Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-12: NY Polling Trendlines
We're featuring the NY polls every day until the election in two weeks on 19 April. NY has 247 delegates at stake. Plus, the little matter of momentum and narrative. Bernie met the delegate math target in his WI win of 57%. He'll receive another little bounce in Wyoming this weekend and then the magic carpet flies high as it can to get over the NY wall. Below are the graphs from Huffpo. Also, Steppenwolf.
Here's Steppenwolf with my NY election prediction.
Update: from the Department of The Dogs Bark But The Caravan Marches On
Have a look at this nonsense from Bloomberg. We're gonna keep old Helmut here and laugh at him on 19 April.
Helmut Norpoth, a political science professor at New York's Stony Brook University, said while Sanders has been “on a roll” lately, Sanders would need to buck historical trends and peel off a significant chunk of those superdelegates to have a shot at turning the contest around. He said New York is one of his last chances to make that case.
“If she lost, that would be a shock and that might really put some pressure on super-delegates,” Norpoth said of the New York primary. Given Clinton's deep political connections in New York, however, and a significant minority voting population more likely to favor Clinton, Norpoth said, Sanders is likely to find that “New York's going to be very difficult.”
Tsk, tsk, tsk, "very difficult"...bit of a faux clutch of faux pearls there, eh, Helmut?
NY Race
There has been no new public polling in NY this week. So the official race picture is static. Underneath the still surface of the pond though, the webbed feet of the waterfowl are paddling madly.
No change from T-14. Lazy pollsters, grumble, grumble...
No change from T-15. Lazy pollsters, grumble, grumble...
National Race
McClatsky/Marist came out yesterday: Bernie 49-47. Soon Bernie will beat her in every national poll.
Bonus: Pennsylvania Race
Last poll was Q to 4/4: Clinton 50-44. Bernie's closing real fast.
(No subject)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Good morning Gerrit.
I'm interested to see how people respond to Bernie's statement at a rally yesterday when he said that Hillary was unqualified to be POTUS. This could be a new wrinkle.
Here's a hint
Sanders supporters took over a HRC hashtag. LOL
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Does she have the early stages of Alzheimers?
I mean if so, it may explain her gaffs, her not recalling events clearly not deliberate lies, but her mind slamming puzzle pieces into spot that can be seen do not fit.....
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Hi Lenzabi, nice to talk with you again. Anxiety is my guess:
my brain operates like the keystone cops in molasses when my anxiety goes vertical. My mind seizes on one or two points and whams those repeatedly into whatever thing my mind is having a panic attack over :=) And, sigh, I become aggressive. She's going to lose tons of votes to these displays, which will increase exponentially! Cheers,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Hi Gerrit, too tired to think straight, having a head-ache
but I wonder if resiliency is a form of stoicism or not. Now, I have to admit, I need to re-read your stoicism essay. I was not ready to absorb it. But stoicism and resiliency is basically what I could observe in people who were able to overcome great personal pain. So, it's worth to think about it.
Have a good day. I know I am a day late for this. Sorry.
No worries. Hi Mimi, yes, you have it exactly right: stoicism
is resiliency for the mind. It helps us toughen our minds so we can ride better through the tough days in life. It saved my life, literally, when I was most suicidal when the ptsd first took over my brain and rewired my brain and so my mind. I have been suicidal on and off until late 2015. The stoicism thinking habits got me out of the ditch and I still need stoic thinking to help me every day with all the every day crises.
It's real good to talk with you over this stuff. There's not a lot of folks ready to toughen up their minds. Most folks are still screaming at the darkness, in stead of lighting a candle. So thank you for talking with me. Every time someone talks with me a bit about something practical, I say, give it one more day.
It's scary to first realize how our f*cked up world have taken our minds hostage. Cause that's what they did: they took my mind hostage. "Do as we say or you're dead." Stoicism helps me say, "Go f*ck yourself."
Then its damn hard work to remember the stoic teachings. After every screw-up, I had to go over it in my mind and find those pressure points where I could have applied a stoic thought - "no, this is an external thing, it has no power over me," kind of thing - and that would have pulled me out of my panic dive-bomb, so I would have pulled up instead of cratered.
I dunno if we can get notifications yet. If you read up on the stoic stuff and you comment on something that interests you, I might not see it. Just buzz me then, please. Thanks again, mimi.
Good luck with the headache. I take a muscle relaxant like naproxin and ibuprofin with lots of water and lie down for 20 minutes with my eyes closed. Good luck.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.