Solving the school mass shooting problem using conservative logic
We all know the problem isn't too many guns, and that the solution is always more guns.
Now a lot of people are talking about "hardening" all the public schools and make them into safe and secure prisons, but that's going to require a lot of money. Worst of all, it's going to require a lot of TAX money.
Everyone knows that taxes are the biggest danger to freedom, even bigger than democracy. If you want a real solution it can't involve the government.
The other solution is to arm the teachers, but there are two basic flaws with that idea.
The first is that public school teachers cannot be trusted. When they aren't teaching our children to question their gender identities and hate their skin color, they are indoctrinating our children into hating America.
That's why Republican states are passing laws restricting what these untrustworthy teachers can teach. So if they can't be trusted to actually do their jobs (their day jobs that is. I'm not talking about their 2nd jobs at night), how can we trust them to keep our children safe?
The second problem is that public school teachers are the enemies of conservative values anyway. This country would be better off without public school teachers, so why should we want to arm them?
So what's the solution?
When you think about it, it's actually rather obvious.
Who are we looking to protect? The innocent. Who is more innocent than the children? Unlike the public school teachers.
If those children (aka good guys with guns) in Uvalde were all armed then they could have taken out that school shooter without too much trouble.
I know what you are thinking - children aren't very good shots. That's why those 4th graders should all have high-capacity magazines in their guns. So they could keep squeezing off rounds until they hit the bad guy (and maybe a public school teacher).
There are added benefits to arming our children as well. They could defend themselves against predators, and keep their teachers from teaching them things that upset them.
Plus the younger the children the more innocent they are, and thus more qualified to be The Good Guy With A Gun. If only there was a way to arm fetuses, then we could solve the abortion problem as well.

The litany of “problems” humanity faces today
do not exist as individual issues, but as a web of interconnected facets. Our societal ecosystem is in as much trouble as our planetary ecosystem. Addressing the absurdity of the ‘conservative’ position on gun violence without also considering the failure of the ‘liberal’ position on the subject suggests that one ‘side’ is the cause of the problem and the other the solution. I’m not buying this dichotomy you seem to be offering us.
I would suggest that the dysfunctional and self destructive society that we now live with is the collective responsibility of all of us, individually, and is rooted in our passivity and acquiescence to the authority that is offered up by the megalomaniacs and sociopaths who shape the world and our societies for their benefit, not ours, using lies and deceptions.
The ‘truths’ that are handed out to us, in our education, by politicians or profiteers do not deserve our unquestioning trust. More questioning is needed, in every direction, and by every person.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Sounds like a worthy idea
Nothing like a well armed militia.... of 4th graders. Shooter video games as teaching aids, weapon stripping and re assembly blindfolded. Summer boot camp in hand to hand combat as phys ed. Kids have it too soft today anyway. Nothing as fearsome like a 8 year old in a Dora the explorer t shirt with a knife between her teeth and a sawed off shot gun at the ready.
It really does make sense,
given that by the time they grow up, the only remaining jobs will be in the military...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
the solution is to close down the schools
except private schools, for which selected parents will get vouchers.
Home schooling
private christian schools are for the wealthy.
Home schooling for the working class. Unregulated home schooling of course. That way people will quickly realize that they don't need all of that history, and civics, foreign languages, and humanities in general.
Thinking big ideas is for people who can afford it.
Next, we can address the "hardening" of churches, movie theaters, grocery stores, sports venues, public parks, and every other place that Americans congregate.
A modest proposal if I ever heard one.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I'm waiting for the bullied kids --
to find their way into Teacher's desk when Teacher is away from the desk, to find Teacher's gun, and to aim it at the school bullies and fire. That will make the news.
Or here's another one. What happens when Teacher keeps the gun locked away in a desk drawer, the school shooter enters the classroom ready to shoot, and Teacher forgets where the key to the lock is kept, or Teacher forgets which key is the one which opens the lock.
Uvalde is a fun example of a shooter who could have been disabled had the "authorities" gone in rather than looking for excuses. That's not covered in the NRA playbook.
Just generally:
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Teacher will be expected to wear it on his/her hip
I imagine. Sigh
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Not sure if any of you saw the photo
of grade schoolers doing a shooter drill. They are being taught to grab their kevlar blankets,
cover themselves and ball-up on the floor in a line. This is sick. The psychological damage
inflicted on the innocents is beyond sensible. Maybe the same caliber of our generation doing
the nuclear bomb drill, but somehow more insidious. It is no wonder parents are opting to
home school their children. And the governing bodies at the fed, state and local levels do
nothing to control this madness.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare