Any thoughts on the upcoming war with Russia?
Submitted by snoopydawg on Sat, 01/22/2022 - 1:06am
"I think we're basically just on the cusp of war. I think it's all but certain in my mind that there's going to be a large European war... My concern now is making sure that the U.S. is postured for that outcome... The ball is in Putin's court" - @AVindman w/ @NicolleDWallace
— Deadline White House (@DeadlineWH) January 22, 2022
This guy thinks that the war will just be contained in Europe. America has done everything it could to push Russia into defending itself and Russia isn’t going to let us get off with not paying a price for it. It’s sounding like a done deal. Plus he’s lying through his buttocks! Never forget that Vindman betrayed his president by bringing false charges against Trump.

No thoughts, really. Just facts.
If Russia was installing nuclear missiles in Mexico along our border, I would expect the US to kick Mexico's ass for allowing such a blatant provocation to take place. We're still kicking Cuba's ass for that exact reason.
Ukraine made a lot of Democrats and Intelligence assets very, very rich. For example, the Biden family did very well for themselves in Kiev, and Ukraine became the largest national donor to the Clinton Family Foundation, knocking Saudi Arabia to a distant second place. But when the US State Department neocons hooked up with the local Nazis and toppled Ukraine's elected government, the Russian's turned off the money faucet that was keeping Ukraine alive. They diverted their oil pipeline infrastructure to bypass the Ukrainian oil-thieves — glad to be rid of them. Now the US is stuck in the briar patch with the deeply corrupt Nazis of Kiev.
Everybody's unlaundered money and dirty secrets are hidden in Ukraine, and that includes the US owned bio-labs that are churning out pathogens and weaponized viruses. The superpowers that have enabled Ukraine over the years would no doubt love to see Ukraine turned into a smoking black hole. In fact, that's probably the only thing that the US, Russia, and the World Bank can agree on.
The unintended consequences of the United States' short-sighted diplomatic fumbling have rapidly defined America's future.
On which territory will the bombs be dropped this time? /nt
If NATO bombs Russian civilian targets and cover.
But, really, the EU forces in NATO are too cowardly to be involved in anything like that.
If the US takes on Russian targets of any kind, the Russians will deliver proportional responses in Ramstein-Miesenbach, Stuttgart, Baumholder, or Geilenkirchen, Germany.
The Russians are certainly not going to waste any ammunition in Ukraine. Their only interest is in protecting and rescuing the ethnic Russian-speaking communities that were annexed to Ukraine for utility services by Nikita Khrushchev, in the years following WWII. It was all one nation, then, the Soviet Union. It was a benign and practical decision at the time, that became political and murderous only since the 1990s when the Necons got involved in looting Russia.
In a best case scenario, Russia will be hitting only NATO targets in Europe. Those psychopathic war mongers will be treated like the Nazis who spawned them.. However, if NATO keeps its wheels on the ground in Europe — and I think they will — then the countries of Europe have nothing to fear. If the US escalates matters into a shooting war — as the final desperate act of a dying empire — Russian firepower will focus on local US bases and all points East of Russia — Washington, New York, and all military and ballistic weapons installations across the US.
Russia provides few stationary ballistic targets of its own. Most of Its long-range arsenals are miniaturized and mobilized — forever in constant independent motion, hidden under the vast Siberian forest that covers Russia. Just as the Russian submarines that roam the East and West coasts of the United States are covered by the oceans.
Russia has no interest in causing any civilian damage in Europe, which it has always considered its indigenous homeland.
China will not be involved at all. It will not engage in foreign wars, and will not come to the defense of any allies. It will provide humanitarian aid as needed. China's military has largely been dedicated to UN Peace Keeping activities. They do not roam the world looking for people to kill.
I doubt Russia will bother with a second strike against the US. US nuclear subs will not have many strategic military targets for a second strike, so they will be stuck with the cowardly task of hitting civilian targets in Russia and and other small countries they are obsessed with, just like they did in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
The US, however, provides big targets everywhere, particularly its Navy battlegroups, which in the era of supersonic missiles, are basically fish swimming in a barrel. If they are heading home, they should be safe. Their countrymen will need any help they can provide.
have to read this several times, but I was
actually afraid of the US bombs falling on Europe, not Russian ones. Too confused these dayx. Thanks for the long answer. I read it again.
My son served on Malmstrom Air Force base in Montana
and as a little low level airman had to clean up around the nuclear missile weapon silos.
He said something lately that those missiles don't work anymore, but may be I misunderstood.
Anyhow it is all bullshit and fucking fubar.
@Pluto's Republic What a terrifying
It would be a tragic irony that a senile boomer President, born of a generation who mostly has had the best of everything, would destroy the possibilities of any future generations having, well, anything. Similar to the King Louis XVI quote ""After me, the Deluge" (of radioactive decimation).
US Navy aircraft carrier battle-groups
are nothing but holes in the water waiting to be filled by Russian Mach 8 Zircon and Mach 2.9 Kalibr missiles. Or, take out an entire battle group or port in one shot with a submarine equipped nuclear Veter depth charge having a 100 km range.
Putin gets more bang for his buck because he won't tolerate pork in the military budget.
China will mobilize it's forces
to cover Russia in the Pacific. They know if Russia goes down they will be next.
China and Iran will also be increasingly involved in Russian support in the Middle East.
I think not, my friend:
This would be a betrayal to the Chinese people, and to the principles that underlie China's 5,000 year old civilization. Military exercises — for the people who created the martial arts — are little more that Tai Chi at dawn. For the people who created a military treatise that is arguably older the the Bible and has been in print since it was written — and that I, myself, have translated from the Chinese — explains in detail how to win a war by never coming to blows. Military exercises are a spiritual practice in the Taoist tradition.
China will not depart from its principles and its natural order to intervene in Russia's battles. Wei wu wei.
China has held joint military exercises with the United States, as well. This means nothing;.
If we have a turn of Good Fortune, we will never discover which of us is correct on this point.
If the US engages with Russia, they will not be coming back to fight with anyone else.
China will be rendering aid to the United States.
That is the true Art of War practiced by the Superior Leader.
The Western mind is incapable of understanding China.
There is a new China awakening
This occurred only during the early years with Chiang Kai-shek when most the funds the US sent was stolen by Chiang's wife and her two sisters. Once Mao was in full control in mainland China the US made a 180 degree turn against China. Did you read The China Mirage by James Bradley? Fascinating and informative book.
Should either China or Russia get in a hot conflict with the US, you can expect these countries to supply a formidable amount of war materiel AND expertise to one another in support. Each have their red lines and each will cover each others backs should a hot conflict with the US ensue.
China has held military exercises with the US for decades.
This is one example of a particular kind and location:
That is not exactly
"military exercises with the United States, as well." in the normative sense of the term.
This is getting a little silly.
China and the US have had hundreds of joint military to military exercises and training events. Many of them have been on US soil. China engages in regular joint military exercises with just about every military in the world.
China's Military is the premier component of the UN Peacekeeping Forces, and they naturally cooperate and train with the US military forces for dealing with every kind of potential disaster around the world.
Start with the Wikipedia list. Jstor has an exhaustive record of these events.
Feel free to move the goal posts around until you get used to an idea that was apparently inconceivable to you a few hours ago.
Perhaps you were snagged by the 18-month-long propaganda blast and intense gaslighting panic attack staged by the US to alarm the world with the news that Russia! Russia! Russia! and China and (god help us) Iran were engaged in a routine joint-military exercise for a few days. It's the end of the world as we know it.
You ought to be able to see this b.s. for what it is.
There is really nothing to see here.
You are the one who made the claim
so you should be the one to back it up.
The link you supplied was to your original source so I went to Wiki:
I was not FUCKING GASIGHTING. Unlike yourself, I have backed up my statements with verifiable facts. China, Russia and now Iran are engaged in much more than "routine joint-miliatry excercises". It goes much, much deeper than that.
I will now take us back to our original conversation:
Perhaps so if
Both Russia and China would find it mutually beneficial to have agreements and understandings in place so as to better leverage and deter US military shenanigans, without the financial burden of massive additional military spending. The two countries forces combined are easily a match for US power, probably exceeding it if Russia's doesn't already. So I'll take Door #2, where China backs Russia in any major military conflict with the US.
Good breakdown of the chess board war motives of the US
Playing under the cover of NATO expansion is not playing very well in Russian circles.
I'm not sure China will not be brought into this last gasp attempt of the US empire to
dominate the world. Guess we will see?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
My only thought is
“Make it quick”.
That is all.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I have no idea what the comment says but I think that
the brief video is appropriate.
The Russians added the following
Tragedy/Savagery has a face
Just perfect, CB
In all candor, I wish actually living in America felt anywhere close to that...chipper anymore.
I've lived through the miasma of jingoism, and now, the miasma of what I must call "anti-jingoism", and while both are monstrous, even the former doesn't drain everyone and everything of all hope, humor, and possibility the way the latter does.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
The War Drums Seem
to be beating louder everyday. There is no denying that.
So I admit that I am concerned about safety in Europe and here at home. A the same time, there are things irking me about the rhetoric and the assumptions that crop up regularly that stick in my craw.
For one thing, the "Russian troops massing along the Ukrainian border" line, leaves out that these Russian troops massing are on Russian soil facing missile installments aimed at and threatening Russia.
It leaves out the repeated betrayal of Original NATO promises not to move Eastward. Ukraine clearly has no connection to a North Atlantic Treaty. This is an attempted USA property encroachment, isn't it?
Another assumption that is absurd, is that the US/NATO alliance (if you can call it an alliance---NATO is US) will dictate and control whatever conflict ensues.
As if that is even slightly credible! Russia may have its own plan and it may not be one the US Military expects.
I don’t see Russia flooding countries that we consider hostil
with weapons and troops. Imagine they did that in Venezuela or Cuba again.
Russian helicopters and Russian military clothing sure could be used for a false flag to blame on Russia, but that might just be me being cynical.
However they have transferred a lot of weapons, tanks and missiles to Belarus for upcoming war games. We are sending lots of ships to areas closer to Russia than the US. We are also playing chicken in China’s backyard. But sure it’s Russia threatening countries everywhere. Check out the video in the article to see what they are sending.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Russia is being blatantly threatened from many directions
"...Better the world live without NATO than die for its expansion. Because that is what NATO asks us to do. When the U.S. sends E-8 electronic warfare aircraft over Russia’s borders, as it did in December, they’re not there just to say hello. When NATO member Great Britain projects its HMS Defender two miles from the Crimean coast, causing warning shots from Russian coast guard patrol ships, as happened last June 23, this is no innocent, defensive maneuver. And when NATO’s supreme commander muses publicly about reinforcing NATO’s eastern flank on Romania and Bulgaria, only an idiot would conclude he’s not preparing for war.
Likewise, only a nitwit would swallow secretary of state Antony Blinken’s bigoted remark January 7 that “once the Russians are in your house, it’s sometimes very difficult to get them to leave.” This from a man whose nation’s military has lodged itself in Germany and Japan for 77 years and counting, occupied Afghanistan for 20 years and is still in Iraq after 19. Blinken has some nerve! But then, he can utter such mendacities in full confidence that he will never, NEVER be corrected in the American press.
It’s no wonder Russia demands written legal guarantees against NATO expansion and western nukes. It’s also no surprise that the U.S., caught in a lie, now claims that back in the early 1990s it never promised not to expand “one inch” east of Germany, as several officials in President George H.W. Bush’s administration told Gorbachev and others, in exchange for German reunification."
(all emphasis mine)
The Chutzpah
The Hubris Of the Propaganda Industry.
The Lies. The theater of bullshit we are drowning in and blinded by.
Enough. Karma is not instatnt but surely, somewhere and sometime, there will be justice.
Yep this
Read the first article on the homepage that I linked to as well as the one Azazello posted. He thinks that Russia might have won already without firing a shot. One they might annex Donbas like they did Crimea and 2nd if our response to their demands about moving NATO out of 2 countries then our threats to Russia have been greatly lessened.
We and our allies insist that we have every right to play in the Black Sea and it’s no threat to Russia, but I’m sure we wouldn’t see it that way if Russia was playing outside the Gulf of Mexico. It’s a deliberate threat.
One of Russia’s top spokesperson basically called Blinken stupid to his face when he said that it’s hard to get Russia out of your house. It was one of the most stupidest things I’ve heard because how many countries are our troops in after WW2 and elsewhere? Iraq has been asking us to leave their country for over a year and yet we’re still squatting in it.
Read some of the responses to Blinken’s tweet that Humphrey posted. I just smh.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
From the article
Ouch. This ought to get Europe’s attention to tell Biden and Blinken’s mouth to shut the fck up and do it now. On top of that Russia is moving deadly equipment into Belarus too. See the video in the article I linked. Barlow says that Russia can inflict a no fly zone if countries don’t stop flying weapons and troops into Ukraine PDQ.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A few random but related things I came across.
Blinken is a madman!
Germany's Action!
I think so. But definitely not a NATO expert, so what I think doesn't count for much.
Gilbert Doctorow
This guy seems like a pretty good source.
Here are a couple of his recent posts:
Russian elites talk WAR: ‘Evening with Vladimir Solovyov,’ 16 January 2022
Anthony Blinken and the intellectual bankruptcy of the Biden Administration
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Thanks for linking him
I think he’s has some great insights on the insanity of taking on Russia. I’ll try to find the 1st article I read on his site that blew me out. People should take a look at his site.
Actually the 1st link goes to it. A great read.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It’s looking like checkmate for Russia
First article on his website.
I’ll take checkmate over full blown war any day. Who’d have thought that it would be Russia bringing sanity to US foreign policy? For gawd’s sake we are playing in Russia’s backyard where they have the advantage over anyone trying to cause trouble.
Germany and France are trying to bring some sanity into the situation too. That we and the UK are still flying in weapons after Russia gave their ultimatum is arrogant beyond measure. Russia will institute a no fly zone if they keep it up.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Could this be the ulterior motive behind US actions?
And also keeping the MIC busy profiting from this.
Germany would have to build 3 new
ports to regasify the US LNG. One the backers has already stepped down.
Another factor is US LNG would preclude Germany reaching is their goal of attaining truly "green" energy neutrality by 2050. Russia intends to use Nordstream II to supply Germany with "green" hydrogen in the mix by 2030.
Meanwhile Russia has signed a deal for a new pipeline to China that will be sourced from the same fields as Nordstream II gets it's gas.
I think that during the Olympics it will all begin
ameriKKKa/Ukraine/Nato/EU will go to war against Russia
come the Olympics....rhymes with Georgia during Socchi.
EDIT:Adding Caitlin to the mix
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
From MoA
The guy is talking about all the weapons that have been given to the Ukraine army and he’s seeing lots of activities in the Donbas region from the Ukraine army and he too is thinking that there will be a false flag attack on the region soon. It’s what I’ve been thinking since Blinken’s mouth started warning us about Russia doing one so it can invade. And again we are telling families in the Ukraine embassy to evacuate. Psakiopath has said that Russia has moved people out of their embassy too, but Russia says it’s not for nefarious reasons. Time will tell. Soon.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
What will the price be?
The people who want wars should be allowed to fight each other
in an arena. Bare handed, Since they believe might makes right. let them fight it out with each other man to man.
America is being manipulated. We can't be drawn into a war by the militaristic goon squads of extremists, as in the past, nor are these kinds of agendas okay.
Making aggressive war is the crime the Nazis committed.
I agree with this
"The people who want to fight wars should be allowed to fight each other”
Let them decide the terms as long as they finance and conduct it themselves, removed from the rest of humanity.
Most of the people I know couldnt give a fuck about Putin.
Or Ukraine. Militantly so. They dont want to listen to it. The people who are pushing wars should move to another country where others share their agenda, wherever that is. I wish certain people would go away. I wish neocons and war criminals and their ilk should bow out of public life, because they are not trying to evolve and don't deserve our ears.
Lets wake up
Twit still acting like a tuff guy and making crap up
Go Brandon yourself Tony!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
More fear mongering
Interesting 2nd tweet.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Fear mongering for sure
Hopefully it is confined to fear mongering, even though that alone is destructive enough.
Putin can stop war by doing what he planned.
Putin planned not to invade Ukraine. Maybe some thoughts given to air power to decimate the Ukrainian army if they tried to take over the break away republics. So what will the war mongers do if Putin does not invade. Some pundits are claiming that Blinken and company were told very clearly that the sanctions they want to impose would be the ruin of Europe and eventually the US. Hopefully the Germans told the Ukrainians they would totally abandon them if they attacked Donbass, Crimea, etc.
I am still baffled as to why the warmonger neocons started up beating the war drums right now. It has been going on for a while now in major outlets, and seems to have gotten shriller and shriller. When the invasion never comes, I would be Biden would take credit for it by being tough on Putin.
I think what’s happening now is why we went
through 5 years of Russia Russia Russia. It accomplished 3 main things.
1- it was the start of censorship.
2- it setup Assange to be extradited because shitlibs blame him for HerHeinous losing to Trump.
3- shitlibs believe everything bad about Putin and Russia therefore it manufactured consent for war.
Impeaching Trump for not sending weapons to Ukraine was also a way to manufacture consent for war, whilst keeping people from knowing that democrats have been up to their eyeballs in corruption in Ukraine and making tons of money off their dastardly dealings there. And who knows if the truth about democrats okay republicans too are supporting Nazis there people might not think that they are as bad as they have been told. Can’t figure that one out, but they don’t believe that we are doing that.
As I wrote above, Putin has a few ways to win what he wants without firing a shot. What he wants is for NATO to stop expanding and for it to go back to where it was in 1997. Blinken says that he will give Russia our response soon. Russia will go from there. Choose wisely, Tony.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A great many Americns are struggling keeping their houses warm
Imagine how many American retirees will freeze when the price of natural gas for heating doubles or triples.
Oh, our leaders are so generous.;. to other countries..
With our jobs too. They just cant wait to trade the jobs away.
Moon of Alabama
As always don’t forget to read the comments. Lots of smart people there.
Weird how there’s never any discussion on how congress will pay for all of its foreign aid huh?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Nobody falls for that.
Only idiots blame Assange for anything. Its clear as day Wikileaks provided a public service that exposed US activities around the world to promote dictatorships and fascism.
We deceive our people with bulshit and the wikileaks info exposed things like drone murders of innocent people - civilians and children. Thats why they want to kill him, he exposed activities that were criminal and the crooks simply dont want to be brought to trial for their crimes, the horiffic things they have done.
And are trying to do, in the case of TISA, which hijacks democracy.
Nothing is clearer...*?
This is funny
From the state department.
I’m not naive enough to believe that Russia doesn’t do bad things, but I can see when we are accusing them of doing things that we say they do where they are right about them.
If Obama hadn’t overthrown Ukraine’s president in one of our color revolutions. I doubt Russia would have moved into Crimea to stop us from taking over the navy base there. The people there wouldn’t have voted to be Russian citizens in a vote that was overseen by people who oversee elections.
It sure seemed that we actually have done quite a few other color revolutions such as in the countries mentioned here.
I d sure like to know where the Skripals are these days after recovering from Novichok poisoning which is as you know thee most deadliest nerve agent ever made. It also seems that Navalny has recovered from his Novichok poisoning quite well too.
I don’t know what was found in the trial for the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, but since most of the information came from Bellingcat I’m thinking that they weren’t responsible for shooting down a plane full of scientists who worked on AIDS and were flying to a conference on it. Their plane was shot down after being diverted through Ukraine airspace that had diverted most other flights.
I also wonder if Blinken has heard of Voice of America or that Obama canceled the Smith-Mundt act that kept the government from using propaganda on us?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Lavrov got a chuckle out of it
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks everyone for the great discussion
Let’s hope that brain makes the right decision and stops escalating tensions with Russia. The alternative is too horrifying to consider.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is a good point
Why did Obiden decide to overthrow Ukraine’s president in the first place?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Follow the money.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It's not the money.
Ms. Fuck the EU spent $15 billion+ turning Ukraine purple.