industrial infrastructure for some processing and obtain the additional profit.
Indonesia bauxite ban drops a trade war gauntlet Asia Times Dec 24, 2022
Doubling down on Indonesia’s value-added mineral policy which has drawn fire from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and European importers, a defiant President Joko Widodo insists his administration will go ahead with its plan to ban bauxite exports in June next year.
Widodo made the announcement only days after returning from a visit to Brussels where he told the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-European Union (EU) summit that relations between the two regional blocs had to change.
“If we want to build a good partnership, then (it) must be based on equality, there should be no coercion,” he said in a surprisingly assertive statement. “There should no longer be anyone dictating and assuming their standard is better than others.”
“Indonesia wishes to underline the fact that developments that have added value and inclusivity will help support the world’s economic resilience,” he continued. “In this case, Indonesia will continue to build our downstream industry.”
The government acknowledged it will initially lose an annual US$500-600 million in export earnings, but Economic Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartarto says increased refining will boost state revenues from 21 trillion rupiah ($1.37 billion) to 62 trillion rupiah ($4.0 billion) a year.
What is on your mind today?

Good Morning...
A chilly 6F at daybreak.
Merry Christmas eve to all! Due to the frigid weather we're hunkered down in the holler for the weekend. Should break freezing on Monday. Headed to 60's by the end of the week when we've rescheduled our family visit.
I wish Lula the best of luck and hope the US doesn't interfere like they did with Dilma. First place Bolsanaro visited when he came to the US was CIA headquarters. That spoke volumes to me. Then Glenn came out with the "Car wash" scandal info...a bombshell that was poorly covered in the US CIA controlled media.
Thanks for the OT. Enjoy the holiday, your family, and the food!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The "carwash" article
Lee Jae-myung, the current leader of the Minjudang (Democratic Party) has been subpoenaed in last couple of days, in another politically motivated investigation and persecution in the ongoing Daejanddong scandal, which ironically, President Yoon played a key role in covering up in its early stages (the Pusan Savings Bank scandal from which the original conspirators/investors in the Daejangdon real estate development obtained their seed capital). Yoon, then a chief prosecutor in charge of the investigation of the bank's massive, improvident and improper loans said "nothing to see here" in the early stages of the conspiracy.
In my opinion, this seems to be a more advanced technique using the administration of justice and the courts, to implement a de facto coup d'etat than by a conventional military coup, or right wing led, fascist (faux democracy movement) street movement, because it is more subtle, attempts to preserve the trappings of the rule of law, in a (corrupted) republic. The technique requires the fabrication of evidence and the cooperation of corporate media. The implicit threat of being the victim of the same police power techniques intimidates the witnesses, justices and elected officials, who are perhaps not sympathetic to the object of the conspiracy, nor fooled by the flimsy, fabricated, and coerced evidence. Needless to say, all but the most courageous independent journalists are also intimidated to remain silent. fwiw.
I also have to always consider the possibility of you know who, managing the internal politics of a foreign country by orchestrating or coaching such events through contacts with the key players.
I'll be home for Christmas, yes sure I will. Home is where the heart is, right?
語必忠信 行必正直
Enjoy Christmas in the holler
The up and down heat cycle is hard on the plants. Concerned to see the cycle showing up in more parts of the country. It creates unique challenges to growing crops with regular annual yields.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good Quotes
They all speak to how little U.S. citizens are paying attention to the world. Add to it an African response to this recent silly summit.
Not as cold last night - 20 rather than 11 - supposed to get up to 36 today. Making the stuffing and potatoes to put in crackpots for tomorrow. We are dripping faucets so we have water, but my kitchen drain is frozen—one of life's minor challenges. Fortunately, I have a pail.
It will just be us here. That's OK. Kids start college classes in a few weeks so it is important to cherish all of these moments. And from this OT we know that we don't know the future. It's all good right now and let's enjoy it.
Happy holidays to all!!!!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
thank you for the video - wonderful insight into the world
Are the kids moving to other parts of the country for college or does your area have options close to home? Not having to pay room and board is a significant decrease in the cost.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
It's only 25 miles away . . .
So they will still be home. Yes, housing costs more than tuition in most places.
My daughter says she can't leave her birds, too. (chickens, turkeys, guineas)
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Just a bunch of kids enjoying the spirit
thanks for hosting soe!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
How does that not put a smile in your heart?
That has been my ringtone since I got a phone. Two versions of it so I know who I should answer.
I’ve been a Snoopy fan my whole life and he was born the same year I was. I had a cool thing that made peanuts figures out of some goo and then baked them on the machine till they were soft plastic. Man I wish I still had it!
Lol..whoever bought my old Mazda must have had a fun time taking off all the little Snoopy stickers I plastered on the inside of the doors.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Brought a smile to my face - thanks n/t
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good essay by Caitlin on Russia’s unprovoked attack
I tweeted her article in reply to the guy making an ass of himself.
Caitlin often reminds us that our narratives are being shaped by the PTB to further their agendas and get our consent for what they plan on doing. I think Taiibi nails how that has affected us and what it’s done to our realities. Even if we see through the propaganda it still takes a toll. I’ve seen it.
Thanks Obama for making government propaganda legal you worthless POS!
We got more snow last night so we will have a white Xmas. I remember one Xmas back in the 80's when it snowed for days and the plows couldn’t keep up. This was before everyone had 4 wheel drive. I had a little Honda Civic with front wheel drive and it did okay. It sure doesn’t snow like it used to.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
perhaps Obama did some of us a small favor -
for ages if you told somebody that the government was spewing propaganda many/most would reply that they couldn't because it was illegal. Now you can tell them that it ain't illegal and they have to come up with some other self-deception.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
perhaps Obama did some of us a small favor -
for ages if you told somebody that the government was spewing propaganda many/most would reply that they couldn't because it was illegal. Now you can tell them that it ain't illegal and they have to come up with some other self-deception.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
thanks for the articles
Matt generally writes on very serious, depressing subjects - his statement of hope after reviewing the Twitter files is encouraging.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Holiday wishes to all!
This cartoon seems to fit what's actually happening on the ground right now.
Thanks for the visual comedy
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Great choice of articles for the Potluck, SOE.
I would also recommend Escobar's most recent offering: Rest in Peace JCPOA. It another view of economic restructuring for the 21st century, this time in Iran. Here are some excerpts:
Another economic ground shift
Now we need time to see if the changes are a new normal or a temporary adjustment. The understanding of United States negotiations as fake to simply by time for other plans is finally reaching critical mass of basic knowledge. (I would add English to fake negotiations as a tactic after taking a deeper dive into early colonization of North America and Caribbeans)
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
That's an overlooked perspective
...and one that seems hold the key to the isolated legal rational at the foundation of the American Experience, today.
Good catch.
I've been compelled to dip into lots of strange wells, lately, seeking basic information and opinions that I once took for granted. This is one of the unintended consequences of the censorship that the US authoritarian regime has forced upon the American people. For, in these new wells of information, I find so much more that I was looking for.
The other day, Snoopydawg posted a link to Matt Taibbi, who was explaining his abrupt absence since the Twitter papers were released by Elon Musk. If you haven't read it yet, you may find that it resonates. Here's a passage:
Good afternoon, soe, et al!
I took a day off yesterday from current world events, mostly to get a little down time to recharge my inquisitiveness batteries and find inspiration to resist tptb, fight hard against falling in line with their Great Reset. Bastards.
It was great to read Wolff, enjoy how he can reduce world economic history to a short article, using language and terms non-economist types can understand easily.
It had to have been Happy Hour somewhere in the world when I popped a top on a beer at 4pm, Galveston-Time. I am getting ready for a slow read of Pepe'. He is just brilliant.
Ok. I have made, and still make, a real bitchy criticism of Wolff, and for all his immense intellectual properties, and inherent appreciation of the perpetual economic slavery of the working man, he needs to spend some time out on the farm.
I listened to one of his videos a few months ago, and he said people need to lose their ideas and desires for private dwellings and individual land ownership. According to him, we all need to forget that, move into multi family unit dwellings. I am currently staying in a condo. Mostly rentals, but a few dwellers live in and own their condos. It is tiny. No place to store or stack food or clothing. Walk softly. No loud talking, dress appropriately, certain garbage must be taken off premises, forget having a piano! Forget buying kitchen, bathroom, or bedding on sale! No storage! Do not put anything on the balcony!
If shit hits the fan next year, as Wolff predicts, I am secure in my own home, have land, can grow food, can hunt, can fish,and I can make as much noise as I want, and if I decide to dress inappropriately, or not at all, it will not offend anybody.
Thanks for the ot, soe. It was very interesting!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The criticism is similar to
He does explain broad economic policies well.
The trip to Galveston was a well deserved break from being on the front line of our dysfunctional society.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good evenng and happy holidays soe.
Thank for the articles and info.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Happy Holidays n/t
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.